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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I put off returning to college when we fell into some serious financial hardship last year. Well, we're out of that hardship now, and I am spending this last year with young kids at home - so the bug is biting and I'm seriously considering my options.

I was originally planning on getting my degree in English and my teaching certificate to teach high school. I think I'm revising that idea.

It started when my friend who is a public school reading coordinator, called me during the summer to ask me "When are you going back to finish your degree?" Me: "Not sure, maybe after the twins are in school." Her:"Hurry up - and get your master's in library science - we need librarians so badly we're hiring anybody, whether they're really qualified or not."

That got me thinking and the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. So...I have checked with the junior college and I've been admitted - I can start next semester (would need night classes though, because I'm still home with the twins during the day), and I'll finish up all my core courses in one year. Then, transfer to the university for the teaching degree. (all the classes at the JC will transfer, they are on a pre-approved list of courses UAB will accept) I'll get my BS in Early Chilhood/Elementary, then I'll do distance learning with the Univ of Tennessee to get the master's. So in about five years, I figure, (since I'll only be able to go part time at first) I'll be able to get a job as an elementary or middle school librarian.

I'm 33, so I can start a new career before I'm 40. I looked into some national statistics, and job openings for school librarians are projected to increase, while the number of qualified graduates decreases. In Alabama, they make the same as teachers.

I think I will really enjoy the work. The schedule would line up with that of my kids, I could still spend a lot of time with them. I can handle the technical side of the job, I'm a former database programmer, and I can handle the interaction with the children - reading to kids is on my list of all-time favorite things to do. I know there is a lot more to it than just holding story time and shelving books, but I think I will enjoy every aspect of the job. you think I've thought of everything? Sound like a good plan? I know that furthering education is something every jatraquero supports, but I just wonder if I've missed some detail I need to consider. Of course, childcare while I'm in school, for night classes, esp. and my Mom will be here to watch the kids when Wes is at work - I've already talked to her about it and she supports me going back to school and said she's happy to contribute toward that goal by watching the kids for me when necessary. Now that's she's moving in to our house, it makes things easier.

I told hubby I didn't want to go back to school just to go to school, I wanted a concrete goal in mind. He of course, supports me completely, but wants me to be sure that I'm sure of what I want.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I think it is a great plan! And it always feels so good to have a goal to look forward to!

I finished up my degree just before I turned 40. It really made me feel good.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
That sounds like a great goal.

I went through this same kind of thing when I started college again after a few years off. I wanted to finish the darn degree, but I didn't want to take a bunch of classes to finish just any degree, I wanted to be actually working toward something.

Best of luck to you.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Good luck, Adrian!

Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
I think that sounds like an AWESOME goal!
Posted by advice for robots (Member # 2544) on :
*High-fives Adrian*

Go get em!

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