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Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Does anyone remember this??
It was a really high quality show on Nickolodean in the 80's. Actually it was a collection of shows. The best one was about this alien invasion and these two kids who have to try and stop them. They are given a blue stone and a red stone by another alien who looks human and is from a lost civilization that fell to the nasty aliens. The nasties live in underground tunnels under the sea and they look like cousin It from Adams family... just really organic and evil looking. Anyone remember this?

[ August 09, 2004, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Telperion the Silver ]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Sounds cool, but I don't remember that particular one. Was it on Nickelodeon that they had that show about the Lost City of Gold and that other one where the sun has been destroyed and they are traveling underground looking for some legendary underground sun? Something like that. I would love to see those shows again, just for the memories.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
That was "Spartikus and the Sun Beneath the Sea". The Terah was the artificial sun that powered and sustained the city of Arkadia, the last remnant of the great Progenitor civilization from the ancient past. There was a cataclysm on the surface and the few survivors went underground. But they lost the ability to understand their old technology so when the Terah started to die they sent out some peeps to search for a way to revive their sun.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
That's the one! Wow, you have a way better memory than me. Which isn't hard to do. I am the person who can enjoy reading a book over and over because I have forgotten most of it!
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Some other shows from The Third Eye...
There was this one about a circle of stones that strangely resemble people. This guy or kid goes out to live in the area of this circle of stones and eventually discoveres this evil curse and that the stone really were people.

And another show called The Tomorrow People...don't remember much of the plot but I can see the faces and sets in my mind. Or shall I say my Third Eye. [Wink]

But that first show was the best... It was called something like "The Children of the Stones" or "The People under the Moutain" or something...
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
Yah... remember that the people of Arkadia evolved to the point where they didn' have legs but floated around? That was so cool. And the Pirates!! And how whenever they showed up they sang their cool 80's style electronica song!!

Heheh.. I'll do a search for that...
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
"Ever since the time of the Great Cataclysm, the Arkadians have lived deep in the center of the Earth. Their civilization thrived under the power of their sun, the Tehra... until it began to fail. In desperation, the children of Arkadia broke the law, and entered the forbidden Archives searching for a solution. What they discovered gave them hope. Anxiously, they used their special powers and created a messenger for the people above. They named her Arkana.."


Story by Nina Wolmark
Directed by Michael Gauthier
Music by Vladimir Cosma
Executive Producers - Nina and Gilbert Wolmark
Animation by Caesar Video Graphics

Aired on Nick during the late 1980s.
Ran for 52 episodes.

The Quest

Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea was a French cartoon that told the story of a great quest. In some respects, it was similar to The Mysterious Cities of Gold in that it was a mix of fantasy, myth, science fiction, and history.

Thousands of years ago, a highly advanced civilization thrived on the surface of the Earth. Then something terrible occurred: The Great Cataclysm, which destroyed most traces of it. The Arkadians believed they where the only survivors of the Cataclysm, and rebuilt their civilization in the center of the Earth, relying on an artificial sun, the Tehra. They also decreed that no future Arkaidians should know of their past when they lived on the surface. Only the Tehrig, a flying machine, was allowed in the Archives.

Eventually, when the Tehra began to fail, the children realized that they Archives would be their only hope. They used their powers to create Arkana, who was made to resemble a surface dweller. They sent her, along with two anteater like creatures, Bic and Bac, to the surface aboard Tehrig in an attempt to get help.

The story began when siblings Matt and Rebecca where exploring an underground river when they met Arkana, Bic, Bac, and Tehrig. They were then attacked by the Pirates. Luckily, Spartakus was nearby, and ran to their aid. They were able to defeat the Pirates, and Spartakus, Matt, and Rebecca joined them in their quest to save Arkadia. Matt realized that, since time is different inside the Earth than it is on the surface, he and Rebecca would probably get home in time for supper.

Along the way, they would have many adventures. They were searching for the Auracite. They found the first one, but discovered that the Tehra could not be restored until the found the second one. Of course, the Pirates would often harass them. The Pirates consisted of Nasty Max, Mighty Matt, Sleazeappeal, Ringnar, and Massmedia. They traveled around the Earth, searching for people to capture and sell into slavery, and things to steal. They also had their own television network, and were members of the "Intrastrata Marine Pirate Federation". They also had a song they often sang ("We are pirates upon the high seas...").

Eventually it was revealed that the second Auracite was in fact the people of Arkadia. Thus they were then able to save the Tehra. In the final episode, Arkadia left the center of the Earth and headed towards outer space, as Matt and Rebecca looked on from a beach near their home. They then saw the Pirate ship sailing off into the sunset. Then they ran home so they wouldn't be late for supper.

The Episodes

Season One (1985-1986):
The City of Arkadia, Living Crystal, Between Two Worlds, Arkana and the Beast, The Pirate Klub, The Law of the Mogokhs, Night of the Amazons, The Capture of Demosthenes, Tada and the Royal Insignia, The Icy Web, The Pirate Convention, Out of Control, Children...and Mice, The Gladiators of Barkar, The Emperor Quin and the Eighth Kingdom, The Dark Hole, The Drummer, Rebecca: Pirate of the Sea, Star Healer, The Prisoners of Lost Time, Emergency Landing, The Court of Miracles, Interstratas War, The Defeat of Gog and Magog, Dr. Test, The Secret of the Auracite

Season Two (1986-1987):
Prophecy of the Auracite, The Most Dangerous Game, Cyrano, The Tightrope, The Twisted Rainbow, High-Risk Highrise, The Boy Pharaoh, The Floating Casino, Prince Matt, The Land of the Chameleons, The Token of the Manitou, The Master of the Tongues, The Land of the Great Spider, The Ransom of Peace, The Triangle of the Deep, Uncle Albert, Tehrig's Nightmare, Rainbow's End, Holiday Fever, Dodo, The Shadow of the Tehra, The Temple of the Condor, Mama Thot, Gateway to Dawn, The Path of Light, The Return of the Prisoners of the Lost Time

All original content ©2000-2004 John Norris Brown. This site part of John Norris
Classic Nick Online

Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I wonder if I can download episodes? I wonder if I would hate trying to watch it again?
Posted by Rakeesh (Member # 2001) on :
Holy crap! I do remember that show! I loved it-I think-but I have basically no memory of it, except of a forearm-mounted crossbow and a flying condor.

No wonder, I just reviewed your quote, Telp, and realized I was probably four or five years old when I watched it!
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
There was another great show on Nick...

It was a sci-fi cartoon movie or mini-series that they would show from time to time.

It might have been called "Attack of the Humanoids" or something.

It was about a robot civilization that was founded by a dying human scientist. The AI that the dead scientist created started to build war machines to take over the galaxy. The machine city was actually a huge domed mothership that could take off and lead the machine fleet to war against the other civilizations.
The machines used human slave labor too. I remember a part near the end where the heroes are captive and try to break into the city to destroy the AI. The alliance of worlds had been trying to negotiate with the AI to stall it so our heroes could break in. They fail and the machine fleet launches... eventually destroying the military of a major human nation (I remember the space battle very well with the human capital ships called Nautilus-class and when they opened fire the machines had a force field up around their entire fleet, eventually making short work of the human fleet)... and then they move on to take Earth and the alliance of worlds. But suddenly at the end...when it looks like the invincible machines will conquer all... they are all destroyed by a mysterious power... something like time travelers or divine beings save humanity at the last second.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
That flying condor was from "The Mysterious Cities of Gold". Another GREAT show that I remember very well as I had recordings of it up till a few years ago. Those old cartoons were freaking awesome!!

So much much better than what is shown today. That cross between fantasy, myth, science fiction, and history was so cool... and no one does that anymore...

...except in Anime. Long live Anime!
Posted by School4ever (Member # 5575) on :
I liked "The Third Eye," but sometimes it scared me. I loved Cities of Gold, I am humming the theme song as I type. I also liked "Belle and Sebastian."
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Telp -- do you have any idea how old you are making me feel with this thread (old Nick shows)????

I mean, when I was growing up, cable TV was rarely heard of (cable was born in 1965, but not widespread until much later); and Nickelodeon itself didn't begin until April of 1979 -- the same year I graduated from high school.

<sigh> [Big Grin]


[ August 09, 2004, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :

Do you happen to remember a show about a boy whose father had disappeared and was presumed dead by everyone, but him. One day he goes off to look for him and ends up in this other land where very few adults are, and children have formed tribes. He was basically convinced that his father had also traveled to this land and was being held prisoner by some of the few adults there. He travels throughout this world, along with some companions, looking for his father. He encounters dangers from both tribes of children and the adults. Meanwhile, in our world, his mother is looking for him and slowly realizes that he may have been right about his father's disappearance, and she begins retracing her son's steps.

I think this was either set in England or Canada. I am pretty sure it was shown on old Nickelodeon during the 80's. The only other station I can think of that might have shown something like this is PBS. Although I don't think it was. I remember one show PBS had that had a librarian who was mysteriously knocked unconscious and accidently left on Earth during an evacuation due to an alien invasion. Later, a team of future descendents return to evaluate Earth's status. The group, which includes a father and his children and their friends, discover her, as well as her book mobile. They also discover that the planet is still being occupied by the aliens that forced the evacuation in the first place. Eventually, it is discovered that the librarian's unconscious state wasn't an accident. And, her skills with the Dewey Decimel System save the day by disseminating clues left by the benevolent being who had actually placed her in a suspended animation. They thwart the aliens, allowing Human's to return to their home planet. They managed to insert some romance in there with the father, who was a widow, and the librarian. (Yes, this was PBS's way of teaching the importance of the Dewey Decimal System to young middle schoolers.)
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
My favorite "old" Nick shows didn't come around until the nineties, most of them, except for "You Can't Do That On Television". The others were "Space Cases" and "All That". Only one is sci-fi though.

[ August 09, 2004, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Salute Your Shorts was classic
Space Cases - good choice, PSI
Invader Zim is my favorite thing to ever come out of Nickelodeon.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Ah! Salute your Shorts! That show was awesome. Did you ever see the episode where Sponge says a bad word? I still can't get over that.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Hehhee. Salute your shorts. Space Cases... I loved that show. I was so sad when they cancelled it. Lessee... I also loved Welcome Freshmen, anyone remember that? And there was Hey Dude...

You can't do that on television weirded me out though.
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
ARrrrrggg.... I'm desperate! I've been searching all day for that cool sci-fi cartoon with no luck! [Cry]

I sent out a bunch of emails to webmasters to help me out... hopefully I'll hear back from them tomorrow... *crosses fingers*
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Welcome Freshmen was so great! So was Hey Dude. It was filmed out here in Tucson, ya know.
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Gotta love YCDTOTV.....

The cartoon I've been looking for is Thundercats. Rumor has it that periodically Cartoon Network will play an ep or two as part of their Toonami programming, but I can never find it in the channel guide to try and record them. Thunder... Thunder... Thundercats.... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! =)

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I believe they are fast-tracking a movie based on the Thundercats...

I heard about it on the radio in the morning, but I don't have any details...sorry!


[ August 12, 2004, 11:51 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
I loved Salute your Shorts and Hey Dude. Butnick an Ug were my heros *Ug Lee! Ug Lee!*. I also dug "Clarissa Explains it All". There was also another one whose name I can't remember...its premise was a bunch of kids gathering around a campfire to tell ghost stories...
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
AAAAAAAAAAA!!! I found it! I found it!!!

Revenge of the Humanoides/ Once Upon a Time...Space

[ August 23, 2004, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Telperion the Silver ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
How about Pete and Pete and Eerie, Indiana?

My mom never let me watch You Can't Do That on Television, though. I do remember seeing it a couple times and really liking the guy and the firing squad.
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
I remember eerie indiana, it was really cool because I was from indiana and hoped some of those things would happen in real life.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Sarmup: Are you afraid of the dark?
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
I loved the Adventures of Pete and Pete. And You Cant do that on Television. There was Moose and Barthie (of Barthie's Burgers with their special sauce) and Alannis (aka Alannis Morrisette) and a tall gangly guy. Can't remember his name.

One scene:
Girl: Hey Barth, whats the special today?
Barthie: Ratat-tailies
Girl: Don't you mean Ratatolies?
Barthie, pullin up a ladle with rat tails in the bowl: No, I mean Rat-Tat-Tailies.
Girl pukes and they catch it in the bucket for the new special sauce.
Posted by kaioshin00 (Member # 3740) on :
Third eye is a song by tool.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
I had a crush on Alister. [Smile]

Oooh! I found an episode online!

[ August 24, 2004, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
That was his name. Alistair. I am going to check that site out.

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Looks like I should have spelled it Alisdair.

And I can't seem to get the episode to play.

[ August 24, 2004, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]

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