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Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
</rant> Yesterday's night my girlfriend called me, really concerned, to tell that her cat, called "caramelo" did not come home to eat, as it always do.

Just now, she called again. One of her neighbors saw a woman pull out of a car and grab the cat, which was just a few yards away from the house, and enter the car again.

She's very sad, because she found the cat only days old (its 2.5 years now), weak, almost dying in the street, took care of it really well (she loves cats), took it to the veterinary, neuted it, bought only the best cat food out there, etc.

Now, some F****** B**** grabs the cat, who is now big, beautiful and has a rare color to its pelt and takes it away!

My girlfriend is crying. Ok, I don't know if I would cry if my pet was stolen. My mother never was too keen on pets, but still it breaks my heart.

Stealing food I can understand. Stealing money I can understand. But stealing A PET!? Why would some... sigh... not very nice person do that!?


[Wall Bash] [Mad] [Wall Bash]
Posted by from Cythera (Member # 6749) on :
That's horrible. On behalf of the human race, I apologize.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
*stabs cat-napper repeatedly*
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
I don't know about Brazil, but I hope the cat thief was motivated by something like envy over the animal.

The alternative is a fairly healthy business in selling animals to labs for testing purposes.

Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Never thought about it.

*is glad his girlfriend does not read Hatrack (yet).
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
Ransom is another possibility.

I hope the cat's just lost and not stolen.
Posted by School4ever (Member # 5575) on :
Did the cat have tags, if not maybe the person thought she was rescuing a stray. I don't want to think about why someone would steal a cat. I hope your girlfriend gets it back in good condition.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
It did have tags.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Taking someone's pet is just below the level of kidnapping a child, IMO. Many people love their pets like a family member.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
You know, Medina, sometimes it's better to just not say anything at all you big dork. :/

Eduardo, I'm really sorry for your girlfriend. It's an incredibly crappy thing to do to someone and just an all around odd thing to do given the number of strays that are probably around.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
About 10 years ago, we had a small group of adolescents who were stealing and mutilating pets as some sort of quasi-satanic ritual. I hope this is not something similar going on. Good luck, as I am hoping this cat has all 9 lives left.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
that is terrible...what kind of bastard steals a pet.
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Ignorance is not bliss.

And life, like many things, is a matter of perspective.


Edit: And I did leave off the observation that Alucard was kind enough to make.

[ August 08, 2004, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: TMedina ]
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
Which one, Trevor? The one concerning sacrifices or the one about having nine lives? In the case I referred to, the kids did this shameful act so much that eventually, they were caught.

I just hope Ed's GF gets her cat back unharmed! [Angst]

[ August 08, 2004, 02:50 PM: Message edited by: Alucard... ]
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
Oh this gives me another reason to list for why my kitty is an indoor only kitty. The other one is that she would probalby get lost and never make it back.

Poor poor kitty.
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Tsc...well, people, I don't think I'll hear any news about the cat. It's two days since it was seen for the last time. Maybe I am being pessimistic. I hope that's the case, but...

My girlfriend and family were here for a BBQ. She and her sister (who cried today because of the cat) are very sad. They thank you all for the supportive messages.

In truth, they regarded "Caramelo" as a member of the family. Fortunatelly, they have another cat, called "Pretinha" (Blackie). Both cats were raised together. Xana (my GF) says that Pretinha sat really still the whole night, at the house's front yard, meowing loudly, as if calling for someone. The cat did it for a long time. They also say it seems alfully quiet, these days.

I'm a little sceptical about some of this. I don't know if cats (pets in general) are capable of such actions and/or emotions. What I know is that there is a persom whom I love who is really sad about all this. And, because of that, I'm pissed. I also liked the cat! I started dating Xana only 11 days before she found it!

And yes, when I have my own house, any pets will be indoors all the time.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I'm a little sceptical about some of this. I don't know if cats (pets in general) are capable of such actions and/or emotions.
pets are capable of emotion...I have never had cats...but I have had dogs all of my life...and if one dog dies or is at the vet the other will get upset, whine, and look for the missing dog. Of course this could differ animal to animal, they do have different personalities.
Posted by from Cythera (Member # 6749) on :
if one dog dies or is at the vet the other will get upset, whine, and look for the missing dog.
This is very true. We have had many dogs, but the two my parents got when I was a baby were extremely attached. My parents bought one male dog from a friend of hers who bred dogs. She took it home and a week later the breeder calls my mom to say that this other female dog hasn't eaten since the boy left. They were always together before, and now she misses her companion. So my parents take the girl as well who immediately becomes better once reunited with her friend. 13 years later, the boy gets cancer and has to be put to sleep, and the girl again stops eating and just lets herself go in all manners of the word and dies only a few weeks after.
Posted by School4ever (Member # 5575) on :
I really am sorry, I don't know what I would have done if someone had stolen one of my cats. I hope the people who took it were nothing like those cat mutilators. [Frown] [Frown] [Frown]
Posted by Primal Curve (Member # 3587) on :
I think someone was dying for a McKitty and fries with a shake. Mmmmm...
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
Come on people, have some bloody compassion. Damn, I know I am relatively new here but I am disappointed that this is a place that would treat someone with this sort of heartlessness. A guy posts a message worried about a loved one's pet people bring up shit like satanic rituals and eating animals. I tried to ignore it but after the last post I was disgusted. I know it is not everyone in the thread...but the fact that anyone would act like this is just nuts.

[ August 09, 2004, 03:07 AM: Message edited by: Lupus ]
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
*agrees with Lupus*
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
*agrees with SS*
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
*hugs for Eduardo_Sauron and his girl*
Posted by Eduardo_Sauron (Member # 5827) on :
Thanks Lupus, Telperion, Fallow and everyone. Don't worry, people. I knew there would be jokes. It's inevitable. Not everyone care about pets as seriously as my GF's family do.

Just another question: would you think the police would make fun of us if we tried to register it? In the U.S. how would the police act in such an instance?
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
You can file a report, but I doubt it would be a high priority crime - at least not in the US.

However, there would now be a record, so it's possible the subject may come up later down the road.

Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
I suspect that PrimalCurve's posting was in sardonic pre-agreement with Lupus.

If satanic rituals, mutilation, and similar pet abuse were in the slightest bit common, they wouldn't be making news headlines every time it happens. Heck, if torture&homicide of humans were as rare and was treated with the same seriousness as pet abuse, we'd think we were living in Paradise.

[ August 09, 2004, 09:22 AM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
The police here would listen, anyway. May not help much. Do they have animal shelters there? A Humane Society? Animal Control?

Those are the places I'd call, here in the U.S.

I'm so sorry for your(collective) loss. Animals do have feelings. My folks ahd two dogs-- and old crazy one and a younger sort of dominating one. The young one was killed by a car, and my papa buried it. Later that day, the older one was seen peeing on the grave of his long-time antagonist. [Monkeys]
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I don't think the police would treat you as strange if you reported the theft. It would not be a high priority crime...but they would put it on the books.

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