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Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
Well, not quite, but the effect is the same--I lose my money and get a laptop. I'm planning on getting a laptop in a few days, probably an Apple one. The problem is, I know little-to-nothing about Apple hardware, so I have some questions that I'm sure the Jatraqueros (sp?) would know the answers to.

My budget is as little as possible to have a powerful and reliable machine that can easily compile programs, run some 3d programs, take notes, play music, and not give any grief when interfacing with my current computer. Also, I get a student discount from Apple, so everything's between 10% and 15% cheaper.

1. Should I put the extra money down for a 1.5 Ghz and the extra graphics memory? From my experience with x86-based machines, the video card makes or breaks a computer, is the same true with Apple hardware? I want a machine that I'm going to be happy with for several years (5 at the most), so I'm tempted to put down the extra money. On the other hand, that model is almost $1000 more than the little 12".
2. If I were to get a low-end machine, is 256 meg of RAM going to satisfy me, given my intended usage?
3. How hard is it to upgrade a Powerbook after purchase? Is installing more video memory something a tech-savvy CS student able to do? What about RAM, or swapping a Combo Drive with a SuperDrive?
4. Is the only difference between the 12" and the 15" Powerbooks on Apple's site is the size? If so, what's the point of paying more money for an equally-capable machine that's larger? (Other than the slightly larger screen, of course.)
5. What would I need to buy to combine my love of computer games, and my need to do work? While the primary purpose for this notebook is a computer away from my computer, I still want to be able to have fun on it. Other sites seem to say that Halo or UT2k4 will run on even the 12" version, is this true, or would I have to turn the graphical goodness all the way down to get a good framerate?

Thanks for any help!
Posted by Insanity Plea (Member # 2053) on :
1. You want ram lots of ram, espeically with OSX, trust me on this, you'll thank yourself later.
2. What do you need it for? Any specific reason you'll be getting an Apple?
Posted by Insanity Plea (Member # 2053) on :
Also, I don't know about the G4s, but with the G3s you can easily switch different brand optical drives for a lot cheaper.
Also, you can't upgrade video ram in any video cards, period. Of course if it's shared memory (which...I don't think the powerbooks are), you can tell it to take more of the system memory.

Btw, the 15" packs a little more punch. If you can afford it, and it's going to be your main computer, go for it.

:: waits for fugu to log on and prove everything I said wrong, and give you real information ::

[ July 25, 2004, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Insanity Plea ]
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
Because I intend to flip on all the Unix features and dissapear into a terminal window for three days. And because I'm tired of Windows being mean to me. It's like it knows I hate it for being the bubbly incestuous mass that it is.

I also need a laptop to take my schoolwork elsewhere when my roommate needs to sleep. Last semester I had a roommate who was really sensitive to light and sound when he was sleeping (I couldn't even read with a dim cold-cathode reading light). I ended up borrowing my friend's laptop a lot so I could get work done after 10:30 PM. While I won't have the same roommate, I don't want that kind of thing to happen again. I've also been interested in getting a laptop for note-taking in class and gamemastering for RPG events.

I want an Apple because I really want a Unix-like programming environment to get my CS homework done on, and because I'm a Unixphile. When I get to school, I'm going to dual-boot Windows and FreeBSD on my desktop. I don't want to get a regular laptop and put Linux or BSD on it because I don't want to spend two weeks stabbing at it to get it to go. I just want it to work.

I doubt the G4's graphics cards use shared memory, because then why would it be a $45 or $90 upgrade to get more video memory? I think the ATI card they cram in there has its own onboard memory that runs at a different clock than the CPU. Just a guess, though.

[edit again]
My absolute spending cap is $2,500. I will not spend any more than that, and even if I do, I might be obligated to poke myself in the eye with my finger for being fiscally irresponsible, because that would be more than 2/3 of what I'm going to make this summer.

Also, aren't the new G4's much better-able to handle OSX than the G3's? I seem to remember my CS teacher (who had a black G3 powerbook or somesuch) being very excited when she got to order the swank-o-rama 17" after Apple released it last year. One of the key selling points for her was that it could run OSX like a dream. That might be because it had more memory, though.

[ July 25, 2004, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: WheatPuppet ]
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
I can't answer all your questions, but lets see what I can answer...

1. Should I put the extra money down for a 1.5 Ghz and the extra graphics memory? From my experience with x86-based machines, the video card makes or breaks a computer, is the same true with Apple hardware? I want a machine that I'm going to be happy with for several years (5 at the most), so I'm tempted to put down the extra money. On the other hand, that model is almost $1000 more than the little 12".
I don't know what the recommendation is for major creative editing and video cards. I'd read reviews of cards on Tom's Hardware or sites like it and choose a higher card only if it sounds ilke it's really going to last a lot longer. I never run into video card problems, but I don't do anything too heavy duty (unless you count watching full screen movies on a large monitor). I don't think it's worth getting the 1.5 GHz if you aren't that interested in the 15" screen. As in, if you'd be happy with a 12" screen, I think that's better than paying a lot more for the extra speed.

2. If I were to get a low-end machine, is 256 meg of RAM going to satisfy me, given my intended usage?
You should definitely buy another 256 or 512 stick. There's room for one more stick in the laptop, and it's about $70-$110 depending on which size you get and what brand.

3. How hard is it to upgrade a Powerbook after purchase? Is installing more video memory something a tech-savvy CS student able to do? What about RAM, or swapping a Combo Drive with a SuperDrive?
RAM is easy. Video memory upgrade probably requires changing the video card, which might be impossible (not sure if it's soldered on). Changing drives is possible, but requires voiding the warranty to crack open the case. I've taken apart half my iBook before and it's certainly not for the paranoid. A dozen tiny screws, prying parts off, unplugging things... It's probably better to buy an external DVD-R if you need one later on. If you don't already have a use for a DVD-R, you probably won't get much use out of it (I've used mine about 5 times in 2.5 years. It's fun, but not necessary).

4. Is the only difference between the 12" and the 15" Powerbooks on Apple's site is the size? If so, what's the point of paying more money for an equally-capable machine that's larger? (Other than the slightly larger screen, of course.)
Looking on apple's page that overviews the powerbooks, there are a few differences. The 15" comes with an ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 w/ 64 MB RAM, while the 12" comes with NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200 w/ 64 MB RAM. I don't know the differences between the two cards. 15" has 1280 by 854 resolution while 12" is 1024 by 768. They have slightly diff "video accessories" (shrug here).

5. What would I need to buy to combine my love of computer games, and my need to do work? While the primary purpose for this notebook is a computer away from my computer, I still want to be able to have fun on it. Other sites seem to say that Halo or UT2k4 will run on even the 12" version, is this true, or would I have to turn the graphical goodness all the way down to get a good framerate?
I'm assuming that it depends more on the video card than the size of the monitor. That said, I strongly suggest getting an LCD or CRT to hook up to your laptop for game play. You'll be amazed at how much better it is to have a real monitor for games. I know a lot of people who do this.

BTW, since it sounds like you're in college... you can join Apple Student Developers for $99 a year which allows you to use the Developer Store for one-in-a-lifetime Big Discount on hardware. The 15" 1.5 GHz w/ Superdrive is $1999.00 that way, which is $200 cheaper if you add back the $99. Might be a bit of a pain, but if you're interested at all in being in the ADC program, it would be cool.
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
Oh and.. Terminal rocks.

I run scripts in it, login to remote clients, scp files from my desktop to my laptop, check out programs using 'top,'... It's cool, man.

If you haven't heard of it yet, Fink brings many tasty unix items to Mac OS X.

MPlayer for OS X is the be-all-and-end-all of media players for OS X. Once in a blue moon I'll need vlc or *cough*mediaplayer*cough*, but MPlayer is wonderful.

[ July 25, 2004, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Suneun ]
Posted by Insanity Plea (Member # 2053) on :
AND Gentoo has been ported to OSX!
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :

BTW, since it sounds like you're in college... you can join Apple Student Developers for $99 a year which allows you to use the Developer Store for one-in-a-lifetime Big Discount on hardware. The 15" 1.5 GHz w/ Superdrive is $1999.00 that way, which is $200 cheaper if you add back the $99. Might be a bit of a pain, but if you're interested at all in being in the ADC program, it would be cool.

Unfortunately, I don't think I could work that. I'm really trying to buy through a local authorized Apple specialist, instead of online. This is because I have a certain amount of devotion to the minimal technology industry here in Vermont, and I want to see it grow. If I can help that by supporting local technology-based companies, I will.


RAM is easy. Video memory upgrade probably requires changing the video card, which might be impossible (not sure if it's soldered on). Changing drives is possible, but requires voiding the warranty to crack open the case. I've taken apart half my iBook before and it's certainly not for the paranoid. A dozen tiny screws, prying parts off, unplugging things... It's probably better to buy an external DVD-R if you need one later on. If you don't already have a use for a DVD-R, you probably won't get much use out of it (I've used mine about 5 times in 2.5 years. It's fun, but not necessary).

Solder? Mere solder will not stop the likes of me! [Wink] In any case, it doesn't sound like anything beyond my skill level. I wasn't thinking about getting a DVD-R, at least not with the initial purchase. I don't have any use for it, since I don't download movies from the net, I have no great need for storage, and I don't have a DV recorder to record home movies. Besides, they're $180+ more than the regular DVD/CD-RW, that's hardly worth it in my ibook (har har).

Anyway, you're giving me some ideas about what I need and don't need. Which is good. I really wish I had access to more customization options, but, as with all computer purchases, the option I want isn't there. [Razz]
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Gentoo's package management has been ported to OS X, bernie [Wink] . Its one of the most essential parts, yes, but not all of it.
Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
You'll want a copy of Apple's Service Manual for the powerbook. It should be in pdf, and goes through detailed photographs to show you how to pull apart your laptop and replace most parts. I have the iBook service manual (if anyone wants a copy). Some good google searching will come up with it, though I didn't see it on a quick browse.

It's great to have on hand.
Posted by Insanity Plea (Member # 2053) on :
That's what I meant, gah. I should stop being vague :: Hits head ::

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