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Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. 1 Corinthians, 11:15
I found that in the Bible once as a child and was very satisfied knowing that my mother was following the Lord's will. I was a little fearful for my grandma's immortal soul, though.

I told Mom once that I saw a picture of a lady named Crystal Gayle and that her hair went all the way to her feet. "It's even longer than yours, Mom."

"Yeah," she replied, "but she's short. Big deal."

I wondered often as a child why grandmas never had long hair. Then I saw a movie where one of those grandmas with a bun took down her hair and it was long.... and grey. It weirded me out. It was like long blonde hair, but grey. Grey hair, in my experience, was always short and curly.

When we're all old, will we cut our grey hair short and curly, or will our grandkids think that grandmas all have long hair? Or maybe our grandkids will think that grandmas all have Jennifer Aniston hair. As long as our grandkids don't think that grandmas have tiger hair - you know, the blonde Abercrombie girl with fat red stripes? Is she going to change that soon, or is that gonna define my generation?

My hair has officially reached my waist - the longest it's ever been. I'm wondering what to make my new goal now. Do I keep going, or do I get some concrete things like real-life events to eagerly await?
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Wait until it's long enough to tie in a bow *around* your waist. Then I'll be impressed.


I cut off all my hair a couple of years ago. I looked very cute with a pixie cut (in fact, in a lot of ways it suited my face way better than long hair) but I missed my long locks! So now I'm in the process of regrowing it. It's very curly, and at a particulary disgusting length and shape right now. Kind of like an afro mullet.

But when I'm old I shall have gloriously long hair. I'll probably dye it outrageous colours. And wear my trousers rolled.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Cool! Can we hang out? [Big Grin]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Certainly. As long as you promise to help me pick up my hair from the ground when I'm too weak and feeble to.


On an aside - what do you do when you wash your hair? When mine was long I could never be bothered with a blow dryer (plus, hot air + curls = frizzies) but it took forever to dry. It used to irritate me in the winter.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I'll blow dry it every once in a while when I want it straight. I usually put it up wet, because that's the only way to stop little curls from forming all over my head.

My new favorite thing is to wash it at night, sleep on it, and just wear it how it is the next morning.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Aaah, clever.

I did that the other night with my short hair. I looked quite amazing in the morning - in a mutant-creatures-from-outer-space kind of way.

The cockatoo liked it though.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My newest plan is to look like this.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
my dad has some spare strands or macrome cord you could weave in if you would like me to send them to you.
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
My hair is very long, down to my behind and just barely not long enough to sit on. And that way it will remain as long as I have anything to say about it.

When I was getting ready to turn 30, all the local little old ladies with short gray hair started scolding me that it was time for me to cut my hair. I had actually been thinking about it at the time, but their insistence made me change my mind. I've cut it to shoulder-length a couple of times since then, but my hair is my best feature, and the longer it is the better it looks - even with the white strands it seems to have in more and more abundance.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
That reminds me of when Jo cut off her hair in Little Women.

I used to get so irritated when all the characters exclaimed 'Oh Jo, your one beauty!'. I thought it was quite rude.

This wasn't helped by the fact that the illustration on the cover of my copy showed Jo as quite a beauty, hair or not. Of course, that same cover referred to Meg as May on the back blurb...
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Meg was a selfish, vain, little twit anyhow. Jo rocks - long or short hair.
Posted by Beca (Member # 4340) on :
I cut all my hair off once, and it looked very cute. I was 12 at the time, though. Shortly thereafter, I developed a figure and the pixie look no longer suited me. Since then I've kept my hair long.

Well, except for the time I got a horrible haircut and the stylist cut off 8 inches instead of 3. More, really, because he tried to do this bizarre layering thing in the back, so I had some weird, short bits for a while. Serves me right for trying to save money on a haircut. Some things are WORTH spending the $ on. My hair is one of those things.

It was down to my waist again before my last trim. Now it's a couple inches above my waist. I've never had a perm, and I've never colored my hair - I probably should have in college, before I had to look presentable for work.

I really like the idea of being someone's electric-blue-haired grandma, though. Gotta have blue hair.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
My hair is just down past my mouth now. More than long enough to be irritating. I'm just counting the days until summer when I can shave it again. 'Cept I promised Toni a picture of me with curls and I don't have a camera. Hmm... promises or comfort? Promises or comfort?
Posted by Pixie (Member # 4043) on :
I had my hair cut progressively shorter over the years until it jumped from shoulder-length to about 3 inches of length my sophomore year. It actually suits my face better that way but I've been letting my hair grow down past my shoulders and my hair itself looks great right now. And it's actually straightening itself out! I haven't even had it trimmed in awhile, though, and my very very strange hair doens't allow for that. It's incredibly thick but now, because of the extra weight from the length, the top half is straight/just slightly wavy while the bottom half poofs out in a frizzy curly mess. Air drying my hair gives me ringlets and frizzies anywhere it's loose. Blow drying it takes FOREVER. The happy medium??? We're still working on that one. [Smile]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
It isn't summer in Canada yet Bob?

I used to have my hair long. I like it long, but it gives me headaches so I can't keep it long anymore.

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
We had a really mild winter which generally means summer takes a while in coming. We've had a few days in the mid 20 range but it's still generally in the mid-to-high teens.

My hair is definately getting to the "looking really stupid" stage. My bangs are more or less straight but the hair in the back is all corckscrewy. Stupid hair.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
My wife has long, beautiful hair, but since we werked in a restuaraunt when we met I didn't know how long her hair was until we began dating. At work she had to have it all up in a bun at all times, adn it was so long that she had to put it up before she came in for the night.

I still remember how surprised I was when she let her hair out for the first time. I had no idea how much hair she had wound up there!

I'm a sucker for long hair...

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
We had a really mild winter which generally means summer takes a while in coming. We've had a few days in the mid 20 range but it's still generally in the mid-to-high teens.
Until I realized you were talking in celcius, I was thinking, "Mid 20s is NEVER mild, especially in July."

Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
I just cut off ten inches of my hair for Locks of Love. It's right at my shoulder now, and I quite like it.
Posted by UTAH (Member # 5032) on :
Being of the Grandma age, I have to say I will never have short, gray, curly hair. I've worn my hair on the shorter side, but not short-short for about 10 years and am ready for a change. I asked my husband if I should cut it again or let it grow and he said let it grow. What is it with men and long hair anyway? I am letting it grow and it is to my shoulders. My 80 year old mother told me the other day that I am too old to grow my hair long . . . What is it with 80 year old women and short hair?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
When my Mom was young and living in the South, all "the ladies" told her she had to cut her long "hippie hair" as soon as I was born. One lady told her that the baby will swallow your hair and it will get wound around their intestines. I'm glad she didn't listen to them. [Smile]

I do dye my hair, though. I dyed it red in high school, and it retained a lot of that (or maybe my hair's just naturally redder than I thought), but I just recently dyed it dark brown. Not that anyone noticed, of course. [Razz]

I think I shall go watch Little Women again. Hee hee hee.... me and my one beauty.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Jenni and I were talking about Locks for Love the other day when I was getting a haitcut for vacation, and the hairdresser said Jenni could almost donate twice from one haircut.

Jenni then told her that she had just had 6 inches trimmed last month.... [Big Grin]

Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
*wipes forehead*

From the title I was scared Annie had gone out and cut her hair or something crazy like that. [Angst]
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
I've been growing out my hair for over a year, and it's just getting to be past the middle of my back. I love having my hair long, but I'm beginning to think I need to have a drastic style change. Not necessarily taking off a ton of length, but something new and different. Too bad I'm a huge scaredy cat when it comes to taking risks!

Ruth, that's so cool you donated to Locks of Love! I noticed your short hair (and cute pigtails!) in mack's pictures of the get together. [Smile] Perhaps I should do that...
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Long hair looks beautiful.

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I have nightmares about my hair being long again.

I've also been told repeatedly by my sister (cosmetologist) and my own hair stylist to never grow it out. It won't look bad, but apparently my face is quite well suited to short hair.

Which works for me, considering I hate spending a ton of time in the bathroom and all the sports I do.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
If I ever cut my hair, I'd get clobbered by just about everyone I know...

I don't think I'll cut it when I get old. I'll just leave it, and it won't DARE turn grey! [Wink]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
I cut my waist-length hair to send to Locks of Love. Now I will grow it out again, and repeat. I love long hair the best, and plan on having long hair in a braid when I am old, just like my Aunt Zell.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
I'd like to have long hair, but I've got wavy hair that dreds up and gets gnarly as soon as it's near my shoulders... I hate having to comb it out all the time, so every year or two I get tired of it and whack it back.

Since I work outside, I do the opposite of what a lot of folks do -- I keep in long in the summer so that I don't have to use so much sunscreen, and I trim it back during the winter. Same with my beard, I keep my beard during the summer and don't shave until fall...
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
My hair always gets much longer in the summer, when I wear it up every day. I'm not actually sure how long it is right now - I haven't worn it down in weeks. For work it is in little clips or a twist, and on the weekends it is in two braids. It's such a pain to fix.
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
Random gardening notes: hair makes for good compost -- it's got lots of protein -- but if you compost it, mix it well with your other materials, otherwise it'll take a long time to break down...

Also, hair works well against slugs! If you trim hair into really small pieces, slugs will choke on it when they run into it...
Posted by Toretha (Member # 2233) on :
I had just gotten my hair to waist-length when my godmother forced me to cut it. It now comes down to the middle of my back, but I'm working on growing it back. Long hair is great
Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
I'm about 2 inches away from sitting on my hair. I'll also be donating it shortly, because it's just now getting to the 'too darn long' stage. My favorite length is just about to my elbows. That makes it perfect for the winter when it keeps me from freezing.
I've never dyed my hair. It's naturally dark brown, but in the sun it looks like copper. I'm too attached to it's natural color to change it.

Blow-drying is massacre on my hair. I just let it air dry, and depending on the weather it takes about a half an hour. Mind you, it's almost perfectly straight so it probably makes it easier to dry that way.

I've always told myself I would keep it long no matter what my age, and wouldn't try to cover up gray unless it was a totally different color...maybe fuscia at 60? [Big Grin]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there hair
Shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there mama
Everywhere daddy daddy

Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair

(somebody had to do it)
Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
Raia, it might make you feel better that my grandma's hair never turned grey, it didn't go white untill about a year ago (she is 82) and she still dyes it back to it's natural red glory, but lighter than yours now. It used to be as dark and curly as yours

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
In fact, hair can be very rare.
Fred Astaire got no hair
Nor does a pear
Nor a chocolate eclaire
And where is the hair on a chair?
Nowhere, mon frere.
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Mine's varied wildly through the years. Here's a shot from before I cut back to shoulder length, right before the developing bald spot gave me the aging-hippie look and encouraged me to go shorter.
Front and back.

So? Pictures?
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
Raia, it might make you feel better that my grandma's hair never turned grey, it didn't go white untill about a year ago (she is 82) and she still dyes it back to it's natural red glory, but lighter than yours now. It used to be as dark and curly as yours


Yay! [Smile]
Posted by Azile (Member # 2312) on :
I have a lot of people tell me that I should cut my hair boy short. I can see why they think it might suit my face, but it's too risky. If it turns out horrible, it's not like I can... salvage it. ::makes face::
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
my hair is as short as it can be without sticking up. I much prefer short it is easy to deal with. I can't imagine what it would be like playing tennis out in the heat with long hair on my neck.

That being said, I prefer long hair in girls...not like down to their feet or anything, really around midback is perfect. Of course this is not something that is of vital concern...just a preference
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
'Cept I promised Toni a picture of me with curls and I don't have a camera. Hmm... promises or comfort? Promises or comfort?
Well, I guess you could choose not to send me a pic like you promised.
Posted by Mabus (Member # 6320) on :
Hey, Ralphie!

I thought you weren't supposed to use violence? *cowers*
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
I just cut my hair off again, after growing it out for a couple years. I don't like all the haircuts i have to get when it's short, but i don't like it all long and frizzy, either.

It's kind of in shaggy disarray at the moment. Needs cutting again.

Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
I like to get mine trimmed at least once a year, just to keep it from getting ragged on the ends, but I love it long. Mine is almost to the elbows now, and I am trying for just one more foot. I also wear mine up a lot, or in a braid, but I just like having long hair. When I was young I always wanted long hair but my mom made me cut it.

Mine is very curly, and the gel technology has advanced enough in recent years to make it easier to keep looking good when it's long. I usually wash and condition it and put Bedhead Creative Genius on it before I brush it out. It goes into long spiral ringlets, and the gel keeps it from frizzing much. When it's dry, I sort of squeeze the ringlets, and that makes them look soft. Second day I pull it back partially into a clasp, and brush it out into a soft frizzy "heroine of an old book" look. I would rather wash it every day but when it's very long it takes half the day to dry and I don't like having my head wet for so much of the time. [Smile]

If the weather is not humid, I occasionally blow it dry one small section at a time, then wind it up in round brushes to let it cool and set. It looks best this way, I think. It takes about an hour from start to finish, so I don't do it that often.

Mine has gray in it, but is still mostly dark brown. I don't think I will ever color it again unless I decide to go bright purple or something freaky like that, and really that look just doesn't go right with the eye crinkles of a 46 year old face. [Smile] Mainly I don't like how dry and strawlike colored hair can get. I think the healthy shiny texture is more important than the color.
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
The lengths some gals will go to for purty pubes.

*shakes head in wonderment*

Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
My husband has a thing for long hair and I've always thought it was kind of sexist. That and whenever my hair has been past my shoulders he nags me to "do something with it". But it hasn't been that long in quite a while, maybe I'll go there and it will turn out that the friction was all about me.

My hair does the puff. For years I wanted that silky asian girl look, but it is not meant to be. I'm also morally opposed to coloring hair. Okay, maybe "morally" is too strong a word, but it blows out the liver. My mom said (so this falls in the category of factoid) that the darker hair coloring is, the more poisonouse it is. Now I like my hair better. Life is too short to spend it wishing my body weren't the way it is.

So when I was approaching 30 I thought I would not grow my hair out anymore. But I haven't started going grey yet. At the time I think I was looking at my older brother and he was getting some salt and pepper and it kind of freaked me out. But my oldest sister seems to be doing okay and she's 42 so I'm like "whatever."
Posted by ctm (Member # 6525) on :
I thought all guys like long hair, but my husband hated my hair long. I'd been growing it out for a few years and he finally begged me to cut it. I did, mostly because I don't look that good with long hair. Plus I was tired of finding it everywhere-- I seem to shed a lot. Yuck. I have a firend who recently got her hair cut short and she said her husband preferred short hair too. Another myth debunked.
Posted by ctm (Member # 6525) on :
But I do kinda miss my long hair, it was fun!
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
I can't stand to have long hair...when it was long, it was just way too difficult to dry. I'm not girlie enough to even know _how_ to blow-dry my hair straight, so I just let it air-dry in its waviness. I had it short for a little while when I was like twelve, but it was so thick that it stuck out everywhere from my face and just didn't look good at all. *shakes fist* Short hair looks so fun to have!
Posted by TMedina (Member # 6649) on :
Speaking as a guy, I can't say that really long hair is appealing.

Granted, several men have posted their preference for long hair and just as many prefer short, so tastes will vary.

Personally, I prefer a hair length somewhere between "just below the shoulders" and "page boy bob" cuts.

Although I do have a thing for ponytails. Dunno why... [Big Grin]

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
I once worked with a woman with ankle-length hair. She was maybe 5'1" or so, pretty Asian woman, and I didn't know about her hair for the first two months I knew her. We were building a store and she kept her hair up and under a ballcap the whole time to avoid getting dust in it.

On opening day she ran by me with her hair down, my first thought was that she was wearing a black silk cape. Lovely.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Ponytails can be very thumbs up. Very no nonsense which, of course, makes me want to start up some nonsense *ahem*

I always thought I was solely pro long hair but a previous girlfriend shaved her head and it looked rockin'. So anything goes I guess.

And, Ralphie, that gun makes you look totally hawt.

edit: Making it make sense.

[ July 08, 2004, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Bob the Lawyer ]
Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
I have short short hair, which I really like. I find the juxtaposition of an almost boyish haircut with make-up and a feminine body to be very sexy. Mr. Opera thinks so too. [Smile]

Operaetta, however, is 6 and has never had a haircut. Her hair is almost down to her waist and is beautiful and wavy. Lately she's been occasionally making noise about getting it cut, but I don't know if I could bear that.

space opera
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Maybe it is just me (and it probably is) but when my hair was long, it had a way of interfering in er, intimate moments. Theoretically it is sexy to have it down. However if it is long and your significant other is gagging on it as you attempt to kiss him it can be rather bad.

He definitely seems to prefer it short, though he doesn't really care that much either way.

Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
I like my hair long. [Smile] I used to have it down past my waist when I was little. The past several years I've been going back and forth between shoulder-length and mid-back. I'm growing it long again, though. I want it down to my waist again. But my hair is so thick, that might be a problem. (Currently it's mid-back length)
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I think it depends on your body type and facial type. As a rule I prefer long hair, but I have seen some woman with short hair that look great in it. I have a friend who cut her hair really short, and while it took me a while to get use to it it looked great.

And I have seen woman with really long hair who didn't look good in it.

JenniK is really good about taking care of her hair too, that makes a difference. Her hair is very fine, so it is easy for her to put it up, or do different things with it other than just wearing it down all the time.

I usually brush it and braid it for her at night. Very fun....sometimes more fun that other times... [Evil]


[ July 09, 2004, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]

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