With qualifications like these... Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Biased political antihumor.
Only thing that can save it is a gay train.
All aboard.
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
Gay train? If it wants to get married then I guess it would hire the guy! Posted by BrianM (Member # 5918) on :
I don't even like John Kerry that much but I have to say that there are more than 10 factual blatant inaccuracies on that page.
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
Interesting. Could you list them?
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Everytime the gay train gets posted and referred to as such, it annoys me because I have no clue where they're going. I mean, at first I assume it's to the disco ( ), but then I feel guilty for stereotyping. So I try to come up with something else, but if I'm not stereotyping, it could be practically everything. But that's silly, 'cause they couldn't go to everything since lots of everything contradicts other parts of everything.
Also, which direction are they actually going? Is the wave effect caused by the wind or a bump, and they're going east? Or are they taking shifts to call for help, and they're falling? Or could that just be an odd reflection and unrelated to their direction or velocity?
Now I'll be up all night. Again.
[ June 21, 2004, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Da_Goat ]
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Stuff like that might convince lesser lifeforms but this is HATRACK. I don't think you'll be able to convince anyone through childish propaganda.
And I don't want you complaining about Michael Moore when his movie comes out. You're just as bad as him.
Posted by BrianM (Member # 5918) on :
Corrections to that propaganda
1. He didn't vote to cut every defense/CIA/etc. bill. Total crap.
2. Kerry actually spoke out against Fonda at one point especially after her infamous televised giving away of POWs attempting to contact home.
3. He only threw away some of his medals and someone else's who was unable to physically do it.
4. He graduated from Yale with a B+ average, or higher as I recal.
5. Bush was the one who got the low C average in undergrad and flunked his first attempt at graduate school.
6. He didn't insult Vietnam vets -- its not an insult when your telling the truth about some people. He never slandered US troops there as a whole.
7. What's funny is the article actually tried claiming he voted against any bill with defense spending, but yet voted for the first Iraq War resolution which had improv. funding approvals written in it.
8. He intends to lower taxes if elected. Reason for this being the lower and middle class tax cuts combined with the 5% reduction of the median coorporate tax rate will result in a net-tax cut.
9. He has made numerous charitable contributions to Amnesty international and other organizations.
10. He is for drilling in ANWR.
You want another 10 corrections? because I saw 10 more as I was writing these.
[ June 21, 2004, 04:07 AM: Message edited by: BrianM ]
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Michaele (Michael?), this sort of thing fits the same role as, say, the Cannot Find Weapons of Mass Destruction page. It's funny to the True Believers, it offends opponents, and does absolutely nothing to convince anybody. I don't have a problem with you posting this sort of thing (others might--I don't speak for anyone here but myself). In fact, I'm not a huge fan of Kerry. However, this is so obviously biased that I can't take it as a source of accurate information. It it useless except as humor, and it's not exactly the height of wit at that. What I do have a problem with is that you seem to take this 'resume' seriously and expect us to do so as well. Don't insult our intelligence, please.
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
1) And Bill Clinton didn't try to seduce every intern he ever met.
3) Strange, he only threw someone else's medals over the fense, and saved his own. Get the cheer of the radicals without parting with any of your own possessions.
4) Not sure about his grades in college -- and actually the only grade I am truly concerned with is the F grade the NRA gave him based on his votes.
5) So, uh, who actually has a graduate degree? Bush or Kerry?
6) So why did the North Vietnamese adore him so much?
7) I'll give you that one, he voted to go to war with Iraq as well as bomb Serbia.
8) I can't believe you actually mean that! Would you vote for Dracula because he would promise to protect young virgins? Gotta look at the records.
9) Yeah, I've heard about some of the organizations his wife supports. Oh, and I would not consider his support of AI all that noteworthy.
10) "Possible 2004 Democratic presidential hopefuls John Kerry of Massachusetts and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, who have vowed to filibuster any attempt to drill in the refuge, are scheduled to speak."
Find your other 10 and we can continue playing! Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
And he will henceforth be known as the "Anti-Whiteshoes".
Seriously, mikey dude, come play in the gray area. It's where all the cool people hang.
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
If you look at the original post you will notice the Graemlin I posted. This was meant to be a funny look at Kerry originally. Political in the same sense as a political cartoon.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Okay, then, sorry for misinterpreting your intentions!
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
Tis okay. Posted by BrianM (Member # 5918) on :
Sorry Michael8, but you have proven yourself to be a true troll, please stop polluting hatrack with this stuff. You don't even care that you attempted to seriously post lies and slander. Your second post is full of them too but given the nature of some of the responses in it you're not likely to admit to them either. Adieu.
[ June 21, 2004, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: BrianM ]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Brian, I think Frisco has a point ... If we let Lalo stay, we let michaele stay, even if he's annoying. You don't have to click his threads, you know.
Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
BrianM, I'm willing to admit when I am wrong, please show me where -- especially in my post where I responded to you.
[ June 21, 2004, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: michaele8 ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
quote:And I don't want you complaining about Michael Moore when his movie comes out. You're just as bad as him.
I can still complain about his movie when it comes out, can't I?
I mean, assuming I want to.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"BrianM, I'm willing to admit when I am wrong..."
Oddly, just now, when ten corrections were in fact pointed out, you did not do that. Perhaps if you were to start by admitting you were wrong in this thread, I might believe you. Posted by michaele8 (Member # 6608) on :
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Start from the top, michaele8. Rather than rationalizing each point as it was addressed, just admit that, yeah, the author exaggerated, hid inconvenient truths, and outright fibbed (as appropriate).
I've never seen you do this. In fact, I haven't seen you admit that you were wrong YET -- and you've been wrong fairly often, so far. In fact, most of the political threads you've started die once you stop replying to people who correctly point out the flaws in your arguments.