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Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
Only read if you need to know.

Hermoine and Harry end up together,
and she is an animangus.

Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
Oh really, now? Forgive me if I don't believe you. [Smile] (Though the thought of Hermione becoming an animagus has entered my mind.)
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
Note: In the 3rd film it is said that an animangus will only respond to its kind, and Lupin responds when Hermoine gives her howl.

[Big Grin]

And Harry and Her are soooooo destined together as husband and wife.

Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Except Lupin's not an animagus, he's a werewolf.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
It's pretty much a lock that Harry and Hermione don't end up together, Thor.

You've read the books, right?
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Ron's death will bring Harry and Hermione together.
Posted by The Rabbit (Member # 671) on :
You've got it all wrong. Its Harry whose killed. Ron and Hermiony end up married and name there first son Harry.
Posted by The White Whale (Member # 6594) on :
Are you guys making this stuff up or is there some sorta basis which you're going off of? Believe me, its interesting stuff but I don't want to get to exited over nothing.

I believe Harry and Hermione will get together. Ron will realize his true feeling and fall in love with Draco. [Taunt]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Are you kidding? Draco and Harry live happily ever after. Ron and Hermione get married after Ron gets her pregnant (Hermione skipped out on health class to take an extra semester of Recent Runes).
Posted by FoolishTook (Member # 5358) on :
I'm going with The Rabbit on this one. Harry sooooo dies.

Or, at least, he loses a finger when he tries to drop the Ring into the Cracks of Doom.
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
Harry and Hermoine end up together.

It's soooooo true!

You know it!
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :

That is your problem with love. You are unable to see the obvious. Did you see the new movie? Hermione and Ron are the ones holding hands. Harry is dead meat and Ron gets the girl.

Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
Hermoine ends up with Draco. Come on, the parallel between the generations is pretty clear.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
For those thickies among use, could you explain those parallels?
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
no. [Smile]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
It's SO Ginny and Harry, Ron and Hermione. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
"What happens at the end of the seventh book?"

"Harry grows up and marries you. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

Posted by breyerchic04 (Member # 6423) on :
That was JK Rowling on the Simpsons. Hehe
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Beyond giving the Weasly twins galleons for their prank-business, what has Harry done for his friends?

The Weasleys opened up their home to him; Hermione regularly helps him out with homework; what does Potter do for them, other than almost get them killed every year?

On the whole, I'd much rather have Ron and Hermione as my friends than Harry. . .
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
You know, now that I think about it, Harry did something very important for them in book 5.

Semi- spoilers
The Defense class he agreed (got coerced into?) in book five-- his first real sign of altruism.

Maybe I'm being too hard on Harry.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Harry rescues them often. That's what he does for them.
Fought that basilisk and killed it
He faced Voldermort on several occasions
He also saved Mr. Weasley's life by telling them about the snake that bit him at the risk of making him appear insane
He taught them all a lot of jinxes and spells too in book 5...
He's done a ton of stuff.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Harry only appears to be taking and never giving because he's the sort of person who seems to always do the really important stuff (i.e. saving lives). I'm sure he does much for his friends, but that bit isn't that important. The Galleon giving is symbolic of all the othet things he does.

The reason we see his friends doing stuff for him is because his friends are essentially his family, and your family is, in a way, supposed to do things for you, to support you.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Yes, but those are things that he's thrust himself into, Syn, and they've followed.

Those AREN'T day to day friendliness.

Both Ron and Hermione have given of their greatest strengths (Ron's family life, and Hermione's intelligence) to Harry; he has only begun paying them back with his Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, and then he had to be CONVINCED to do so.

Outside of last minute saves, and the DAtDA class, what does Harry do to be a good friend?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Besides, Harry needs support. He doesn't have a nice loving family the way the rest of the characters do. All he has is the Durleys and they hate him.
He needs to have people give to him and be kind to him because there's no one else.
He, in turn, also supports his friends and fights to save them when they are threatened.
Not to mention that he works hard on the Quidditch team.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I'm sure he does much for his friends, but that bit isn't that important. The Galleon giving is symbolic of all the othet things he does.
But in a story like this, the little things are important-- Rowling did not have to mention the sweater HP received from Mrs. Weasley, but she did.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Syn-- that makes Harry a MOOCHER, not a friend.
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
Man, you guys have got it all wrong. In the seventh book ron will join voldermort and try to kill harry and hermione (and fail miserably) because he get's tired of always being bested at everything by them. Harry and hermione will then grow up and marry, have a kid, who will turn into an evil wizard, who is even more powerfull than voldermort, and will thenceforth bring a reign terror on the world.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Come on, what had *YOU* done for your family and friends when you were 14?
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
Ginny drags Harry before the Wizengamot and sues for palimony after a sleepover at The Burrow goes awry.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
MPH: This isn't a discussion about ME.

Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
I have to agree with Scott. I think that's why I'm no longer Harry. Believe it or not, I'm a much better person now than I was when I was Harryesque.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Are you kidding? Draco and Harry live happily ever after. Ron and Hermione get married after Ron gets her pregnant (Hermione skipped out on health class to take an extra semester of Recent Runes).
Love it MPH.

I just started book 5, and I'm thinking what an arrogant little twit Harry is being.

Wah wah. why am I stuck here at Privet drive when I'm soooo much better than Ron and Hermione. Wahhhhh.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Harry's pretty generous with his friends. He bought them omnioculars and the butter beer and chocolates are usually on him.

And Ron and Hermione totally get together. Harry's the Luke Skywalker.
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
Harry was totally raised without love or care, mostly locked in a CLOSET UNDER THE STAIRS.

It's a wonder he doesn't chew his friend's shoes, for crying out loud.

That's one reason I think whiney, ALL CAPS Harry is totally in character. I mean, not only are the hormones juicing up the usual anger responses, but the kid has Issues.

I was disappointed that she squandered the bit of sympathy Draco had when you see the way his father treats him. She could SO have done something interesting there, by redeeming Draco. Though I know it itsn't Draco's story and all that.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
He saved Nevilles remembrall.
He bought Ron a new Owl.

Just to name a few things.
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
She still could, Olivia. Though I don't know how she's going to give back all the depth she stripped out of Snape in the 5th book.
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
And that's it's own form of true to life, isn't it? That a lot of these examples you're throwing out are of him expressing love through money. Just like his aunt and uncle do.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Money certainly makes me happy. I wouldn't hold a grudge against him if he bought me stuff.

Look at it this way, how to Ron and Hermoine help Harry out? By doing what they are good at.

Hermoines is smart. She helps Harry out by having answers.
Ron is fun. He helps Harry cool down and chill sometimes, and just be there for him.

What is Harry good at? Destroying evil, and defense against the dark arts. And he happens to be rich. Harry does what he does best for his friends, just like what they do for him.
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
You all know that Voldemort is just a puppet right? The REAL evilest of wizards is actually Harry's mother.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Who, in a bizarre twist of events, is Umbridge.
Posted by celia60 (Member # 2039) on :
Who, in a bizaare twist of fate is Hermoine returned from the future.
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
My fantasy money's on Harry and Draco living happily ever after.

My real money's on an evil Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione universe. I don't mind the Ron/Hermione stuff, but not at the cost of a Harry/Ginny relationship. Ack! I hate Ginny!

I would really like to see Harry die after vanquishing Voldemort, though. Not in that pathetic suicidal way years later... the noble sacrifice bit. That would be him giving the utmost for his friends and would end this debate. Ron gives strategy, Hermione smarts, Harry his life.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Someone said that we will find out that Dumbledore is really Ron sucked into the past as an old man to help and guide harry.

Too bad Lupin and Black can't run off together now

[ June 14, 2004, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Synesthesia ]
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
If Harry is Luke, then when does he learn Voldemort is his father?
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :

when [J. K. Rowling] went ‘undercover’ to share her suggestions about the seventh and final novel in the series in an internet chatroom, young fans dismissed her ideas.

The bestselling author had anonymously logged on to a fan website devoted to the boy wizard, but her hints about the final book were not liked....

"Nobody was remotely interested in my theories about what’s going to happen in book seven," she said. "In the end, I gave up trying to impart any gems of wisdom and joined the discussion about [cartoon character] SpongeBob SquarePants.

The mystery is finally revealed...

Thor is J. K. Rowling!!!

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
"In the end, I gave up trying to impart any gems of wisdom and joined the discussion about [cartoon character] SpongeBob SquarePants.
I love her.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Come now, we all know how the series will end. Harry will wake up and discover it was all jut a dream, in fact he lives with his parents ina seedy, run-down two bedroom house where his Dad makes money exterminating goophers and the occasional toad and his Mom is a wiatress at the local diner where she gets paid minium wage, and they have big arguments every night where his mother accuses his father of all sorts of awful sexual sins at the top of her voice and Harry hides behind the little table next to the couch with a picture of his great Aunt Margret on it and then cries himself to sleep.

Hobbes [Smile]

[ June 14, 2004, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
What kind of sick mind would come up with that?
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
What? You don't think it will end that way? I thought it was obvious. [Dont Know]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
I'm going with The Rabbit on this one. Harry sooooo dies.

Or, at least, he loses a finger when he tries to drop the Ring into the Cracks of Doom.

No, no no...he loses his finger during an epic duel with Wormtail.

He bought Ron a new Owl
Actually Sirius (Allah irhamhu) bought that for him, remember? Last chapter of PoA?

You all know that Voldemort is just a puppet right?
Of course I did...didn't you see that cartoon? Potter Puppet Pals

[ June 14, 2004, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: sarcasticmuppet ]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I love that puppet show!
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
If Harry is Luke, then when does he learn Voldemort is his father?
Nonono! Grandfather. Why else would he have come after Harry to begin with?

(And yes, I know that book 5 torpedoed my theory. I haven't quite forgiven JKR for that. [Wink] )
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
Didn't JKR also come right out and say that Voldemort is by no means related to Harry? She kept calling them "Star Wars theories."

[ June 14, 2004, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Book ]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*twinkle* I can ignore everything she says until she puts it in a book.

Anyway, JKR's modus operandi IS to steal from the best, and then twist it 90 degrees. Why shouldn't Star Wars be a source? [Wink]
Posted by Ophelia (Member # 653) on :
Am I the only one who thinks it will end up Harry and Luna?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
No, Ophelia, you're not. Although I tend to be wishy-washy on that one -- the other possibility is that he'll be dead.

Kinda makes it hard to end up with anyone.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
She's a bit of a late entry, isn't she?

And didn't Harry and Ginny have a "moment" in book 5, right before she suggested breaking into Umbridge's office to use the fire? I seem to recall him thinking she was about to say something else...
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
I don't care at all about who they'll end up with. They're teenagers, and it's not realistic for most of them to settle down with their soulmates so young... I really like it that Rowling has shown just how inept Harry and Ron are at dating...
Posted by Jalapenoman (Member # 6575) on :
I always pictured Hermione growing up and getting it on with another mud blood half breed not already mentioned as a possible romance for her on this thread.....Hagrid!

Ginny falls for Harry's cousin because she is infaturated with his ten ton tongue.

Ron is arrested in a raid on a London gay bar doing the wild thing with Crabbe and Goyle.

Draco and his hero, Snape, try to alter all of the brooms so the Slytherin can win the Quiddich cup. Neville catches them and kicks their butts.

When Trelawney predicts his impending demise, Nearly Headless Nick cuts his own throat.

The Weasley Twins get their own practical joke show on the UPN.

Dumbledore is reinvarnated again as an even shorter wizard.

Seamus and Colin realize that no one really cares about their characters and they dissapate into nothingness.

Percy leaves the ministry and becomes a bean counter.

Harry is arrested at the premiere of Star Wars, Episode 3, for trying to magically remove JarJar Binks from the movie. He meets up with Ron in prison and they continue their illicit love affair that they started in the Gryffindor tower. Their favorite game is "drop the soap."

[ June 14, 2004, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: Jalapenoman ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Ew. Fairly pervy.
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
shows his colors
as a slytherin fraternity chap.

Harry and Hermoine.
Children live long,
she ends up in Mcgonogal's spot
at Hogwarts and Harry will
be the New Headmaster.

Who said Harry and Hermoine's child would be evil?

Child, check your religion, it's teaching you bad things.

Posted by Jalapenoman (Member # 6575) on :
Sorry, guy, but it is the big guy and the little girl. Notice how protective he is of her by always calling her "my little Hermione." (emphasis on the word "my" because who is going to argue with a half giant where a girl is involved)

As far as their children, "little" Hagrid junior will revive the London team for NFL Europe and play two positions on the defensive line. Little "Hermione" will give new meaning to the word "Amazon" and win the heptathalon in the Olympics several times before retiring to a life of modeling.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
[Eek!] Amazingly freaked out [Angst]
Posted by Shepherdess (Member # 6115) on :
Come now, we all know how the series will end. Harry will wake up and discover it was all jut a dream...
Hobbes, I'll admit I've had the same thought myself. And if that's the case, I see Voldemort as just the evil side of Harry. Notice how Voldemort was presumed dead for all those years until (what a coincidence!) Harry goes to Hogwarts. Ginny is in love with both Harry and the human side of Voldemort (Tom Riddle). There are other hints of this. Of course, I may be completely crazy too.

As for those saying Harry never gives anything to his friends--the books are told from his perspective, and even at Christmas, there is no mention of the gifts he gave his friends. I don't think that means he didn't give them any, it just wasn't important enough to include in the narrative, at least from Harry's point of view. Granted, he is quite self-centerend, especially in the 5th book. However, if any one of us had a book written from our own perspective, we'd come across as pretty self-absorbed as well. The 5th book painted a more realistic picture of how the main character was truly feeling, unlike the earlier books, where he came across as a cardboard-thin cartoon character at times.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
What teen isn't a jerk?

And they did mention the gifts he gives them in the third book.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
*Fails to understand how anyone can see HP as a jerk*
Posted by Pippin (Member # 6042) on :
Harry dies and goes to "live" in the loo with Moaning Mertle [Evil Laugh]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
*Fails to understand how anyone can see HP as a jerk*
We've been explaining why we see him as an on-again-off-again jerk for the last 2 pages.

Not that he doesn't have his moments-- but like I said at the beginning, Ron and Hermione are MUCH better friends to Harry than he is to them.

That said, Harry's loyalty to Hagrid is unquestionable.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
J.K. Rowling Ends Harry Potter Series After Discovering Boys

"For many years, writing the Harry Potter books was the most important thing in Joanne's life," said publicist Mark Knowles, who is "just good friends" with Rowling. "She's been experiencing a lot of changes lately. She still wants to keep in touch with her fans, but she doesn't feel she can sit in a room at her computer all day while there are so many cute boys running around."
"I can't believe she would give up something she worked so hard on, just because people might think it's not 'cool,'" said Nancy Listrom, a Boston resident and fan of the Harry Potter books. "I blame that Mindy girl. She's a bad influence."

Added Listrom: "And I can't believe her publicist allows her to show up at a bookstore appearance dressed in that pink skirt. It barely covers her butt. Her writing is a better way to get attention."

[ June 16, 2004, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: mr_porteiro_head ]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
My 2 cents.

I also think in the end Harry will die. I think he has to because he and Voldemort are too tied together...

Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
maybe when voldemort finally dies (cause he's going to), harry's scar will disappear... and he'll be sad because it was such a part of him. But the anger from Voldemort that kept it there will have faded.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
I have to agree with FG. Harry must die.
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
Harry dies and goes to "live" in the loo with Moaning Mertle
too funny
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
*squeezles snort-snicklin' to just a hair 'bove subvocal at preposterotive conjecture*
Posted by Alexa (Member # 6285) on :
I think Harry will kill He Who Must Not Be Named, but then I think he will go bad and fight Ron and Hermoine. I think Hermoine will kill Harry.
Posted by Javert (Member # 3076) on :
Just wanted to share this:

"Hermione was a character in Greek mythology who was loved by two men. She was the daughter of Helen of Troy and Menelaus. These men (Orestes 2 and Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles) fought terribly for the love of the beautiful Hermione (Krum and Ron?). Orestes 2 was killed by a snake. Could this mean that either Ron or Krum will die at the hands of Lord Voldemort (whose symbol is a snake?)."

The name use just a coincidence?
Posted by JaimeBenlevy (Member # 6222) on :
Its Harry whose killed
No way, Dumbledore is going to die saving Harry and then Harrys going to kill Voldemort. I think it will be Hermione and Ron and Harr with someone else...perhaps Cho?
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
I think Neville will kill Voldemort, or at last be in his last fight.
Posted by Phanto (Member # 5897) on :
[Hail] Harry will die. [Wave]
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
Javert, I don't think ANY name JKR chooses is a coincidence. She named Lupin that because he's a werewolf, and Sirius is named after the dog star.
::looks around at baby name sites::
Here's some more interesting ones. Argus means vigilant and alert, and Filch is that, Minerva means goddess of wisdom, and Ronald means advisor to the king. Too bad I couldn't find an entry for Albus.

As for who's going to die, it's going to be Lupin for sure, and I think Harry will die, too.

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
He bought Ron a new Owl
What series are you reading, dude?

Harry sooooo dies.
I'm iffy on this one. Poetically it kinda works, but I was pretty sure that the prophecy or something said that one of them (Harry and Voldemort) would die so that the other could live, or that they both can't live, or something like that. I can't remember and my husband has my book 5 at work, but isn't there something in there that implies that for Harry to live, Voldy must die and if Voldy wants to live, he has to kill Harry? I thought only one of them could live.

Oooh! Voldy kills Harry, and we find out that Neville was really the "boy of prophecy" all along! Neville kills Voldy, marries his good friend Ginny, and Ron and Hermione get together like they were meant to do.

It's annoying that Rowling seems to think that it's obvious who Hermione will end up with. Based on cute little jokes and pointed hints here and there, Ron would get the girl. But based on actual chemistry and physical closeness, Harry wins hands down.


Albus means white.

The name thing doesn't always work. Remus has a twin named Romulus, but Rowling has said that it definitely won't be like that in the books.

[ June 17, 2004, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :

So I go to the gym to forget my nasty experience with a twit online, and I end up next to one on the precor machine.

I've become quite friendly with a lady named Joy. We've really talked about lots of ... life stuff, and I thought we knew each other pretty well. Her son got out of prison last year (the oldest, I think. She has four sons and a daughter).

Anyway, one of the TVs showed a PoA ad, and I commented that I really wanted to see it. *sigh*

"You want to see that trash?"

OMG [Wall Bash]

This is totally not my day.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Olivetta, that is so annoying! I was in Jury Duty this week and I was reading PoA during lunch in the Juror room. One of the other Jurors says, "Oh, you like Harry Potter?"

I say, "Yeah."

She says, "I can't get into it. I think they're terrible. Did you see the movie?"

Me: "Yep, two nights ago."

Her: "I'm not interested. It doesn't look very good."

GRRR. So much for making friendly conversation. Here, let me figure out what interests you so that I can bash it while you're trying to enjoy it.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Olivia, I know exactly what you mean. I had this conversation on a date the other day:

(As he's flipping through my Harry Potter book on the table)

Me: "Have you read those?"
Him: "No, I'm not part of the Harry Potter cult."
Me: "Aw, they're wonderful."
Him: "Yeah, no." He wrinkled his nose.
Me: "Come on Jason, give in to the magic," I teased him.
Him:"Give in to the magic? Oh good grief."

Yeah. That's not going anywhere. I think we both looked equally horrified.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
So how did you respond? (Olivet, I mean--I've already had this conversation with kat).

[ June 17, 2004, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Noemon ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I think I just laughed and changed the subject. We can still be friends - he's really nice.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
And he's building you a desk!
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I know! Proof of his niceness. [Smile]

(Oh how embarassing - I thought you were talking to me. How Zoolander of me. [Embarrassed] )

[ June 17, 2004, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Several friends of mine are like that. They say, no way am I going to read Harry Potter.
And my mother thinks it's satanic.
More for me, I reckon. They don't know what they are missing, but if people don't like dark chocolate, more for me [Big Grin]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
I jst said, "So you think Harry Potter's evil?" I was almost laughing.

She advized her kids agains Harry Potter and Pokemon, but her daughter is into LotR a lot. I told her I thought there was very little difference between LotR and HP (as far as 'magic' and stuff goes). The other thing she mentioned was the tendency of kids to obsess over HP, as if tha proved it and Pokemon were evil. But kids obsess over LotR, too. Cobb co. tried to ban the HP books from public schools.

I made a comparison to the simple-minded banning of Huck Finn (It has the n-word in it so it must be racist) when it was in fact a very anti-slavery book.

I think she even sort of mentioned Liam's behavioral problems, in a backhanded way, but I took the high road and didn't mention that at least he'd never been in jail. [Razz]

She even brought columbine into it, though I'm pretty sure she was trying to steer away from HP at that point. I mean, they weren't going around the school shouting "Crucio!" at people.

Sooooo VERY not my day. *shakes head*
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Actually, I went back and clarified my post, because falling as it did immediately after yours, it looked like I was addressing you (and it made sense, too, as a continuation of our GreNME conversation from yesterday).
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
THANK YOU! I also absolutely hate it when people have diferring opinions from mine.

It's like "What, you think I'm wrong?!? Get out of my face!"
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :

I wonder what they would do if you ran around the school shouting Crucio! at people. I'd need a wand, I guess. And a school.

edit: Psi, obviously the name thing doesn't work ALL the time, but I think it's fair to say that Rowling chooses her names carefully.


[ June 17, 2004, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: kwsni ]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Jebus, people can have different opinions. But this lady wasn't looking for a conversation about the pros or cons of HP. She just sat there while I was trying to read and repeatedly bashed what I was reading with no prompting from me. I consider it a tad rude to interrupt someone who's reading, especially to insult their choice of reading material.

I'm saying all this because I'm assuming you are being sarcastic.

And wouldn't you say that

"No, I'm not part of the Harry Potter cult."
is kind of insulting, even when said nicely?

Another annoyance:

My husband's best friend is totally anti-HP, even though his girlfriend loves it. (That's fine.) He tells us he will never read it and refuses to see the movie. (Also his prerogative.) So when his girlfriend, my husband, our mutual friend, and I made plans to see the movie, what did this guy do? He went WITH us to the theater, complained about HP while we were driving there, insisted on sitting outside of the theater doing nothing while we were watching it, and convinced our mutual friend to sit out there with him so he wouldn't be alone.

[ June 17, 2004, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
Jebus, it wasn't her opinion that bothered me so much as her delivery.

I mentioned wanting to see a movie, and she called the HP stuff 'trash.' That is offensive. She's entitled to her opinion, just as I am entitled to think she is an idiot. [Big Grin]

However, I try not to comment negatively on stuff people casually mention being interested in.

I mean, I could understand if I'd said something like, "That Harry Potter kid is really hot."

I don't make fun of Scoffield's notes or Scripture Press. And I COULD, believe me.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
"I'm not part of the Harry Potter cult" wouldn't really have to be rude, if it were said in a light hearted way. It all depends on the relationship between the two people. In kat's case, it doesn't sound like it was rude, but it does sound like it revealed a fundamental difference in personality, or more probably underscored it.
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
I think Olivia and PSI get awards for not pretending to cast Crucio on those rude people.

My friend's hubby is on the "Harry Potter" is evil kick, and so is my neighbor. Yet both of them are big LotR fans. In fact my neighbor got Olivia a fairy magnet set for her birthday that happened to have a wizard magnet, and they made a huge deal of it being a Tolkien wizard instead of a Rowling wizard. (Yes! It's Saruman! Much less evil than Harry!) Took me almost a week to figure out why.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
My husband's best friend is totally anti-HP, even though his girlfriend loves it. (That's fine.) He tells us he will never read it and refuses to see the movie. (Also his prerogative.) So when his girlfriend, my husband, our mutual friend, and I made plans to see the movie, what did this guy do? He went WITH us to the theater, complained about HP while we were driving there, insisted on sitting outside of the theater doing nothing while we were watching it, and convinced our mutual friend to sit out there with him so he wouldn't be alone.

This makes me angry just reading it. If he didn't want to see it, why did he come along? I don't understand.
Posted by Olivetta (Member # 6456) on :
To ruin the experience for everyone else, obviously. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Javert (Member # 3076) on :
Just to get back to the name thing...Albus Dumbledore, apparently, means White Bumblebee. Is he an animagus?

"I do not need a cloak to become invisible."

Is there a bee always wandering around watching the school?

As far as Remus not having a twin, that's true. But Romulus and Remus were suckled by a it's just more wolf imagery for Lupin.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
This kind of thing is why I love Rowling's writing. Her attention to detail is exquisite, and she's got to plan all this stuff first, because it can't just come up randomly.

It wouldn't seem like Dumbledore would be an animagus, otherwise Hermione would have mentioned it after she went to look up McGonagal. But then I can't think of any other reason why JKR would name him Dumbledore.

Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Because "Dumbledore" sounds COOL, that's why! [Razz]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Dude, Dumbledore is totally Godric Gryffindor on the Philosopher's Stone elixir of life. That's why he's got an immortal familiar.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
I can't imagine Dumbledore being that selfish. And doesn't it say in the book that when Harry sees him in Riddle's diary that he looks younger? It seems like the elixir of life wouldn't let him age.


Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
Yeah, for a while in book 2 I thought he was Gryffindor, but later, meh...

I don't think Harry will die. She's said before that "it's not impossible- I can never rule it out" that she would write more harry potter books after book 7. Sounds like he lives, to me.
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Anybody seen The Dark Crystal? Harry and Voldemort will merge in the end, and the world will be right once more. Hermione will end up with Ron (that's fairly obvious), but she might have a fling with Harry.

I think Harry really is quite selfish, and I like that. He is not a good guy by nature. He has the potential for evil within him - even the Sorting Hat saw that. Perhaps Slytherin House would have been better for him. I'm really intrigued to see how this all works out.
Posted by kwsni (Member # 1831) on :
You never know, Book. Sometimes a story takes you somewhere you don't want to go.

I'd also LIKE to see the books end at book seven. Harry's story needs an end.

Posted by Space Opera (Member # 6504) on :
Operaetta asked me for a red marker earlier today. I gave it to her, assuming that she was going to color with it. Since then she has been walking around with a HP scar drawn on her forehead with aforementioned red marker.

space opera
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
My husband's best friend is totally anti-HP, even though his girlfriend loves it. (That's fine.) He tells us he will never read it and refuses to see the movie. (Also his prerogative.) So when his girlfriend, my husband, our mutual friend, and I made plans to see the movie, what did this guy do? He went WITH us to the theater, complained about HP while we were driving there, insisted on sitting outside of the theater doing nothing while we were watching it, and convinced our mutual friend to sit out there with him so he wouldn't be alone.


This makes me angry just reading it. If he didn't want to see it, why did he come along? I don't understand.

why? because he's obviously fifteen years old and Too Cool To Live.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
Seems like Rowling's books are far more planned out than others. I mean, Sirius was named "Sirius," right from the start, so that meant she had been thinking of him as an Animagus right from the start, too, right? I know that originally it was a muggle who ratted out the Potters, and eventually it turned into Pettigrew, but still..
Posted by romanylass (Member # 6306) on :
Dumbledore could be an unregistered Animagus.

Somewhat OT, but does anyone else hear the voice of the portrait of Sirius Black's mother as the voice of Principal Skinner's mother?
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Maybe Dumbledore is a metamorphagus or whatever-the-heck that thing is. That would explain how he could look younger in the old memories. OH! I know! Tonks is Dumbledore! [Razz]

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