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Posted by CalvinMaker (Member # 2032) on :
Hey all. Some of you might have noticed that I've disappeared for a bit.

I'm at the beach. Rehoboth to be exact. I come up here at least once every summer, and it's always a blast.

As for this year, a few of the highlights have been surfing and skimming with some old friends, meeting a new friend and winding up spending the whole night with her (we walked around town and on the boardwalk, went to a party, chilled at my house, then tried to sleep on the beach by my house but wound up walking back at 4 in the morning cuz we were freezing our buns off.) until I dropped her off at work the next morning. And, of course, playing Dance Dance Revolution with my brother and some friends at FunLand.

Tomorrow I look forward to more surfing and skimming, more partying, and Megan and I are going to try to sleep on the beach again, this time with comforters! :-)

Until I get back on sunday or monday, i won't be online a whole lot, though you might occasionally be able to catch me on AIM.

-Pce dawgs
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Heh, for a second I thought you meant the town in Israel, and I wondered when it grew a beach! [Big Grin]

Have fun. [Smile]
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
If by vacation you mean the period that I am not attending class, then usually I am working. I got onto full time at my job, which means I work 84 hours every two weeks. I have to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday every other week, and on the alternate weeks I have a 3-day weekend. I was lucky enough to get on night shift (6 pm to 6 am), so on the nights I am not working I can stay up till dawn with no consequences. For the first time in my life, I do not have to force myself to get out of bed.

When I am not working I hang out with friends, and work on a business venture my friend and I are starting up. I will also be organizing a Dionysian revel (aka several day campout) that will occur sometime in July or August. Because I basically live an inverted day (I awake anywhere from 11 am to 2:30 pm at the earliest), I never have to say no to an activity because of work the next day. Midnight is (or can be) about 3 pm to me. This is a pleasant contrast to the last year, where I could never do anything on Friday night because I had to be awake at 5 am.

This is the first summer I have ever had goals, which is to save up several thousand dollars from my job and to become much better at my job than I currently am. Last summer I had summer school, and could only work Sat. and Sun. When regular school was in session I only worked Saturdays. After working at my job for over a year, I had hit a wall as far as being able to pick up new things. Now that the longest gap is three days every two weeks rather than five every week, and I monitor during the week as well as weekends, new concepts get reinforced much better. This fall, I managed to arrange my classes so that there are several weekdays on which I do not have any. Hopefully the experience I gain this summer and my class schedule will allow me to fill in for people more often.

It is also the first summer (or really any time) I have lived alone, which so far I am immensely enjoying. I answer to no one but myself, which is a good thing in some ways but not in others. It needed to happen though; I would be going insane if I was living with my parents all summer. It is also a pleasant change from living with a messy roommate. I am a slob myself, and I do not need encouragement. (Pointless to pick up my half of the room when his would still be a pit was my line of reasoning. [Smile] ) A third goal of mine is to train myself into being a bit neater.

This summer is the first time in almost two years that I have not had any classes. I am enjoying the break. I could go on trips and party during school; but it is nice to have no responsibilities instead of neglecting them. These three months may well be the only time in my life where that will be the case. I intend to enjoy them as much as is humanly possible.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Calvin, dude, cherish this time in your life.

Danzig, nice essay. Now, repeat after me. I don't have to write essays this summer because I'm not in school. Are you, by any chance, a Virgo? Or, are you just naturally uptight?

(Seriously, I enjoyed reading about your summer. I'm just giving you grief. Why are you and your friend putting together a campout? Extra cash? What gave you the idea to do something like that? Where do you work, or what type of industry? Please write a two-page, double spaced paper by noon tomorrow. I suppose that would be, what, 6 pm your time? [Wink] )
Posted by BlueJacsFan (Member # 6590) on :
I'll be taking a couple extra days off around July 4th weekend and heading out to LA. I'll probably be spending the Friday before at Universal Studios, and the rest is up in the air. I'm sure we'll work in a drive up PCH, and spend some time at the beach.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Oh, and in case anyone missed it, I had an appendectomy for my summer vacation and am buying a hundred year old house.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
I am at work for twelve hours. What else am I going to do? I do not write essays in school anyway. [Smile] I am a Taurus, not a Virgo, but I suppose you might call me uptight. Noon tomorrow would be about 7 am or earlier for me. Just about the time I am willing to answer my phone if a friend calls me, but I will doze/sleep two or three more hours if left to my own devices.

The campout idea got started two summers ago, when my brother and I went with a single friend. It was fun. Last year, we did it again, and it got bigger. Three weekday nights of heavy drinking, smashing empty glass bottles it the fire with the hatchet, and driving hung-over to Waffle House the next morning. Last year it was mostly my brother's friends, because my friends all had to work during the week and we gave little to no advance notice.

This year I have been and will be promoting it all summer, so I hope to have an even larger turnout with some more of my own friends. I will have a three day weekend, and if I take off two days during the week before then that will leave a full seven days free. Because the night will be my day, I will be drinking lightly and smoking heavily all day, quit at bedtime, sleep through the real day and its heat, and repeat. [Smile] Depending on what we get to entertain us, I may ask for contributions, but I doubt I will make any money. I am expecting it to cost me a little. If I gain anything, it will be converts to my political and/or moral beliefs.

I work second line support - monitoring servers, fielding some calls from first line, performing a few maintenance tasks, and stuff like that. On nights it is usually fairly quiet, so I have a lot of time to mess around on the Internet. For me, a boring day is a good day. A perfect day will have me staring at the computer screen for twelve hours, doing nothing. Usually my days are imperfect. I work at IBM, but am technically employed by a contracting firm. This way if IBM needs more cash they can fire me and it will not count as downsizing an actual employee. [Smile]
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
i am going to live in virtual hermitude most of the summer.

(if that is a real word.)

in fact, i don't really plan on interacting with society until Fall.

sorry to ruin everyone's plans but yes, folks, supergirl has built her fortress of solitude.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
Solitude would seem to work, and that is definitely a word.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
So long as the fortress of solitude has been updated and has access to the internet, Sarah, I think I'll survive. [Razz]

We're not society... no society here at all.

My summer consists of sleeping till 11, working, playing halo. Next week, I'm flying out to see Jamie, though. I'll let you know how that goes. Also, will be filling out missionary papers in the next month. Ew. Physicals. And Kamacon in August! Other than that, just chilling, and working.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
I might take a trip somewhere in August but I don't know yet.

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