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Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
i know that i both lose and gain weight extraordinarily fast compared to most people. but this is ridiculous. keep in mind i am just under five feet, so while five pounds is a small sum for most, for me it is a big difference since there's no place for it to go!

so anyway, i've been working out and drinking lots of water, trying to thin down some more before moving to LA. over the past two weeks i've worked out pretty regularly, going to gym sometimes twice a day. i have also been avoiding icecream since i have no willpower with it. my appetite did increase when i started working out harder, but i have tried to pad my meals with lots of green vegetables and things like grilled chicken. i am pretty straight with myself and KNOW that i haven't been overeating and i know i've stuck to my guns workout wise.

i gained four pounds in ONE WEEK, a total of seven pounds in two weeks.
i have no clue how. i know it's not muscle weight because now my jeans don't fit. the only thing i can think of that has been different is for about three or four weeks now i've been taking doxycycline to clear up my skin. i read up on it and could not find weight gain cited anywhere as a side effect.
i stopped taking them anyway. any body have some idea?

(i am used to weight fluctuation, but this is the most severe outside of when i was in high school and took prednisone too long and gained 12 pounds really quickly)

[ June 05, 2004, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: porcelain girl ]
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
You are correct in that doxycycline does not cause weight gain. I would have to verify with CT as to the etiology, but you are most likely retaining water for one reason or another. Why? Because that is the most likely explanation for such a rapid weight gain.

P.S. I can gain and lose 7 pounds in 2 or 3 days, and do so quite regularly. I also eat like a pig, never diet, am 6 feet tall, and range anywhere from 190-210, depending on the month. I've also worn the same shoe and pants size since 10th grade. And I still have shoes from the 10th grade.

Basically, I make my wife sick. She too looks at a donut and gains 2 pounds, which takes weeks to lose. She once dieted for 4 weeks and lost one pound! I however gained about 40 and lost about 35.
Posted by MyrddinFyre (Member # 2576) on :
Alucard, you must be my long lost twin!

One day I'll be one thing, the next five pounds different, and so on. No matter how much I eat or don't eat, exercise or don't, it just goes on fluxuating like it does. I have no idea why O_O
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
Run with it my friend. Run long and far. And if those shorts don't fit, they will tomorrow. [Big Grin]
Posted by kacard (Member # 200) on :
Porcelain darling -- get thee to a doctor. And be sure and tell him/her what meds you have been on. Love, KAC
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Second on the doctor thing, and more is not always better for exercise. Overexercising (Bill Phillips says over an hour) causes too much stress. Not sleeping enough has also been correlated to insulin resistance.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
unfortunately until i move to canada or we socialize our healthcare i won't be going to a doctor unless i stop breathing or am bleeding from the eyes. i'm going to be extra careful how i eat and get plenty of careful exercise for the next week and see how i look/feel.
if i get bigger, i'll go into debt and see the doctor.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Prednisone? (sp?) My ex girlfriend has a transplanted kidney, and she takes prednisone. I can tell you, it does cause you to gain weight, unfortunately. [Frown]

I'm not a doctor, but I know that much. I think you should listen to Kristine about going to see one, and let them know that you stayed on prednisone too long.
Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
prednisone is what she was on in high school, not now.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
But it does have permanent effects. [Frown]
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
nick, i took prednisone too long well over five years ago.
i have since been several different weights and shapes. it has NOTHING to do with prednisone.

if i am pregnant then everyone better buy a boat and some matches, cause it's the end of the world.

i'll get really worried if i can't get any of the weight off over the next couple weeks, but honestly, i can not afford to go to the doctor again except for the aforementioned reasons.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
Oh, okay then. I meant no offense.
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
sorry if i sounded snippy.

apparently i've also gained outrageous pms. speaking which, hopefully a couple of the pounds are just that.

maybe it took several weeks for my sugar binge to catch up with me, i jut figured my hardcore working out would have stopped it in its path.
now i am just wondering how fast i can drop pounds safely. *sigh*
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
You didn't sound snippy, I just wanted you to know that I don't mean to be offensive. [Smile]

I don't know, I lost 15 pounds in a month and a half before, and that worried my doctor.
Posted by WheatPuppet (Member # 5142) on :
I'm like Alucard, except I can correlate it. I often spend a week or two eating three huge meals a day, and I gain up to 10 pounds, but then spend two weeks barely eating anything (a light breakfast and an average dinner) and loose it. My average weight is 135-140, so 10 pounds is fairly significant.

Alucard, I frustrate my girlfriend to no end, too. One week she says I need to eat more (she's a bit underweight, and it constantly troubles her), while the next week she says I need to start exercising (she's right, but not because of my weight, becuase I have no muscle mass).
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
men and women are on totally different planes when it comes to weight loss and gain.

there is almost no fair comparison.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I don't know you, porcelain girl, so don't be offended if I ask this and it isn't relevant.

But do you get the birth control "shot" Depro-pravera (probably spelled wrong).

My short time trying that form of birth control led to very sudden weight gain -- which the doctor then told me was a known side effect of it.

Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
Sara, why do you need to lose weight at all?
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
i am not on any form of birth control.
i do need to get my thyroid checked, and i do realize i have several health issues to address, but it is just not financially possible right now. i will have to wait till i have really good insurance. this is one of my biggest beefs with america, our healthcare system is TOTAL crap.

saxon, i look and feel better with significantly fewer pounds on my person. i don't want to be boney, but i like being thin, and quite a few of the professions i am interested in/involved in dictate such.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
It is, of course, your body and your choice to make, but I've known so many women that have a distorted view of their own bodies that I always find it a little unsettling when I hear someone talking about trying to lose a little weight. I just wish we could all focus on being healthy and leave it at that. I don't know that my opinion will matter too much to you, but I have always thought from your posts and pictures that you are beautiful, hence my question.
Posted by ctm (Member # 6525) on :
Porcelain girl, I don't know where you live, but you may want to call your public health dept., sometimes you can get low cost or no cost health care-- they often have options for low-income people or those with no insurance. A simple blood test would tell you a lot... I live in Wisconsin and I'm ften seeing notices for well-woman clinics...
Posted by Polio (Member # 6479) on :
It could very well be a gain in muscle mass. Do you LOOK 5 pounds heavier? If not, then you're probably going from stick-girl to macho buff woman.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
I agree with Saxon. I don't like it when girls that look good say they need to lose weight.

I also agree with his statement that you're beautiful. [Wink]
Posted by porcelain girl (Member # 1080) on :
AHAHAHAHA, polio, i have never ever been a stick-girl. take every ounce of fat off my body and i'd still be pretty dang meaty. i have a very naturally muscular build.

i know it's not all muscle weight, because 75% of my clothing now doesn't fit.
HOWEVER i have dropped two and a half pounds in the past couple days, and so i am optimistic about being my normally chubby self when i move so i can start from a much more reasonable foundation than missnothappyfatpants.

why oh why did my mom have to make zucchini bread!!! i cannot eat zucchini bread without butter! [Cry]
hahaha, this stomach fat is sooooooo from butter.
it's weird how certain food fats tend to like certain places on one's body.
i think the sides are from bagels while the top of my tummy is definitely dairy.
Posted by gwan (Member # 6194) on :
t could very well be a gain in muscle mass. Do you LOOK 5 pounds heavier? If not, then you're probably
going from stick-girl to macho buff woman.

Macho buff girl like you, right polio... [Roll Eyes] (For everyone else, polio has a terrible reverse body image. She thinks she is huge, when in actuality she is stick girl)

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