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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Tonight I drove the kids and myself to KFC to get some mashed potatos. I always crave mashed potatos when I'm sick, especially when I have a sore throat. something about food that is soft and warm makes me feel better. I do not like eating ice cream when my throat is sore, which my husband finds strange.

That got me to thinking about what I want when I'm sick, vs. what he likes.

When I'm sick I crave warmth. I am always very cold when I'm sick, whether or not I have a fever. I will huddle under a blanket on the couch or go soak in a hot (and I mean hot!) tub, anything to help get my body temperature up. I'll sleep without the ceiling fan on (it runs every night, year round unless I'm sick) and if I could turn off the air conditioner without affecting anyone else in the house I would.

I want attention, I want my husband to get things for me, to ask me if I'm okay. To rub my feet for me, to let me snuggle against him.

Wes is almost the exact opposite. Unless he has a high fever with accompanying chills, he doesn't want to be covered up at all. He wants to be completely left alone, he doesn't even want me to ask him how he's feeling. He doesn't want to be touched at all.

So, where do you fall on the spectrum? Warm mashed potatos or ice cream? Loved doting on you, or "Go away and leave me alone?" "Rub my feet please," or "Don't touch me!"

And, if any of you med types read this - what's better for your body? Toughing out strep throat until your own immune system beats it down or taking antibiotics for seven days? My strep is so common now, and it's drug resistant so I'm at the point that going to the doctor for powerful antibiotics that make me sick to my stomach doesn't seem worth it. It only takes me about four-five days to get over it, and the antibiotics are usually a 7 or 10 day course.

I figure I may as well fight it out until I get better on my own, and not take antibiotics unnecessarily. But, my Mom freaked when I told her I wasn't going to the doctor saying that strep can damage your heart. What do you think? Am I putting myself at risk by not going to the doctor?
Posted by Theca (Member # 1629) on :
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
I do not like eating ice cream when my throat is sore, which my husband finds strange.
I don't enjoy eating ice cream ever, I just don't like it, which the entire world finds strange. Don't worry, you're not alone.
Posted by Theca (Member # 1629) on :
Group A streptococcus is the pathogen that clinicians are trying to detect when evaluating a patient for pharyngitis since it is the only major organism to which antibiotic therapy should be directed and the only major pathogen with potential important sequelae. Clinical features include the sudden onset of sore throat, tonsillar exudate, tender cervical adenopathy, and fever. Cough and significant rhinorrhea are usually absent. The Centor criteria (exudate, cervical adenopathy, fever, and lack of cough) provide a clinical prediction rule with reasonable negative predictive value and an adequate positive predictive value compared to throat culture to be useful in diagnosing streptococcal pharyngitis

Although uncommon, suppurative and non-suppurative complications can follow GAS pharyngitis. Suppurative complications refer to peritonsillar or tonsillar abscesses. The major nonsuppurative complication is acute rheumatic fever.

--from UpToDate, an online physician resource
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Between the ages when I was 7-10 I think my mother caught strep about 6 times. Then it suddenly vanished never to return. I hope the same happens for you. (well not the 6 times part but the vanishing never to return)


Get well!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
AJ, I've already had it three times this year, and we're only in May. [Frown] In the last 12 months I've had it six times.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :

Gee, thanks Theca. Here I thought I was doing the right thing by not taking antibiotics and helping create the new generation of superbug.

I figured fighting it off on your own was the best solution for all concerned, instead of breeding some monster bacteria in my throat.

Last time I went to the doc, we went through 3 seven day courses of antibiotics before it helped, and I promise I took each and every dose. Didn't miss one, I was in so much pain I made sure I took them on schedule.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
ack! [Frown] the doctors will shoot me, but I'd say gut it out as long as you can and just get the antibiotics when your body needs to give the last kick to get rid of it. Do you think it has anything to do with stress? I know you've been under a lot lately. Sometimes I get sick when the stress goes away, not when I was actually the most stressed.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
which antibiotic were they actually using?

If they get up to Cipro without knocking it then you are in trouble. And Cipro makes you feel miserable too. But it does knock it.

Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I don't remember the last one I took. I know we started with one I knew, probably was amoxilcillin (though I could be getting that confused with something the kids took, with four kiddoes we get a lot of antibiotics through the house). I remember the last one was one I had never heard of before and it made me very, very sick to my stomach. I couldn't leave the house for long and had to keep the Immodium close at hand.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :

Poor Belle. I gave you hug on the hug thread, but not frequenting there I guess you didn't see it.

I can't weigh in on the whole antibiotics advice... but I am definately a snuggle up, give me cuddles and wait on me person when I'm sick.

Actually, I'm like that most of the time. It's just that when I'm sick I figure I can demand it. [Smile]
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
Erythromicin? I know that has a tendency to make your stomach all upset-like....
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
I am not really a fan of any food when I am sick...I am more a fan of staying in bed...though that is not usually an option
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
There's a reason Theca is smarter than all of us.

I took a bad turn in the middle of the night waking up choking and spitting up all kinds of nasty stuff. I am now curled up in agony awaiting my husband, who has gone to pick up some antibiotics called in by my doctor. Who made a point of telling me that once again, he is recommending I see a specialist because strep this often and this severe is not normal.

So much for being the "tough guy" and making it on my own. My body gave up the fight about 2 am and surrendered.

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