I just got an assignment in school the other day. What we were supposed to do is finish a sentance that started with "What if...?" and then when we did we were supposed to give it to the person next to us and write a short story about whatever it was they said. Well, I was absent that day and therefore didnt get a "what if" statement and I cant think of anything myself. any ideas? thanks.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
What if you did your own homework?
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
i dont like that idea
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
If that's your project, Darius, you have NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, to worry about.
I wish that was MY project...
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
It's not a project so much as an end-of-the-year-we-have-nothing-else-to-do paper. Mostly jsut for fun, but still...my dilemma lingers...
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
quote: we-have-nothing-else-to-do
*laughs histerically* Nothing to do?!
EDIT: Excuse me, I've gone over the edge. Ignore me.
[ May 18, 2004, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Alexa (Member # 6285) on :
...a giant pizza landed on your roof?
An animated 18 year old girl says, " I would EAT it!"
I walked away from that university family home evening--never looking back.
[EDIT] I was actaully going to start a "what if thread" in mockary of my experience. I can't believe you beat me to it.
[ May 18, 2004, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Alexa ]
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Thank you alexa! I'll take that into consideration... A giant pizza...it's genius!
Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
What if gays could get married?
What if abortion was illegal?
What if there God didn't exist? What if he did?
(Have I covered all the major ones?)
Oops, nope, missed one or two.
What if there WERE weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
What if George W. Bush really WAS a monkey?
[ May 18, 2004, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Kasie H ]
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
I dunno if I could make an interesting story out of those. At least not one other 17yr olds would listen to. ha.
Posted by Ben (Member # 6117) on :
What if the youth of america gave a damn?
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Haha, I knew that was coming...
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
What if you didn't know that was comeing?
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
That's an ancient chinese secret
Posted by Pixie (Member # 4043) on :
*The following post may be considered as venting and, thus, is not to be taken seriously. Doing so may result in the following unpleasant side effects...*
What if you hadn't picked a username with spaces between the letters?
What if you weren't a newbie?
What if you did this on your own?
...What if I wasn't being horribly rude at the moment?
No offense, hun, but if I ever had "nothing-else-to-do" I would be out there doing something!
This is way to much of a BS-and-busywork assignment to worry about it. Pick something, write about it, and turn it in. Better yet, pick something you yourself are interested in rather than something "other 17 year olds would listen to". If you're going to have a dumb assignment, you may as well have fun with it. That and... honestly, there are way too many options on this one! It could be a GREAT experience if you choose to make it one so why not go wild?
"nothing else to do" ::Grumbles:: ...regular tests and quizzes, two major projects due every week for the next month, IB exams, state exams, course exams, extended essay and CAS deadlines, secretary work... ::grumbles::
*End venting.*
Sorry, darius, I'm not normally like that, honest. Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
What if Saddam was still in power?
What if Clinton had done something about Al-Queda after the first World Trade Center bombing?
Wow, it's easy to make one-sided political statements in this format, isn't it?
Dagonee Edit: For people giving him grief about doing his own homework, the assignment is to write about somebody else's what if.
[ May 18, 2004, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: Dagonee ]
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Hehe, thanks pixie, I'm glad I could be of service as someone to be vented upon. Anywho, like you said, this is an assignment meant to be enjoyed and thats what I'm doing. I didnt come to hatrack in a panic to get and idea, I just thought it'd be an interesting subject. And just so you all know I found a subject. What if Aliens were invading earth. Eh? good no? can't go wrong with aliens.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Make the aliens really really tiny.
Tiny things are scary.
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
Yes and it has never been thought of before.
(admittedly I would likely do something like that, or involving vampires, so I'm not one to speak on originality)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
What if people used the subjunctive properly?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
W h a t i f y o u p u t s p a c e s i n b e t w e e n e v e r y t h i n g ?
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Well, original or not it will get me a grade. She's not expecting an epic novel here. It's a 2 page double spaced short story that's supposed to get us using creative writing. But yeah, if this was supposed to be something special I proabably wouldnt base it off aliens invading. I'm no Orson Scott Card haha.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
What if the world really DID revolve around me?
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
What if people cared about the subjunctive?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Two pages? That's it?
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
What if blacwolve and rivka posted almost the same thing?
Posted by Kasie H (Member # 2120) on :
(Psst, Dag -- if you were talking to me, all I was trying to do was get the major Hatrack arguments in a nutshell, I promise I wasn't trying to take a political stand.)
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
blacwolve, if people cared about the subjunctive, English would regain nuances of meaning that it has sadly lost. Considering how much miscommunication there is -- both deliberate and accidental -- I rather consider that a good thing.
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Would you lay off my name already!?!?! Darius was taken and It's always been my...alias if you will(ha, that word just sounds so cool) and I'm not gonna change it! So I came up with the whole spaces thing. So if you got a problem you can go...do something you dont wanna do I dunno, I'm too tired and my creative juices have been used up trying to think of a plot to my story. Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
What if your nose was on upside down? What if people really cared about other people? What if you couldn't tell the difference between a human being and AI? What if Hatrack didn't exist? What if grass grew purple? What if earth had 7 moons? What if money didn't matter? What if gravity were reversed? What if we could control the weather? What if you knew what you were going to do with your entire life before you did it? What if love were something that were found easily? What if you won the lottery? What if all your family were to die right now? What if you were alone on the earth? What if you aren't real? What if I am not real? What if you could give life? What if the sun never set? What if someone else were in your mind? What if you couldn't experience pain?
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Yuu know what zevlag? You just gave me about 309205765362 ideas. Too bad I already started my story haha. Dang, alot of those had some really good potential.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
Rivka, you consider the loss of the subjunctive a good thing? Or miscommunication?
Oh, sorry—your pronoun has no antecedent. Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
What if you're all figments of my imagination?
What if you're all figs?
What if the quote really is "in one foul swoop"?
Posted by Marek (Member # 5404) on :
What if I knew what subjuntive meant?
What if I got off my lazy hide and went to look it up?
What if I stop asking these queastions and go do that?
the world may never know Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
queastion n - a nausea inducing question.
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Wow I feel better already pixie, thanks. And don't worry my sister is a hatrack vet and she warned me about this, said people are really mean to new people. So far so good though I'd say, I'm not really getting defensive about anything though dont worry, all in good fun. I look forward to meeting you all and exploiting your weaknesses. Oops. I say type that last part out loud? I lose more friends that way...
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Did your sister give you a list of the really mean people?
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Ooh, or the infamous black list?
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
hmm and i'll probably lose more friends if I dont start proofreading my posts haha. No she didnt, is there one?
Posted by Anthro (Member # 6087) on :
Pixie, m'dear, you're a fellow IB masochist?
(By the logic anyone who would enter and stay in IB is a masochist).
[ May 18, 2004, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Anthro ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
imogen, I was trying to work it in quietly. These things require subtlty! Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
Deleted cuz I came back too late to complete my writing&posting before my answers became total nonsequiters irony-wise.
[ May 18, 2004, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: aspectre ]
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Sorry Dagonee. I thought go in quick, catch them off balance... Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Ahhh. Competing cross-x strategies...
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Good jatraquero, bad jatraquero?
Posted by cochick (Member # 6167) on :
Shouldn't that be bad jatraquero and even worse jatraquero?
EDIT: sorry forgot my punctuation
[ May 18, 2004, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: cochick ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
What if there was a Hatrack Blacklist?
What if Bob the Lawyer was on it?
What if Bob the Lawyer were on a blacklist because he was a hate machine?
I'm sure we all see where this is going...
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Or bad jatraquero, evil jatraquero. But then we would have to call ceila in.
Posted by Ayelar (Member # 183) on :
:: rummages around in closet ::
:: finds old IB diploma crumpled under some socks ::
:: smooths wrinkled paper into airplane, flies it at Pixie and Anthro ::
College will seem like a breeze, believe me. Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
What if the Hatrack River Forum was populated with the meanest people on the internet? What if Orson Scott Card's writing attracts mean people? Or worse yet, what if his writing makes people mean?
dun dun dun Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
quote: Oh, sorry—your pronoun has no antecedent.
Oops. See what happens when I only have a few minutes to Hatrack, and try to read as many threads as possible while simultaneously helping kids select library books?
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
quote:And don't worry my sister is a hatrack vet and she warned me about this, said people are really mean to new people.
I'm starting to believe that the people who visit Hatrack have never been anywhere else on the internet.
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
There's other places?
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I'm pretty sure that's about it though.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
The witness is being non-responsive.
"Answer the question, Claire!"
Posted by Lara (Member # 132) on :
Dallin! *hits little brother with subtlety stick*
He didn't need a list, I just told him to post and figure it out for himself Posted by cochick (Member # 6167) on :
quote: And don't worry my sister is a hatrack vet
Hey are you saying that jatraqueros are a bunch of animals.
Or is the plural jatraqueri ???
[ May 19, 2004, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: cochick ]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
quote:And don't worry my sister is a hatrack vet
A Hatrack vet? You mean there was a war here and I missed it?
Posted by Telperion the Silver (Member # 6074) on :
What if our taste buds were on our hands?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Ewwwwwww. There'd be a lot more fights about who has to take out the garbage.
Posted by Pixie (Member # 4043) on :
...IF I survive my senior year.
'Nice to know I'm not alone though.
"Masochist" lol. So true.
Actually, I've been battling with myself recently over whether to stay in IB or not for that very reason. I guess that in the end I will finish it out simply because I've come this far already. But I'll still say this much: I can't wait until it's over! Posted by Anthro (Member # 6087) on :
quote: College will seem like a breeze, believe me.
Really? Thank God. Was it easier applying, with an IB diploma?
*snatched Ayelar's diploma airplane out of the air. Scratches out name and replaces it with own. Starts looking through West Point brochures*
[ May 19, 2004, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: Anthro ]
Posted by Anthro (Member # 6087) on :
BTW D A R I U S, I'm one of the evil ones, This is my sweet side. My nonsweet psycho stalker side is making threatening phone calls to your house right now.
Posted by Lara (Member # 132) on :
What is an IB diploma?
Posted by Lara (Member # 132) on :
And what's a Jatraquero?
Posted by Polio (Member # 6479) on :
Lara, look here for everything you've ever needed to know. Such as what a jatraquero is. Now, onto my "what if"... What if you came to Canada like Xavier ISN'T and a caribou ate you? What if the cannibals up north who eat raw seal and drink Santa's elves' blood eat you too? What if you followed Xavier wherever he's going and ate him? What if you never get a decent question for this essay?
Posted by Ayelar (Member # 183) on :
IB doesn't make much of a difference at all for colleges in the US. Few even recognize it, and those that do seem to place it a little lower than AP in terms of credit equivalencies. I breezed through the only AP test I took, and it was enough to earn me 4 free credits here, but the IB tests I slaved over and passed, but didn't get perfect scores on got me nothing. Even though they were 10x harder. Oh well.
However, I did end up with a far more comprehensive education than most of my classmates. I had a killer IB English teacher my senior year of high school, and that alone carried me through all four years of college. Knowing how to write a good paper, even though I loathed that class while I was in it, has helped me enormously.
But yeah, the diploma is crap. Unless I decide to enroll somewhere in Switzerland or something. *shrug*
Posted by D a r i u s (Member # 6551) on :
Thanks polio, that cleared a few things up. oh, and incase you guys havent picked up on this yet, the brother lara keeps referring to is me. Posted by Lara (Member # 132) on :
What is IB, though? Is it like a world-wide AP program?
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
Lara - it's the International Baccalaureate.
quote: The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is an internationally recognized curriculum that offers 11th and 12th grade students an opportunity to earn the IB diploma. To earn the IB diploma, students complete and test in six IB subjects; write an extended essay of independent research guided by a faculty mentor, complete 150 hours of creative, action, and service activities (CAS); and participate in a critical thinking course called Theory of Knowledge. This advanced, comprehensive program of study offers an integrated approach to learning across the disciplines with an emphasis on meeting the challenges of living and working in a global, technological society.