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Posted by Magson (Member # 2300) on :
Edit again. . . darn. The links just go to the Dialectizer page anyway. Weird. Oh well. I'm sure you can figure out how to use it.

Elmer Fudd
Swedish Chef
Igpay Atinlay (Pig Latin)
1337 Sp33k

Brought to you by The Dialectizer -- works with any site. in Swedish Chef is priceless!

Edit that darn UBB code.

[ May 12, 2004, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Magson ]
Posted by Stan the man (Member # 6249) on :
Zee Hetreck Reefer Furoom

Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Holy crap, I don't remember laughing this hard in a long time. I think I may have hurt a couple unimportant internal organs.
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Reading them aloud kills me.


Oh, man.
Posted by St. Yogi (Member # 5974) on :
Hollywood so offen puts th' wrong varmints in th' wrong roles. But th' Castin' Broad is happy t'he'p them git it right..

Hollywood so's often puts de wrong sucka's in de wrong roles. But da damn Castin' Broad be happy t'help dem dig it right. Man!.

Hollywood so often puts the wrong blokes in the wrong roles. But the chuffin' Castin' Broad is 'appy ter help them cop it right..

Elmer Fudd:
Howwywood so often puts the wwong peopwe in the wwong wowes. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! But the Casting Bwoad is happy to hewp them get it wight..

Swedish Chef:
Hullyvuud su oofftee poots zee vrung peuple-a in zee vrung rules. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Boot zee Cesteeng Brued is heppy tu help zeem get it reeght. Um de hur de hur de hur..

Hollywood so often puts the, uh, the wrong peoble in the, uh, the wrong roles. But de Castigg Broad is happy t' help dem get it rite..

Pig Latin:
Ollywoodhay osay oftenyay utspay ethay ongwray eoplepay inyay ethay ongwray olesray. Utbay ethay Astingcay Oadbray isyay appyhay otay elphay emthay etgay ityay ightray..

ho7ylwood so ofgten puts teh wrong doodz in the wrong r0les!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 but the casting broad is happy to ehlp th3m get ir rgiht. !!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~

[Big Grin]
Posted by CaySedai (Member # 6459) on :
thank you Magson! that is quite a way to lift my spirits! [Wink]
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
a qqu3siton ab0ut chriStuians!?!???!?!? lololol

Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
On one rabbi darid to expeck of us such a pehfeck balass dat webuh cudd presehbe de law 'n still f'gibe the, uhhh, debiashun. So, of cusse, uh uh uh, webuh killid him.

Speakeh f' de Dead
Submittid by Dgoe Rybicki

Posted by cochick (Member # 6167) on :
I love Elmer Fudd

Watest Weweases
Uncwe Owson's Wwiting Cwass
Anawyzing things was fine, but good wefwexes couwd save youw wife.

Endew's Shadow

"Dis emotion I'm feewing now, this is wove, wight?"
"I don't know. Is it a wonging? Is it a giddy stupid happiness just because you'we wif me?"
"Yes," she said.
"Dat's infwuenza," said Miwo. "Watch fow nausea ow diawwhea within a few houws. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! "

Chiwdwen of the Mind

Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Shet mah mouth!com/ubb/cgi/ultimatebb. Well bust mah britches an' call me streaker.cgi
And I love how OSC's most recent column is on Bad Punctuation.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Seegn up noo!

Posted by Emp (Member # 5955) on :

yoUre truSt in rationlaiyt makesd ypou irratio|\|Al!!!!!!!!!!~~
ch1ldren of th3 miNd
Submitted by j4coB protart

Posted by MidnightBlue (Member # 6146) on :
Well, I'm yo' man. 'S coo', bro. I'm de bloody bastard ya' wants'ed when ya' had me spawned. I'm yo' tool, and whut difference duz it make if ah' hate da damn part uh me dat ya' most need? Whut difference duz it make dat when de little serpentswasted me in de game, ah' agreed wid dem, and wuz glad.

Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Blokes from similar cultures should 'ave names that reflect that; from different cultures, the bloomin' namin' should show the difference. Sometimes, just the ffought, "Does this character have ter come from the bloomin' longtime a septic tank namin' tradition?" can open up a story or a character. 'avin' the occasional Abdul, right, Kassarian, right, Amijan, Pok Cho, or Nkule can give yer blokes 'oose 'istory becomes important. Also, wen given unusual names, a character will 'ave feelings about them names - and it will tell us sumfink about the bloomin' parents. A sixty-year-old cow named Melanie Scarlett can say, "I were born right after me muvver wept frough 'er fird readin' of Gone wiv the Wind." To wich the answer could be, "Thank God Aunt Pittipat weren't 'er favorite character."

Taken from the March 5th Writing Class.


Warner Bruvvers also recently announced that it 'as made a deal for director Wolfgang Petersen ter brin' Ender's Game ter the big James Dean.
That is classic.

[ May 12, 2004, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by alath (Member # 6150) on :
That's absolutely great!

In the 'whut is he writin' now?' thread:

Narnia says
ah jest preo'dered Rachel an' Leah! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! ah's glad t'knows thet it's a-comin' out soon, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
When the Dialecticizer was mentioned on my other forum, we had fun with multiple iterations -- putting something through Elmer, then the Swedish Chef, then Redneck, for example.

Great fun. [Big Grin]
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Movie Update - February 10, 2004
X-Men 2 Writers Signed for the Ender James Deanplay
Variety Magazine announced on 10 February that Dan 'arris and Michael Dougherty, the writin' team that created the X-Men 2 James Deanplay, right, have been hired by Warner Bruvvers ter write the chuffin' second draft of the Ender's Game James Deanplay.

Harris and Dougherty 'ave already been in contact wiv Orson Scott Card, right, ffe auffor of boff Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow, boff of wich 'ave been optioned by Warner Bruvvers as the chuffin' basis for the Ender's Game movie. Card wrote the first draft of the chuffin' James Deanplay based on boff books.

"Dan and Mike know 'ow ter create a terrific action film that entertains the audience evry mument," said Card. "And Mae West of all, ffeir scripts cop made, and made well. The chance of an excellent version of Ender's Game actually gettin' on the James Dean just increased dramatically because they signed on."

Harris already knew Ender's Game well; Dougherty only read it in preparation for this assignment. "That's an ideal combination," said Card. "One of the team is absolutely familiar wiv the elements of the bloomin' story that the bloody most committed fans will expect ter see, wile the bleedin' uvver will be able ter make sure it ain't just a movie for blokes 'oo already luv the chuffin' book."

Still, Card warns, "No matter 'oo writes the script, right, there are only an 'undred and twenty pages available ter tell a story that took more than five times that many ter tell in novel form. Tryin' ter include evryfink would make a lousy movie. Sumfink is gonna cop left out."

Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Lalo's landmark. Beautiful.

... you are lame i own kjoo .. .. LOLLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!1 goodbye, eden!!!!!!~ cuz YOU ArE LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ ~~~~~ LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLO~

MI UNHAPPY WITH LIFE, AS IVE KNOW|\| FOR SOM3 TINME N0W!!!!!1 what i dont kn0w s1 why I OWN J00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 why The **** am ui so discontentED \\\\////\\\\////ith my 3xisTence??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? AT NO TIME IN H1STORY CIOULD I HAVE IT E4SEIRF i have an esay job, a Relaxedl Ife, as stress-free as i cou7d want -- where does this ennu is;pill fro/\/\??????????? what the hell dio i want t0 do withj ym life?!?!?!??!? comd 2 my ftp i kno2 i want tow rite, but what have i to wirte about?!?!? ive learned njo lif lesSons worth knowing i lov3 melvlilE, but truth be told, that haX0rz Formula brly ranG true with him, a|\|d god knows hes hAd much mor3 wxpareince with k1f3 than i h4ve OOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~

etc, etc.

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