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Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I have had all kinds of injuries and illnesses in my life. I had endometriosis that kept me in daily pain for almost nine years. I've had five different surgeries. I've pulled muscles, sprained ankles (and then re-sprained them), torn cartilege in my knee, and suffered migraines.

I'd take any of them over a broken toe.

I broke the toe next to my big toe (the index toe?) yesterday. I don't know for sure if it's broken, but based on the swelling and the somewhat misshapen appearance and the pain, it's a good bet. I've broken the little toe before, but this one hurts even worse than that did.

Why do your appendages hurt so darn much when injured? I mean, this is worse than almost anything else I can remember. And I have a good memory for pain.

I've got it elevated, taped, and I've taken some Vioxx left over from my ankle injury. And it still hurts. [Frown]

The only thing I can remember being worse was the time a doctor had to remove my toenail. That hurt a lot too. I just don't have luck with my toes, I suppose.

Kay. Done whinging.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Ouch! [Frown]
Posted by tt&t (Member # 5600) on :
Owie! Even thinking about it makes me shudder. [Angst]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I think it hurts more when you injure little apendages because they have more nerve endings than other parts on your body - your fingers and toes are very sensative.

I'm sorry your toe is broken - that can't be any fun! [Frown]

[ April 14, 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: ludosti ]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Yow! How did you break it?

I've broken my little toe before--threw somebody onto it in Aikido practice years ago--and it was no fun.

Kidney stones are the worst pain I've ever endured though. The pain from that dwarfed anything else I'd ever expereinced. Not knowing what the problem was compounded that one though.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :

Who did you kick?

Was it Bob? He made a Belle A Goes Sea pun in one of the pun threads. I warned him you wouldn't like it.
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
I've broken two toes (maybe three, I dunno) when I was in middle school. It only hurt for me about up to a few hours afterwards. Then they got really purple and swelled up to look like miniature sausages or something. It was very strange.
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
I broke and rebroke my pinky toe several times in high school. I don't think it was as bad as yours, though, because it didn't swell up too much.
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
I was cleaning up. So I used this as evidence as to why we need to hire a housekeeper, I'm obviously a danger to myself when cleaning! [Razz]

So, my arms were full of dirty clothes on the way to the laundry room, and my foot got caught in one of the kids' sandals on the floor. My toe slipped under the toe strap, I tripped, and my foot and body went one way while the trapped toe stayed stationary, and most of my weight carried over on that toe, which was bent completely get the picture?

I would bet good money it's broken, it's definitely misshapen. I do not wish to go for an x-ray however, because there is really no point. They can't cast it, they'll just tape it like I've already done.
Posted by Jim-Me (Member # 6426) on :
heal up soon, ma'am!
Posted by Book (Member # 5500) on :
Yeah, not really much you can do for a broken toe except tape it or lop it off.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I'm so sorry! The fact that you would take endometriosis above this speaks volumes to me. I broke my little toe once, not a major fracture, it was kinda spiral. I was practicing Aikido at the time, and my little toe got stuck between two mats while my partner was throwing me. I got thrown, and my toe stayed behind. [Smile] Ouch.

Then a couple weeks later, I let my parents talk me into going to some of Education Week on BYU campus. (They were out visiting us in order to attend themselves.) I got around on my crutches. But then, one of the days, my father dropped me off and forgot to pick me up! I only had enough change for one phone call to home and no one was there! I walked home about three miles with a broken toe. That was NOT fun. I was pretty ticked off too.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Aikido is not kind to the pinky toe.

It's official.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Gaaah, Belle, that doesn't sound like any fun at all! I was grimacing the whole time I read your post.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
*winces* I dropped a wooden shelf on my "index toe" and actually went into shock. I feel your pain. The sucky thing about breaking a toe, too, is that you can't walk normally for a LONG time!

Of course, I was telling my story to an elderly coworker who laughed and said she broke her toe but couldn't be inconvenienced and so she just realigned it and shoved it into her stocking and went on with life. I can't imagine her determination or tolerance for pain.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Poor Belle. Owie!
Posted by Belle (Member # 2314) on :
Some people can just take pain better than most, I guess.

My eldest daughter has an abnormal tolerance for pian. She had an ear infection, and the eardrum ruptured before she came to me and told me about it. I bet she wouldn't have mentioned it except for the pus and blood coming out of her ear.

She said it only hurt a little, and she didn't want to miss any school, so she didn't tell me about it.

My doctor almost fell out of his chair when he asked her if it hurt and she just shrugged and said "not really."
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I was like your daughter, Belle. My mom said that she learned when I was young to take me to the doctor immediately if I ever mentioned my ear hurt, because whenever that happened, it was at the point of bursting. [Smile]
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :
I broke my pinky toe once several years ago (at least, I assumed it was broken from the pain, swelling, and bruising, just like you). Holy crap, did it hurt! It was New Year's Eve, so I had already stayed up till one or two in the morning, I think. The toe kept me up the rest of the night because every time I bumped it at all, it was agony. I feel (well, felt, actually) your pain, Belle.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
My toe is aching just from reading your post.

On my first day of a new exercise program last year, I stubbed my pinky toe on my five pound weight, at full speed. I was struck numb with pain, if that makes ANY sense at all. I could not speak, I did not cry out, I did not even whimper. It was beyond that.

I could hardly walk for a month.

Ouch, Belle!
Posted by J T Stryker (Member # 6300) on :
Broken toes are the worse. Speaking as an ex-wrestler, I can safely say that there is no pain like breaking your big toe. You see, I’ve wrestled with stress fractures, broken bones, I even cut a cast off my arm 4 days after it was put on so I could practice for state. But breaking my big toe ended my wrestling career. You see, I broke it during a wrestling match (toes aren't real solid handles). I then benched my self for 2 whole weeks (that’s allot of valuable mat time). I then started wrestling on it again (most painful thing in my life). So I tried to just ignore the pain. Well, that cause me to develop turf toe (turf toe is when a sack full of stuff that is supposed to act as cushioning bursts, the results are very similar to severe arthritis.) so here I sit, with no hope of ever having a collegian wrestling career, due to breaking my big toe. [Cry]

Take care of your toe, cause it will hurt for a long time
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :

(answering post title rather than recent thread content)

I think our appendages were designed to feel. Therefore, they are our most sensitive harbingers of open roads and painful recoilings from obtrusive barbs. (don't pee on the electric fence).

Long before "your door is ajar" warnings.

Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*whimper* YEOW!!!

(((((Belle))))) Hope it feels better REALLY soon! Broken toes HURT!!! And your description of how you broke it-- well, I should have just not read it. [Eek!]

OWowOWowOW!!! [Angst]
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
I thought I broke my "index" toe about 6 years ago. It swelled up, turned all kinds of pretty colors and hurt really bad. Over the last year, that same area has been a constant problem. I am currently seeing a podiatrist to figure out what's wrong because, after x-rays, there is no evidence that it was actually broken. Talk about frustrating.

Keep track of the healing process, Belle, and if it doesn't seem to return to normal, don't wait to find out what the problem is. And good luck.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
My toes are hurting just thinking about it! I hope you heal quickly and without any complications. In the meantime, you now have a good excuse to stay off your feet as much as possible!
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
Can someone direct me to the nice poem that was posted last night? I'd like to read it again, but I'm having a bit of difficulty navigating the avalanche of posts to find it.

Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
*ouch* Belle!

In the last 2 years I've broken the main bone in my arm and the little bone in my foot. The foot hurt WAY more.

The pain probably wasn't helped by the fact it wasn't diagnosed as broken until 3 months in (the perils of having a doctor as a mother)... but still, it was agonising.

*ouch* *ouch* *ouch* I'm getting sympathy pain just reading your post!

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