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Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Anyone here in the beta, or has already pre-ordered in order to enter the beta on Wednesday? This game looks interesting (I like superheroes!), so I submitted and pre-ordered it from Best Buy to get a beta key for 10 bucks (all of which goes toward the final release scheduled for 4/28).

Anyway, I like the concept of MMORPGs, and CoH's in particular. However, I find that I get bored over time if I don't have a group to play with every once and a while. Compounding this is the fact that I can't devote any meaningful portion of my life to this game (you know, 5 hours A NIGHT, like some people may have), so I tend to fall behind. However, if there was a group of like-minded Jatraqueros that are already interested/pre-ordered, perhaps we could group up in the beta?


Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Let me check it out, I might (read probably) be interested.....and I work next to a Best Buy....

[Big Grin]

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I haven't looked at the website for this game for about a year, I bet it's changed a lot since then.

That said, I thought it did look fun... but I don't know if I'd be able to live with myself if I ever started playing a MMORPG.

I'll have to think about it. Having a group to play with would certianly be a perk. Provided you're all on Eastern Time [Wink]
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
My brother is in beta and can't stop raving about it.

I, however, am trying to wean myself off of mmorpgs so I can get things done. [Smile]
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I just signed up for the Beta not an hour before this thread was made.

I doubt I will get in though.

And even if I do, I am going to be starting the World of Warcraft Beta soon (word is maybe Wednesday). Not sure anyone should be lucky enough to get into two awesome Beta's [Smile] .

Let me know how it is, cause the game certainly looks interesting, considering I was obsessed with superheros when I was a kid.

I even invented some of my own.

The problem is that when looking at the creation system, its not THAT wide open, to recreate the guys I made way back when.

Still, looks fun.
Posted by T. Analog Kid (Member # 381) on :
It looks interesting, but I just *can't* invest the time...

now, if you guys want to put together a Cstrike Clan or play some co-op Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe or Hidden and Dangerous 2, let me know...

[ April 05, 2004, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: T. Analog Kid ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm on Eastern Time [Smile]

Also, if you preo-order for 5-10 bucks, by Wed., you will get a CD key (it is on the "pre-order box", which includes some screenshots and a short comic based in the CoH universe), and if you register the key, you should get in to the beta automagically.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I can't do it. I just can't let myself get sucked into another one...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Well, I will say that I am looking for more casual type gamers to hang with. If anyone is thinking about putting in more than 10 hrs/week into the game, I am going to be left in the dust [Smile]

Also, this game is a PvE (no PvP) game. There's little loot, only powerups and running missions for the citizens of Paragon City. It seems like an ideal casual player's setting. Missions are ramped up depending on the numbers and strength of an adventuring group.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
They are also advertising a "sidekick" system, where a much lower level character joins with a much stonger character, and fights at the stronger character's level, so long as they are near each other. The sidekick still gets experience appropriate to their level, but they can at least join in some high level fun on occassion.

Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
d00d. I played their e3 build last year. I seriously spent an hour at the machine, remaking a character that I used to sketch on my notes during French class in high school. People in line behind me were annoyed, but I didn't care, because I was having so much darn fun [Smile]

I have no idea if the gameplay is any good at all. But I'm buying it for the character generator.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
So I take it you are in? Are you going to pre-order to get in on the beta, or not?

Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Didn't know you could! I'll have to look into it.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Looks like you had to pre-order before November 1st to qualify. Beyond that, it's luck of the draw ...
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
And yet, EBGames says otherwise. Weird. I don't know what to believe.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Okay, to sum up ...

NCSoft says on the official website that the way to get into the Beta is to sign up and take the luck of the draw.

EBGames is promoting a preorder that gets you into the beta with a "three-day head start" on the game. So, I guess you get to start playing on the 24th or so.

Don't know if it's really that great a deal, honestly [Smile]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Every major retailer (Best Buy, EB, Gamestop) is selling demo disks in-store that are 10 bucks towards a preorder. If you register before Wednesday with the CD-key, I believe you are automatically entered in the beta when it opens to all pre-orders on Wed. If you don't want to pre-order, you can register for a drawing to get in for free a week from Wed., and then the servers reset for launch 3-days early, which all the beta testers will get to play on to get a little advantage.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'm working tommorrow, so I'll check it out then and get back to you.

With that "sidekick" part, you should be able to hang in there with most people, anyway. I do tend to get lost in new games at first, but I would prefer to do this with a group...

if I do it at all... [Smile]
Posted by fil (Member # 5079) on :
If this goes like all other MMORPG launches, isn't the first year or three open beta testing?? Yeah, I am looking at your "Galaxies!" [Big Grin]

I am jealous. I know this is off topic a bit, but is there any way to really enjoy these games if you don't invest hours upon hours a week to keep up?

I tried Everquest a long way back and hated it. It was repeatitive and no story was there to follow. And anyone I met was levels beyond me if I didn't log back in for a few days.

I liked Asherton's Call initially due to its odd pyramid scheme, oddly enough. It also had a storyline in progress and I did some actual roleplaying but again, unless one spent hours per night on it, the payoff wasn't there if one wanted to keep up with anyone you meet (unless they are just as sporadic).

I find the only online gaming I can do is Battlefield 1942 and its ilk due to no time is still there when I come back and while some folks improve beyond me, I am still good enough to keep up with most experts and have a blast. If roleplaying, I tend towards Neverwinter Nights which has set modules and I work to find players to meet at set times.

Ugh. Anyway, best of luck. I look forward to hearing if it is worth it enough to get instead of Freedom Force 2 (not likely).


Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Well, from the sounds of it, most people here (myself included) can't spend a lot of time in the game, and therefore we could organize things accordingly. If I knew I had a certain night or afternoon where I could be sure someone was in game, I'd be more likely to play. But I can't commit to much more than that (at least, that's the way history has born me out).

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm in the beta! A day early even!

Now I have to let the computer download 725 MB! I'll let all know how it is tomorrow night or Thursday morning.

Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
I would try to get into the beta but if i got in it would take (a week)weeks to download [Grumble]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
I just finished downloading the client! I'll get into the game now, but if anyone wants to meet up on another server, let me know! I can't guarantee that I'll have time at the right hour to pull off a meeting, but it might be fun to try [Smile]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
If you two both have favorable things to say about this I might go out and get it at the end of the month when the retail version hits the shelves. Like Bok, I'd probably only be able to play once a week, but I'd get a kick out of Monday night Manhunts or something along those lines.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Hmmm. I might be able to be convinced to join a fairly regular manhunt group. It would mean giving up EQ though, so I'll have to consider this...
Posted by AeroB1033 (Member # 6375) on :
MMORPGs of any kind screw up my life too much for me to play them. They're so addictive and so much fun that I find it hard to want to do anything that's actually productive... and when I think about the big picture, blowing as much time as I would on MMORPGs just seems ridiculous.

I somehow managed to quit Everquest, I don't think I should start up on another one [Wink]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm logging on, on the 'J' server (not being specific in case there's a beta NDA). Look for Halcyon.

Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
I think my bf and I are going to play when it comes out. I always seem to hate games I beta.

Though I applied for the Liniege II beta.. but they never got back to me. (it was supposed to be open.) and I'm not going to go buy one of those pre-order boxes to get in after I already downloaded the whole gigabyte game.

Anyway, once CoH is released, let me know what server everyone is one =)
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Hey, I bought it tonight.....but I forgot to youneed a credit card to play? I don't have one, I cut up my mastercard two or three months ago....

I'm logging on now, so let me know how it is ASAP, OK?

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Okay, so I may be Halcyon, or I may be Quiescence. Look for me [Smile]

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I just pre-registered, but I haven't gotten an invite does it look? No details, wouldn't want to violate the

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :

still waiting....
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Looks nice. Lost of character customization.

I am logging on to the 'P' server now, character name Quiescence.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I never did get in, so I'll try tommorrow....

I still think I need a credit card for the launch, if not for the beta....

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Kwea, you'll need at some point after launch, probably before your free month is up.

EDIT: I also think if you go to EB or Best Buy or wherever, you can buy playtime cards that have a code that adds to your play time.


[ April 08, 2004, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
I've got so many characters now, I don't know what to do with them all. MAKING them is really the best part [Smile]

I've got an Idaho farmgirl who was exposed to radiation, named Rae Dawn.

I've got a little ape in motley named Jackanapes.

I've got a gigantic missionary named The Mormonator. (I hope one day to turn him into The Mighty Mormonator.) He's got a dark suit, a big grin, and an M on his chest. And the potential for mind-control powers.

My producer played around with my account and made a giant sumo wrestler in a black suit jacket and what looked like a garter belt. Named him Darryl.

I could just make these characters all day.

[ April 08, 2004, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: A Rat Named Dog ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'm in, but I still need to download the beta, so I'll do that tonight.

I won't be able to play until monday or tuesday though....I'm going to play in a pool tournament tonight! Maybe tommorrow during the day I can mess with it a bit.....

What night do you all want to get together? This weekend is Easter, so I can't, but Mon and Wed nights are good for me....

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, now I'm pissed.

I waited all night to get in, and when I got up there was the invite in my

So I get home, and following their instructions to the letter, I waste 45 min getting all set up.....only to have their damn server go down!

So I STILL am waiting....not a good start, if they truly want me as a customer. If I pay for something I BETTER DAMN WELL BE ABLE TO ACCESS IT!!!!

I'll try again later tonight, or even better tommorrow morning....and if I can't get in, then I'll return it to Best Buy, and they can keep their freaking game....

Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Its a beta Kwea.

They need to take the server down sometimes to make changes and fix bugs or things.

See, its not a demo.

As a beta player you are there not to enjoy yourself, but to report bugs and help play-test the game.

This is an unfinished version of the game. The whole point is that these weeks are used to get the game into retail shape.

Not to make you happy. And not to get you to buy the game when it comes out.

Oh and you didn't pay for it. You paid for the version that will ship later in the month (or whenever). The beta access was for rewarding those who will buy the game before it is released. You aren't paying for the beta. People pre-order games all the time.

[ April 08, 2004, 06:33 PM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Well, beta or not, I should be able to at least access the web page they refer me to....that's not a beta.....

I understand about betas, I just have a problem about shoddy work...not on the game itself, which i understand is unfinished, but on the companys web site. THAT'S what I couldn't access....not the game, but the entire SITE that I was to get the beta from.....
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Kwea, even once this thing goes live, I can almost guarantee the servers will be coming down fairly frequently, at least for the first couple months or so. It's all part of the mmorpg experience. [Smile]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Kwea, I had no problem accessing the site last night... Maybe the download was slow because they had a few thousand people hitting it at once. But I got into the beta board with no problems.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Now I am downloading the Beta, but it says that it will take 40 hours....gotta love dial-up.....

plus AOL disconnects me if I am idle for 90 min , so I can't just leave it on while I am @ work......

I might just pass on this, unless I can figure out a way to speed this up....

Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
If you do pass, can I get your key? [Wink]

But like someone said on the other thread, if you have a friend with broadband, they can download it for you and give you the disk with the info on it.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Kwea, where in MA are you? If you are close, I could burn a disk copy of my beta and get it to you. I'm in Boston.

Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
So, who are you guys playing right now? I'm still trying to settle on my favorite among the dozen or so characters I've made. This morning, I was a big, gooey yellow guy named The Snot Monster. And I just saw my third Santa Claus ... maybe I'll make a better one myself ...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I've added your listed characters to my friends list, Geoff. My only character right now is an Energy/Elec Blaster (lvl 2) named Quiescence. I am also creating a stone/stone Tanker called Abom In Abul, a mutant raised by a secretive cult in the Himalayas [Smile]

I am on Prime, with my play time from 8-11pm Eastern Time (though not necessarily contiguously).

Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Hard to predict my play time, but it's usually pretty late, unfortunately. My favorite character to play, actually, is my first — Zob Monteith, an experimental cybernetic supersoldier who went awry and WHOOPS became undead and mad about it. He's a Blaster with an auto rifle and devices.

I used to sketch him a lot in high school, so it was fun to make him in the game ... though I might have done a better job of it if it hadn't been my first attempt [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Bok: I am going to my parents this weekend, so I'll do it there. Thanks for the offer though!

BTW, I live in the western half, right next to it would have been a bit of a trip....but maybe we can have a NE picnic later this summer.....we'll see....

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Figures....I am not going to get this. Ever.

I went to download the beta @ my parents house, and their server was down again. Then I realized that I needed the web address, which is in my e-mail, and my parents don't have AOL.

So by the time I found the AOL site, and then loaded AOL, and THEN found out how to access my account, I finally got in and got the site link.....and it was 10:05pm.

Just in time for the site to close (@10pm)for the weekend...

[Wall Bash] [Wall Bash] [Wall Bash] [Wall Bash]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Just for the double whammy, I was in Amherst this weekend, and probably could have found a way (or it certainly would have been easier for us to meet somewhere in Amherst). Sorry you had no luck though! I would recommend getting a macro program that will let you click on something in AOL to keep your connection alive.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Bok: Could you make me a copy of the beta? I really want to play it, but I'm not going to wait 42 hours for it to download!

My friend Jack has hi-speed, but I don't know when he will be able to burn me a copy of it, and I really do want to try it now.

And I think I'll see you later tonight, in Boston... [Smile]

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I don't know if I'm meeting up in Boston tonight (stupid work). But I have the CD burnt and in my car. So hopefully it will all work out.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Thaks a lot, even if we don't meet up! I hope you will be able to meet up with us later, even if you can't make dinner.

Mack and Bob have mentioned possibly going to a pub for music, or something; as long as it doesn't turn into a late night.

See you tonight, or on-line later....

Oh, and check out the west/mass picnic site, you don't live THAT far away...if I can come in to Boston for one night, then you should be able to make a day of it this summer, right?

[Big Grin]

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Bok: I am trying to load the disk you gave me, but I am having a problem...go figure, right?

I loaded it to my doc's, but when I run it the game says it can't load me in because I have the wrong game version. I tried to run the patch I had, but it just starts loading the game from the point it stopped.....42 hrs left, and counting.

Any idea how I can get this up and running before the wipe on the 22nd? I want to try this game out, but I seem to be fubar every time I try...


Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Copy the coh directory with the patcher to your c:\ root directory.

Copy everything else (and create an empty logs folder) to 'C:\Program Files\City of Heroes'. Include the spaces.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :

I'm sorry, did I mention I don't know jack about computers?
Where is my root directory? What do i copy, and where do I put it?(lol)

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Your root directory is your c: drive.


EDIT: You have a coh\ folder that holds a bunch of stuff, as well as another coh\ under that.

Wait, lets back up, first, copy everything of the CD to your c: drive (open up my computer, and your CD drive, click and drag the coh folder to your c: drive.

[ April 17, 2004, 12:58 AM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, I'm doing that right now....thanks for the help, BTW....
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Well, it's said 10 sec remaining for 4 min now; I think its' stuck...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
No, windows is just a bad guesser.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK, it what?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
wouldn't this be easier if we were IMing each other? My IM screename is KweaSr....what's yours?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, for the record....IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!

Bok tried to help, and despite the fact that I was clueless, we managed to try every idea he had, to no avail....

Betas sure suck....or so I assume, as I never got in to this one at all... [Mad]

Hey Bok: Could I e-mail the CoH programmers through the CoH board and ask them for a fix? I didn't want to do it without asking, because I didn't know if you were allowed to copy the beta, and I didn't want you to get in trouble...not that they could trace it to you, but...

I did buy my own copy of it, and O have my own beta login, so it might be worth a try, don't you think?

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
There's nothing to fix. Others tried to get them to send CDs, but they refused. Downloading is the only way. The issue is that the updater looks into the Windows Registry (configuration database I told you about) and doesn't see any version of CoH (which it won't since you haven't actually done a proper install). Thus, it starts a fresh download.

Honestly, I'd try downloading from a different service than AOL, try a free trial at earthlink or netzero, and hope it only takes 7-9 hours (overnight).

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Oh wait, I see what you are saying. I don't think they could add the registry settings. Even if they could, they probably wouldn't, even if you showed you were a beta tester.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, well I guess I am shit out of luck....I'll look into the free trial thing....the CoH site said "downloading could take as long as 2 hours.).....yeah, right....

I am either getting DSL or Cable next month, I am still looking into it. My friend Jack has the local DSL for Verizon and he loves it, but cable is only $5 more a month....

Thanks for all your help, even though it didn't work out. I will get the game when it comes out, and go from there. I am looking forward to playing it, and meeting up with you there.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
So I'm in game right now. Look for Quiescence on Virtue. The 3 day headstart for beta folks is on. The game is open to the public this wednesday. It's a lot of fun, and you can play an hour or two at a time and accomplish something.

I'd like to start an RP-lite Hatrack group if possible. Let me know who is interested!

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'll buy my copy tomorrow, Bok. I never got into the game, but they have a record of me in their system as buying the beta, so I'll give it a try.

I'll post tomorrow evening, after dinner. Maybe we could play then, if the Best Buy in my area has of Sat they didn't, and they said to wait until this coming weekend...

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK, I have my copy now, and I am going to buy a time card for this month, so I will be able to play soon. Anyone else? What server should I play on?

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
You don't need a time card for the first month, Kwea.

I'll be getting my copy today hopefully (maybe tomorrow), so I hope to see you (and anyone else!) in game!

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Oh....I feel silly, because I was sooooo disapointed last night when I got home and realized that I didn't but a card that I didn't even install the

Well, I'm going into the game right now, so IM me if you got it today...

See you there, (maybe...I still think I'll manage to screw it up somehow.... [Blushing] )

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Hey Bok, when using a pre-pay card (instead of a credit card) you DO have to buy it get the 1st month free, but not until you purchase the card and use it on your account!

Good thing I have one, or I would probably be breaking this game disk into tiny, tiny pieces by now..... [Mad]

Well, about breaking it into tiny, tiny peices...

I can't get on to the goddamn server. I am beyond pissed off.I have waisted too much time on this already, and I haven't played a damn second of it yet!!!!!!

The login server is down, but there is nothing about it on the boards, and when I click the "server status" button, IT says that all the servers are up and running.....BUT I STILL CAN'T GET ON!!!!!!

[ May 01, 2004, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK, I'm on (I think)....I'll be on Liberty server tonight, for a little while....IM me if you need to find me.

I'll edit this post once I figure out what type of Hero I'm playing, and decide on a name...I'll probably stick with Kwea, just to keep things single...

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Well, I'm on virtue, and had no issues tonight. I'm Quiescence. I'll switch over to Liberty, but what type of player are you playing, so I don't duplicate archetype.

Hopefully I'll play a little tomorrow.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Bok: I created a character on Virtue as well, and went looking for you, but you had just left. I left a e-mail for you in-game...look for it tommorrow.

I think we should coordenate with each other, and start new characters, unless the ones we have now happen to be compatable.
Logan (on Virtue) is at level four, and she is a Magic based Defender/Lightning/Psycic. I have a few defence enhancements that I can't use...they're yours if it helps at all. I am just short of level 5, I think, and I think at 5 I get to pick another distance-based attack, probably lightning bolt.

On Liberty I have Hoarfrost, a Magic based Blaster/Ice/Kinitic. He is still in training mode, so he is only at level 2 or so.

I think you said Quisencence is a Tanker, right? That would make a pretty good mix, I think. I have some healing powers (a power drain and a siphon) as well as an enhanced lightning attack, so we might be able to work with what we have. Now we need either a Scrapper or an empath to team with us, and we would have a pretty good base of abilities to build on.

Rat Named Dog, where are you when we are in our time of need.... [Big Grin]


[ May 02, 2004, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm currently a low-level Tanker with Super-Strength and Invulnerability, called "Cap'n Obvious."
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
TomD, on which server?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, I just made a Blaster/mutant/lightning/lightning manipulation character, just to have some offensive punch on Virtue. His name is Rangar, and he is now at level 5 or so.

I think I'll make a controller next, but I think she'll only be good in a group of three or more. Controllers can made enimies fight each other, but they don't get experience for any kills that way.

Any ideas on what to make next? I am open for suggestions.

Very cool game...I have very little problems since they got back to me and fixed their server. I am on a dial up AOL connection, but I notice very few gliches or lag problems.

See you tonight, maybe...

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Cap'n Obvious is currently a level 4 tanker on Liberty.

(As a side note, how does one move characters between servers, if possible?)
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Lets start on Liberty. Tom has a Tanker there, you have a defender, right?

Maybe I'll make a scrapper or controller. I have a controller character idea named "Random Hottie", a psychic/psychic (I think) controller who is belittled because she happens to look good in skin-tight superhero costumes.


EDIT: There is no way currently Tom, and if there will be, expect it to cost 5-10 bucks

[ May 02, 2004, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Tom: Bok and I are on Virtue right now...I'm Rangar, and he is Quiescence (I think), both blasters.

We could use a Scrapper or Tanker, or even a good a bad one....doesn't really matter.....see you there! (if not tonight, then sometime. I have a defender, Logan Lyendar, on Liberty....)

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Hm. I'm contemplating making a Controller called Mindsweeper. If I do, and if I don't absolutely hate it, I'll be on Virtue.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Tom, I'm going on to Virtue right now, for an hour or so. It's 7:PM EST, on Monday.

My two characters are Logan Lyeander, a lev3 Defender, and Rangar, a lev6 Blaster. Rangar has teleport friend now, so it will be easier to team up with people....we won't have to chase each other all over the city.

Bok: I have Teleport Friend now, and I found a really good spawning point for us to level up in next time. The Park in the SE corner of Galaxy city; but be careful, there are some really strong villains in there; I died 4 times before finding the trick...

Next power-up you have, maybe you should consider Fly as a pool power.Between Fly and Teleport, a lot of our problems evaporate, don't you think?


[ May 03, 2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Yay, I'm on Virtue, too! Got a 12th-level Blaster named Broodling. Look me up!
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Rat, I saw you in there, but when I tried to contact you you had just left. My Blaster Rangar is now SL7, but is almost up to 8. Lok me up if you can...I'm usually on latenight, EST...

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'm going on Virtue until about 10 this morning, if anyone is in as well...I'll be Rangar.

Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
This made me laugh this morning, and I though y'all might appreciate it.
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
I tried out the Sidekick feature this morning, and it rocked! I'm level 13, and my buddy is level 5. So it bumped him up to 12 temporarily so we could fight the same guys. It was awesome!
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
What, we aren't your buddies Geoff?


Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
Hey, I've hung with Kwea a bit. Can't help it if the rest of you are on at the wrong times [Smile]
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
I've even made a character CALLED "A Rat Named Dog" so you all can recognize me more easily [Smile] Of course, I never play him ...
Posted by The Wiggin (Member # 5020) on :
How much is the game and how big is it casue I might try it out the only problem might be that right now I live in the middle of no where and am forced to use DIal-up and my best connection I get uselly is 28.8K with a 56K modem(@#$% dial-up)and tonight the magic number is 26.4K.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Talk to Kwea, he hasn't hads too many problems with the game on his dial-up; but then, we haven't had a patch to the game yet either.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I am on dial-up AOL, (it's free for another 3 weeks,) and I do get lag, but not too bad. I play in teams too, and it works fairly well.

This game rocks!

My blaster is lev11, almost 12 now.....damn exp debt.... [Big Grin]

[ May 07, 2004, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Anyone playing now? I'm using Rangar, on virtue server...
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
thinking about buying it,So it does ok on dialup?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Kwea plays it with no real problem... How was the patch download Kwea?

I should be playing for a good chunk of the evening, probably as Abom In-Abul, A mutant tanker.

Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I have two characters on Freedom:

Hank Blaze: a (currently) 11th level blaster.

Joe Blaze: a (currently) 10th level tanker.

I'm thinking of starting a character on Virtue, but haven't felt like starting over just yet.
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
I bought it and it works pretty good on dialup
Posted by The Wiggin (Member # 5020) on :
but what connection speed you get? The best this comp has seen in a while is 32k on a 56 modem. well hopefuly soon ill be on DSL or Cable and it wont mater.
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
usually around 28.8 on a 56k modem

[ May 16, 2004, 05:51 AM: Message edited by: Wonko The Sane ]
Posted by The Wiggin (Member # 5020) on :
I defintly need to get this then. Now the question is do I try to convinve my mom to let me put it on her computer for now or build mine first?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I have two main characters on Virtue server. My best is Rangar, a lev 15 Mutant Blaster. I also have a lev 5 Defender I'm working on, named Logan Lyeandar.

Karl, sounds like you play it quite often! Two characters in their early teens? Not bad....

I moght set up a charcter on that server, if so I'll let you know. I might try for a Empathy healer with Mezz too. Or maybe a Tanker, I haven't played much of them yet.

Probably the healer, as it is ALWAYS easy to find a team as one.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Well, Rangar is out of debt, and lev 15 now...I'm getting there, slowly but surely....
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
any of you started/joined a supergroup?
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
they all must be playing
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
There is Hatrackers United, talk to Kwea (Rangar) or Quiescence (me), if you see us online. I'm not sure I have add member privileges though.

Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
what times are either of you on the most?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'll be on with a new character on Virtue in a half hour or so. [Smile]

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
No, not Virtue! Liberty! Virtue sucks!

Pun intended.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I have 4 characters now on Virtue (sorry Tom, I don't want to restart, plus more of us are on Virtue [Razz] ), all low level:

Quiescence (Level 5) (energy/electricity magic blaster)
The Random Hottie (Level 5) (illusion/kinetics science controller)
Abom In-Abul (Level 6) (Stone Atmor/Ice Melee mutant tanker)
Victim X (Level 3) (Martial Arts/Regeneration natural scrapper)

Now, I just need a technology Defender, and I'll be set [Smile] Feel free to add all these characters to your friends list.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The problem I have with Virtue is that, whenever I connect, I get medium to heavy load on it CONSISTENTLY. [Frown]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I see medium load on all the servers whenever I'm playing, so it doesn't matter to me. But I, personally, have had very little lag on Virtue. Just one night last week where I lost conn. to map server 2 times.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Bok, I talked to Support, and they are working on the mapserver problem. As a matter of fact, they are using me as a test subject for their ideas. So far they keep trying to teel me it's my fault, or my connections fault, but all their efforts aren't working.

I got DSL hooked up last night, but to tell the truth I don't see a whole lot of difference in-game with DSL. DSL rocks with downloads, and I love it, but CoH is pretty good even on a dial-up connection, which is amazing.

Tom, I like Virtue better, and have 4 characters there, all of them lev2-5, except for Rangar of course. He's up to lev 16 (almost17), so I probably wouldn't use him with this group. Most of us play on Virtue all the time, and even with a heavy load I don't have a lot of lag. If there are too many people in Perez Park, it just makes a PerezPark 2, so we never run out of villans either.

I might start a Controller, probably a Mezzz/Healer. I also rock with Blasters, and am pretty good at pulling with ranged attacks. I'll stay away for melee characters, unless we need some, as I have very little experience with them. My best one (Crope) is only lev 3.

When do you all want to get together? Nights are good for me, and I'm off this Wed night....


Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm probably going to be on late tonight for an hour or two, after 11pm. No promises, but that's my hope.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK Bok, look for Rangar and tell me if your on......

I can use logan, who is lev 5, a def....of if you like, I can SK you again, if you have worked on your heroes at all. Hell, I'll team w/ you without sk you, and beat up on low levels just to help you

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I might make a defender tonight, so that I have one of each archetype/origin.

It's just to much fun to create a character in this game.

Posted by Alexa (Member # 6285) on :
what is the learning curve on this game? Is it worth the monthly fee?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Learning curve: Depends. Kwea got right into it, and it probably isn't too bad if you are a gamer (particularly if you are familiar with FPS and RPG gameplay styles). The game is very forgiving, particularly at the early levels, so you can spend your first few hours just blowing up stuff and discovering things.

Value: I think it is worth it.

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
So... you just run around on a map with several hundred (thousand?) other people and beat up thugs?

I dunno...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Well, there is a story arc, and you can team up with others to help their stories, or your own, or just to clean up the streets... The combat is like turn-based fighting, you have powers that take a certain time to recharge, and they also have varying damage and other effects (stunning, freezing, slowing, knocking back, poisoning of time, etc.).

Not for everyone, but it's fun to me.

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I'm just trying to decide if it's something I want to buy. I require some sense of direction when I play games, I wouldn't be able to stand "beat people up and get more powers." It can be *mostly* that though, with just quests to provide an excuse for the beat downs.

And is the screen always jammed with a hundred other players? I've never played a MMoRPG before, but I've played enough online games to know that the problem with multiplayer is that you have to play them with other people. But I think if you hook up with a team and get your own section of the city it would be a lot of fun.

Dunno. Maybe I'll get it. I'm just looking for some game to fill a few hours a week that would be otherwise spent watching TV. TV is getting boring. How much is the monthly fee?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
15 bucks a month, after the first month (which is included in the box price).

The only times there are TONS of other characters around is near the trainers (people who sell some stuff, or level you up). After that, you will usually cross paths with someone, but that's it. And with your missions, the game often creates them in "instanced" areas, which only you (and anyone on a team with you) can enter. No morons causing problems.

Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Gotta jump in to say that I like the game a lot. As for value, I get more out of my $15/month on this game that I am getting out of my $60/mo. cable bill.

"Beat stuff up and get powers" does sum up a lot of the game. For me, so far, the story arc consists mostly of meeting contacts who tell you where and what kind of stuff to beat up. There is some "find this item" or "Take this message to this person" type stuff, too. What I like about the game is the complexity of the cities. The architecture is fantastic and vast. You can literally get lost in most sections of the city if you don't use your map. The detail is really good, and coupled with the near infinite camera positions and angles possible to view your surrounding, it amazes me that there aren't more problems with lag. (Personally, I haven't experience any lag, but I have a cable modem. Chris has experienced some, but he is wirelessly connected to the same cable modem and has had lag issue when I haven't so I can't blame those on the CoH servers.)

[ May 21, 2004, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: KarlEd ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Cool. I'll probably pick it up after work. I just got a raise and I'm keening to spend some money [Razz]

Is Virtue the place to be?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I would add that there are tons of nifty little things about the game.

For instance, random spawns of bad guys happen in all MMORPGs. In CoH, though, the game makes them consistent with the game setting and location. So sometimes you'll see a bunch of thugs trying to grab a purse from an NPC citizen, or tryign to steal car wheels. At night, in some sections of town, you'll find that on the roofs of buildings certain mystical groups are preparing dark magical rituals on a poor NPC as well. And they all make different comments that hint at their motivationsm and adds color to the game.

Karl, you aren't on Virtue right?


EDIT: I should add that this is the first computer game that really utilizes the z-axis as a strategic option. In other words, yes, you can fly. [Smile]

[ May 21, 2004, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm logging in in about 5 minutes, I'll probably be logged in as Victim X.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
In in, on Virtue. See you there.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
BtL, Kwea and I are in Atlas Park 2, on Virtue, /tell Victim X, Crope, or Dr. G to find where we are.

Karl, I'm lookign at you here [Smile]

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Yeah Karl, whatsamatterwithyou??

See you on Virtue, whenyou catch up to us.....if you ever do. (any day now....) lol

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Dr. G is the way to be.

*crosses arms*

That was a good time guys. I think I'll save this character for times when that little group is together. It's the most fun when we're all at roughly the same level.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Dang it. I have a lvl 8, 10, and 16 character on Freedom. I just started a character and got it to lvl 3 on Liberty.

I don't have anything on Virtue yet [Frown]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Karl, you should start one on Virtue. We could use another Tanker, or a healer/mezzer Controller.

Or a Force Field Def...hell, there are only 4 of us, another Blaster would even be good. Ice, or fire, as I have a lightning one...

I am willing to help you level up quick if you want...I'll use my lev 17 Balster to tank some small fry for you if you want. With 300+ health they can't really hurt me, and you deal all the damage; it works pretty well. I can also put you in my Supergroup, Hatrackers United ( [Big Grin] ), and give you some good enhancements.

Let me know, I'm either Rangar (lev17 Blaster), or Logan Lyendar (lev5 DEf), on Virtue.

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Logan and Dr. G had another productive romp through Hero City tonight. Baddies were beaten, faces were stomped and general revelry was found in the suffering of randomly generated computer-dudes.

You know you're all jealous.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Well, as is my usual I've absolutely played the snot out of this game this weekend. Like others have said, the best part is making new characters. Anyway, like Bok all of mine are on Virtue. Should anyone want to add them they are:

Dr. G: Science Gravity/Storm Controller (lvl 7. He's the Hatrackers United guy)
Factor XIII: Mutant Claws/Agility Scrapper (Level 10. She's a member of the Super group Chaos)
The Sun's Lament: Magic Dark/Dark Defender (Level 5)
Juxtaposed: Technology Fire/Ice Blaster (Level 2)
Velvet T: Natural Fire/Axe Tanker (Level 2)
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Damn BtL, a level 10 already? Not too shabby! Having a Supergroup helps, huh?

KarlEd, waht are you waiting for? I personalized invitation?

Well, consider this one..... [Big Grin]

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
BtL, you joined a different supergroup than H.U.?? For shame, sir, for shame.


Posted by Alexa (Member # 6285) on :
What video card do you need for the game? WHat card do you have?
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
You need one within the last 4 or so years, and preferably not an on-board card. I have a ATI 9700 Pro, but ATI cards seem to be flakey for a lot of people, so a GeForce of some kind would probably work just fine.

Posted by Alexa (Member # 6285) on :
I have an nvidia Gforce3 t200. Do you think that can handle the game? My computer is an intel 2.0gz with 758 ram.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
OK, I've finally done it. Chris and I have created characters on Virtue. Mine is "Victor Steele", a 7th level tank. Chris has a 7th level controler named "Ices".

We'll probably be on some time tonight. (Post 5pm EDT)
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
The minimum requirements for the game are a GForce 2. Chris has a Gforce 4 and has no problems whatsoever. I imagine a 3 will do fine.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I don't think it counts as having "created" a character if that character is 7th level. [Smile]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
So Tom, when can we expect you on Virtue consistently? [Smile]

I've recreated Random Hottie as "Illura" now. I also have a Tech Defender, Schizm, But I don't like the look, completely... But if other people like her, I'll keep it. She's an Empathy/Dark Energy Defender, level 4.


[ May 24, 2004, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I don't think it counts as having "created" a character if that character is 7th level.
Oh, for Chris and me it does. We got them that far in the first sitting. [Big Grin]
Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
My brother and I just got CoH recently. I have a level 9 mostly Dark Miasma character called Zayn and a level 6 Healer called Beatha.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Toes, what server?

Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I'm logging on right now on Virtue as Victor Steele. Look for me if you're on.

Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
I usually play on the first one...what is that Protector? I'm not quite sure. I'll have to check.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
There IS no universal "first server."
Posted by beatnix19 (Member # 5836) on :
I wish I had a better video card in my Computer. also I wish I felt like paying for the access card. because this game sounds freakin' awesome.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Answer the question, Davidson.

*Comically stern look*

Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
I checked and my brother and I play on Protector. I'll be playing right now actually. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
KarlEd, I'll be on tommorrow night, ZI think. When (as in what time, EST) do you usually play?

I'm on at night, after I get home from work; usually about 10:30 pm, EST.

See you there! Put Rangar and Logan Lyendar on your lists. Logan is a lev * Def, and Rangar is a lev 18 Blaster.


[ May 26, 2004, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK, I'm on right now as Rangar, on Virtue.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I just did my first (7) missions as part of a Task Force. Great XP, and a lot of fun. Lots of DO enhancements too.

Here's the deal. Once we get to a level where these missions are feasible, we should do them as a supergroup. We all meet, and we all follow the same story arc. Once done for the night, you don't quit the team, you just log off, and when you log on we are right where we left off. Once you complete the missions (at least ten missions per TF mission) you get mucho bonus xp, and lots of Enhancements you can't find elsewhere. Also, the Enhancements gear up to your level, so they are good to have. I THINK the final reward for the TF missions is SO Enhancements.

Sound good? We can give everyone some time to power up their fav charcter to about lev 15, and then do this.

We need a lot of Def/heals, at least one mezzer/cont/ healer, and at least one good Tanker. The rest of them we can fill out with Blasters and Scrappers, or even better more Tanks.
Let me know what everyone thinks about this idea. Geoff, Wonko the Sane, KarlEd (and Chris, if you have two, TomD, BtL, Kwea (me), and of course Bok. I know I am missing a few, but let me know if you are 1)interested and 2) good enough (high enough level) to hang.

SKing helps a little, but not much at this level. I would say lev15-16 min, unless it's a healer. A healer or a Tank can be SK'ed effectivly; eveyone else is too weak because of the limited powers they have. SK'ing only boosts the fighting level, health, and maybe the End. It doesn't help with powers.

Also, I have a few high powered friends that can help fill out the team is need be. Let me know, we'll have to set a time and day to meet on a regualr basis. Task Force missions have a lot of time invested in them, but are well worth it, even if we just play once a week. Keep in mind though that once you are on the TF, you can't quit and do something else, because it isn't like a regular team.....the members are fixed, and you can't add heroes if someone drops. You can not play that day, but your character will still be tied up when you come back to it. You can play Alt identities , but not the dedicated hero that is on the TF.


[ May 27, 2004, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
That sounds good Kwea. Sorry I missed you last night. I was on Freedom for about long enough to gather a GREAT team, then a thunderstorm knocked out the power here. It came quickly, but blinked again so we decided it best to stay off the computers for the night.

Victor Steele is only lvl10 right now, but I'll see if I can get him up higher in the near future.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Installing game now. Evangilism on Hatrack is effective. [Big Grin]

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I probably won't be around much until the hockey playoffs are done. Dag, there are two things to keep in mind when you start playing the game.

1) It's a lot more fun in teams than solo. It feels like it's getting old fast until you get a really good group together, especially if there's on person a little higher in level than anyone else which drives the difficulty of the missions right up. Then you have to really think about what you're doing.

2) Everyone's character is essentially the same in the beginning because you don't really have to make any choices about your character until level 6. By level 10 characters start to have different abilities and characters with the same power sets may have different powers.
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I started a magic-based katana-wielding scrapper with super healing called Kalmegil on Virtue. Tolkien fans might be able to figure out what the name means.

I did the tutorial and the first mission, I'm almost to level 3. Fun game, and it looks like the down time is much less than everquest. The difference is noticable even at this level.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Downtime increases somewhat starting around lvl 6, but even then it's not bad.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
MUCH less downtime, from what I understand. One of the best things about this game is that when you level up you start fighting at the new level right away. You still have to train up to get the new enhancement slots and new powers, but your to hit probabilities and Dam go up right away.
I just finished a Task Force mission last night after two nights of intense playing, and something like 6 hours of play. It is hard, but well worth it. I leveled twice, and once you get to level 17 it is a lot harder to level. Also, I got about ten DO enhancements, and a SO enhancement for defeating the Clockwork King.
We got ambushed by Babbage too, but we turned him into a toaster oven... [Big Grin]

We don't have to play it that fast, or that many hours in a row; I was just curious on how the TF missions were. You can log off and still be on the TF when you come back 3 days later if you want; but you can't do other missions or join other teams until the TF is done, unless you quit the team. If you Quit, you are screwing the team too, as once a TF is commissioned it is impossible to add heroes, so what you have is what you are stuck with for the long haul. Different missions have different member requirements too, including levels and min number of teammates.

So here are the requirements for our TF:

High enough level to play (SKing doesn't work for TF, at least not to join)

Good mix of players/characters
2 blasters
3 healers if possible, min 2 of them),
1 or 2 Controllers, w/ one mind cont if possible
2 tankers, and 1 scrapper if only 2 healers

We could go with 3 tanks, or three healers, or 3 blasters...I'm flexible to a point, but we need at least 2 healers, and I don't mean backup healers, I mean full Def/healers, with rezz and mutate if possible. My team rocked, and we had 3 Def/healers, and only one tank.....3 blasters and 1 Controller....and it was great!

I play a mean Blaster, but Logan is a lev 8 Def...not an empathy one though....mmmm.
I don't play mêlée very well, as I haven't practiced it much.

Keep in mind that any character you use for this TF will be locked in for the duration, so it might be better if we all used ALT heroes...that way our main ones will still be freed up for normal play.

I'll give everyone a week or so to decide on what to play, and go from there. As Leader (assuming I am) I will have final say as to who goes as which characters.....there is no faster way to die on these missions than to have an unbalanced team, and I don't want to waste my (or anyone else's) time accumulating XP debt.

Sound like a plan? Let me know what you are interested in playing...I might be able to assist in leveling up the healers, and I'll save any enhancements I get fro them. I can use Rangar to tank for lower level heroes, and/or SK them and take them to my happy hunting grounds. [Big Grin]


[ May 28, 2004, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I thought TF missions were still bugged? Or did they release the latest patch?

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I didn't have a problem, and even buged they rock. You get twice as many DO enhancements. So even if we didn't finish it it would be worth it.

I just read about a group who defeated Hamidon, who is the end boss, nd that was buggy; but the lower ones seem fine to me. I think we would be fine, and BTW I think they might have fixed some of the problems. I haven't seen the warning that was in place when I loaded for a few days.

I would be cool with meeting once or twice a week for 2-3 hours, if that is all we can do. I'll use an Alt, so it won't matter...I'll still have Rangar...he's almost lev 20

Oh, and we'l be on Virtue, for sure. I had no problems last night, so I liked it here... [Big Grin]


[ May 28, 2004, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I just started a new tank on Virtue. The idea of doing a joint TF mission with you guys sounds fun. I'm willing to start any kind of character (since starting them really is a lot of fun.) And I've played all kinds. Let me know what type you need and I'll put one together.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
OH, and we DO have two computers so Chris can play right along with us. Let us know what types are in most demand.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Umm, Kwea, check out the message box when you first load up the game, unless it's changed, the message is to NOT do TFs. There is a chance that it can be bugged so that halfway through the TF story, it gets bugged, and it becomes impossible to complete the TF, ever. I'm glad you got it to work, but I'm just warning that it may be better to hold off until the patch.

This is supposed to be fixed in the upcoming patch, if the patch isn't already released. I haven't played in almost a week, so I can't be sure [Smile]

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Usually when I play a game like this I only want to play one character. On the other hand, I don't have a lot of time to play, so I may just need to join the supergroup and not the task force. But if we set up a reasonable schedule, I'm game once I level up.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Dagonee, I'm usually the same way, but the comic book setting and the character creation has me creating one of every type (and I came up with my second blaster idea today!).

Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
This all sounds awesome if we can get it to work out. Just so ya know I'm most familiar with making healers, and will gladly start one in virtue if my brother lets me.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I met Toes there today, and helped him a bit to speed up his level 19, even a Blaster can tank a bit w/ lev15 mobs.... [Big Grin]

Bok: If that happens, you petition the mods and they reset it fro you....and you get to keep all the xp and DO's you get. Most of the bugs are in the higher level (35-40) range, and none of us are talking about that yet. I play regularly with one of the game designers, and he's the one that got me to try the TF mission this time. It is a low level TF mission, and we had no problems.

I had been avoiding them too, but I know 8-10 people that have been doing them, and no one has had a problem. I have heard of a few groups that have had problems, but if it bugs out, the game Mod's reset it.

Toes is starting a healer, and we could use a good Forcefield/healer Defender....buffs are a good thing.

KarlEd, if you are a good Tanker, and want to do that, you've got the job. What does Chris play usually? If he likes mêlée, he could Tank or be a Scrapper....we only need one scrapper though; Tankers are more valuable at least in my eyes. I would rather have two killer Tanks and an extra Blaster than have 2 or 3 Scrappers...they don't usually stay alive long enough to do great damage, not compared to blasters. But Blasters are only good if there is a good damage-absorbing front line to draw the aggro...

I play a mean Blaster, and a decent Defender. I think I'd like to play a Controller, one who does Mezz/Heal, as a backup healer. I will get TP as my transport power, and I could use at least one more character to take that as well. It is invaluable, particularly to a healer/ can TP teammates to the back is hurt, and the bodies if you have to run away... [Big Grin]

Also, Steath and Invisibility are great for a Blaster who likes to distance-pull. With Steath you can fly around and scout out mobs, even indoors, and get a count of foes without getting Aggro. Blasters don't have a lot that buffs their already weak defense, so I like them as pool powers go.


P.S. If I try a Controller, he will be named Kwea, just to keep it simple. [Razz]

[ May 29, 2004, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
After meeting Kwea earlier I got into a nice leveling team and Beatha is now level 10. If I can remember correctly I now have resurrect, clear mind and hover as well. Let me know if I should get anything specific over my next few levels. I can't wait to play with everyone else. Happy playing!

[ May 30, 2004, 02:29 AM: Message edited by: Toes ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Kwea, nothing personal, but I think you take the game too seriously for me to consider playing with you. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I really am not that serious, I just am a fairly organized person, that's all.

Anyone can play this, or not, as they wish. I don't care as long as it isn't personal...and how could it be, when I've only met a few of you IRL?

I would like to game w/ any Hatrackers who are interested. It's only for the TF missions that I want to be really organized; any of the rest of the time I just hop in and kill

Death debt sucks, and anyone who gets a character up to a teen (or higher) level deserves a chance to succeed, particularly on missions that take a lot of time.

So if you want to play, cool. If you don't....well, not AS cool, but... [Taunt]

I won't take it personal, I promise.

BTW, TomD, if you see me on as Rangar, that is when I'm just running around...give me a tell if you want to hunt, or just run casual missions.

Or don't, your choice. I'm a lot more casual then than if a bunch of people are following my lead in a TF... [Big Grin]


[ May 31, 2004, 01:15 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
I'm level 7, but currently stuck on a mission in which I couldn't kill the boss. I've died twice. I realized I might not have to kill the boss, since I'm just supposed to be destroying some labs in the building.

If I level up to 8 while this mission is still active, will the thugs in the mission level up as well?

Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
I'm still farting around with Dr. G, who's at level 9 now. You can start TF missions at level 10, right? If we want to do them I say that everyone just picks a character that they'd like to play and get them up to level 10 and then stop. Once we're all at level 10 we'll use Hatrack to organize a time to all get together and play for a few hours. Like, Friday or Saturday night. I think it's a lot more fun if everyone's at the same level.

And none of this planning classes business. Sure, it makes it easier, but you can get by with whatever you've got. I've played some level 14 missions with 5 scrappers and we were fine. It was slower going, but we got by. Just pick a character that you'd find fun and it can be made to work.

That's my $.02 on this whole TF thang.

Oh, and the mission difficulty is set by the level you're at when you receive it, as far as I can tell. So if you get a mission at level 4 and don't do it until level 7 it's going to be really easy for you.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
That is a factor on how hard the missions are, Bob, but not the only one. It also matters how many people are in your team when you enter the door, and what levels they are as well. The stronger the team, the more mobs there are.

If you are having trouble with a mission, you can reset it. Keep the person with the mission (or it won't work-you won't be able to get in) on the team but temporarily kick the rest of the team off. Enter the mission, and it sets to your current team strength. The have the mission holder stay inside, and the capt go out and re-invite the rest of the team. You get a lot fewer mobs, but the level of the mobs are usually unchanged.

That trick is has turned missions that are a meat grinder into ones that can be completed, if you are smart.

I have 2 characters that could be used at about that level. I have no problem with any archetype, as long as we have some balance, and at least two healers. My suggestions were only that...suggestions. I know what has worked for me in the past, but that doesn't mean that they are the only combinations that work.

Level 10 sounds about right to me, or somewhere around there. Ten should be the lowest level; anyone else gets creamed in the TF. I will check to see if there are limits as to which levels are required for the TF.

If we don't want to do the TF, it would be cool to just team up and hunt, or do normal missions. That is a good way to see what works and what doesn't, and it would be cool to team up with other Hatrackers. Anyone who wants to join our Super-group, Hatrackers United, just leave me a e-mail message in the game. Click on E-Mail on the Nav bar, and type Rangar as the destination.

I will probably go by Kwea for the TF missions. It is a lot easier to remember who is who that


[ May 31, 2004, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
I haven't gotten into a game for any length of time since Callahan's and Sam and Max (with the occasional dip into Sims) but you guys are having way too much fun. I doubt I have the requisites, though. You mentioned a G-2 as a minimum, what about processor speed and ram?

(edited to add: just found the info on the site, disregard. Gonna need to up my graphics card, but everythihng else is okay...)

[ June 02, 2004, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Chris Bridges ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
If you play on a laptop, watch out. You either have to use a third party driver (which is dangerous) or crash a lot. I'm still debating trying to get my money back and give it up, but it's too fun!

Edit: Where's a good place to solo as a level 7 scrapper? I need to level to finish this mission I'm on - I've cleared it twice except for the boss and think I need to level to get him.

[ June 02, 2004, 04:07 PM: Message edited by: Dagonee ]
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Do you have to be online for the character generation, or is any of it available offline?
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Online only, as far as I can tell.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Yeah, CoH + laptops = badGamingMojo.

But that is true of a lot of 3D games.

The game is online ONLY, you get a month of playing time with the box, then it's 15 bucks/month thereafter...

At some point this week, I _will_ play some more. I got Victim X up to level 7 last week.

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Yeah. I guess I was spoiled by Everquest and Halo. Both worked great on laptops. (At least my laptops [Big Grin] )

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
If you go to the Warcry CiH site. the have an offline Hero genertot, which tells you when each power becomes available, and what not.

You can't download a hero from there, but it helps you paln which powers you want, and when you want them. I use it to just fool around and see what types of characters I want to atart. If you find one that is cool you and save it, and print it out....but that is a little more than I want to do right now.

I have a friend who plays on his laptop, and he loves it, and has no problems with it.

A level 7 Scrapper can usually solo in the small park area in Atlas park...not in Perez Park, that is good for you if you want to Team with a good size group, but is way too tough for most people to solo. If you have a friend who can heal, the two of you might be OK in PP if you are careful.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I once got trapped in Perez at night in a thin "corridor" with fifteen purple-eval CoT at either end. It was NOT pleasant. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I had to TP a level 22 Blaster out two days ago...he was trapped in a mountain in Talos....

In the mountain...not in a mission, inside a mountain. He could move around the hillside and all, but couldn't break free.

TomD, did you type /unstuck? It usually works...

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I thought it was /stuck -- and, no, I wasn't "trapped" in that sense, so I didn't try it. I could still physically MOVE; it was just that the two places I had to realistically move TO were blocked by enemies capable of killing me with ranged attacks in a matter of seconds. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ahhh....I see....that WOULD suck, which is why TP is great. If you get that way, tou TP yourself straight up 150 meters, and they can't hit

Happens to me all the ti,e.

BTW, they put a new patch up today, and it SUCKS! I got 5700 debt because it changed today. I was hunting on Talos for the last 3 days, and all of a sudden today I can't hit anything! I had a group of 7, and we were getting toasted!

So be careful when hunting anything over a yellow mob, because they nerfed us.... [Big Grin]

Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
On the laptop issue - the latest patch seemed to help. I only crashed once.

I'd bet smaller name laptops run the games better, because small manufacturers don't have the resources to rewrite video drivers to avoid overheating.

I did get nailed by a level 13 some idiot brought running through King's Row yesterday. Couldn't even turn around a run before I died.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Actually, I've got a question for y'all. Cap'n Obvious is currently a tanker with Invulnerability, Super-Strength, and Leaping. What powers -- either in his existing pools, or in other ones -- would make him more useful? I'm currently thinking that the Medicine and Fitness pools might be nice, but who knows?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
What level is he now, TomD? Does he have a transport power yet? If so, which did you pick?

I love having TP as my transport power, along with Hover. I can run away really fast, and activate Hover; so I go straight up when I am hurting, and they can't follow me, or hit me with ranged attacks. I also find TP friend to be very useful. I can TP people from anywhere in the zone to me, and retrieve bodies for my rezzers. I think it would be great for a Tanker, as it seems that you like to solo a lot....that way you can almost always retreat before you die.

Medicine would work too; that way you can solo more effectively, and not be as much of a burden on the group healers.

Leadership is cool if you think you might team more often; it helps everyone near you, which would be all the mêlée characters.

I would stay away from Concealment, as a Tanks job is to draw Aggro, and Concealment does the opposite.


[ June 04, 2004, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Cap'n Obvious leaps tall buildings in a single bound. He is deeply suspicious of flying and teleporting people, because these are pansy-boy powers that are remarkably un-obvious. Super Speed is obvious, but he's not the QUICK kind of obvious; he's more the "jump to conclusions" kind of obvious. [Smile]

Macroed to his Haymaker attack is the battle cry, "Villains, taste my density!"
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Here's another strategy question.

I have Victim X, an MA/regeneration Scrapper, who is now lvl 7. I took stealth for his first power pool power, do you guys think that was wise?

Now, he's an amnesiac natural origin scrapper; so I don't want to give him fly or teleport... So instead of talking about how necessary these travel powers are, what is the general feeling on stealth for scrappers?

Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
Beatha is now on the verge of getting Flight at level 14. So far she seems like a pretty solid character.
A question for you guys who are computer savvy...when I've been playing CoH for about an hour my sound will suddenly dissappear. It comes back if I restart the comp, but otherwise nothing else turns it back on. It's not really a problem, but it's just annoying. Any ideas?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I don't think stealth is particularly worthwhile for scrappers -- unless you're primarily soloing, in which case limiting your aggro as much as possible is always a good thing.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I agree with is a good thing for limiting aggro while soloing, but with a group it is a bit of a waste....but it does let you scout a bit, particularily if you get super speed for your travel power.

I DOES provide a defense buff in combat, adn scrappers can use all the buffs they can get for limiting damage.

I'd work on a travel power next pool power choice, though.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Yeah, I guess, but I don't WANT to give him a travel power. Super speed could be defensible, I guess, but even so, I want to keep him as human/non-mutant as possible. That eliminates super jumping, teleport, and flight right away.

I _do_ mostly solo (because no one seems to be online when I can sneak an hour or so online), but you don't think the defense buff is worth it in general?

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'll tell you one thing: if you don't ever get a travel power, you'll be soloing a lot. *grin* Make friends with heroes who have Teleport. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I understand what you are saying, but you still need a travel you have kinetics? Heroes with kinetics are the only ones who really can get away from using a power pool for a travel power, if they take siphon speed as a regular power. Logan Lyendar has it, and wuth it she can outrun other heroes that use super speed! If you do, then put at leat 2 enhancement slots in it, all with acc NEVER want to miss with it while running away.

Sometimes Rping should bow to expedience...otherwise you will spend a good amount of your time just traviling from point to point on the vey large maps. It really wastes your already limited playing time.

Also, you could defend either superjumping or superspeed as an enhancement of abilities that all humans have...but your meditation/technieques/whateveryourpoweroriginis makes you much better than any normal human. That is the same argument that you use for you extreme fighting abilities, right?


[ June 07, 2004, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Not exactly. The character doesn't know, and I was hoping to keep it as close to human+ as possible (He's a Martial Arts/Regeneration) scrapper.

And I know that ultimately MMORPGs are really MMOGs with DnD-esque hit tables, but it's kind of annoying that it requires concessions to be "useful".

I may take super speed (super jumping is not defensible at all, IMO)... I dunno, I don't necessarily want the most efficient path to lvl 50 (I don't care that it takes me longer to get there without a travel skill, it's not like I win or anything once I get there), but I don't want to be ignored from groups later on just because I don't meet some perceived "ideal template".

I'm not a powergamer (and Kwea, yes, you are officially one, [Smile] ), I get online 3-5 hours a week, if I'm lucky. I just want to group with some folks and beat up some bad guys, not be ultra-efficient and get to lvl 30 X times faster using "The Approved Method"(tm).

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
*whisper* If you come over to Liberty, Bok, Cap'n Obvious will hang out with you. [Smile]

[ June 07, 2004, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: TomDavidson ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Must. Resist...

Posted by fil (Member # 5079) on :
Can this game be played with reasonable enjoyment for Bok's 3-5 hours a week? I tried MMORPGs a couple years back and while I found it enjoyable, I couldn't keep up. I would meet a few cool folks but since they played way more than me, I found myself hanging less and less with folks as I watched them lvl past me so quickly and moving on to bigger things. CoH is the one that has tempted me the most (after Galaxies tanked). Is there an ongoing story or is it just a giant city filled with bad guys to beat up. I mean, is it better than playing "Freedom Force" over and over until the new one comes out?


*Mostly not begging to be converted

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
It _can_ be, moreso than just about any MMOG, but the issue is of playstyles, I think, as evidenced by the stealth discussion above. I have no issues going online for a couple hours (or even a single hour) and completing a mission or two.

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
Maybe a group could form a team of part-timers? You know, heroes who do this a few hours a week as a second job or something.

"Tremble before the might of... The Temps!"

I'd be interested since I'd never play more often than that myself.

I haven't bought it yet but I've tried it, sort of. My son saw me looking into it and got interested himself, finally buying it yesterday and making slasher characters. I borrowed his discs and account and set it up on my computer so I could a) make sure it worked with my setup, b) make sure I could play it, and c) make sure it was anything I would be interested in.

I suspect it would end up being like Sims for me -- more fun making the characters than actually playing them. But I'll probably jump in soon. I had to cut my tutorial short to go to work, but I'll see what happens next and let you know when it does.
Posted by fil (Member # 5079) on :
"Tremble before the might of... The Temps!"
I could live with this! I am playing some online stuff with Neverwinter Nights. This is a perfect online game for me. Great character creation, endless stories out there (Some even worth playing) and it has a beginning, middle and end. I get on for about 3-5 a week with some buds and all is well.

Playing Temp heroes would be hilarious...

"You have just caught a faceful of justice from...

The Weekend Warrior!


Cubicle Cat!


Part Time Terror...


Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Or we can do what we discussed earlier, adn hold a hero reserved just for the purpose of playing with "The Temps", as I have done. I haven't used Logan for anything since I played with Bok two weeks ago, so we will be close to the same level when (if) we play again.

I like to play a lot, but I don't want to go so far ahead I can't play with my friends.

Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
(giggling at "The Weekend Warriors," imagining a superteam of slightly potbellied heroes lunging at villians, missing by yards, then bouncing up and high-fiving each other before getting another beer...)
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
Ok, I made a controller (guess the name) on Virtue this morning. I'm level 6 now. Send me a tell if you see me on.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK...I'm thinking about finally starting up a new character too, probably a controller/healer.

My plan for Hatrackers United was for it to be a place for all levels and character types, as long as they were from here on hatrack, or with someone who brought them in. That way if someone neededa lower level character to help them out they could find some there, and if you got higher in level there would be some of those there too. Sort of a meeting place for anyone on hatrack, reguardless of level or of how much time someone devoted to it.

I play a lot...I don't think I qualify as a power player, but I'm probably closer than I want to admit. That doesn't mean i am trying to get to the end, because there really isn't an end. I'm just trying to see what works best for me in the game, and to keep up in level with some of the people I game with on a regular basis. I love the different missions, and the TF missions seem really cool, and you get a lot of cool, unique stuff in them.

I have a nunber of new characters I haven't worked on in a while, I was holding on so that I could play them with people from here who can't spend as much time on it as I do. I am a night owl, always have been. Because of my stupid retail schedual I can play late at night fairly often, and sometimes during the day if it's during the week. Weekends I play later, adn the only day I don't play usually is Monday, which I spend with my wife- it's our only day off each week. I can still play on Monday after she goes to sleep, after 10:30 pm.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
"Ok, I made a controller (guess the name) on Virtue this morning. I'm level 6 now."
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
[ROFL] [ROFL] [Hat]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
*sniffle* Sadly, "The Weekend Warrior" is already taken. By someone with a much lamer character concept, I bet.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
No, pretty much the same concept...I've seen him. Too bad you can't do a pot belly in the game though...

[Big Grin]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I had the character all designed by the time I found the name taken -- red beret, baggy camos and cargo pants, black lines under the eyes. *grumble* They should really put the name bit FIRST. [Smile]
Posted by fil (Member # 5079) on :
Do players on the game have a sense of humor for the most part? I would be so happy to play in a world of Flaming Carrot, Madman and The Tick vs. Spawn, X-Men or Avengers. Just wondering.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Most of them do. I do see quite a few clones, but usually it's the younger crowd that likes to do that.

I like to design my own heroes, of course...

Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :
So I've played a few MMORPGs before. The first few levels never take long =)
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
The first one's free.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Tom, look for me on Liberty. My current favorite character is Joe Medic on Liberty. Chris and I have a couple of friends we run into fairly regularly and I don't mind SK'ing if you wanna join us. (My character just made lvl 18.)
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Joe Medic, eh? I'll keep an eye out. Although I'll DEFINITELY have to SK if you're level 18.

What's better -- "Obvious Lad" or "Lt. Obvious?"
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'll be on tommorrow (the 10th). I don't work tommorrow, so I'll be on a little bit during the day.

Next Mon nite I'd like to get together for about 2 hours, probably about 10 pm. On Virtue. Anyone up for it?

Posted by Toes (Member # 4603) on :
I'm pretty darn sure I'll be able to show up Kwea. It'll be summer vacation, and I will have graduated High School. Chances are I'll be pretty giddy. too [Big Grin]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Congrats Toes!

KarlEd and Chris were on-line today, and we teamed up. I put a really good team up, and we did 5-6 missions, and Karl and Chris did 3-4 with us. I had a blast, and Rangar is almst to lev 23 now.

I want to play tommorrow night with any hatrackers who can join in. I can use Rangar and SK someone, or I can use one of the other characters...but it has to be on Virtue as that is where all my characters are (except one)at. If I don't use Rangar I'll probably log as Logan Lyendar, my lev 8 (or 9) def. She has Kinetics and Electrical balst, so she's not a healer, but isn't bad as a backup healer.

Would anyone be interested in meeting KarlEd, Chris, Toes, and myself? Karl and Chris aren't sure they can make it, but they said they would try. We are meeting up between 10-10:20 pm, EST.

Post here if you would like to join us, please.

Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
What's the game cost to play once you've bought the software?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I think it's $15 a month, but the first month is free.

I think it is worth it...I use to spend that on one hour at the club. Now I haven't been clubbing for years, batchlor party notwithstandind, but I get a lot more value from CoH.

Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
I don't know. That's about $20AUS plus the cost of the game.... This whole subscription model seems a bit whack when you also have the initial layout for the software....
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I agree, but it's always changing....if it was a regular game, then that would be true. Since it is dynamic, and changing, it seems to me to be fair. They have already added TF missions which weren't availible in the beginning, and increased the max level to 50, not 40. They are constantly tweaking the game specs to remove nefs, or to nerf things that were originaly too strong.

As I said, I use to spend that on beer without thinking by staying in and playing I SAVE money in the long run.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Well, that's one way to look at it. [Smile]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Well, it's true...and no hangover in the morning. At least not usually....

Rangar has made it to level 24! I did a TF mission with a pickup group since no one got back to me but Toes...and it rocked. I've been sitting here so long that my butt hurts though.


Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Sorry Chris and I missed you. We did have a lot of fun with you and the others. Unfortunately (for my characters on Virtue) Chris and I have a really great Supergroup on Liberty and my character there (Joe Medic) just made lvl 21. Our group there is pretty active and I rarely log on without finding a couple of people to instantly team with. I haven't retired the other, "younger", characters I have on other servers, but the game is more interesting to me now that I've got a character big enough to explore parts of the city I'd have been quickly killed in previously. (Did a couple of missions in Talos and Independence Port last night.)

BTW, 10:00-10:30 is usually my quitting time during the week. I have to get up at 5:30 to get ready for work.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm online as Victim X right now for a couple hours.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Damn! Sorry Bok, I did a TF mission the day before so I was burned out. I didn't even log on to check my e-mail....figures, then one time you make it on is the only time in a week I haven't been

KarlEd and Chris: Yeah, it was a blast. I am glad you enjoyed it too. I only knew one person on the team other that you two (and I just met Chris then) so I was glad they were cool. It was a pretty smart team too, we did some fairly difficult missions without dying too much. If I can just remember to TP the mentors last... [Big Grin]

Well, maybe we can get together on a weekend sometime and game a little later. I usually work until about 10pm EST, so I have trouble getting on until after 10:30 when my wife goes to bed.

See you all around!

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Hey, Kwea, can you think of a reason why a door mission initiated by a level 14 character, in a team of six people in which the highest level was 15, would have on average level 17 minions and level 19 bosses?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Yeah, I think I can. Usually the size of the team factors in as well.

When you get a door mission most of the time the mobs are a level or two higher that you are, which is why I like them. They are great XP for that very reason. The Bosses usually are a level or two higher than the usual mobs, and sometimes even higher if you are a large team.

What level was the mission-holder when he recieved the mission?? Teams can access any mission from any member, but the missons set themselves based on the level that the hero is when he recieved it.

So, if the mission was initiated by a hero that was lev14, then the usual mobs would be lev15-16, 17 if accompanied by a strong team.

Did you reset the mission? You know, kick some members off, all of them except the mission holder and the leader (is they were one and the same, keep one other player on and boot the rest); have the mission holder (or spare) go in and stay in to set the difficulty level to a bit easier, and then have the leader re-invite the other members outside. Since there is a team member inside, he acts as a bookmark of sorts...the mission opens at an easier level, and the hero inside holds it there even as you add team members. That way the mobs are smaller, and sometimes lower leveled. Still good XP, but not instant death...

Also, it is posible to advance too far too fast because of the people you are teaming with. I got 2 Terra Volta missons 2 levels before I could even enter the Zone because I put some really good teams up and finished the missions before I would have been able to do so otherwise. I had a healer friend Thurn who was a level or two higher than I was....and he designs games for a living, specializing in AI, so he is really good at picking missions apart bit by bit. He would team with me and we would almost always the point that the missions i was getting were several levels ahead of my actual level. So I would try them with other teams, and we would have a hard time with them....often needind to reset the missions as I told you.

I had 3 missions active, and couldn't even get into the Zone where 2 of them were located. Perhaps this mission had a "bottom level" that it wouldn't go below, and the same thing had happened with that hero..he/she was just too far ahead of the learning curve?


[ June 16, 2004, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Is Perez Park lvl 9 security level?

I ask, because I got a mission to talk to the security chief there, but I am only level 7...

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
The chief will probably give you a "kill 10 Circle of Thorns" mission. In my experience, a lvl 7 hero can survive in a group pretty easily in Perez, although you don't want to wander too far away from the entrance unless somebody in your group has Teleport Friend. Entering Perez at 7th level can be humbling, because almost ALL the mobs will con red or purple to you. You'll still be able to take 'em in a good group, but you might want to consider sidekicking if you need to hunt specific targets.

You do NOT want to solo Perez until you're around level 11.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
No, it isn't...I believe it is now lev7. They raised it from level 6 to level 7 in one of the first patches.

agre with Tom about soloing in PP, but I did it at your level and survived. Not because I'm good, just because I found a trick...

If you just go in and pick on the stuff near the gate, you can run away once you are hurt, and hide in the gate and let the Drones kill off the rest of the mob while you heal. Make sure you hide inside the gate out sight though...I dided a couple of times by skulls shooting me while I stood near the drone.

They fixed it so that you don't get XP from any kill the drone makes (wasn't that way when i did it... [Big Grin] ) but if you pull and run to the gate you can thin out the mobe, and then kill the remainder a few at a time.

You should really make sure you are careful though....PP is tough at your level, even with a team. TP friend is a great tool for recovering bodies to rezz them, so if you are lucky you will find a teammate who has that power. Also, it is hard to get around under the trees, so I would think twice about going into the forest until you level up a few time.

Good Luck!


P.S. Stay away from Hydra until you are at least lev10, unless you find someone to SK you up to that. Hydra are GREAT xp, and I hunted them a lot....they are always spawning, and they are actually better xp than the missions are at that level, but the aggro easily and usually are in large mobs. You can look at the map of PP and see a big lake....that is where the Hydra are, and a lot of clocks.

[ June 16, 2004, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Getting lost in Perez is the big danger, because you can wind up in an area completely unsuited to your level. I fondly remember the time I emerged from the trees, desperately looking for a way back to the Atlas entrance, only to stumble onto the clockwork-infested bandshell and, moments later, the Kraken of Everett Lake. [Smile]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Well I saw a level 25 devouring earth mob in King's Row last night... That surprised me!

I have other missions to do in the newbie areas still, but I knew PP was tough, so I just wanted to check in.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :

I STILL haven't fought the Kraken, or even seen it yet. I had forgotten about it.

I was on a TF mission, and as we came out of the next to last mission in the series Babbage spawned right on top of me! I watched him appear, and I was the only one out I threw a Tesla Cage and ran, and the Tesla held him! Only for a few seconds, but still...prewtty cool! Then my team caught up with me and we turned him into a toaster oven... [Big Grin]

Just goes to show that SO's are worth what they charge.....I have 15 of them now. Tesla has 5 slots now, with 2 Acc SO's, adn 3 Hold SO's....and they are worth every penny.

Bok, I still have missions in KR and I'm up to lev24...there are some tough misions there, but usually door missions.

[ June 16, 2004, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm playing again tonight.

Look for Victim X, Illura, The Magi Strayt, or Abom In-Abul.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Sorry man, by the time I saw your message last night it was already 11:PM, and I must have missed you. I will put all of your characters names into Logan's Friends list...there isn't any more room in Ranger's list, and he is a bit too far ahead to play with most hatrackers now.

See you on Sunday maybe?

Oh, check out the WMASS picnic thread this Monday...the date will be posted, and i will be making the reservations for the sites this coming week.

Posted by closeyourmind (Member # 5916) on :
Even though this thread has shown up on the first page several times, I just scanned the title and thought it said "City of Herpes, hatrack contingent".

That is all. Slinking back into the shadows of lurkdom.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Ok, you're weird.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I am logging on right now, as Rangar...if anyone wants to join Hatrackers United, give me a tell (on Virtue)...

Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 6616) on :
I wish this game would be like guildwars. I love the idea of a MMORPG, especially this one and World of Warcraft, but I just don't like the idea of paying for a game after I bought it.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
As for paying for a game after you bought, you have to change your thinking. It isn't like you bought a chess set and then have to pay every time you play chess. It's more like you bought a chess set and now you pay dues in a chess club. (or something)

Anyway, has everyone seen the new features page? When I logged off last night, the game started a download and gave a message that this download was for features that would be active soon but are not active at the moment. The download was so when the features go active there won't be a wait for eveyone to download the new stuff (it's a pretty large download (114 Mb). Anyway the new additions looks pretty cool.

So far, I don't mind this "pay to play" model. The game isn't even 2 months old yet, and already they are adding what looks like a pretty significant expansion. And they aren't charging extra for it. I'm sure it costs a lot to keep a dozen servers running smoothly. I think it's only logical to expect to have to pay something for a service that costs the providers monthly as well. If the money I pay monthly goes partly into cool new development, too, it's even better.

Anyway, I hope some hatrackers break out of the Virtue cage and come join me on Liberty. Joe Medic is lvl 22 now, and he's willing to Sidekick ya.
Posted by ArCHeR (Member # 6616) on :
I'm just thinking that if Guildwars can do it by only charging for the game, then x-packs, it would be worth it. Their idea is that not everyone wants to pay for added things, and it should be their choice: if they can afford it, they'll buy the x-pack. As for server costs: ESO, Bnet, and MSN Zone all provide free online play, granted, I think MMORPG serves have to be a little better, I can't imagine it being enough to charge subscription.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
You can't imagine it?

Just open you eyes...the only MMORPG that doesn't charge (as far as I know) is guildwars, and that is a new venture...we'lll see how it works out in the long run.

As far as only charging for x-packs, that wouldn't work too well the way CoH is set up. The Expansions that are offered aren't just new areas to explore or new character classes (which usually have the same progression ratios). They are open to all in the game, and not being able to access them would not just affect the individual characters but all the players SG's and teammates as well.

I have never played a subscription game before this one, and I was not happy to find out I would have to keep paying to play, but not after playing for almost 2 months I realize the amount of effort it takes to maintain a MMORPHG. It is an immense real-time virtual world, and if something is buggy it affects everyone in that area, so the possibility of screwing it up for a lot of people is alway present, and they are constantly upgrading and tweaking it to give a balanced playability level.

Also, tech support has been pretty good considering the number of people logged in at any given time. They got right back to me, even if they couldn't fix the problem right away.


[ June 19, 2004, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
They (edit: MMORPG servers) have to be a LOT better. Each Everquest "server," last I looked, had something like 50 very high-end Unix machines. It uses Oracle DB to store character information, and has some serious realtime requirements. Everything of relevance is calculated on the server (which helps prevent Diablo-like hacks). That means every swing in combat is calculated for every single player online. At it's peak, EQ had over 100,000 simultaneously; it averaged half that.

Their bandwidth costs alone are huge. Things like MSN Zone aren't actually running the game on the servers, they're more like switchboards relaying information back and forth to each player. Combat calculations are actually run on each player's machine. Big difference, and big reduction in computing power and bandwidth needed.


[ June 18, 2004, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Dagonee ]
Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
Any of you guys having lots and lots of mapserver disconnects or lost connection to mapserver?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm not -- but if you're playing an energy blaster, there's a known bug with this happening after the use of some powers in a lag situation.
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I've had problems, but not every day. And the worst lag I've encountered seems to be on Virtue. That could be because that server seems to carry a heavier load. When I log on, Virtue seems to be yellow, even if all the others are green, and red when most of the others are yellow. I don't have the lag issue nearly as much on Liberty (though it does creep in from time to time.)

Anyone check out the upgrade "coming soon" that I linked to earlier?? Comments?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm worlds away, level-wise, from benefiting from most of that stuff. But it's nice that they're doing it.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Hey, anyone playing CoH on a dialup system better start downloading the new patch now, since it's 114MB!! You can download a bit now, and then quit it part-way through to play the game, since the patch isn't activated yet.

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Boy am I glad I got DSL...remember the problems I had with the beta?

Or should I say the problems we had with my beta...right Bok?

I had a lot of mapserver disconnects a month ago, but i contacted support and they worked on it a lot. Now it rarely happens. Although 4 days ago, some other guys on a team I put up had them a lot. First time in a long while i have seen them.

The features for the new update seem really cool.....should be a lot of fun; I can't wait to see the new zones. I wonder if they will ever put the rumored SG vault back in....I think it disrupted gameplay too much so they deliberately left it out. If you could store excess enhancement for you SG members, it would make it too easy to level up, I think, but it was in the Prima guide, and mentioned on the web site.

Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
can you post a link or something to the patch?

*edit* nevermind i figured it out

[ June 19, 2004, 05:03 AM: Message edited by: Wonko The Sane ]
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :

can I aks you a qeuestion?

Posted by Wonko The Sane (Member # 2945) on :
sure i guess
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
what's a city of hat(wearing?) contingents?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I'll be on tommorrow night, probably after 10 again.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Anyone gonna be on tonight? Around 10 pm?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
how come my questions rarely get answered?

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I was on last night, sorry I missed you Kwea.

Here is my new lineup on Virtue:

*Victim X (level 7/8 Natural MA/Regen Scrapper)
*Illura (level 5 Science Ill/Kin Controller)
SolEssence (level 2/3 Mutant Fire/Fire Blaster)
Abom In-Abul (level 6 Mutant Stone/Ice Tanker)
*(The) Magi Strayt (level 4/5 Magic Energy/Ice Blaster)
Skizm (level 4/5 Technology Emp/Dark Defender)

* These are my more commonly played characters, then I play Abom, Skizm, Sol, in that order.

I don't know when my next session will be, but I'll bump the thread when it happens.

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I'm heading in as Abom In-Abul.

Just an FYI.


UPDATE: I'm actually going to play The Magi Strayt or Illura.

[ June 22, 2004, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Bokonon ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I took 2 weeks off for vacation, and now all the people i play with regularly are way ahead of me, and going into all the zones I can't get into...

Damn new zones too....lev 33 for one of them...

Well, since no one has bothered to let me know what is up [Wink] , I am going to start playing Logan again, and leveling her up. i had been holding her back to play with Hatrackers who didn't play as often, but I have only done that once or twice so screw it.

I can always make another, right? [Evil]

Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
So, if everyone still playing? I need a new card, and am planning to buy it tommorrow.

[ August 03, 2004, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
Forget I said that.


[Big Grin]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
OK...I am back, but having connection issues again.

It is almost like I never left... [Big Grin]

I don;t know if it is a problem because I had to reactivate my account, or if it is a CoH problem.
Also, my DSL is spotty today for some reason.

Is anyone else having a problem?

Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
I recently purchased this game. Having fun so far.

Anyone still play? I'd love to hang out with some hatrackers...
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
I tend to log on on weekend mornings (EDT), on Guardian server. Look for Illura, Abom In-Abul, or Electrostasis.

Posted by SmoG (Member # 7778) on :
I play on Champion, have a couple of toons, 38 tanker, 23 blaser, 16 scrapper and a 5 defender. I quit for a bit to play WoW but was terribly dissapointed with it, so am going back to CoH....
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
I'm on Freedom. I mostly play either "Figmint" or "Joe Medic". I also have "GlamazonWarrior", "Joe Blaze" and "Fyrre". I'm on a few times a week, mostly in the evenings EST.
Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
We should really consolidate and form a supergroup somewhere... Maybe a server none of us are on?

Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
I've been playing CoH for rather longer than I've been on hatrack. I'm on Liberty and Guardian. I also constantly come up with new character ideas, so would have no problem making a hero on someone else's server if you want to play.

The new Global chat system is great for getting ahold of people across servers. My global handle is @ReactorRod

37 rad/rad defender
32 grav/kin controller
26 dark/SR scrapper
24 invuln/ice tanker
18 engy/engy blaster
6 stone/mace tanker
5 storm/dark defender
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Okay guys, we REALLY need to form a supergroup. Oh the fun we could have!

I have a character at level 6 on infinity I am really liking, but I would totally be willing to start fresh on another server.

Right now I am playing a Grav/FF Controller and she is so much fun to play with [Smile] .
Posted by Enigmatic (Member # 7785) on :
I believe the minimum level to form a SG is 10. Xavier, if you want to level up and form the SG on Infinity, I'd make a character there and join. (Most of my higher-ups are already in a SG.) Otherwise, if we want to have fresh characters for the Hatrack SG on some other server, somebody pick one, tell me, and I can have a character up to 10 by friday.

Any thoughts on SG colors, symbol? I think all of our heroes should wear hats.
Posted by SmoG (Member # 7778) on :
I have often thought about making an Ender's Game themed sg, talked with some friends about it too. I would like to do it.... what I've thought is named either Battle School or Dragon Army, with ranks being Soldier, Toon Leader, and Commander. I don't think that you have to be level 10 anymore..... maybe you do, but whatever. Let me just suggest that it be on Virtue..... and The Names "Crazy Tom"(Controller) and "Hot Soup"(Blaster), if not taken, are taken [Razz]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
We've tried this before and it never did take off. There are too few of us and our schedules are too different.
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
I could do it, as long as it isn't on Virtue...I already am on that one. Almost all my slots are taken there. If we do it on Virtue, I do have a level 10 cahracter I had been saving since the first Hatracker SG..Logan is STILL only level 10 or 11, as I wasn't playign her unless it was with hatrackers.... [Big Grin]

I don't care, just pick a server.

[ May 03, 2005, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Kwea ]
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
BtL started a new thread about this, FYI.

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