Our Hatrack grandmother says being married is great, and the birth stories are curling my hair, but you have to start somewhere. Here we tell the story of the last time we had a first kiss.
Sweet, dreadful, embarassing, transcendent - each experience, every one.
If the last one is not terribly memorable, but there is another one you remember that was, then please, for all our benefit, tell both.
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
Ah....memories....my 12th birthday party...spin the bottle...7 minutes in Heaven....never look at Heinz the same way again...
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Edit: (NOT to Valentine. In response to original post.)I don't think online kisses should count.
[ March 14, 2004, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Okay, am I the only one that NEVER went to a spin the bottle party? Not only did I not, but NO ONE I talked to as a teenager did. I can't imagine any of them having the self-possession to propose such an endeavor. And I would have died of embarrassment before playing. I think.
[ March 14, 2004, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Is nothing sacred anymore?
It's one thing to spill the beans about L&D.
(Tsk tsk tsk tsk)
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Well to be fair kat, how many of your friends were LDS? Its a pretty different culture.
But to make you feel better if it wasn't many, I never played spin the bottle either.
As for my first kiss, it doesn't matter really. Its my next first kiss that will be memorable.
[ March 14, 2004, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: Xavier ]
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
See, that was the great thing about my party, we combined the rules of spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven into one game. Nothing to be embarrased about, well, except for my best friend Michelle, she walked out holding her hand over her mouth.
ME: "What's wrong?!" HER: "I cut my tongue on Dan's braces!"
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
quote: Okay, am I the only one that NEVER went to a spin the bottle party?
*points to self* Kat, you are not alone.
And btw, no way I'm sharing anything!
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
My last first kiss was January 26th, 1985 at about 2 AM. I met this guy at a party, asked him what sign he was, he walked me back to the dorm, and he kissed me good night. To be honest and completely corny, nineteen years later, every kiss still seems like the first one. No, I MEAN it!
Posted by Mabus (Member # 6320) on :
I never did either, Katharina.
My first kiss was with Cathy Mullican. To this day I don't know how the relationship started or why exactly it ended.
We went to a sort of retreat together; I didn't have a car at the time so we were part of a car pool, I think. During the retreat it was suggested that we might confess to a friend something we were embarrassed to confess before a group; Cathy was part of my Honors classes (she made ME look stupid) and I knew her fairly well considering we hadn't met that long before, so we moved off into the woods. Cathy...took the action differently than I did, apparently.
No, that wasn't when we kissed. I rather tentatively did that a few days later as we sat and talked. I never catch signals, not for certain, and I ended up having to ask. It was...rather intense. Unlike myself, Cathy had had a number of previous relationships and while I was tentative, she was in a hurry. Maybe that had something to do with the breakup...I really don't know.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Mabus, I actually suspect that's very normal.
Okay, people seem to be a little squickier about this? Is that because it's less secure than the married things? That makes sense. *considers* I went to a bridal shower yesterday, and this one was of the activities they did. It turned out really cute, but that's because the stories were submitted anonymously. I think the whole user-name-to-the-left bit makes it a little squickier.
*devises plan*
[ March 14, 2004, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
Okay, here's a way to tell the story without jeopardizing the cupid connections that are floating around the board right now.
User name: My last first kiss Password: hatrack
Please post. I think we'd be surprised by the range of stories. Even the not as nice ones are educational, if nothing else.
[ March 14, 2004, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: My last first kiss ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I thought the thread was the last time you had a first kiss with someone, not your general last kiss. Or your very first kiss. Am I wrong?
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
The last time you kissed someone for the first time.
Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
But why limit it to that?
I'd like to hear all sorts of stories.
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
Because people respond better to specific requests. Theoretically.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Hey, I totally followed the directions for my post, Miss/ter First Last Kiss! Mine was with my husband, my soul mate, my beloved, my shining star, that slob who didn't take the trash to the...oops, sorry, that beautiful man asleep upstairs, letting ME get the kids up and fed again, oops, dang it, that blessed being, my husband.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
This topic reminds me of one of my favorite songs
quote: Sunday morning, coffee’s on The kids are gone I’m thinking of that moment when All you had to do was speak My knees went weak Yeah, I’m twenty-two years old again
You were my last first kiss I never imagined love could be like this You are the woman I still can’t resist You were my last first kiss
As for personal stories – I’ll tell you in 11 days.
[ March 14, 2004, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: dkw ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Thank you, Liz!! *gives gold star*
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
5 February 2004.
Many people don't believe me when I say I haven't kissed before that day.
We had a Christmas party at work in December, and I spent a lot of time dancing with this one boy. So after the party, everyone at work kept saying we were a couple. Well, we weren't.
And we weren't for the next month, although we had a few dates. But no matter what I felt, everyone was convinced we were dating. *shrug*
So that night after work, we went to play pool, and then met with the others at a pub. And I kissed him. Should I have chosen a less public place, wih fewer eye-witnesses?
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
I'm making full use of this SN.
Never been kissed...never kissed anyone.
Family doesn't count, you sicko!
As all my friends and peers date and dance and cuddle up to next to each other when we gather, I am....cold?
I'm just pretty much afraid to take the chance.
Posted by pH (Member # 1350) on :
My _first_ first kiss was in the playhouse in my backyard. We were both fourteen, and he was a skateboarder, so I thought I was sooooo cool.
But he was one of those guys who substitutes cologne for a real shower. Icky.
Oh, and I only played spin-the-bottle once. And I never actually played it; I just watched everybody else. At dinner at a summer camp when I was 10, the people at my table would spin a bottle of Tobasco sauce, then lean over to other tables and kiss innocent bystanders (who were entirely unaware of the game) as the bottle directed.
Posted by Happy Camper (Member # 5076) on :
Hmmm, my last first kiss. Well, lets see. I'll try to keep this brief. It was with this girl who I'd been attempting to start a long distance relationship with, and let me tell you how bad an idea that is....
It's bad. Really, really bad. Anyway, guess I'll start from the beginning. I'd been down visiting some friends of mine at a particular university where I was not. That weekend we went to another nearby university (2 hours away) to go to a party some other friends of ours were having, where I met this particular girl, let's call her Kristy (which may or may not be her real name. Okay I'll admit it, it is). Anyway, we hit it off, and then I had to go back home, we kept in touch, and set up another time a couple of months later where I'd come back down to spend some time with her. Keeping in mind that it was a good 10 hour drive.
So we're having a good time, I'm a little exhausted because of, well, the drive, but still, I'm very much enjoying the evening because I get to be with Kristy. So, it gets late and everyone goes to their homes/apartments, and Kristy and I are left more or less alone. See, I was pretty much in a place where she was the only one I knew, except for the friends who's party we had met at two months earlier, and that party had been the first time I'd met them, so I got the pleasure of crashing on their couch. And Kristy was nice enough to stay there with me, on another couch mind you.
So we're there watching movies, and about midway through the second one, seemingly out of the blue, she says "In case I fall asleep" and leans up and kisses me, then lies back down . Which of course completely stuns me, and also makes it very, very difficult to do any sort of reciprocation, because I'm sitting there on the couch, she's lying down with her head on my leg also looking at the TV. GYAAAAAH!
There was only one more kiss, two days later as I was leaving to go back home. But here's the bad part boys and girls. I guess some time during the day as I was driving home, Kristy decided that she didn't want to be doing the whole long distance thing, and she emailed me a message to that effect, well that and the fact that she got "scared", which I can understand, she was probably less socially active than me. So when I get home, I immediately get to read this email after having driven 10 hours on about 4 hours of sleep in 3 days.
The moral of the story: It's a bad idea to get someone to drive really far to see you, kiss them, then send them home to a pseudo-breakup email. I can't say for sure the effect it had on my social life, as I've never been particularly good at that aspect, but I'd say it at least put a damper on things. She was the best person I've ever known, even if she was a republican, and it took me a long time to get over what she did. Oh, and don't tell them you want to be friends if you don't.
*Geez, this got kinda depressing to write, and longer winded than I wanted. Oh, well.*
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
(((Mike))) I've had some kind of experiences too, so I understand what you must have felt. And I don't know if recalling them in order to post'em is the wise think to do... Maybe some other time. They don't belong to this thread anyway.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
*sympathy* Mike, that's awful. And complicated.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I got nothing much to add here. Carry on.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Everyone here knows the story of my first kiss with Christy, right?
Posted by Fishtail (Member # 3900) on :
My last first kiss was almost a year ago (20 Mar 2003). I'm still dating the guy, so it's going to be my last first kiss for a while (not counting a drunken Oktoberfest peck that wasn't much to speak of).
The 20 Mar story: I met the guy on 1 Mar, but due to schedule conflicts we didn't have our first date until almost 3 weeks later. He got bonus points for calling me the day after I gave him my phone number, so I was willing to wait that long for the date.
The date was a home-cooked meal at his house. But as he lived almost exactly on the opposite side of the city, driving there entailed me getting caught in Friday night traffic and I arrived two hours late. Luckily, the pilot light on his oven had gone out, and by the time he got it fixed, dinner was almost ready and I had finally arrived. Talk about serendipity!
To unstress me from the battle with traffic, he uncorked a bottle of red wine (from a local winery that I recognized and had enjoyed before). We ate dinner (beer can chicken, it was delicious) accompanied by lively conversation and then he showed me his massage studio. We hit it off really well and as I stood admiring his Tibetan prayer flags he began to massage my shoulders, standing behind me. He had great hands...I was smitten...so I turned around, looked into his blue-green eyes, and we kissed.
One year and 2000 miles later, and we're still dating. woohoo!
Posted by CalvinMaker (Member # 2032) on :
There are only two first kisses worth mentioning, also considering I don't want to remember a lot of the others.
I was on the way to visit Teresa. We had decided to date about a week before, but we had never actually met in person. Just 8 hour marathons every night for weeks and weeks on the phone, getting to know each other much better than had we just met in person. The train finally arrived, and I saw her sitting on a bench at the station with her two friends. My heart started pounding against the jail of my chest when I saw how the sun reflected against her hair, and how her eyes squinted in the sunlight. I got off the train, and without saying anything, we walked up to each other, and kissed each other. One of those gentle, stroking kind of kisses.
The other kiss worth mentioning was with this awesome girl named Megan. We were at a party with some of her friends, and she was sitting on my lap. I honestly didn't think I had a chance with a girl as amazing as her, but I've never lacked balls. Being the idiot I am, I said, "You know what would be REALLY hot?"
"What?" She said, laughing.
I picked up one of the m&ms that was on the birthday cake next to us and put it on my tongue. "I think you know what to do." I said.
She kissed it off.
::shudders in awe:: Man, that kiss was SO hot!
Posted by aka (Member # 139) on :
Online kisses definitely count! No way they don't count, Katie, my love!
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
quote:Everyone here knows the story of my first kiss with Christy, right?
Definitely not everyone, Tom. I don't know the story.
Pulls up chair, waiting for story.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Oooh, way to go, Calvin !
sndrake, that's just Tom's way to make us impatient about reading his "last first kiss" story. So I'll join you in the patient waiting. Want some popcorn ?
Edited to add: Calvin, how on Earth did you manage to say that with the M&Ms on your tongue ?!?
[ March 14, 2004, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Corwin ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Well, my FIRST first kiss was when I was seven years old, with this girl named Amanda Beeker; she lived next door, and there was this huge fence between my family's run-down house and her own enormous one. Amanda and I hit it off immediately, and spent a lot of time reading to each other -- but her dad obviously disapproved of her associating with the poor folks next door, so he'd drag her inside whenever he saw us together. Finally, he simply told her she couldn't come over anymore, and so we contented ourselves with reading together through the slats in the high fence that separated our yards -- and occasionally pushing flowers through the holes. On the day she moved away, she came running into my yard -- her dad on her heels -- to kiss me once, and then ran off again.
As to my first kiss with Christy....Well, she'd first contacted me about a week or two earlier, and we'd had a few phone calls; we'd actually progressed to the point where we'd seen each other's web pages (including some photos). And so when she mentioned in passing that, at eighteen, she'd never been kissed, I offered my opinion that this was a criminal shame and needed to be redressed immediately. And as she was only three hours away, I pointed out that I could drive there, kiss her, and be home by bedtime.
It didn't QUITE work out that way. I drove down, of course, immediately -- but we spent most of the night talking and playing cards before we attempted any kisses; it didn't help, of course, that she lived in an all-girl dorm and her flatmates were, naturally, rather suspicious of the strange "Internet man" she'd invited into her room. *laugh* But after about ten hands of rummy, she set the cards down and said something like "Let's do what you came for, then," and leaned forward to kiss me.
It was actually pretty awful, since we were sitting too far apart and she managed to miss most of my mouth. *grin* But as we separated, embarrassed, I scooted a bit closer and suggested, "I'm willing to try that again until we get it right."
And so we kept trying. In fact, we got it right pretty quickly, but -- on the principle that everything improves with practice -- continued practicing until, looking up, we realized it was well past midnight. Consequently, I spent the night on her floor and snuck out the next morning.
It was actually rather more innocent than it sounds, but I left with the absolute surety that I was in love with her -- and I, as a fairly jaded veteran of the "scene," had given up all belief in love at first sight, so it was rather unnerving.
Things worked out pretty well, though.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
:goes back to read the rest:
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
My last first kiss was also my *first* first kiss. It was two years ago December, the Saturday night after classes had ended but before finals week. I was talking to him for a while outside my dorm (after curfew ), and it had been snowing on and off. He was a silly Californian wearing only shorts and a t-shirt. I kept insisting that he should go home because it was so cold and he didn't even have a jacket on, but he kept coming up with some excuse to stay and talk to me. Finally when I told him he should go back to his dorm he said "Ok I will...but only if I get a kiss goodnight first." I froze. We had had some very close-to-kissing moments in the previous weeks (we had been dating since the end of October), and now I froze. I had never kissed anyone! He was supposed to initiate it! I didn't know what the heck I was doing! Anyway, I stammered and mumbled for a while, and kept giving him hugs...it was all very awkward. But FINALLY I decided I needed to do something about this situation. So I mustered up all my courage and said, "So, are you just going to stand there or what?" And he took the hint. Three innocent little goodnight-pecks. It was perfect.
Oh, and I haven't heard your story either, Tom! Tell us! (Edit: whoops! I'm too slow!)
[ March 14, 2004, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: hansenj ]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
quote: "Let's do what you came for, then."
quote: "I'm willing to try that again until we get it right."
Wow, those lines killed me ! Well, this thread receivs my "Most entertaining of the weekend" award !
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Obviously you don't need to be LDS to be shy : my first kiss was with Vincent, I never kissed anyone else.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
My first kiss was at six. His name was Joey Green. We were playing with Transformers in his bedroom. I lost and had to give him a peck.
Silly boys.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
My first first kiss was with my now-ex.
I'm still looking forward to my last first kiss.
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
I haven't been involved in any 'mutual kisses', but I've had about three unsolicited kisses.
Not that I minded them, but I kinda wish that I'd really 'wanted' them from those people at the time. One was just a playful kiss, one was done as a 'truth or dare' (she was the only one playing, and it was the only question asked, and not by me), and the third was from someone who really wanted it to be meaningful at the time - and if it had come a little sooner, it would have, and I wouldn't have had to have broken it off the moment I realized that it was occuring. Alas.
So I don't consider any of those 'first kisses', because I wasn't actually an active participant in either of them.
[ March 14, 2004, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
My last first kiss was also my first.
(This was back when I was living on Kauai)
Took place after watching "Sweet Home Alabama" in a theater with some friends and my long-distance girlfriend who was visiting at the time. When the movie ended, she gave me a quick peck on the lips, which I took as a signal to sneak away from the others. (I'm not counting that as my first kiss!) *laugh*
We drove in her beat-up old van down a dirt road that took us past the airport and to this secluded cliff rising out of the ocean with a quaint lil lighthouse perched on the edge. We walked down pretty close to the edge of the cliff and stood there, talking and joking around, the sunshine reflecting on the water...and then we just kinda looked at each other and kissed.
We stood in that same position for nearly an hour, until an old fisherman drove up behind us and we felt our privacy was compromised.
[ March 14, 2004, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Zotto! ]
Posted by Emp (Member # 5955) on :
Calvin, I can't imagine you being able to say that coherently with the candy on your tongue. I imagine you kinda drooling as you try to talk, the chocolate/candy dye mess spilling onto her legs as you try to act smooth.
Not to doubt your claim, though.
[ March 14, 2004, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Emp ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Emp? You're alive? Good heavens.
Posted by Emp (Member # 5955) on :
Actually, of all times for me to post, I'm posting while studying for my finals.
Or maybe, upon reflection, it makes perfect sense.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
quote: My first kiss was at six. His name was Joey Green. We were playing with Transformers in his bedroom. I lost and had to give him a peck.
Heh heh. *sigh* Mine is similar, only with Lego, and he was leaving for America (which was soooo far away) and we were sad. I was, um, eight.
That was my first last kiss, too. Heh.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Anyone wanna play Transformers with me?
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
If kisses under the age of 10 count, then ok. It was more of me kissing then me being kissed, but oh well. I just leaned over and kissed a girl when I was 7ish.
And that was that. Incredibly romantic.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
*mutters* Stupid Nate, having his trademark charisma since he was frequin' SEVEN years old...
[ March 14, 2004, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Zotto! ]
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
No thanks, Zotto, I never really liked Transformers, but give me Barbie and G.I. Joe anyday (Ken was too much of a pussy for me).
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Yeah, and wow, look how much that charisma has helped me since.
By the way, thats it as far as stories from me go concerning kissing.
But I'm sure if someone really wants to, they can fly out here, or drive, and fix that for me.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Sorry dude, my dad has the car.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
The following story (and I) make much more sense if you realize that I'm insecure about relationships. Not myself - just other people.
We were supposed to go to a a service project, but I was running a little (45 minutes) late, and by the time we (I) were (was) ready, the rest of the group had gone on, so we didn't know where to go. We gave up and went to the local art festival for a few hours. Then we got some food and had a picnic in a field of bluebonnets. We walked around the lake in the city, and by then it was dusk. The air was heavy, and I could see lightning flash on the horizon all around us. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me before I knew what was coming. I looked up and said, "Does this mean you like me?" He laughed, and said, "Yeah. I like you."
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
My last first kiss was on the 17th November, 2000.
I had met Tony for the first time a week before - we had gone out to drinks with a mutual friend, and over the course of the evening had gone from "This person seems nice enough" to "oh my.... What just happened?".
So after a week of finally building up the courage, I invited Tony to a end of exams barbeque I was having.
He came (much to the delight of all my friends, who couldn't wait to see the *older* man I liked) and stayed for a while - lots of good conversation, unbelievable amounts of chemistry.
So when it was time for him to go, I walked him out to his car - we had a couple of minutes of goodbye talk, where it became patently clear that Tony wasn't going to make any move whatsoever. I was already going to a party at his house the following night, so there was no need to make a second date or anything.
So I tiptoed and kissed him - very forward.
But, hey - it worked! 3 1/2 years on, and I no longer have to always make the first move.
(edit for spelling.)
[ March 14, 2004, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: imogen ]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
imogen, it seems most of my first kisses were initiated by me too. I guess I am just that sorta girl.
My last (now and forever) first kiss was with my beloved Porter (mr_porteiro_head). Our courtship was a bizarre one, a very long story which I will not tell you now. I will say that I have never come across a story of a courtship anything like ours until reading about how Ender's parents met and fell in love (found in "First Meetings" by OSC). That give you an idea of how strange our courtship was.
I kissed him on our first "real date" (by this time we had sorta known each other for about 2 years). It was in a cemetary with a distant thunderstorm rumbling in the background. Very morbid or very romantic, depending on how you look at it. We both found it very romantic.
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
My last first kiss was also my first first kiss, so far. But this thread made me think about a footnote that happened several years prior to that kiss.
While living in a college dorm, my roommates found out I'd never been kissed. They decided I needed to learn how to kiss and talked a guy friend of theirs who was a good kisser into teaching me. I contemplated it, because I was simply curious as to what the sensation would be like. I didn't think they were actually going to talk him into it when they left. They were perfectly sober when thinking up this plan and as far as I know, no aclohol was involved at all, though it does sound like a plan people would come up with while intoxicated.
They were gone for so long I ended up turning out the lights and going to sleep since I had a test the next day. Well, not quite going to sleep. I heard them come in and he was with them, and basically faked sleep because I didn't want to deal with the mess. The guy was a good guy at heart, if a bit of a slut at the time. While I was "asleep" he actually tiptoed over, kissed me on the forehead and they all giggled and left. I think it is stretching the incident considerably to call it a first kiss and I don't.
The real first kiss was on a set of steps in front of a marble fountain, in what was normally a very busy thoroughfare. Miraculously, no one else was in sight at the time. He had just had a breathmint, though he hadn't exactly planned on kissing me when he did either. The kiss involved tounge, and I laughed.
I had friends including the former roommates that know me so well that, when I called in a breathless state of euphoria and said "I was kissed!" their first question was, "Did you laugh?" I laughed mid-kiss because I realized exactly how bad/clueless I was at kissing, having never done it before. I have had plenty of practice since learning how to do it "right". But, I know it meant more and I had a lot more fun in the process than I would have had if I had gone through my roommates "kiss training" school!
I know I've told bits of this story before to some hatrackers. I'm wondering if people can identify me just by my posting style. I would be interested in guesses, but if you remember the bits please don't divulge who I am.
Posted by fallow (Member # 6268) on :
My last first last kiss was apparently a 5'10" oxen blonde who approached me after the fact. Sad to say, I couldn't recall that particular event.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I think you're Annie.
Beverly - I made the first move (and iniated the first kiss) with my ex-boyfriend as well! Maybe I'm just not approachable...
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
Hmmm. My list of first kisses is short and reads something like Unsent by Alanis.
#1 was a textbook "I wanted to do this a year ago when we went out that one time" thing.
#2 tried like hell to suck on my uvula.
#3 was even more timid than me. Surprising for such a big guy.
#4 was, in a word, animalistic.
#5 was a bit...uncoordinated. I hope he's learned that lips and tongue should work together.
#6 was magic, sweet and soft.
#7 was like kissing a fish. Or a dog.
*sighs and looks at watch* Any day now, Prince Charming.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
My first kiss was within two hours of my birth, and it was with an older woman.
Posted by Tzadik (Member # 5825) on :
My last first kiss - hm, think was Friday evening, 21 November of last year. After being with the special once *grin* for 5 months it sort of happened. Wasn't planned, I didn't intend to kiss her, but as we were walking the town to movies, we stopped, hugged, and finaly kissed. It was, it was - heavenly Am thankful for that last first kiss, and I know there won't be anymore 'first kisses' from now on, right lissande?
Posted by Lissande (Member # 350) on :
Why you talking about me??
Right, so my last first kiss was remarkably similar to what Tzadik described. It was also my first first kiss. Good thing I don't mind my life details being shared on the internet.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Last first kiss? Hmmmm.
David and I had met in Chicago, and -- as usual -- we were talking about everything under the sun. We were in a parking garage by the Art Institute, and I was finishing telling the story of my parents' first kiss.
My father had first met my mother when she was around 5 and he was 24. At that time, her family had a roadside farmer's stand, and he'd stop by in the mornings and buy bread from her. She thought he was magnificently handsome, and he thought she was a cute kid.
Flash ahead to nearly thirty years later, and my father is standing with my mother at the edge of the river behind his house. He had married another, raised two children, and lost that wife to cancer. My mother had grown into a strong and loving professional nurse, but she still lived at home with her father. Everyone had written her off as an old maid; she was waiting for the man she would trust with fathering her children.
They had met again as players in community theater. He'd been an actor at the Goodman Theater in Chicago -- attached at that time to the very Art Institute that David and I were now visiting -- and she was a witty and beautiful trouper.
After one of their plays, he took her home to stand by the river.
He kissed her the first time, and he asked her to marry him. He became the love of her life.
(And then David leaned over and kissed me, "because the time was right." )
[ March 15, 2004, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
*grin* Claudia Therese, you are all class.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
OOH ooh! First kiss stories!
Given how shy both Jes and I were I'm amazed we ever kissed at all. We'd been flirting and stuff for months and positively dating for weeks. I was 17 and he was 16, and his mom didn't want him spending too much time together because she didn't want him getting all goo-goo and neglecting school and things. Neither of us had a car so if we wanted to see each other one of us had to get a ride first, which wasn't likely for either one of us. We saw each other about once or twice a week, (which was pretty reasonable now that I look back on it, but was torture back then) and I had spent every moment we shared together in the two weeks before that mentally ordering him to kiss me. Like this:
"Hey I really like this song." (Kiss me NOW.) "Yeah it's a good one." "I'm pretty sure I have this CD somewhere." (Kiss me or die you moron.) "Really? Can you find it?" "I think it's packed away in storage." (KISS ME! GAAAHHHH! I'm going to KILL you!)
And so on.
Anyway, it was four days til Christmas and he was visiting me at my house before being separated for the Christmas holidays...it would probably be a week or two until we'd see each other again. (The horror!) We were talking about how terrible it would be to be apart, while sitting next to each other working on my web page. (The web page was solely created to get his butt over to my house in the first place. Ask me about THAT sometime.) I said something like, "I can't believe you're LEAVING me!" And I threw myself into his arms in desperation. He caught me and said, "Sorry" and I'll be danged if he didn't make the hottest face I'd ever seen, liked he'd been saving up all his sexuality for the moment. That was the very first kiss for both of us and was one of the most amazing moments of my life. Every once in a while one of us will say, "Remember our first kiss?" And we'll both shiver, literally.
Later that evening I talked to my mom on the phone and she said, "What happened to your voice?"
"What do you mean?" I said.
"It changed. It's really low now. Are you okay?"
HEHEHEHE. It was SULTRY. It's stayed that way ever since. It was that kind of kiss.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Whoa, PSI, that sounds like some kinda kiss! (Sorry, I figured someone had to comment on that!) Most first kisses are so awkward. It's nice to have one so memorable.
My first first kiss was pretty memorable too. Me and the guy both about as shy, took us a long time to get past the flirting to the kissing. He was visiting me (long story) and we didn't know when we would see each other again. We had confessed our feelings on our last full day together, held hands some, but nothing more than that. Before sending him off to bed that night I said, "Well, aren't you going to kiss me?" He looked all shy and said, "I've never kissed anyone before, I don't know how." It was sweet and innocent, but a good first kiss.
Posted by Slash the Berzerker (Member # 556) on :
You don't KISS Slash the Berzerker! You strap yourself on and feel the G's! Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I think that Slash's post was the dirtiest thing I've ever read on this board.
More dirty than CT's risque posts.
Posted by Slash the Berzerker (Member # 556) on :
It's a simpsons quote.
From the max power episode. It wasn't too dirty for network tv!
Posted by peterh (Member # 5208) on :
I'll let you decide if my first, first kiss counts and will save my last first kiss for a future landmark.
Danielle and I were in kindergarten together. Every day during recess she and I and Matt used to have a kissing booth that Matt and I pretty much rotated around.
Matt was on a slightly different kindergarten schedule, so we only shared half the day with him. The rest of the day we'd have each other to ourselves. I remember several things about kissing her. I remember what her tongue felt like through her missing front tooth. I remember hiding under a small blanket while sitting on another during our "quiet" time. I remember hiding under a table with her and Shelley playing guard for us too keep us from being bothered. I remember taking her flowers and lying to my mom and telling her that they were for my teacher.
She had twin sister that I didn't like nearly as much and they moved away around 3rd grade and I never saw her again. There you have it.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
BannaOj: my first first kiss was when I was 4 I think BannaOj: Gordon and I were best friends KatharinaZamboni: oh, that's so cute BannaOj: we decided we liked each other BannaOj: and because people that like each other kiss each other we wanted to kiss each other KatharinaZamboni: at 4? BannaOj: ohh the logic gets even better than that! BannaOj: but we didn't want our parents to get mad at us BannaOj: so we decided to dig a cave BannaOj: because everyone knows that caves are secret BannaOj: (i don't think either of us had read tom sawyer, but I might have read a condensed picture version by then) BannaOj: anyway so we had to dig this hole KatharinaZamboni: *loves Tom Sawyer* BannaOj: so the hole was at my house BannaOj: and every time he came over we worked on it BannaOj: for several months BannaOj: we had patience and planning KatharinaZamboni: all for a kiss? BannaOj: yup KatharinaZamboni: You have to post this!!! KatharinaZamboni: That's so cute! BannaOj: Gordon's family had recently remodled a house BannaOj: his father taught him power tool safety and he was allowed to saw and hammer simple things BannaOj: so he thought nothing of using a shovel BannaOj: I used a trowel BannaOj: but he would jump on the shovel to make it dig down into the dirt and get huge chunks out BannaOj: anyway as the dirt was hard and progress was slower than expected, we finally decided that we weren't going to get a cave BannaOj: and that it was deep enough BannaOj: we could both stand in it. The hole was higher than our waist but not up to our chests BannaOj: we'd strategically put this hole, at the back of the house KatharinaZamboni: wow KatharinaZamboni: that's a lot of digging BannaOj: in this little area that is basically a strip of dirt between that side ofthe house and the fence to the neighbors yard BannaOj: and we kept it totally secret from our parents BannaOj: I mean they knew we had a project out in the backyard KatharinaZamboni: at age 4 BannaOj: but we were quiet and not getting in trouble cause there was nothing out there that we could get in trouble doing BannaOj: yup BannaOj: anyway we finally kissed each other, on the cheek BannaOj: and it was a real let down BannaOj: so we decided to tell them about our hole since it was "finished" BannaOj: our mothers went out back and nearly fainted! BannaOj: My dad still marvels at how deep we'd gotten that hole BannaOj: he was the one who had to fill it up KatharinaZamboni: Kissing is an amazing motivator.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
*laugh* I think it's a shame he filled it up. It would have been wonderful to bring boyfriends back to your house and show them the kissing hole.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Dad was worried we were going to hit utility or sewage lines soon.
And, the thought of me having a boyfriend gave them the vapors for over two decades.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Wow, I didn't know men could get vapors.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Oh it can happen... and when it does it isn't pretty!
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
I promised a story for this thread . . .
Every time Bob and I had met previous to this Thursday he had been traveling for work and I had picked him up and dropped him off at his hotel. Since our greetings and goodbyes were always in cars, we had never hugged, like happens at some Hatrack meetings, or even shaken hands. For this visit, he was driving in from Chicago after a business meeting and staying at a hotel in Story City (about 17 miles from the town where I live). We had dinner reservations at a restaurant in Story City, so I planned to meet him there. We knew we were both coming back to my house afterward, so I arranged to get a ride to with a friend on her way to aerobics class. She dropped me off near the restaurant around five o’clock.
We had arranged that Bob would call my cell phone when he got to the hotel. Five-thirty was the earliest I was expecting to hear from him, so I wandered around for a while and then went into the public library, which was about a block from the restaurant. I stayed near the door, so when the phone rang I could duck outside quickly and not disturb anyone. Bob called about six to say he’d just checked in and had to change clothes and such. I gave him directions on how to find the library, then took my book to the reading area in the fiction section, which was near the back of the room.
After about twenty minutes, I heard someone come around the shelves. I looked up and it was him. I stood up, and we walked to each other and hugged. Then started kissing. Then he said, “Will you marry me?” and I said, “Yes.”
It was the best kiss I’d ever had in my life. At least, up until that point. There were a few more afterward, and some in the next two days that might give the first one a run for its money. But I can say without a doubt that my last first kiss was the best first kiss I’ve ever experienced.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Oh, how incredibly sweet! In the library, behind a bookshelf!
And, wait, how incredibly sneaky! Wasn't it just your first date? I am SOOOO confused...
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Tee hee! Ain't love sweet?
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Obviously, the rest of Hatrack is either asleep, eating a late lunch, or off drinking Bloody Marys, because there is a major story here that is being MISSED.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
No, I read it.
See, I have my own story to tell.
Those of you who know me (actually, it's getting to be a lot of you), know that I have problems with physical touch for many reasons. My childhood bereft of loving touch, my adolescence of inhibition, my young adult years of assault and being burned by stupid men. Actually, I hated kissing. Hated.
So I go down to NY to meet up with Matt. I'm anxious and not. Hard to explain...I feel at ease and just connect with him in so many ways that I'm just excited to meet him and spend time with him. I'm nervous because I suck with physical expression of affection.
So I walk into the hotel lobby and this tall handsome guy stands up and I think holy crap, this is the guy and...wow. Yeah, I'm way attracted to him...but not just because I find him physically attractive, but for many, many other things as well.
Anyway. And I think, Does he think anything of me that I think of him?
He kisses me on the cheek. I blush.
The first real kiss took awhile in happening. Poor Matt must have kissed me at least twelve times before I kissed back. I was nervous and unsure and shy about kissing. Remember, I'm inhibited, so I don't do the fifty things with him I WANT to do in my head. I also have historically not liked kissing.
Finally, I think screw it and kiss him back.
And I like kissing Matt. A first, for me.
And I'm still amazed that he finds me, in everything, attractive.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
I'm so happy for you, Dana.
And I'm happy for mac, too. In the last couple of weeks that I've been lurking around here, I've read a lot of what you've posted, and I find you a charming and interesting person. I very much look forward to meeting you at the wedding.
You both deserve all the happiness in the world, and I'm glad you seem to be grabbing it with both hands.
I'm just gonna sit around grinning for awhile. Life is good, and all is right with the world.
Posted by Procrastination (Member # 4821) on :
I can't say it wasn't frustrating waiting for Jamie to figure all that stuff out. It totally was. And very confusing. Especially since I had very little idea of what was going on inside her head at the time.
See, now, I didn't even think about the kiss on the cheek... that was just me being friendly... But, the first peck on the lips with absolutely *no* response... that gave me pause.
Now, I got from talking with Jamie in the weeks leading up to the trip that she *wanted* to kiss me... so I was worried that maybe after meeting me she changed her mind.
Then I figured, maybe she's shy, and tried again.
Hmm. Nada. And again... same. And I could see that she was getting more and more nervous and flustered, so I stopped.
Really, it wasn't until the second day that she leaned over and kissed *me* on the cheek, with a big grin on her face.
I'm not sure when it happened, later on that day, I'd imagine, that I actually kissed her and she kissed me back, and my brain went "yay! finally! breakthrough!"
Now, granted, as she has made clear, Jamie's not the most experienced kisser in the world... but I'm hoping to change that. Practice, after all, makes perfect.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Actually, after meeting you, I only wanted to kiss you MORE. Possibly even jump you six ways till Tuesday. Stupid inhibitions.
And part of that, I think, was wondering, Does he feel the same way? Posted by Procrastination (Member # 4821) on :
::raises a glass::
Here's to breakthroughs!
Stupid four and a half hour drive to New Hampshire...
::20 days until I can hold you to your six ways::
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Hooray for Mack!
Just to keep all this straight, Matt is Flying Cow?
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
And Procrastination. No jokes about me dating Procrastination, either.
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
I'm not really embarresed about this one. Its... typical for me, I guess is the best way to put it.
I met this girl, basically, walked into a class last semester on the first day, looked around the room, saw her, said to myself "I want to get to know HER!" One of the classic jaw drop moments.
Anyrate, sat behind her, and tried to engage her in conversation a couple times after class. Got the cold shoulder for about 6 weeks. Middle of october she turned around and started talking to me. I was thinking "Uh, ok..." anyrate, it turns out not only is she standstill chin hits the floor try to collect yourself before being able to talk gorgeous, but also a really friendly, interesting, caring, considerate and kind person. Gathered all of this over about 4 weeks of conversations before and after class. Find out during this time she has a boyfriend (obviously, women that beautiful and kind are not single).
Finally, end of november I ask if she'd like to go out for dinner, and make it clear that I'm not asking as a date, but a chance to get to know each other outside of school, work on a friendship, blah blah blah. She says sure. So I call her a couple nights later to work out a time, and she says "I'm sorry, I don't think we should do date like activities. This relationship with my boyfriend is really serious, and I'm attracted to you."
So a week later she calls me up, and asks if I'd like to go out for dinner that night. Uhhh? I say yes, we go have a nice friendly dinner in the north end of boston.
Afterwards, I walk her back to her apt, and we get there and she invites me up. I'm thinking "What in the hey now?" but I SAY "Do you really want me to? " and she says yes, we head up to her apt, and she tells me to sit down, I sit on the couch sorta in the cornerish, and she goes to get us drinks from the kitchen, comes back, sets the drinks down, stradled me and kissed me with what I can best term "intent." I've been kissed a few times in my life really seriously. But THAT was serious. Like blow your socks off sort of kiss. Electrifying. I was tingling from my head to my toes, literally. That lasted about a minute, and then she started BAWLING on my chest. She cried HARd for about ten minutes, soaked me right through my shirt and drenched my chest.
Anyrate, that was my last first kiss. I've never really been kissed like that before, and the experience was amazing. Sadly, what had happened was that her boyfriend (who traveled for his work) had had an affair, and she had found out that day. She thought of calling me, because I was turning into a friend, and I guess she wanted to get back at her boyfriend, and then couldn't go through with it. She didn't know me well enough at that point to know that I wouldn't have let it go further then what happened, on a first date.
I'm not sure whats ended up happening to her. I tried to call her a few times, and no response, but at least I found out what had happened.
In terms of emotional impact, I wish the kiss hadn't happened because maybe our budding friendship would have been more likely to grow. But at the time, it was magical. And at least I have one kiss like that in my life... an electrifying kiss from an absolutely beautiful woman who I don't well know enough for all the mundanity to get in the way of my little mental memory of that moment.
Posted by sarahdipity (Member # 3254) on :
All of this explains why they both had silly grins when I saw them after being in NYC. That's right guys, great big silly grins and long glances at each other. It was very adorable and sweet.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My first kiss with Hobbes wasn't nervous or awkward at all, but also not out-of-this world romantic. I still owe an apology to Narnia for choosing the back of her car for the romantic occasion. There have, however, been many more kisses since and lots of lovely stories.
My most favorite romantic one was trying to hike faster than his parents down a slot canyon so I could kiss him around every corner. Hee hee hee.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
I had my first kiss about the same time I had my first cigarette--11. Except the girl ruined the whole thing and french kissed me, which I thought felt pretty gross.
Posted by amira tharani (Member # 182) on :
I didn't post on this the first time round, but I'm sufficiently emboldened to post this time.
I took a long while to recover emotionally from my first relationship - my ex remains one of my best friends, but making the transition from a very stormy relationship to a decent and stable friendship was not fun. In the midst of all the maelstrom (ex and I were housemates on top of it all) I met a friend of my ex, who lived near us and so was always over at our house. Anyways, we became friends and he was often nicer to me than my ex was, with the upshot that my ex constantly teased me about this guy - y'know, ooh he likes you he likes you and all that stuff... anyways I thought this was complete rubbish but as we got to know each other better I realised that this guy really DID like me and I was in for a tricky time - a boyfriend was the last thing I wanted, going into my final year and with masses to catch up on in order to get a good degree.
Anyway I spent the summer e-mailing him and working out how to let him down gently - which got completely scuppered by him asking me out at 2am the day after my birthday when I was still jet-lagged from my trip to Canada. But we remained friends and spoke every day on the phone or MSN, and saw each other almost every day when we got back to university. Even then it took me a long while to realise I was falling for him. By the time I did, we'd spent long hours on the sofa in my college room, talking and at odd times hugging, but never more than that.
Finally, this one night, I'd got back late from wherever I'd been and he was still up, so he came over and we talked, and he was lying on the sofa with his head in my lap, and I think he said he'd never been so happy, or something equally romantic, and I kissed his forehead. He was gobsmacked for a bit and then said "you... you kissed me." to which I said "yeah, I guess I did," to which he said "does that mean I can kiss you?"... I said yes, and so...yeah... he kissed me back and a year and a half later we're still together... and much more experienced kissers than we were then!
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
mac and Matt, I’m thrilled for you. When you first started flirting on Hatrack I thought, “he’d be so good for her.” I’m glad it’s working out.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
There are some really awesome kissing stories in this thread, btw. I think I will never forget the kissing hole.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Totally. *grins*
And Mack! Yes! *adds name to the "glad you're dating a cool guy" list*
And dkw! *adds name to the "glad you and Bob're getting hitched" list*
And Annie! *remembers being there when you and Hobbes met*
And everyone! *loves this thread to a ridiculous degree*
[ March 28, 2004, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Zotto! ]
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
quote:And dkw! *adds name to the "glad you and Bob're getting hitched" list*
This is a list?
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
A very long one.
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
Second year of college. Never been kissed. Never been in love.
Premable Was I just late in developing hormones? No.
Years 6-12 were spent being molested by the step-parent. Years 12-18 were spent finding ways to avoid said parent and stay below the radar of the other parent, the crazy one. See, the crazy one was furious that I wouldn't spend time alone with, nor talk to the other one.
The molester threatened that if I told the truth, I and my brothers would be left alone with the crazy one. It was a dark enough possibility to guarantee my silence.
Poor, dressed like a geek, and in an ultra-conservative school, freshman year put me in contact with others just like me. By the end of year one, I not only knew that they looked like me, but that many had been molested. The symptoms, once recognized, are so clear that we may as well be wearing a sign; "Touch me and I Cringe. Touch me and I Melt. Touch me at your own Risk. Touch me lest I Die."
At a gathering early in sophomore year, a group of friends went to The Chart House for Mud Pie. The occasion was an out of town friend of a friend who had come down for a visit.
I found myself across the table from the newcomer,B. I was attracted, but did not even consider making a connection. I was surprised when quietly yet confidently, B reached across the table and touched my nose. We talked a bit. I was shocked at the mutual interest and for lack of a better word, timing.
We made arrangements to meet again. I was nervous; nay, terrified to hope for anything good and terrified to never move beyond the bubble in which I'd placed myself.
The Kiss
The date was perfect; magical. It was as if the universe had conspired to drop fairy dust over every moment. Toward the end of the evening, while walking along the beach, B initiated a kiss. I didn't respond. B tried again and an electric current shot through me.
I felt something melt and as I began to return the kiss, the sky erupted in fireworks. Actual fireworks. Loud, and beautiful and impossible to deny. I looked at the fireworks and started laughing.
It was April, but my soul knew it was independence day.
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
I'm getting all twitterpated again, just reading the latest last first kiss stories.
Yay to Mack! Yay to Matt! Yay to Bob & dkw!
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
It is never so often do I get confronted with the fact that I have never been kissed as in the spring. When a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love, but never thoughts about loving me.
The sad truth is that I never got the chance to kiss anyone. Perhaps not. The saddest truth is that even if I was given more than the barest and most fleeting of chances, I would not have been the one to take action. Too afraid of rejection, violently afraid of rejection am I. It never hurts so much as when the people around me are in love.
It is almost physically painful to see others happy, especially when they are close to me and them being close to each other means that they will no longer be so close to me. I have to look away. I can't ask for them to separate themselves from each other to spend time with me. This is why I am alone in my room right now.
I guess I don't know what I want and I have certainly no idea how to get it. Pure and simple, all I want is someone who cares about me, who thinks of me as something of a priority. Someone who will always have time for me, without me allowing myself to make excuses and telling myself that they won't. Maybe someone with whom to share something intimate, something such as a kiss.
It's been. A long time since I realized that there is a hole in my heart that cannot be filled with friendship. I do not know what could fill it. A gut feeling is telling me that it would not help how much I hate myself for someone else to love me. It is telling me that no matter how much the people in my life already love me, it hasn't changed anything. It is telling me that I have to do something myself to change the way I feel. But. I do not know what to do.
Hatrack. I'm blindly calling out to you, not because I think that there will be anything that you can do, but because I have no where else to go. Because I know that no matter what, there will be someone with time for me here. I cannot blame the people around me, because it is no fault of theirs that I am unable and unwilling to ask for their help.
Perhaps I just need sleep. I'm just lonely and I am alone. I do not want to be this way any longer. It never hurts so much as it does in the spring.
[ March 29, 2004, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: My last first kiss ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
What you need, MLFK, is a wholesome dose of CT's Matchmaker thread.
My own last first kiss was probably a mistake. Even if it wasn't, I still regret it. I brought a girl home after a big shindig at the middle of the term, but I did not bring her home to make out with her. She came on pretty strong, though, but I got the impression that she wanted more than I was willing to give... I resisted for a while, but what tipped the scales was when she said that she was a biter.
...please understand that I'm a sucker for nibbling and biting and that sort of wholesome goodness, and it had been altogether too long since I'd kissed someone who would also bite (Train Cutie #1, for those keeping score).
So anyway, I bit her. (Well, it was more of a nibble.) One bite led to another and soon we were kissing. She was a pretty good kisser, too, which was somethine else I'd been missing.
She stayed the night – no, there was no sex in either the champagne room or my own, but I definitely confirmed my suspicion that she wanted to do more than I was willing to do. I scored the spare mattress and slept on that. She snored (points off, I'm a light sleeper). I nabbed my headphones and iPod and was eventually able to get to sleep.
Having been reminded of how much I miss these things, though (that is to say, kissing and biting), I'm looking forward to my next first kiss.
[ March 29, 2004, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: twinky ]
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
If I am lonely now, imagine how lonely I would be if I had love but it was thousands of miles away.
[ March 29, 2004, 02:53 AM: Message edited by: My last first kiss ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Hm. Touché.
I had some relatively deep-rooted self-esteem issues when I got into my last serious long relationship, but by the time she broke up with me I was past them, thanks to her help. Relationships can help with emotional problems but you have to make sure that you don't let the relationship become a crutch.
The other thing, too, is that I think you're much more ready for relationships when you've got your own life sorted out and are relatively happy; a relationship can be like a monkey wrench in that you might not want to throw one in to something that isn't already working well.
I dunno, though, it's past 3AM and I'm flattened, so I could just be spewing random garbage. Sorry I'm not more useful
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
Don't worry about it. I don't know what I was expecting, your reply was welcome.
[ March 29, 2004, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: My last first kiss ]
Posted by LadyDove (Member # 3000) on :
MLFK- One thing that is certain is that Mr. Right won't bust into your room looking for you.
You need to be out, visible and interacting with people to meet someone.
As for the self-loathing; something that works wonders is to make a list of all your weak points, then, and this is the tough part, make an equally long list of your strong points.
For most of the people I've known who have fallen out of like with themselves, the act of trashing one's self has become easy and comfortable. When you force yourself to acknowledge the good and the strength in yourself, it is terrifying and liberating.
Gather together your courage and start writing.
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
I. will try. Thank you.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
MLFK, You need help way beyond what this forum has to offer. Way beyond. You need serious counselling starting now.
Please make the next post that you put in this thread one that says that you're already in some kind of therapy or you've picked up the phone and have made an appointment for it.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
We were lying in bed.
It was one of those situations where nothing is spoken; the energies involved were enough. It came to us naturally to meet each other's needs. It started with an all-too-natural embrace, the kind where your bodies line up with one another in such a way that says: this fits. And while you're lying there trying to figure out what the rules might be for this ultimately fleeting moment of your life, while a thousand new songs are writing themselves into your fingers as if you had been playing them for years, while your mind is absurdly trying to figure out whether or not it would be possible to simply stay in this position for the rest of your life, and while the voices you're accustomed to hearing over your head as they tell you that you are unlovable over and over again are finally and eternally silent; in the midst of all this contentment he leans in close to your face as if asking--no, begging--for permission to taste and drink your mouth and the raging passions that have been locked there for thousands of years.
We were so close that there wasn't much more ground to cover, but I made up the rest of the distance myself. With speed and accuracy, I might add.
I later decided that the entire event--and believe me, there was more --was going to be on the DVD of my life, under Bonus Materials. Reserve yours today and get $5 off the purchase price.
[ March 29, 2004, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Good heavens, John. That was pretty spicy.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
How often does it happen that you lie in bed with someone before you even kiss?
Posted by gwan (Member # 6194) on :
That happens to me, but I'm usually in a "We are friends" sort of mode. And the people that I date know that i am saving my virginity so it doesn't matter that are first kiss may occur on a bed.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Actually, I thought the description was pretty tame... sort of the preview version, you might say.
And Kama, it is not OFTEN that you find yourself lying down next to someone in a bed that you've not kissed before, but it does happen occassionally. Usually in friendly situations.
For me it's usually women, though...
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Okay. Can I kiss you if we lie down together?
[ March 29, 2004, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
*pushes John outta the way and lies in his place*
C'mon, I think I'll appreciate it more than him.
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
The year was 1968. I was five years old. I caught a grasshopper and put in in a jar. My mom poked holes in the lid with an icepick. She accompanied me to our next-door neighbor's house, where I gave the grasshopper to the neighbor girl - her name was Carol Wood. I seem to recall that she was into bugs. I gave her the jar, and she grabbed me and planted a big wet kiss on me, full on the lips.
I was completely caught off guard, and my mom thought it was hilarious.
I just wish I could still elicit that type of response.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Zotto... there's room enough for all of us, don't you think? (plus, we are talking about MY bed, here)
Kama, I don't always discriminate... especially if you're good at it. In fact I've done a heck of a lot more stage kissing with the ladies than I've done with anyone else. I'm practically a pro.
[ March 29, 2004, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
That said, I don't think I've had enough practice to be good at it. I've only been kissing for a month or so.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Okay, this is sort of a derailment, why is kissing something that sounds like it's rated? I mean, it's not a performance, and if you like someone, how can you screw it up?
Posted by Pixie (Member # 4043) on :
My last first kiss and first kiss ever was a little over a month agowhen BlackFox came home from Iraq. To say the least, it was VERY nice.
...Which would be why I kept kissing him after just a moment's pause soo... Yeah, more memories of just really enjoying myself for a bit than of a specific kiss.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Are you asking how can you have a bad kiss???
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I'm asking why someone is rating a performance when they are kissing someone.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Some kisses are just better than others.
Also a kiss can easily serve as an indicator for the relationship. You can like somebody a lot and then, when kissing them, discover that you just LIKE them a lot. On the other hand, you can walk away saying "wow, he's a really good kisser!" and still just LIKE them a lot, but the feelings would be totally different. But that's just my experience.
Posted by Geomancer (Member # 6299) on :
And then there's someone you like a lot whose kiss makes you fall for them for some odd reason. That's just how it works. My last first kiss was on my bed w/ my last girlfriend while listening to The Best of Times by Styx, coincidentally. I just had a random playlist on Windows Media Player and it was on. In case you don't know what that song is, the chorus is like "The best of times are when I'm alone with you, some rain some shine, we'll make this a world for two." Sounds really stupid, but Styx is a great band.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Different experiences, then.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Geomancer has the feel of it.
Honestly, there's got to be a difference between the kiss you give your girlfriend/boyfriend and the kiss you give your fiance/spouse. Your wedding kiss is different than your honeymoon kiss. The kiss you give to your boyfriend that you're only seeing because your families set up the relationship will be undoubtedly worse than the kiss you get from the guy you asked out because YOU were interested in him. Prom night kisses between folks who are only promming together because there was no one else to go with will be different than high school sweethearts who have been together for years. Rating them is not such a big deal, is it?
[ March 29, 2004, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
A spin-the-bottle (or in my case, flashlight) kiss with my then-girlfriend with a whole gang of friends did not feel the same as the ones she gave me when we were alone.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Sure kisses can be different, and some are more memorable than others. I was objecting to the idea of skill, I think.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
You're right, then.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Hm. Fair enough. Maybe you just need to kiss me to figure out what I mean.
I do believe that there are people who really stink at kissing. They are bad kissers. They have no kissing skill. Usually, however, the "skill" involved has many related factors, such as self-confidence, mouth-cleanliness, proper-level-of-wetness... all of which can change as the person evolves throughout their life.
I mean, if someone were to kiss me and they were really passionate about it, but all that meant was press-your-lips-against-mine-really-hard, they would be a "bad kisser".
I personally don't see any difference between this and saying "he's a really good dancer", or "she's a really bad driver" or "he's a bad hugger" (you know the kind, arms reach around the back, double-pat, no real embrace).
[ March 29, 2004, 04:58 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
quote:I mean, if someone were to kiss me and they were really passionate about it, but all that meant was press-your-lips-against-mind-really-hard, they would be a "bad kisser".
Maybe it's too dark in the room.
Caught it. *grin*
quote:Maybe you just need to kiss me to figure out what I mean.
In all seriousness, though, this is just what I mean. I'm not in love with you. It doesn't matter how much practice you've had - there's just no way that a kiss from you would be better than one from someone with whom I am in love.
[ March 29, 2004, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Depends on what you mean by "better".
There's the kiss that pushes all the right buttons and then there's the kiss that is so meaningful that it touches buttons no one else can push. The best thing to have is both, naturally, but they are different qualities.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I can't imagine any situation where a kiss from someone I didn't love would be better than a kiss from someone that made me light up just to see his name.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
That's because you wouldn't really be kissing anybody who didn't fall into that category.
But surely you can IMAGINE.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Honestly, no.
I'm not trying to pull an innocent-as-pie thing here. My first kiss (back when I was in high school) was, unfortunately for my principles and the biography but just fine for my memories, with a player who knew exactly what he was doing. That's an interesting story that I might tell someday except I feel a little bad for how I treated him.
Anyway, I've been kissed by someone I didn't object to who knew exactly what he was doing, and I've been kissed by someone who made my heart fly. There is absolutely no comparison.
[ March 29, 2004, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
quote:There's the kiss that pushes all the right buttons and then there's the kiss that is so meaningful that it touches buttons no one else can push. The best thing to have is both, naturally, but they are different qualities.
quote:Anyway, I've been kissed by someone I didn't object to who knew exactly what he was doing, and I've been kissed by someone who made my heart fly. There is absolutely no comparison.
quote:The best thing to have is both, naturally, but they are different qualities.
quote:There is absolutely no comparison.
quote:They are different qualities.
quote:There is no comparison.
[ March 29, 2004, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Better = comparison
"Good" implies the existance of "bad."
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Let me go back and qualify that every time I was speaking of BETTER kissing I was talking about the physicality involved in the act rather than how much you loved the person(s) participating.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
That's exactly what I meant. I don't like the idea of rating by level of skill something that's meant to be an expression of affection and love.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Right. Well like I said, you wouldn't be kissing anybody that didn't already make your heart fly with their presence alone, so the idea of skill would probably be foreign to you.
Consider yourself lucky then that you've never had a bad kiss. It's not a hard skill but it is easy to screw up. I'd wager you'd find a lot more people who've had bad kisses than people who've only had good ones.
But like you said, different experiences. Lucky you.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Okay, don't...think more of me than I deserve. Added: Some of the principles come as the result of experience.
I have had bad kisses, but that had everything to do with the person kissing me. I'm usually oblivious to intent, and was for most of my dating career too much of a Nice Girl to hurt anyone's feelings by pulling away. I have had kisses that were not good experiences, but it wasn't a matter of skill level. I was just dumb enough to let it happen when my heart wasn't in it.
[ March 29, 2004, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Why wouldn't you be able to enjoy a good kiss from somebody that you found attractive but from whom you knew there was no real romantic possibility? Assume that intentions from both sides are simply to enjoy each other. You trust the person and they trust you and neither of you want to go further than a kiss. Could you enjoy it? And could you then rate it?
A kiss is just a kiss, as the song goes.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Why would I kiss him then? For recreation?
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
quote:Assume that intentions from both sides are simply to enjoy each other.
[ March 29, 2004, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Like a good piece of cheesecake?
I don't think so.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Kat - I know exactly what you're saying. I was shocked a couple months ago to hear a group of LDS friends talking about going on dates just for "action." (granted, the action they were referring to was undoubtedly just kissing) I was shocked. Why on earth would you date someone you weren't interested and - much less - kiss them? I was totally heartbroken once by a guy who held my hand and then told me he wasn't going to date me exclusively.
If your kisses don't mean anything, if you're only enjoying someone, then you're being dishonest with the manifestations of love.
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Can I get a pin that says that?
Dishonest with the Manifestations of Love Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Sure, Bob. I also sell t-shirts. It'll be doing the ladies a favor for you to advertise.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Annie, that's just what I mean. It's hard enough that dating has implications.
My last summer in Logan, I spent about two months dating this guy - because he was nice, because he asked, and because, frankly, he was drop-dead gorgeous. 6'2", built like a model, dark eyes, dark skin, dark hair - oh my word.
Anyway, we just hung out, played pool, and rode bikes. It was fun, and I knew he thought of them as dates, but I was just enjoying the activities and the view. Which was fine. Until he kissed me when I wasn't looking, which confused me but I just sort of let it happen and didn't say anything. I was leaving for Dallas soon after that, and the next time I saw him, he took me to a park and proposed. Oh dear. I definitely should have said something earlier. It turned out to be a much squickier and a much harder situation because I HADN'T pulled away when I realized what was happening.
[ March 29, 2004, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Annie, for me, kisses=commitment. But apparently there are tons-o people out there who do not feel thusly. Hence the term NCMO (Non-Commital Make-Out).
Not long ago, there was a website called NCMO.com created by BYU students for BYU students to find and get together with others who wanted to make-out. I was, um, rather annoyed. Funny thing, there were tons more guys than girls on it.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
BYU = crazy
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Kat--wow, a totally hot guy who proposes on a second "date"? What a crazy world we live in.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
You mean what a crazy Utah we live in.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I know!!! Too bad I wasn't interested.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
I had a similar situation, but the guy was, uh, not hot.
Edit: And there was no kissing.
[ March 29, 2004, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: beverly ]
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Aw, come on... Porter isn't that bad!
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
T wins.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Technically, I proposed BEFORE our first date.
But I'm counting the approximately 3 hours/night on the phone leading up to last Thursday as "dating."
And at least a couple of thousand of my posts have been made with Dana in mind, at least at some level. So those count as maybe half a date. (which would be like a raisin)
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
quote: T wins.
Took me a while to figure out why Storm wrote what looked to me like "Twins".
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
But you left out the part where you trust each other and both of you have the same innocent intentions.
I wouldn't suggest that you randomly make out with somebody like you randomly eat a cheesecake. Of course if you did I wouldn't be judging you for it, either.
Do you feel the same way about dancing? Holding hands? Hugging? At what point are you crossing the cheescake line, anyway? Is it not just cheesecake to go out with a 6'2 hunk just for the view?
But I digress.
The question I asked presupposed that you and a friend who love each other but were not IN LOVE with each other could come to a trustworthy decision to enjoy one another outside of a we-might-eventually-get-married context. I can understand why that scenario is difficult for you to comprehend.
Posted by Lissande (Member # 350) on :
Come to think of it, while he didn't formally propose, Tzadik did essentially ask me to marry him (in the "I really think we should get married is that ok with you" sense) shortly BEFORE our second date. Then we spent the next three months figuring out a way to actually get engaged (no dating for interns the first year, ie me). Of course what you must understand is that our first date was in June (during which I was instructed to and did explain that we couldn't date but could get to know each other in a semi-serious but non-dating relationship), and our second was the end of December, by special dispensation for my birthday. By which time we were beyond serious, but still not dating. Hence the "how does one get engaged when not actually dating" headache that resolved in compromise (structured dating?) and eventual engagement. Love conquers all. Or, less melodramatically, love is willing to wait a few months to keep everyone happy.
Since I'm in the thread, let me gratuitously note that I have in fact never had a kiss that wasn't good. I attribute that, however, to only having kissed the one person (um, one guess who), and only having the first after having been head-over-heels for some time. *blush*
[ March 29, 2004, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Lissande ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
You know what though, there *is* such a thing as a good and a bad kiss. When I was 17 I'd finally gotten myself out of my house and moved halfway across the country to work for the summer before school started. While on the job I was told in no uncertain terms that there would be "relations" between myself and a higher up or I would be fired.
Clearly, the emotions behind it were not happy ones. But, at the same time, as a technician she knew what she was doing. Now that I'm sitting here trying to describe what it is I don't know that I could. I suppose you just have to experience a really good/really bad kiss to really get what I mean. That, or just take my word for it.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
What about the dishonest with manifestations of love thing?
It's the form and not the substance. It creates a world where a kiss is judged by somone's skill level. Even in a situation where you agree to have the same opinion, it means you have to agree that it doesn't mean what it would mean with someone else.
And incidently, yes, I feel bad for and sort of regret continuing to hang out with someone who liked me just because I thought he was pretty.
[ March 29, 2004, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Bob the Lawyer (Member # 3278) on :
Look at it like this, Kat. Have you ever had a really good massage? Were you in love with the person? Even if you haven't I'm sure you've heard of people who have had massages that they described as "fantastic" or "out-of-this-world" even though there was no romantic interest.
Now, if you get a massage from someone you love, odds are you're going to like. It's a connection from someone you're in love with. The emotional connection means more than the physical one. But that doesn't mean that the person you love gives a better massage than the other person. There are things your loved one could do that would make you enjoy it more or less on a physical level.
Does that make any sense?
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I can honestly say that I've never been told I'm a bad kisser.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Hence the difference in qualities I so painstakingly pointed out earlier.
See, you are assuming that any kiss not intended to build a bridge toward holy matriomony and station-wagon-with-kids is automatically "dishonest". That's just not true. Well, it may be true for you.
Platonic love can be intimate too. It's just different. To be sure most bad kisses I've had were with people I was not in love with, though, so you are right that your level of emotional committment has an effect on your enjoyment of a kiss. But the mechanics of kissing are something you can be good at or bad at, just like dancing, baseball, singing, baking cheesecake or writing a letter.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
quote: I can honestly say that I've never been told I'm a bad kisser.
Well, in that case, so can I.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Teshi, if us two kissed, I'd be able to tell you that your the best kisser I've ever kissed. Doesn't that brighten your day?
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Fine. Bob and JK, start a thread explaing the mechanics of a really good technical kiss.
Added: JK, do not assign motives to me. There is a world of difference between only kissing someone you love and want to be close to and planning on a station wagon with everyone you kiss. If you're going off a stereotype of the typical Mormon girl, you're wrong.
[ March 29, 2004, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Why, yes it does, T. heh heh.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
I apologize if I mischaracterized your apparent criteria for a "good kiss". It did SEEM very much as if you thought any kiss not intended for eternal love was "dishonest". Particularly because you couldn't even IMAGINE the situation I was presenting to you.
Added: I mean, even now that you've retracted your supposition that all non-in-love-kisses are "dishonest", you still have to call it a "technical kiss". Like little league isn't really baseball and playing a CD isn't really playing music. That's not true either. You can totally enjoy a kiss with someone you're not in love with, especially if you're comfortable enough with the consenting party that there is no concern about setting--or breaking--limits.
Or perhaps it was the wording of the motives with which you are really taking issue. Forgive me for being crass. I'm an old fogey like that sometimes.
Or maybe I'm just hurt that you wouldn't let me kiss you, despite the fact that neither of us are really interested and it wouldn't cost either of us anything. Trust me, you're missing out.
[ March 29, 2004, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Nate, you're totally confusing me. Aren't you a ridiculously experienced Coke bottle kisser?
Sigh. I keep getting all disillusioned and stuff.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Zotto, I'm confident the bottle never told me I was a bad kisser, just like I'm confident Teshi would be a better kisser than the bottle.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
I hope so...
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
There is, of course, one easy way to find out...
So Teshi, how far are you from Utah?
Posted by Chris Kidd (Member # 2646) on :
The last time I kissed a girl i was 3 her name was Erica, under the monkey bars when i was in preschool(HeadStart). Oddly a week after that she moved away. Looking back i have wondered if thats why i havent kissed a girl since. or if it was her slaping me for kissing her.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
A looooooong way. And my only means of transportation is bicycle. So.
[ March 29, 2004, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
My last first kiss was also my first first kiss. Yes, that means what you think it means. I was saving it for someone special.
Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
I haven't had my last "first kiss", nor my first "first kiss".
[ March 29, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Zevlag ]
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I can't stand being casually hugged by guy friends who aren't my boyfriend. I think kissing someone I didn't like would be awful.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
I want more first kiss stories. If I tell one, will more people start telling them again? Please?
This was not my last first kiss. I'm not ready to tell that story yet. It was, um, my third to last.
There was a guy at work who I had had a crush on for what seemed like ages. He was cute and intense and played harmonica and sang in a local band, and sometimes when he had people on hold on the phone to transfer them to another department he would sing while he was waiting for someone to come on the line. It was like music was constantly spilling out of him, and I sat close enough so I could hear him, and I loved listening.
One day he asked me out, traditional first date, dinner and a movie. We went to dinner and talked and talked, and were just connecting so well... we finally realized we were going to miss the movie start time, and he suggested going to Nye's instead. Nye's is a local bar and restaurant that has a polka room (smokey, icky) and a nicer main room, that has a piano bar off to the side. I had never been before.
The piano bar was full, so we had a drink in the polka lounge, but it was loud and unpleasant, so we went back out and someone was just leaving right up against the piano, and we snagged their seats. The way it worked was there were books with lyrics to songs the pianist knew, and you could request to sing a song or have her sing one. You wrote it down on a scrap of paper and turned it in, and she called you off in turn and a microphone got passed around. The pianist was a wonderful woman in her 80s who had been doing it forever, I believe she's retired now, and was a real showman.
I can't sing. I love music, I memorize lyrics easily and sing along with gusto when I'm by myself or with close family, most of whom also can't sing. I will not sing in public, especially on a first date, and especially on a microphone with accompaniment and people listening.
He, of course, sang, and sang wonderfully. People were coming up and making requests for him to sing other songs, and he was turning them down, because he didn't want it to turn into a performance, he wanted to spend time talking with me, and just sing a little.
Then he asked me to sing for him. I stuttered, I protested, I said I couldn't sing. He said it didn't matter, and to pick out a song I liked and sing to him.
I really, really, liked this guy. There was no way I was going to sing.
We had been holding hands a little, touching each other on the arm every now and then, but that was it. He grabbed my hand and said "I can't believe you won't sing for me!" and I leaned over and kissed him. Yes, I wanted to kiss him, I had wanted to kiss him all night. But I kissed him then to distract him from the singing thing.
And it worked! Beautifully! I broke the kiss and he had just a look of wonder on his face... he said later that he couldn't believe we were really out together, and that I had really kissed him. And we spent the rest of the evening laughing and talking and staring at each other, and it was wonderful. And he didn't ask me to sing again, thank goodness, 'cause I don't know what else I could have done to distract him again.
It was the best first date I've ever had.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
JK: Okay. I'm sorry, I still won't kiss you, but I'd love a hug when we meet.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
ElJay...that's a good story...
By the way, I haven't officially said "howdy" and welcome to Hatrack! So, welcome!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Annie was right, our first kiss wasn't ridiculously romantic, but maybe that's because we'd already kissed a very large number of times in other ways (as anyone on sakeriver can tell you ). It was like a non-first, first kiss in that it just seemed natural. I guess the whole weekend was like that, techincally the first time we met, but it was like we'd been together for ages.
[ March 30, 2004, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Like JohnKeats, I'd like to point out that it's perfectly possible to enjoy kissing someone you have no intention of marrying. It is, in fact, occasionally fun.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
I would like to third that and just mention the obvious that Mormons, especially Mormon girls, are really weird and have a lot of cooties.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Hey, the guys are the ones proposing on the second date.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
They must like cooties a lot.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Oh, wait. Did I say cooties?
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Wouldn't it be taboo for a Mormon girl to propose, anyway? Just wondering. If that's true maybe they ask on the second date because they are in such a hurry to get married that they don't want to waste the lord's time on other women? Or maybe that's true in either case. I think it would be difficult to date somebody if you believed any affectionate actions taking place in the context of the courtship were retroactively dishonest when you didn't eventually get married.
This is why I kiss everyone and everything every chance I get. I'm all about spreading the love. Though sometimes I feel like butter, stretched over too much bread...
[ March 30, 2004, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by MrSquicky (Member # 1802) on :
Figure I'll stick up for my sie by posting my last first kiss.
A friend had come into town for a weekend with some of his friends and we took them out to see the city. After walking around for a day seeing the sights and such, we hit the night scene. This eventually ended up with us going back to the car at around 3 am in the morning, with all of us except the DD being somewhat tipsy. The car was parked in a garage under a big old fountain (sort of like the one in Chicago in the beginning of Married With Children). So, the night was pretty warm and the one girl (a spunky but smoky redhead that I had my eye on) said we should go play in the fountain. My friend and I, being always up for such michief promptly stripped down into boxers and jumped in. Some of the girls (hey, he came up with all girls because that's the kind of friend he is) followed suit, including the stipping down to their skivies. Long story short, the redhead and I went off together round a corner when it was time to dry each other off and a extremely enjoyable make-out session followed. Both of us knew what we wanted - a no-commitment round of tonsil hockey - going in and that's what we got. It was fun and a great cap to the evening. If I see the girl again, like if she comes with my friend to visit or I go down there, we might do it again.
I've bounced between doing this and having more meaningful relationships for most of my adult life and I'll tell you, there's a place for both. Kisses when you really care about someone share a lot of the same charateristics with kissing someone you're just attracted to, but they add another dimension as well. They are more special, not because of the physical actions involved, but because of the emotions behind the actions.
What's special about me isn't really my body. Other people have pretty much the same. It's who I am, my spirit and my soul that is special. This is what I reserve for people that I really care about. You may as well say that I shouldn't have intellectual discussions with people that I'm not intending to marry either. That's about the same level I put these things on.
[ March 30, 2004, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: MrSquicky ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I don't think you can be retroactively dishonest. I mean, even if you don't end up marrying someone, if you meant it when you kissed them, simply because you didn't marry them later doesn't mean you didn't mean it at the time.
I think Annie is referring to going for something that the other person could misconstrue when you KNOW you don't want the same thing - when you give the manifestations of love without any feeling behind it.
[ March 30, 2004, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
I would think actions taken without any feeling would not count as manifestations of love. But then it's a lot more possible for me to find myself in a situation where I can be affectionate without being effectionate, if you know what I mean.
[ March 30, 2004, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: JohnKeats ]
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
No, I don't. What do you mean?
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Any chance you're going to be at ChicagoCon, Keats?
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
quote:This is why I kiss everyone and everything every chance I get. I'm all about spreading the love. Though sometimes I feel like butter, stretched over too much bread...
That's not all you'll be spreading!!
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Just a made up word attaching a string of causality to the action it modifies, kat.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
You're right... I spread cheer everywhere I go, too. Christmas cheer, Hannukuh cheer, loveboat cheer. And I spread cheesnips all around the country every chance I get. I hope one day to grow a real live cheesenip tree.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Okay, you're saying that you have more freedom to be physically affectionate because not everyone you date proposes five days after kissing you.
Okay, that's probably true. The whole "marry the first person you kiss" works out well sometimes, but if you are determined to stick to it, you'd better hope and pray your judgement that day is correct.
[ March 30, 2004, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
ChicagoCon, also known as Jatraquon or KamaCon. August 13-15 2004, Chicago.
<-- main attraction
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Probably not because I'm going to California later that month. It'd be a stretch to get more vacation time in that month. But keep me posted on the details, I'll see what I can do. I never miss a main attraction if I can help it.
Admit it, you just want a big sloppy kiss.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
Well, of course.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
When I kiss someone it's definitely going to mean a lot to me, and if I find out that it's nothing to the other person I will feel cheated and used.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
It won't be a real kiss if it doesn't mean anything at all. And if it's a decent kiss, you'll know what it means when it happens. If you don't know what it means until later than you probably shouldn't be kissing them, unless you're a kissing whore.
If I were to kiss you, for example, it would be because I understood that you wouldn't mind and because you'd know that it was just a celebration of who you are and an expression of gratitude for sharing yourself with me.
So you would have to fall into a certain category before I gave it to you, I guess. Though some people, like Kama, are cool enough that I can plan on kissing them even though I've never met them.
<kisses the thread>
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
And since you've obviously missed it, here's my trip plan.
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Bob, thanks for the welcome, and I'm glad you liked the story. Welcome to the family, in advance.
The part I didn't mention... when he left my house, he said he had Monday off work, and he'd see me Tuesday. Tuesday he didn't come into work. Discreetly questioned his manager... he had checked himself into drug rehab. 6 week, inpatient.
Although he did come back to work, eventually, that was our first and last date. And the one "relationship" I still have regrets over... but I still run into him every now and then, and he's still not clean, and I'm not dating a junkie.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
::starts planning for first kiss::
Posted by Beca (Member # 4340) on :
My last first kiss was also the best first kiss I've ever had.
I moved 3,000 miles for it, without there being any guarantee that I would get it, and there certainly wasn't anything to say that it would be good when I got it, but I did, and it was.
We're still together. Best leap of faith I've ever taken.
He'd be embarrassed as anything if I told the whole story, unfortunately.
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
quote: I can't stand being casually hugged by guy friends who aren't my boyfriend.
Okay, for me, Hugs are in SUCH a different playing field than a kiss.
I wasn't a 'huggy' person until quite recently. But lately, I've come to realize that to many people, a hug - or even the less physical pat on the back - can be a great comfort and a well-needed release. I'll hug people that I have no desire to kiss at all . I'd accept a hug from a stranger (and have) much sooner than I'd accept a kiss (although I'm sure there would be very rare occasions in which that would be kinda okay too ).
I remember one time in a computer lab at school I helped a guy I'd never met before recover files for a final project. He was so grateful, that he just up and gave me a big bear hug. It wasn't a sign of freindship, especially not a sign of physical attractio - it was a sign of a needed release of emotional energy. The desire to BE hugged I think (THINK) was greater driven than the drive to personally hug me - even though in that situation I was a 'personal savior' of sorts.
Hey, I'll admit it - I've hugged people before out of a desire to be hugged back. But I've also given many hugs with no other motivation than to make the other person feel more at ease.
Sometimes if I give a potentially biting jest, I'll give a half-hug to let them know I'm just kidding. And it almost always works.
[ March 31, 2004, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Taalcon ]
Posted by Mr.Funny (Member # 4467) on :
I'd post a story here if I had a story to post.
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
Last first kiss as in the last time I had a first kiss with someone? Or the last time I kissed the first kiss person.
Feburary 12, 2004--around 6:30 pm outside Bunce Hall at Rowan University, in Glassboro NJ. The left-hand side back entrance. It was cold as hell, and I looked at him and he looked at me, and we gave each other a hesitant, sweet-but-quick little peck on the lips. Hesitant, on both sides. Strong attraction flavored with the hesistancy of two mildly psychic people who knew it wouldn't work, who tried, and it didn't.
That was the last time I had a first kiss.
The last time I kissed my first kiss:
November 1999, a Sunday, around 10 pm Mays Landing. I don't remember how cold it was. I get off work and drive to my boyfriend of a year and a half's job, which is on the way home. I find him and he needs a ride home. I tell him I really can't, but that we need to talk. He talks me into giving him a ride home--and when I try to talk to him--he says--Everything's fine, we don't need to talk. I drop him off at the Wawa up the street from his house. He says "Give me a kiss." And I don't want to. He askes me again, and I comply--while thinking of very hot classmate (who I found out recently, is gay). He gets out of the car, and I realize I have to do some serious thinking aobut what I want. I had just started college, and I didn't think I wanted to be with a High school dropout McDonald's manager who didn't have the courtesy to call when he wasn't going to show up someplace and who didn't seem to think our relationship was important enough to talk about.
I dumped him that Friday.
I'm feeling rather nostalgic. I wonder why.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Maybe for the possibilities?
Maybe for the memory of an emotion? Have you ever seen someone you used to adore after a few years, and all the feeling comes back? I don't know if that's real or not, but it was the echo of a feeling. Maybe you're hearing an echo?
Now that I've given my soap box a rest, I'm trying to figure out exactly what I think about this whole issue. I hate to do it, but I think I'm going to have to run somewhere in the middle. I don't like the idea of make-out sessions behind the gym just for the thrill of it, but not every kiss has to have John Keats' station wagon in mind.
*thinks* I really think my original objection stands. No matter what the reasons for kissing someone, of all the possible thought processes, I can't imagine an evaluation of technical skill being among them.
[ March 31, 2004, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
Running to the middle would be a good idea for you. The station wagon, I would submit, is a terrible way to go about kissing somebody. But not all other kisses fall under 'behind the gym for the thrill of it', either. You can have a meaningful expression of affection without a life-long committment. You can have meaningless ones, too, but you don't have to.
I have had a lot of kisses absent of a soul-mate connection. All of the female ones would fall under that category. But only those that took place on stage would I consider meaningless, and even then that doesn't mean I couldn't enjoy them and give my impression of which ones were more enjoyable than others.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Yeah, I guess I am somewhere in the middle.
*shifts and jumps up before sitting back down* Quite uncomfortable here.
I mean, I have been kissed when he wasn't my soul mate (see previous page for an example), and while I don't exactly regret it, it really wasn't that much fun.
[ March 31, 2004, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
But it could have been, if he was a certified black belt like I am.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Oh gosh. Yes dear, I'm sure you're Adonis. I'd blush to my temples and forget my name. It's a good thing we could only ever be friends or I'd be tempted to forget about that temple altogether.
Posted by JohnKeats (Member # 1261) on :
I'd remind you when we were finished.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Oh, ouch. *sigh* On the other hand, you don't know what a kiss from me could do to you. Men have abandoned their plans and proposed solely on that basis. For both our lives' sake, it may too fiery a possibility to mess around with. You don't store radioactive plutonium in the hall closet, you don't wave a golf club at a lightning storm, and you just don't let that kiss happen without being willing to accept the consequences. Looks like we're back to the hug plan.
It's too bad, though. *sad now*
[ March 31, 2004, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
I want more first kiss stories.
[ August 25, 2004, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: My last first kiss ]
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
Why? You still haven't got your kiss yet?
Posted by Kwea (Member # 2199) on :
He doesn't mentionthe fact that she screamed "Ewww....cooties!" and washed her tongue for six days after...
Posted by Goody Scrivener (Member # 6742) on :
Okay, here's mine....
Last "first kiss" was New Years Eve 2003. Eric and I had been online friends for about 3 years, met in person when I was up in his neck of the woods visiting with my then-Internet boytoy (yes, I was a bad girl LOL) who happened to be one of his friends. Don't remember which one I "met" online first, now that I think about it.
Anyway, both Eric and Craig (the former toy) were planning to come here to Chicago for NYE, but at the last minute Craig bailed. I've wondered if he had ulterior motives or if he was coerced, but whatever the cause, it turned out to be a great thing because Eric and I got to spend the time without outside distractions. Our first kiss was at midnight new York time (cause I knew I wasn't going to manage to stay awake another hour).
The kids came back home from Gramma's house the next day and we spent the rest of the long weekend together having fun. The girls like him and Missy keeps asking when he's coming back to visit again.
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :
My last first kiss was three years ago:
I met a very nice fellow on the fiction side of the forum and we'd been talking by the time he visited for about two years. We had been an online item and in late July of that year, he came all the way from OK for a short visit.
We had a great time and my family really liked him a lot. The last night we spent talking and trying to hold back time for a bit and ended up kissing. It was wonderful. sigh Unfortunately, things didn't work out. Long distance relationships are impossible. I still have that moment in my heart---it was nice while it lasted.
Posted by Brian J. Hill (Member # 5346) on :
I assume that by "last first kiss" you mean the last time you kissed someone you hadn't previously kissed before.
My story is totally unromantic. It was last summer, when I was doing a play in which I played the young romantic lead. Two days after I met my co-star, we were rehearsing our "first kiss" scene and the director asked us to kiss, which we did. It was an O.K. kiss, but considering it was part of our jobs to do it, it wasn't anything special. Plus we were both in other relationships, so it wouldn't have really worked out anyway.
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :
Do drama kisses count? Not that I'm disparaging your experience, Brian. I just wondered, since they are staged kisses.
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
I've had lots of 'first kisses'. I get a first kiss every time I see Bernard again. And I must admit, they do feel like the very first one.
Our first kiss was...
Let me start from the beginning.
At Presidential Classroom, I got a first kiss--on my cheek. I had an early flight, and when I said good-bye to Bernard, he was talking on the phone to someone else. As the bus pulled up to the hotel, I turned to get my bags to see...
...Bernard bounding out of the elevator.
He helped me out with my bag, gave me a big hug, and kissed my cheek softly. Electricity shot thoughout my entire body, and I felt warm all over.
Our first real kiss was when he came down to see me a year ago. We were in my brother's hotel room (Bernard & my brother were in one room--Mom and I in another), and he sat next to me on the bed and put his arm around me. He kissed my forehead, I kissed his cheek, and we just leaned into it... It was surreal. Magical. Soft and sweet. He was shaking, he was so scared. We ended up almost falling asleep in each other's arms before my brother came back in.
I think my favorite 'last first kiss' was after he proposed to me. October 13th, 2003, about 4 pm (yes, our tenth month anniversary was over Kamacon). We were 'napping'--in reality, we were snuggling under the covers (get your MINDS out of the gutter!). I had my head on his shoulder, and he was playing with my hair when he looked at me and said, "I know we're young, and we're still just freshmen, but after we graduate... Would you do the honor of marrying me?"
I almost started crying and--of course--said yes. Then we kissed. It was amazing--loving, sweet and gentle.
::flutters eyelashes::
[ August 26, 2004, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: MaydayDesiax ]
Posted by tt&t (Member # 5600) on :
Awwwwwwww. Mayday, that is so sweet!
Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
You totally don't want to hear mine. It's a sad sad tale of clumsiness and embarassment. (But still fun.)
Maybe tomorrow night if I can work my e-courage up a bit.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
Mayday, I have to say that you and Bernard are the most undisgustingly sweet couple I have ever seen, and that is saying a lot coming from a bitter hag like myself. Thanks for sharing your story.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
quote: Okay, for me, Hugs are in SUCH a different playing field than a kiss.
I wasn't a 'huggy' person until quite recently. But lately, I've come to realize that to many people, a hug - or even the less physical pat on the back - can be a great comfort and a well-needed release. I'll hug people that I have no desire to kiss at all .
I agree with this ONE HUNDRED percent!!! I hug people all the time, just ask the 'Rackers who know me in person.
And Mayday, that is one of the most beautifully sweet stories I've ever heard. *hugs Mayday and Bernard* I almost started crying, that's so precious.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
MayDay and Bernard really are adorable perfect together. Sweet to each other, fun to be with, and they light up in each others' presence. Warmed my soul, seeing them did.
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
*is totally glad this thread was resurrected*
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
We really enjoyed Bernard and Mayday, too. They are so warm and comfortable together.
Yaay for happy couples and warm memories.
Posted by Farmgirl (Member # 5567) on :
I could add some good stories...
....but since Ivygirl reads posts here at Hatrack, I think I will refrain.
I'll leave this to you youngsters in love, and just be a spectator/reader.
[ August 26, 2004, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: Farmgirl ]
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
Mayday: Oh the magic! That was beautiful!
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Made even more magical by the fact that you got engaged on the birthday of Fox Mulder...and myself! Such a magical day. : D
Posted by ElJay (Member # 6358) on :
Farmgirl, I think your omission is a great loss to the thread. But I understand.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I haven't been kissed since I posted in this thread last, so no new stories, but in the spirit of it...
One of my favorite first kisses was in a refrigerator.
[ August 26, 2004, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: katharina ]
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
Kat. In a fridge? Plese, tell me more!
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Wow. Mormons play wierd versions of seven minutes in heaven.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I'm trying to figure out if it was an abandonded refridgerator laying on the side of a creekbank somewhere, or like a giant wearhouse, or grocery store walk-in fridge.
Posted by Dread Pirate_Smith (Member # 4780) on :
I've never kissed anyone in a fridge. Kudos on being unique.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
*echoes everything everyone else said about how perfect Mayday and Bernard are*
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
We hugged, I kissed him on the cheek and left.
It was not a romantic kiss.
But it was a moment I'll value and remember, because he is a true friend.
Posted by Jess N (Member # 6744) on :
After three years, I'd settle for that sort of kiss.
Posted by beverly (Member # 6246) on :
*wonders if the recipient of Kama's non-romantic-kiss was a Jatraquero*
Posted by Starla* (Member # 5835) on :
Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
the last first kiss i had was last night.. ugh.. smokers aren't the most delightful to kiss when you've never done so before. *shakes it off* Ewwness..
-Jack Montague
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
So was it... smoking?!
Posted by Pepek (Member # 3773) on :
*glares at you with a plain face* ... extremely..
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Corwin, you are a genious.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
I didn't see this thread the first time around. Wow. And now, I'm gonna tell you my story.
And then I arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Departed plane, went through immigration, then customs, where there were many men with big guns, and stepped through the ginourmous empty lobby through a set of doors where Fahim was waiting for me. This is the first time we ever laid eyes on each other in real life, and we'd met online barely two months before that. Luggage in the trolly, crowds around us, we kissed for the first time.
Five minutes later - maybe longer - the guard insisted that we stop blocking traffic and move on out. Less than eight hours later, we were married.
I'd have to guess that the kiss was worth it.
Edited because I really really hate repeating myself. Edited because I really really really hate repeating myself.
[ February 25, 2005, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: quidscribis ]
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Anna: Or just searching for a kiss...
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
On the cheek, no problem, Corwin :
Posted by My last first kiss (Member # 6326) on :
I was just remembering this thread and figured I'd ressurect it to see if we can get some new stories.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
What, my story isn't good enough?
Posted by Lissande (Member # 350) on :
Unlikely to get any new stories from me.
Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
Aw, quid your links don't work anymore. I wanted to hear those stories.
Posted by b boy (Member # 9587) on :
my first kiss was in grade 7. we'd planned it all out. every night for about a week or two before it happened, we would talk on the phone and sweet talk about what type of gum we wanted to be chewing and where we were going to do it, how it would be done.. all very scientific and typical capricorn. but it was very sweet because i would get told how beautiful i was all the time, and we were both so eager to do it but really too shy about it for a long time. there was a lot of quiet blushing going on on my end of the phone.
then on the Big Day, we were about to do it and being so awkwardly cute about it with the feet shuffling and the looking at the shoes... but then i noticed a ball of spit on my beloved's chin that just sat there staring at me, and i at it... the big event turned into a little peck and it was all very anti-climactic. yeah, i broke it off after that for reasons i didn't understand until now but the build up was so sweet i guess it didn't matter that the actual event was pretty lame.
Posted by peterh (Member # 5208) on :
I'm only about 10 posts away from landmark territory and somewhere in this thread way back when, I said that it would be my landmark. So you'll just have to wait.
Posted by Earendil18 (Member # 3180) on :
My first and last kiss was during a game of Truth or Dare at high school. It was Passover and I had brought the ever popular, matza with egg salad combo with me to lunch. . I didn't want to kiss this particular girl so I stuffed my mouth full of food to discourage such behavior.
She french-kissed me, her tongue trying to get past the wall of teeth that had come down whilst I tried not to gag.
I honestly think that's the cause of my non-kissyness. I'll cuddle and nuzzle like nobody's business though...
Posted by Taalcon (Member # 839) on :
We were sitting on the couch, and we'd just finished watching some TV-on-DVD (Freaks and Geeks). We sat there for a while afterwards, and just talked, and looked at each other.
There came a moment when she said, playfully, "I bet you can't make me laugh."
"Yes I can," I said.
"No, no you can't."
I kissed her. I didn't even think about it. I just ...did it.
She was surprised, and giggled. Then she realized she had laughed. I had won. "That wasn't fair," she said.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I said. And then I kissed her again.
This time, the kiss was returned.
Posted by Dr Strangelove (Member # 8331) on :
I tried to write it out, but yup, not happening.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
And I learned something new: I never knew you were raised Mennonite. Or was it just raised among Mennonites? Either way it was interesting.
My last first kiss. I'll have to think about that for a while before I write it. But this is a fun thread.
Posted by quidscribis (Member # 5124) on :
No, not raised Mennonite.
My parents were both raised Mennonite and they both rejected that religion. When they got married, the deal was to move 400 miles in any direction - away from the Mennonites, which they did.
You could say that I was raised in a culturally Mennonite home, but not religiously Mennonite. If that makes sense?
Posted by Allegra (Member # 6773) on :
When I was in kindergarten I was kissed by this boy on the cheek. I was the only person that was nice to him. Everyone else teased him and i actually lost friends when I stuck up for him. It was the last day and we were watching a video and he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I was too embarrassed to do anything but just look straight ahead, but I was touched.
I know some might not count it because it was not on the lips but that is far better then my real first kiss.
Posted by Lissande (Member # 350) on :
I haven't read all six pages, so maybe the discussion topic has changed and I'm being annoyingly over-literal here, but I feel the overwhelming need to observe that I think the stories should be about your LAST first kiss - as in, the last time you kissed someone for the first time. Which for me is the same thing, but for most people is not. You know?
Posted by JennaDean (Member # 8816) on :
Just remembering the exception:
quote:If the last one is not terribly memorable, but there is another one you remember that was, then please, for all our benefit, tell both.
Posted by Tatiana (Member # 6776) on :
It's okay, Lissa, we love you even though you are annoyingly over-literal.
Posted by HollowEarth (Member # 2586) on :
The last kiss I had was with a girl wearing a burger king crown. I met her at a bar, asked if she was a princess, and went from there. Perhaps not magical or anything but there it is.
Posted by SoaPiNuReYe (Member # 9144) on :
Yesterday with a girl I hadn't seen since school let out.