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Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
Okay, I have a question I have been meaning to ask the hatrack medical people (and especially CT about).

For over three years now I have been randomly getting a curious ailment, somewhere around once every two months or so. Here's what happens: First my hands start tingling (you know, pins and needles), or sometimes it is my face that starts first. Either way, eventually both start tingling. Sometimes it stays mild, but once in a while it gets bad enough that I can't unclench my fists.

Drinking water sometimes seems to help, but most often not. Same story with food.

Seems like somewhere around 25% of the time it is caused by emotional stress. One time when a cop pulled me over, by the time he walked up to the car I had to give him my registration with my thumb and fist gripping it, cause I literally couldn't unclench it.


I pretty much ignored it because it happened so infrequently, and that it was rarely a big deal. Now though I am getting worried.

For the first time its now in my left arm only, and my entire arm. All other times it has been just my hands and face, and both hands. Its hard to type this cause I can only use my right hand, the pins and needles are terrible in my left.

Plus it seems to be happening more often.

So yeah, I'm a bit scared, and was wondering if this sounded like something CT or someone else had heard of. I've had tons of opinions over the years, but none from a doctor, and none which suggested how to fix it [Frown] .

I don't have medical insurance right now btw...

Edit: Niki has pointed out that it may be helpful to mention it tends to also happen when I haven't gotten much sleep. This is true for a bunch of the cases, but not nearly all. Maybe it is significant?

[ March 11, 2004, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Ghost of Xavier ]
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
You're a weirdo.
Go see a doctor.

[ March 11, 2004, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Valentine014 ]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
You're not a freak, you are a man that needs to see a doctor! I should note that my brother had symptoms like that...The one who had the small strokes. I could just be paranoid though, so wait for the Jatra-medicos for a better diagnosis.
Posted by Jeni (Member # 1454) on :
That happens to my right hand, usually a couple times a month. Starts out with the pins and needles thing, then progresses to really sharp pain. It gets so bad that I can't even move my fingers for a few minutes. The pain lasts longer than that. Never happened to my face though.

[ March 11, 2004, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: Jeni ]
Posted by aka (Member # 139) on :
Yikes, sounds very unpleasant! I've never heard of anything like this. I'm very curious to hear what CT has to say about it.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Lemme get this straight...

You often have pain in your arms that you say is mostly caused by, ahem, "emotional stress", and you were only typing this message with one hand.

And you have a girlfriend half a country away. Coincidence?

[Wink] Just kidding.

Anyway, it sounds more like more of a chiropractic problem than anything else. I know my dad's leg felt like that when he fractured a disc in his back, and my foot feels like that when my neck is out of whack. Just remember that a problem with your arm doesn't necessarily indicate a problem in your arm.
Posted by Slash the Berzerker (Member # 556) on :
I think it's a brain cloud.

Perhaps you should leap into a volcano with Meg Ryan.
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Aw, poor baby... Niki, let's not tell him about our affair yet, it'd only break his broken body further...
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Xavier, this is one of those relatively non-specific medical complaints which is a real bugger to sort out. It could be a sign of something more serious, but this is much less likely if you've had it for years without any marked decreased in overall function. And, honestly, it would be impossible to give any worthwhile opinion without a physical exam.

I can try to help you understand the possibilities further, but this would require a detailed personal and family medical history. Would you prefer to continue this over email?

However, be aware that all I can offer is a chance at better understanding, not a diagnosis. Perhaps Theca would be comfortable with doing more.
Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
Actually I am quite fine with answering any questions you might have here. My email is the one in my profile here though if you want to do it that way instead.

And thank you!

[ March 12, 2004, 08:25 AM: Message edited by: Ghost of Xavier ]
Posted by Valentine014 (Member # 5981) on :
CT: I will get a list of neuro q's from my old employer (neurologist) for Xavier to answer, will that help?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Okay, we can start with the basics.

(BTW, thanks to Valentine for the heads-up about your question. She and Christy keep me abreast of hatrack rounds. [Smile] )

Birth history: full-term or not (how many weeks gestation), any prenatal problems for your mom (hypertenstion, gestational diabetes, etc), any problems with the delivery, any problems in the first three months of life.

Past medical history: age, any major medical diagnoses, surgical history, hospitalization history, ER visit history. Normal growth and development while growing up?

Family medical history (includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, first cousins, as well as immediate family): any history of bone or joint problems like arthritis and osteoporosis, any muscle disorders, any neurological problems (including multiple sclerosis and seizures), any autoimmune disorders (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorders), inflammatory bowel disease or ulcers or other gastrointestinal disorders, problems with kidneys (including dialysis), heart or blood vessel problems (hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease), any cases of unexplained or early death, any cases of stillbirth, any cancer history (and who and what types), any blood or bleeding disorders, any psychiatric history, respiratory problems (emphysema, cystic fibrosis, etc), and anything else that may run in the family.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Hey, Valentine! [Big Grin] I was just talking about you.

Sure, why don't you email me with it? Sounds interesting. I'll do symptom questions next (after the basics).
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
Yeah, when he was telling me about his symptoms there was a specific neuro thing that it kept leading me to, but that seemed like a last resort because of what you said; he's been getting along fine with just the numbness for years.
Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
Birth history: full-term or not (how many weeks gestation), any prenatal problems for your mom (hypertenstion, gestational diabetes, etc), any problems with the delivery, any problems in the first three months of life.
Okay, well these are tough to answer. The two people who would know, my parents, are no longer of this world. But... I do know that I was a little bit premature. I was 5.5 lbs though I think, so not really. I was C-section, as were all three of us brothers, cause my Mom had a misshapen uterus. Thats all I know really.

Past medical history: age, any major medical diagnoses, surgical history, hospitalization history, ER visit history. Normal growth and development while growing up?
Age 22. Nothing really diagnosed. No surgery. Only been hostipitalized once, and that was cause I was really ill and dehydrated at like 16. One night on an IV and I was cured though. Only other ERs have been for minor cuts for stitches. Normal growth as far as I remember, but was a little short until grade 4 or so.

Family medical history (includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, first cousins, as well as immediate family): any history of bone or joint problems like arthritis and osteoporosis, any muscle disorders, any neurological problems (including multiple sclerosis and seizures), any autoimmune disorders (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorders), inflammatory bowel disease or ulcers or other gastrointestinal disorders, problems with kidneys (including dialysis), heart or blood vessel problems (hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease), any cases of unexplained or early death, any cases of stillbirth, any cancer history (and who and what types), any blood or bleeding disorders, any psychiatric history, respiratory problems (emphysema, cystic fibrosis, etc), and anything else that may run in the family.
Wish I could tell you more, but the only thing I know of is the heart attacks that both my Mom and Dad had in their fourties. Oh and one aunt had lung cancer (smoker), and my grandpa on my Mom's side died of cancer too, but not sure what kind. My little brother has terrible acid reflux too which has caused him to pass out and have siezures before he got diagnosed (hadn't considered this might be related). Other than that I would have to ask an uncle on my Dad's side, and maybe my Grandma on my Mom's. Also Val said she could see about helping me get my records on my Dad's side.

[ March 12, 2004, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Ghost of Xavier ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Wow, both mom and dad had heart attacks in their forties? Do you know if they had high cholesterol or high blood pressure?

Have you ever had your cholesterol checked? Had your blood pressure checked as an adult (after puberty)?

Do you (or people in your family) tend to be tall and have notably long legs, arms and fingers? Double-jointed?

[ March 12, 2004, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
BTW, the most likely cause of your numb/tingling/clenched muscles experiences is something very benign, but I'm asking the questions just to follow up on other stuff.
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
I must worship CT again. [Hail] Thank you, O Blessed One, for letting us into the mind of a doctor.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Jenny, it's a mighty boring and pedantic place.

You might need to pinch yourself to stay awake. That, or try shoving hot needles under your fingernails. Works for me. [Smile]

[ March 12, 2004, 01:42 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
But that's what's so great about you, dearling. You manage to pull off both doctoring and an immensely interesting personality. Not to mention that raving Inner Wench of yours...
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Trust me, dear heart. When you set your sights that low for being impressed, you set yourself up for being overwhelmed by the raving excitement of a tombstone.

One that was for a very boring person, and it's stained with cranberry bird-poop. [Wink]
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
[Laugh] Jenny and CT.

Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Look at you bragging on yourself. You even make the description of your boringness rich with sensual imagery. Stop trying to squirm away. I have EXPOSED you!
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Mmmmmm, cranberry bird-poop.

Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :

I loves me CT!

(note to David Bowles - did you spot the meme infection I have now picked up?)
Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
Wow, both mom and dad had heart attacks in their forties? Do you know if they had high cholesterol or high blood pressure?
Yeah they both did. Sucks for my odds huh. I don't know what caused them really. I mean, at their ages, I'd imagine they had high both.

Have you ever had your cholesterol checked? Had your blood pressure checked as an adult (after puberty)?
I did a few weeks ago actually. My lower one was in the "ideal" range, and my higher one was maybe 5-10 points into the "high" range.

Do you (or people in your family) tend to be tall and have notably long legs, arms and fingers? Double-jointed?
Nope, pretty average for everyone actually. No double-jointed that I know of.

Its a relief that you think its not dangerous. I would LOVE to know what is causing it though. For my piece of mind, and for explaining it to people when its happening. Everyone just thinks I am weird.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Well, the most likely cause is hyperventilation in response to stress. Often, people that hyperventilate aren't aware that they are doing it. There is a yet more detailed emedicine article here which talks about some of the physiological mechanisms of the muscle spasms and numbness/tingling. It's a pretty common ER presentation.

The numbness and tingling around the mouth and clenching of the palms and/or soles (aka carpopedal spasm) in times of stress is pretty classic. Women also may get this during childbirth.

Next time it happens, try some slow, deep, even breaths through pursed lips. Breathe with your belly, not with your chest, because hyperinflation of the chest seems to trigger this response.

I'm more worried about your family history of early heart attacks, which seems unrelated to the symptoms you describe. The family history, though, is well worth getting checked out sometime. What were your parents' causes of death? When are you likely to be on health insurance again?

[ March 12, 2004, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: ClaudiaTherese ]
Posted by Ghost of Xavier (Member # 2852) on :
Hmmm, that's an idea. I'm not sure if it is what is causing it, but will try what you said next time it happens and see if it goes away.

There are a few things that don't seem to fit though. For one sometimes they last for well over an hour, such as last night (which was like 2 hours, and finally I went to sleep and woke up fine). Not sure if thats really something hyperventilation would cause? Also its not really involuntary clenching I'd say (like a spasm), its just that my hands are tingling so bad that its EXTREMELY uncomfortable not to have them clenched. Meaning, I can unclench them if I want.

It DOES sound like a likely cause though because when I did get pulled over that time I was hyperventilating badly, and new that I was. Other times I had no idea though, and its not always stress that brings them on. On the other hand, lack of sleep may be a cause of stess in itself.

I'm more worried about your family history of early heart attacks, which seems unrelated to the symptoms you describe. The family history, though, is well worth getting checked out sometime. What were your parents' causes of death? When are you likely to be on health insurance again?
I'm worried about that too, but my general coping mechanism is to ignore my problems. Not good I know, but I still eat as much junk food as anyone. I do plan on having a regime of exercise for my whole life, and to keep myself in good shape (and NEVER smoke). Diet though is another story.

My mother died of a heart attack at 43. She did smoke though. On the other hand, she wasn't at all overweight. My father didn't die of a heart attack, but did have a "terminal heart condition" the person who did the autopsy said. Plus he had a severe heart attack like a week before he died of an "accident". He didn't even eat red meat, and while he wasn't skinny, only had a bit of a gut. He did smoke, but not cigarretes. Does marijuana smoke contribute to heart disease? (I don't smoke it anyway, just curious. Will tell my little bother if it does though)

As for when I will be on health insurance, that probably depends on when I will be getting a real job, which I hope will not be too long from now.

[ March 12, 2004, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Ghost of Xavier ]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Not smoking is a great decision in your case. I'd encourage your brother to refrain from smoking (anything) too. If he decides to continue using marijuana, a better choice would be in brownies or something. Best choice, though, is not to take chances with your family history.

There are a few things that don't seem to fit though. For one sometimes they last for well over an hour, such as last night (which was like 2 hours, and finally I went to sleep and woke up fine). Not sure if thats really something hyperventilation would cause?
It certainly could. Once an area of tissue becomes hypoxic (deprived of oxygen), then the arteries to that area automatically become clamped down to shunt blood elsewhere in the body, where it will do more good. The effects of hyperventilation can be prolonged this way.

Also its not really involuntary clenching I'd say (like a spasm), its just that my hands are tingling so bad that its EXTREMELY uncomfortable not to have them clenched. Meaning, I can unclench them if I want.
The symptoms of hyperventilation range from a bit of "pins and needles" sensation to full-blown spasm. Believe it or not, these are at the ends of the same spectrum. Odd, huh?

Be sure to mention it to your new physician at the first visit, though, and be certain you mention the history of heart problems in your immediate family.

I won't diagnose you without a physical exam, but rest assured that there is at least one benign and fairly common possible explanation for the symptoms. [Smile]

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