I love snow...we had a snow day from school today...it was pure bliss...we've gotten a lot in my area it great.. Posted by Dagonee (Member # 5818) on :
Sorry. I hate snow. It's cold and yucky...
Glad you got a day off, though.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
It was so much fun!! Notorious Shira came over to my house this morning... I was still asleep (it was 9:00) so she jumped on my bed, and woke me up!
We had a lovely time playing in the snow, until she had to leave at 4:00. But it was SO MUCH FUN!
I want another snow day tomorrow! Posted by wieczorek (Member # 5565) on :
We had a snowday yesterday, and when we miss a day at school (for holidays or snowdays) the schedule (we have an A day/B day schedule, 4 classes a day for 1.5 hours) is supposed to resume with whatever we missed. So, since we had a B day on Friday, today should've been an A day, but they announced on the innercom that today was changed to a B day! It was really terrible, no one had their books...*sigh*...anyway, I love snow, especially when it makes for snowdays!
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Yech. I hate you all. I live in Minnesota and we NEVER get snow days. We get snow emergencies, which mean we have to move our cars, but never ever snow days. (distaste)
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
It doesn't snow in Louisiana, it just gets FREEZING COLD! Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I hate snow.
I hate getting up at 4:30 in the morning to commute to work in the snow.
I hate ice even more.
Hates them, we hatess them, preciouss.
Posted by aka (Member # 139) on :
I love snow if you get an unexpected holiday and the power stays on.
It's scary if the power goes off and people die of the cold.
It's dreary and no fun if you have to commute through it.
But it's beautiful when it's falling and the world looks lovely all dressed in white.
Not trying to gloat but here in San Francisco, the highs are in the high 50s and lower 60s, lows in the 40s. It really is nice here. I can understand why people brave the earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides, and very high cost of living to be here. Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
I hate snow too. It's everywhere. It's cold. It's wet. It's not fun.
Posted by aspectre (Member # 2222) on :
40s without snow is frrreeeeeezzzing But any day with snow is just Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
I will continue to like snow until next year, when we go to college and don't get snow days, at which point I expect to hate it thoroughly.
Posted by Gottmorder (Member # 5039) on :
Snow annoys me, except for yesterday when we got a two hour delay so I got to miss my first class. Today was worse; the university closed at 4 so I only had one class, but I had to go to work until 10. And everyone but a cashier, the frontend supervisor, service desk, and myself called off. So guess who was practically covering the whole store?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
blacwolve it all depends on where you go to school as to whether you get snow days in college or not.
I wish I got snow days for work.
Posted by Koga (Member # 5646) on :
Monday my School which is a collge had a 2 hour delayed start, and they do still have snow days sometime, but none while I've been there.
Posted by FlyingCow (Member # 2150) on :
blackwolve, you can become a teacher after college, though, and get snow days again.
Posted by fiazko (Member # 5812) on :
If it's going to be cold, there might as well be snow. However, no amount of snow can get me out of work because a) I work in an Emergency Room and b) I could walk to work.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
It also depends on how much your professors hate the snow. They might just choose not to show up on the really bad days.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
My work doesn't get snow days, but our CLIENTS do. On snow days, we get to work a rare 9-4 day. Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Well, it's snowing right now, but I'll bet you a pencil it won't stick.
Domino's gets busier when it snows. People want something warm, and they don't want to leave the house.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
*High5s* I got a day off today Posted by Derrell (Member # 6062) on :
Snowses is much too coldses, my precious.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
It only started snowing at like, 8am, so we were all already in class. Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
Ha! I told you! It stopped snowing and there's nothing on the ground. I want my pencil.
Posted by Maccabeus (Member # 3051) on :
I REALLY hate snow now, because if it sticks to the sidewalks at Cracker Barrel I have to shovel it. It adds at least an hour to the time before I can sleep, and so far an extra $7 hasn't been enough compensation to make up for it. Fortunately it hasn't snowed enough to stick yet this year, save on the grass.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :