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Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
The thread is up. Post your profiles before Wednesday night. We'll give out assignments then, and the first death will be Thursday morning. For those of you who don't know all the rules and stuff yet, I'll post a reply to this thread in a few minutes with a great explanation. Or you can see the great explanation in its natural habitat on GrenME. I'll post a link to it as well.

Post your profiles here.

[ January 24, 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: Brinestone ]
Posted by Julie (Member # 5580) on :
Now I have to use my brain. [Grumble]
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
The outline of the game:

Each player is assigned a role. That role is either a townie, mafia, godfather (GF), serial killer (SK), doctor, or sheriff. The sheriff and doctor are “special” townies, the godfather is a “special” mafia member, and the serial killer can choose sides (between the townies and the mafia). The object of the game is for the townies to kill all the mafia, or for the mafia to kill off all the townies depending on which side you’re on.

It’s important to remember that no townie (including Doctor and Sheriff) have any idea who anyone else is. This is why paranoia is so rampant in mafia, you may think you’ve found another townie, but the only way to be sure is to be mafia.


The mafia can kill anyone in the game, including mafia members if they want to. They act on their own instincts and premonition, and it is the townies' job to figure out who the mafia is and kill them before the town is wiped out.

Serial Killer:

The serial killer starts off on neither the mafia's nor the townies' side. The SK can pick a side or be on no one's side if he or she wants to. The SK's role is to kill one person each day based on whatever motive he desires.


The doctor can choose one person each day to save. If the mafia or SK tries to kill this person, they will fail. If neither the mafia nor serial killer attempt to kill this person, nothing happens. The doctor can choose to save his or her own life, but never two days in a row.


The sheriff can ID any other player in the game, once a day. The moderator will tell the sheriff if the person they are IDing is mafia. Neither the GF nor the SK will come up as mafia. The sheriff can do whatever she wants to do with this information.

The day to day:

Before nighttime (in game time) The Godfather (after discussing with his or her fellow mafia) sends the moderator the name of the person mafia wants killed. The serial killer sends in the name of someone to kill, the doctor sends in the name of someone to save, and the sheriff sends in the name of someone to ID.

The moderator tells the sheriff if the person they asked about is mafia or not (though the GF will appear to not be mafia to the sheriff), and then the kills are made. During the night, the two people that are to be killed are killed unless one of them is the person the doctor chose to save. That person’s life is then spared. When everyone wakes up in the morning, they must deal with the deaths, and vote on who they want to kill, based on clues as to who the killers were. Once the complete vote is taken, the person voted on is lynched, and the process repeats until the end of the game.

In real time this means that the mafia kills will be posted in the morning, the SK in the afternoon, and then there will be time to discuss and vote. The next day the lynching will be posted and the players must send in their information (who to kill, save, or id). The next day it will begin again. That means two real life days for every game day.


After the SK kill is posted, the moderator will inform the players of when they have to have their votes in by. A voting thread will be posted and any player who wants their vote counted must post it on that thread by the appropriate time.

Natural Death:

After two game days of not posting, the moderators will attempt to contact you. If you do not post after that, you will be killed by natural causes. This does not mean you have to vote every time, but you do have to say something every once in a while at least.


Each death (Mafia, SK, and lynching) will contain clues pointing out either the killer, the sheriff, or the doctor. It is your job to figure out these clues and lynch accordingly.


Typically, several alliances form each game, and then normally on AIM. If you want to get involved but don’t have AIM, you can use the private messenger on GreNME or e-mail. Alliances aren’t officially recognized, so you can double-cross or stay true as you so choose.


You can swear up and down to being a townie, when in reality you're blood-thirsty mafia, but there are some things that are not allowed: Forwarding your assignment message (see below), and talking when you have been killed. Once you are dead feel free to post fluff all you want, but you will not reveal who you are, nor give away any hints. You are dead, you can’t talk so be quiet. Other than that, go nuts.

Starting the Game:

To start off the game, the moderators will send each person a private message via GreNME’s system informing you of your role. It will also give a very short description of what you know and what your motives are. You do not need to follow these motives, they’re just a general guide. As mentioned above, do not show others your message.

The first game day, the mafia kill will be chosen by the mods, and the SK kill will either be chosen as well, done normally (let the SK pick) or removed entirely, depending on how many people play.

If you have any questions or clarifications, contact one of the mods (Jon Boy and myself) or post it here. If I’m missing something, please tell me.

Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
What type of profile are we putting up? Are we all martians?
Posted by Koga (Member # 5646) on :
I think I'm not going to try to play mafia after all.
Posted by Julie (Member # 5580) on :
Are all martians of the same race, or are there different kinds of martians?
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
This is a martian colony from Earth, so I'm expecting that quite a few of you would be human. If you want to go wild and be a martian, go ahead. If you want to do several different races/species of Martians, that's fine too. Anything is game.

[ January 24, 2004, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Brinestone ]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
it's not hard, guys. I only took ten minutes or so to do mine.
Posted by Happy Camper (Member # 5076) on :
*grinds teeth*

I don't have time to play on yet another board. So I'm out once again.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
It doesn't take any more time on that board than on this one, but if you really don't have time to play, that's okay. We'll miss you, though.
Posted by Julie (Member # 5580) on :
I think Happy Camper meant that he/she is already playing somewhere else and doesn't have time to add another game to his/her already busy schedual.
Posted by Brinestone (Member # 5755) on :
Bumped so those who haven't seen this can get over to GreNME and start posting profiles.
Posted by Ryan Hart (Member # 5513) on :
I did it.
Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
This is probably really obvious, but how does GMS work? [Blushing]
Posted by Jon Boy (Member # 4284) on :

To use GMS, open someone's profile and go to Personal Message. It's the last option under Communicate.

Go sign up for mafia, people!
Posted by peterh (Member # 5208) on :
I totally missed this over the weekend. Thanks for bumping it.

I just registerd and am a total beginner at this, so don't be afraid to correct me if I make a mistake.

[Edited to add my registration]

[ January 27, 2004, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: peterh ]

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