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Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
...who hasn't seen RotK yet.

Fess up.

Don't let me feel so alone.

I'm going to break ranks tomorrow anyway, I hope, and go see it -- and if not then, definitely by the weekend after that, but for now I feel like the only one in the country.

Has nobody else savored the feeling of anticipation? I've followed this movie for three years now, scrabbling for posters and soundtracks and sneaks since January, and now that it's here I don't want the feeling to go away -- I mean, in my lifetime, how many films will match this trilogy? Hell, look at the past forty years of film-making, and the best they have to offer is, what, Star Wars? And what's left to see, Cheaper By the Dozen?

God, I hate Ashton Kushter...

No, I'm going to enjoy torturing myself. All the way to the movie theater tomorrow morning. And I can look down on all you masses with no self-control as a result of my pain.
Posted by JonnyNotSoBravo (Member # 5715) on :
I haven't seen it.

But I just saw The Two Towers - EE on a projection screen in the living room, and played ROTK on XBox so now I have to go see it. It's a moral imperative.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
You're right about the anticipation Lalo. I miss it now that it's gone. I'm wondering what to look forward to now. [Dont Know]
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
For it to come out on video.
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
For me, it's a toss-up between the EE and The Hobbit. [Razz]
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
But for now, to kill time, I'm rereading The Silmarillion. [Smile]
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
I haven't seen it yet! I waited to see the other two as well until I could see them with my family over Christmas break. We're planning on going next Tuesday though, so it's not too far away...right? [Wink]
Posted by butterfly (Member # 5898) on :
I admit I haven't seen ROTK, though I probably would've by now except that I haven't seen the first two, Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers, yet.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Holy Moly!

You have a lot to look forward to then! [Smile]

Frisco, the Hobbit is a long shot, but I'll start looking forward to that. Thanks for the new ray of hope. [Big Grin]
Posted by Frisco (Member # 3765) on :
It's not as long a shot as, say, a Silmarillion miniseries. [Razz]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
[Big Grin] Yeah. I suppose you're right.
Posted by Nick (Member # 4311) on :
*hasn't seen it*
*has tickets for tomorrow* [Smile]
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
*raises hand*

Not my fault, though. It only starts on January 1st.

[ December 27, 2003, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Kama ]
Posted by bn (Member # 5526) on :
I havn't seen it, and wont do until at least after January 14th. I don't know if I can stand the spoiler on every corner [Big Grin]
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
I haven't seen it yet, Lalo... it came out about four hours after I flew for Israel, when all of my friends went to see it! *pout* [Grumble]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I'm not seeing it till Wenchcon.

Eddie, you only hate Ashton Kutcher 'cause you're jealous. [Wink]
Posted by Speed (Member # 5162) on :
I haven't seen it yet. I was going to go yesterday, but... anyone who lives in Salt Lake will understand why I didn't. Anyway, I like the series, and I liked the books, but I'm not as fanatically obsessed as some people I know. I still haven't seen the EE versions of the films. For some reason, the weasely way they were released (regular edition first, then extended edition some months later, in an obvious attempt, especially with FOTR, to trick those who haven't done enough research into buying both) makes me suspect that when they're all done there will be some manner of uber-special trilogy release, and I'm patient enough to wait just to be sure. Anyway, I haven't seen it. I'm sure I'll get to the theatre sometime in the next few months, after all the rabid crowds are gone, and I'll enjoy it when I see it. But until then, I'm not losing sleep.

Kill Bill vol. 2, on the other hand... sign me up for opening night on that one. [Smile]
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Jealous? Of what? I'm kind of jealous that he sleeps with Demi Moore, but if I wanted a 40 year old woman made of plastic, I'd go buy a classic Barbie.

AK's the worst example of a manufactured celebrity. He's a godawful actor, he's not funny, he's not entertaining, and he's famous solely for his political relationship with Demi Moore (notice how the two got into the headlines for no other reason than their willingness to screw each other).

I can't wait to see him, and Hillary Duff, and every other manufactured celebrity represented in that idiotic Cheaper By The Dozen die in a fiery death.

That goes for Steve Martin, too -- I inexplicably like the guy, and think he has the potential to be extremely funny, but thus far he's given me nothing but disappointing slapstick performance after disappointing slapstick performance. He's a white Eddie Murphy.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I just like him 'cause he looks nice, Eddie. [Smile]
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :

You know, with an eyes-closed (or eyes-open regarding his controversial "prettiness") policy like that, you're likely to end up voting Republican someday...
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Pffft. I'd date YOU before I voted Republican.
Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Well, yes.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Seeing it today! (No money before Christmas...)
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I haven't seen it either! Only because I haven't had time [Frown] Hopefully my friend will want to see it when he visits...

some manner of uber-special trilogy release
I'm expecting one too but my sister has pursuaded me to chip in to buy the regular DVDs as they come out...
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
Well, Eddie, I guess that is a small taste of why folks wait for the wedding night. Be strong and keep those eyelids together!
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
Two things I'm looking foward to now that RotK is out...well three...

1)RotK-EE, and possibly the trilogy EE showing
2)Narnia the live action movie:
3)The Lord of the Rings Musical in London...though I know not when I'd be able to see it:

Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
I haven't seen it, and have no particular interest in doing so. I didn't see the second movie, and I fell asleep during the first one. I've tried to read the books several times, and failed at that, too.

Sorry -- J.R.R. and I seem to operate in very different worlds, and P. J. couldn't bridge the gap.

Posted by Rudolph (Member # 3236) on :

ARE YOU A BOY OR a girl?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Me & mack, we're just like that. *crossed fingers

WenchCon for us both.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
[Big Grin]
Posted by Boon (Member # 4646) on :
I haven't seen any of them. I'm waiting for them to come out on DVD, and then I'll buy them and watch them all in one sitting. I figure, they made them all at once, I'll watch them all at once. [Razz]

Besides, it's just too hard to go to the theater with the kiddies. I take them once a year, right between their birthdays.
Posted by hansenj (Member # 4034) on :
Papa, I am with you on the books. I keep trying to want to read them, but I can't make myself. However, I did get excited for the movies, and I very much enjoyed the first two (ROTK on Tuesday! [Big Grin] ). I guess PJ got through to me at least! [Smile]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I had a hard time getting into the books. TIP: skip the Hobbit. I think I would have gotten through LotR the FIRST time if I hadn't been stopped by the Hobbit 4 times!! [Smile] (I love the Hobbit now though, don't worry folks!)
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
*dances a happy dance*

I finally saw RotK yesterday!! YAY!!! [The Wave]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
I have not seen RotK yet.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I asked this question in another thread, how many times have some of you already seen it? (I'm curious because I heard of people on this board seeing TTT upwards of 15 times in the theater and it baffles me!)

I'm finally going to see it for the second time today! Yeehee!
Posted by Javert Hugo (Member # 3980) on :
Twice. Certainly a third time with friends here in Dallas, and a fourth time in January.

Maybe another time by myself somewhere in there. Maybe.
Posted by StigLarson (Member # 5579) on :
I refuse to see any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy until the as yet unplanned Disney "song and dance" version becomes freely available on Betamax.

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