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Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
We'd like to think it wasn't us. We gave full-size candy bars -- a choice of Snickers, Snickers Cruncher, 3-Musketeers, Milky Way, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Hershey's, Hershey's with almonds, Reese's PB Cups, Reese's Fast Break, Kit Kat, Twix, Nestle's Crunch, Nestle's Crunch with Caramel, and 100 Grand. There might have been one or two other choices -- we can't remember for sure -- but if so we gave them all out. Even Strong Bad couldn't have complained about these, unless we only gave him one.

The thing is, it rained. (This is probably a good thing, since the state is on fire, but that's off topic.) So not that many kids came to our door, and now we're left with a bunch of candy bars.

Hey, maybe that's not such a bad thing after all....

Happy Halloween, all. Stop by, we'll share.

Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
It's 2 below here. I think we got one trick-or-treater.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Papa Moose, you are the house I always dreamed of as a child. I'm sure all the kids living close to you now love you. [Smile]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
We gave out Necco Wafers and marshmallow peanuts.

And I gave one kid a handful of change.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
I gave out bite-sized candy bars. I had to leave for awhile, so I set the bag outside the door near the pumpkin.

Looks like some kids came by at least!

[Big Grin]

Papa Moose does indeed have the best house for trick or treaters!

FULL sized candy bars and an inordinate fondness for the holiday.

What a cool family to live near.
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
I gave out mini toothpastes to my students today. our local CVS was selling three-to-a-pack trial-sized toothpaste: Spearmint, an Orange Something, and Cinamon. I thought the kids would kick my sorry middle aging behind, but they were psyched! They loved the toothpaste.

Packaging is everything, I guess. They were brightly colored tubes of paste.

>>>Bob, can you email me? I have Texas music information for you.
Your mail keeps bouncing<<<

[ November 01, 2003, 05:10 AM: Message edited by: Elizabeth ]
Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
I used to be the one who gave out the good stuff. All my own favorites from when I was a kid. Chocolate was heavily featured. But the trick or treat thing is tapering off. I don't know why. Maybe it's just the demographics of the neigborhoods I've happened to live in. There are far fewer kids here than in other places I've lived, at other times. Maybe it's the fear of urban legend poisonings, though there were stories of apples with razor blades inside when I was a very young child, too, and it never stopped us. I don't think any of them have ever been true, have they? They're just illustrations of people's deepest fears.

Ah, it's so cute, to teach kids good old fashioned American extortion at such a young age! [Smile] I hate to see such a touching tradition end. But diabetic me has demonstrated again and again how difficult it is for me to ignore the lure of chocolate which whispers incessantly, day and night, from the other room. Particularly since a single kiss or miniature special dark bar is okay. One only. Not one and then another and another and another. <laughs>

I did learn that anything I shouldn't eat can be got rid of at work. The appetite for treats at the workplace being voracious and impossible to saturate. But before Monday, would I have eaten enough to make myself sick?

So, sadly, I left the porch light off and got zero trick or treaters. Had I turned it on and decorated all up and bought enormous amounts of candy, would I have gotten any? Perhaps not. Lately around here there have been few to none, says my mother. It's sad. I love Halloween. What a great tradition!

[ November 01, 2003, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: ana kata ]
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
wow I gave out the same stuff as you moose. I did get a lot of trick-or-treaters though but then at about somewhere between 6 and 7 PM they just stopped coming. And I have a big pile of candy left too. Oh yeah, and before the trick-or-treaters had stopped I didn't have the porch light on, then I realized it was off and I turned it on, and no one came.

Last year however was very strange last year, even though it was at about the time of the snipers, I got more trick-or-treaters than ever before (I do live in New Jersey which is pretty close). In fact I had bought about 6 large packages of various full sized bar's from bj's and I had to go get more. The only explination for it would be that the kid's parents wanted them to be shot and had them trick-or-treat longer.
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
I am currently in a locale where kids don't trick or treat... fifth floor of a small apartment building in an apartment complex. They go nearby to the houses I guess, rather then clambering up floors.

My father's house, when I was younger, we used to not get any trick or treaters, maybe 6 or 7 all night. Now, with the demogrpahics change, last year I gave out the treats, and we had about 30 kids. It was great *Grin* We gave out 3 musketeers bars and Hershey's chocolate. I suspect this year the treats were similar, as my step-mother is now in charge of buying the treats. She likes chocolate... heh.

I love halloween. I wish I had more effort to decorate [Frown]
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
My favorite was always the house that gave out cans of Coke. They were the only people who realized us kids would need something to wash down all that chocolate and caramel.

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
We didn't get too many kids this year (maybe 20-30), but that's about standard for this street. We gave out a wide mixture of small candies (Kit Kat, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Crunch, Jolly Ranchers, giant Lemon Drops, etc). We gave out a handful to each kid and they thought it was great: "Hey cool!"

My mom says that this year she seems to have hit on the perfect treat - Little Debbies. Kids would come to the door asking, "Is this the house with the cookies?" And upon learning that it was, indeed, the house with the cookies, would yell down the street - "Hey! Here's the house with the cookies!" [Smile]
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
It was really warm where I am, and oddly, some places got nobody at all, and other places had hundreds.


(I was a french revolutionary... [Smile] )
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
We ran out of candy (three big bags) at 6:30, went out and got 4 more bags and ran out of that by 7:30. Then we turned the lights off. My son lost count at about 200, all of whom came in the first hour.
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
<--- went Trick or Treating [Big Grin] [Razz]

The best house was the one where the lady wouldn't give us candy until we danced to Shout, I will Survive and the Twist [Cool]
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
They bus kids into our neighborhood, to the point that both sides of the street are lined with cars, so I wasn't as heavy handed with giving out treats as I have been in previous years. I only had so much candy and wasn't going out again. So we probably were the sucky house.

And what's with kids who have moustaches still trick or treating? If you're taller than me, you're *too old* to be trick or treating. I had one kid, no lie, easily 6 feet tall with a full moustache, no costume, out begging for candy. I was tempted to make him a quick sign "Will mow lawn for candy" so at least he'd have a costume.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
It snowed heavily in Utah. Very few trick or treaters.

My friends and I came to the conclusion that Halloween Hardcore Trick or Treaters ended with our Generation.

Always, ALWAYS, we'd be getting 2 pillowcases full of candy.

If it snowed, we wore jackets and we still went. All four of us were fairly disappointed with this new generation.
Posted by Hazen (Member # 161) on :
My friends and I went out and played jokes on people. We made a full size doll of a kid in a costume (with a mask on), with a bag, and we would put him on people's doorstep, ring the doorbell, and hide. It fooled a suprising number of people. One person even opened the door, gave him some candy, and shut the door again without realizing that it was fake. [Evil Laugh] This is kind of a tradition among our group of friends, we have been doing it since we were in High School. The doll is named Ender, because the first year they did it, they weighed him down with the Ender's Game audiobook.
Posted by Amka (Member # 690) on :
It is your demographics, aka.

Yeah, we didn't have so many, with all the snow and such.

There are always hard core trick or treaters, and always have been. You were part of the few T_Smith. I took my kids out longer than I have in the past. My youngest is old enough to not slow anyone down (instead everyone must keep up with her running from house to house) and despite the snow, it didn't feel as cold as last year when it was 40 and very windy.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :

And I gave one kid a handful of change.

Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
<-- Spent the 3 hour evening at the church's harvest party teaching kids how to catch fish with magnets and paperclips and that "Three" was not three handfuls.

Was exhausted, but fun as anything [Big Grin]
Posted by Julie (Member # 5580) on :
<----- Spent Halloween at Democratic HQ putting labels on mailings. I have to put 18 hours for my American Politics class. It was much easier and more fun than the usual telephone calls. I vow that when I get older I will not be rude to the people who call asking you to vote.
Posted by Black Mage (Member # 5800) on :
Here's my Halloween rant which changes subjects near the end.

Halloween sucks here. No, serious. Nobody decorates, really. We stuck up spiderwebs and jack-o-lanterns and people thought it was really cool. Whoopdi-doo. Jeez, where I used to live, they considered Halloween a success if the little kiddies were too scared to come to the door. If it was really good, the older kids would look freaked out too.

Oh, and these folks that take a basket of candy and set it on their porch? Public hanging/whipping/burning/shooting is too good for them. How can a kid grow up without a good Halloween? Always was my favorite holiday.

Because, you know, everything changed. It was incredible. People put effort into these awesome home made costumes so everyone looked different and decorations and candy and coming into our friend's apartment out of the cold and drinking hot chocolate and picking out a big chocolate bar, oh man, how can a kid grow up without that? It's the most beautiful holiday, and I fear I will never see a real Halloween again for some time.

Maybe it's the neighborhood. Stupid upper-middle-class suburbs. Everything's so blood, so bloody, I dunno, clean and kosher. We can't do anything original to our houses, we can't have something that doesn't fit the montony of the neighborhood, I mean, how do houses get any personality?
Posted by MEC (Member # 2968) on :
I really don't like most store bought halloween decorations, they're usually really cheasy. My mom makes almost all of our decorations, excluding spider webbing. She also made all our costumes, they were awesome. One year I rember I entered a costume contest and lost because the judges thought my costume was too good to be really homemade.

On a side note I entered a bakeing contest once and I made this real nice devil's choclate/german chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sweetened shreaded coconut around the edges all by myself. Unfortunatly my mom had a reputation for being a great cook so they all assumed that I had my mother help me.
Posted by Black Mage (Member # 5800) on :
Howdja do the spiderwebs?

My mom made all our costumes, too. They were always so much cooler than the store ones.
Posted by Leonide (Member # 4157) on :
You know, we had four trick-or-treaters Halloween Night.

And not ONE of them said "Trick or Treat!"

What has happened to Halloween? Has everyone forgotten the very first Halloween, lo those many years ago, and the beautiful message that it sends? I'm ashamed to call myself a human being when I see Halloween treated so frivolously. Candy without the customary phrase, indeed. I should have given the little ragamuffins a piece of my mind, not a piece of my candy!
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
Some guy gave out adult tylonal (in the little packs) in my neighbourhood! [Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I know. Halloween has died and it is up to us to reboot it with out kids. If my kid is 8, and it's snowing, I'm kicking him out in the cold. Ungrateful child! [Wink]

But it's sad... the HardCore days are over. This new generation: myeh. Disappointed, I am.
Posted by Maethoriell (Member # 3805) on :
Last year I got Rolaids from one person. I dont know if he/she was trying to punish me for trick-or-treating at an age of 13. Then my brother and isster ate it thinking it was some mints. Heh.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
We were so sad that we had to leave early to drive down to Chicago so we could make our 6:50am flight! We left just after the first flush of kids and were going to leave the rest on the doorstoop, but didn't. We gave out "fun size" candies -- three big bags worth. I think we got about twenty kids before we left. [Wink]
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
We gave out chocolate, tootsie roll heavy treats, by the handfuls. Our neighborhood is cool, too. Down two houses from us, several neighbors had set up a table and gave out their treats together. Even had It's the Great Pumpkin , Charlie Brown playing on a projection on the garage. [Smile]

Ron got a bunch of dry ice and had a spooky fog coating our yard, and our door was illuminated only by our four Jack o lanterns. It was cool.

I took the boys around, and by the time we'd hit 10 houses their treat bags were so heavy they wanted me to carry them. Stuff was sticking out of the top. We went home.

Liam, who is four and currently fascinated by geometric designs, fell in love with a JollyRancher lollipop because it was square. [Smile]

It was a fun night all around.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Our house is set in such a way as to be dangerous for kids to come trick or treating. So we went to a friends house, gave out candy and watched "Army of Darkness".

The DVD has wonderfun spooky music when put on hold.

Anyway, we gave out a mixture of small Hershey's products (Single Reeces size) and some cheap Tootsie Roll mix.

Every kid had to have a joke, well, except for the 1 year old a mother carried.

While the neighbor kids were not that many, there were kids who apparently came from the other side of St. Louis (by the High School jackets they wore). I would count them as Major Trick-or-Treaters.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
I gave out full-sized candy bars -- I think I had about 15 different kinds. I only had about 70 trick-or-treaters though and I usually get between 100 and 120, so I have a lot of candy left. [Frown]

It is going into the freezer in the basement. I will not eat it all.

[ November 03, 2003, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: dkw ]
Posted by solo (Member # 3148) on :
It was about -10 here and we had about 100 kids. According to one neighbor that is less than last year (this is our first year in the neighborhood). It seemed like every second house had their lights off, but some houses went all out. At one, there was a stuffed (or so we thought) monster sitting in a lawn chair beside a cardboard coffin and as my daughter walked up to the house the monster stood up and someone popped out of the coffin. It freaked her out pretty good and she wouldn't take candy from them. I think she had mostly forgotten about it by the end of the night though.

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