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Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
My sister got her wisdom teeth today, and let me tell you, this is the first time she's ever been drugged up with the exception of breaking her arm once.

But this... this is completely funny.

Part of this is an account of my mom, and recollections of my sister.

They give you a pill to start dozing off to take about an hour before the surgery. By the time my sister got there, she was just loopy, not tired. She said to the receptionist in a seductive way (according to my MOTHER) "Yes, I'm here for an appointment."

They sat her down and began preparing her. The nurse turned around and she apparently fell off the thingy. They went to give her a shot to put her to sleep with, but she started screaming at the nurse that she didn't want to have a shot, and even called her a b****. That's the most surprising thing I've heard in a while. My sister has never, to my knowledge, ever sworn at anyone.

Well, they gave her the shot eventually. When my sister woke up, she saw the nurse without having any eyes (her words, not mine) and was going to punch her but her arm didn't exactly move fast enough, so she swung and missed. She then began trying to talk to the unconscious kid next to her.

So my mom brings her home and went to run errands, telling her to stay put and sleep. What does my sister do? She gets up and walks over to her friends house, without telling anyone. There, she had an experience with a washing machine causing an earthquake, passing out in their hallway, and talking to their cat.


So I get home, and she's rambling off to me about her day and how I was a wuss for feeling any pain (at this point I was wondering how much medication they gave her). We then have a family meeting concerning my dog, who has a bad case of cancer and what we were going to do about it. She then pats me on the back and says "I don't want you to die." She then asks if I could take her to go rent a movie. Thinking it would be a fun experience, I tell my mom I'm going to go get a video with my sister.

My sister swore at ever car that was out on the street. "Turn your damn headlights off!!!" she'd yell at them. I decided to grab hold of my sister as we walked in, fearing she would either fall or attack some guy.

Some guy saw her with her ice bag thing around her head and just stared at her. She stared back, intensly then said with a low evil voice "quit looking at me." The guy looked at me, I mouthed the words 'wisdom teeth' and 'drugged' and made the "crazy" motion with my finger around my head. He nodded laughed and walked away. My sister said loudly "quit laughing at me!"

Again, I start wondering what kind of medication they gave her. Perhaps she was doing it for attention, I don't know. But darn, whatever the reason it sure was fun hearing her ramble to herself, with the occassional "I want to pee on that fire hydrant" and a few comments of "I want to flip you off." My sister is a goober. It makes me proud. Do you think I should let her take my car out for a spin, now?
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Edited: By the way, we got The Labrynth and The Dark Crystal.

Hehe... those were my choices. She'll thank me later.

Edit for real: Ooops.. hit post reply, not edit.

[ October 24, 2003, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: T_Smith ]
Posted by prolixshore (Member # 4496) on :
Why is it that those two movies go together? You can't see one without the other.

Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
Whoa.. I was really boring when I was drugged for my wisdom teeth. I went out on a date after a full recovery day. (Fellowship of the Ring.. I just had to see it again.) The girl must have thought I was trying to impersonate a hamster or something. She's still going out with me though, so I guess it didn't really scare her.
Posted by Da_Goat (Member # 5529) on :
There, she had an experience with a washing machine causing an earthquake, passing out in their hallway, and talking to their cat.
I do that without getting high...when I was given gas for my surgery, all I had a hard time doing was standing up after I woke up.

Anyway, how old is your sister? You should ask her to write a screenplay, song, or novel! She could be the next Monty Python, Pink Floyd, or Isaac Asimov, respectively!
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Do you think I should let her take my car out for a spin, now?

What could go wrong?
Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
Swallow those keys...
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
[Laugh] [ROFL] [Embarrassed] [ROFL] [Laugh]

You're sister is a goober T, and I'm proud of you. [Wink] [Big Grin]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
When I was out at a party with a friend of mine and the girl he was seeing, he ended up getting hammered and leaving on foot without us.

Of course he got jumped and we ended up bringing him to the hospital. What he was like reminds me of your sister trying to seduce the receptionist. My friend kept hitting on the middle aged nurse who was cleaning him up, and then he even made suggestive comments to the doctor who stiched him up [Smile] . It was hilarious.
Posted by suntranafs (Member # 3318) on :
err um, T.... That's really err... great and all, but has she recovered yet?? Because yah can't friggin trust doctors and drugs.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
I was informed that I wouldn't remember much of what happened the day I was drugged to have my teeth out. Some kind friends of mine (*cough*Nato*cough*) said they'd come over and insult me, then come back later and be really nice. I actually remember everything, including bits of the surgery, so I know that they only came over once, and they were very nice. At least, I think that's what happened...

Take care of your sister. Make a video too if you can. Then she can join in on the fun once she's all there again.
Posted by Nato (Member # 1448) on :
We were at your house twice. Your mom even took a picture of you when you were trying to get us to stop tickling you with that feather.

[ October 24, 2003, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: Nato ]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Do you think I should let her take my car out for a spin, now?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Wisdom teeth drugs are scary. Almost as scary as Annie on NyQuil, which involves several hours of crying pitifully on the floor.

The best, though, is Annie on nitrous oxide at the dentist's. He has a nice scenic poster on the ceiling of a mountain lake and lets you listen to Michael Jackson on the headphones. Pretty soon, with enough nitrous oxide, little animals start walking around in the poster and you can do somersaults out of your body (a very interesting sensation) while waiting for the dentist to come back in.

Hugs for Nate's sister, for unwittingly being the source of entertainment for complete strangers.
Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Lol. Great post, T.

You know, video recorders were invented for occasions such as these. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Dr. Jekyl was a dentist.
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
I have no idea what happened after I got my wisdom teeth out. Everything was still spinny (and no, I didn't get a pill before the shot, darnit), and the next thing I remember after falling asleep on the table (I was also told I snored) was the car trip home, because my mother gave me a Frosty, only half of which got into my mouth and down my throat.

I was sick about a week before I got my teeth out, and started to run a slight fever when I got home. They only gave me four pills (FOUR!), so my mother would cut them in half when I couldn't take just Motrin anymore. I was looped out the entire week (I got them out around Christmas). I would barely make it down the hall for my bath, fall asleep in the bathtub, get up when the water turned freezing, stumble back to my room and fall asleep in my towel, getting the sheets soaking wet.

I also managed to watch Blue Seed, an anime series a friend of mine had lent me over the Christmas holidays... God, that was weird...
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I wish I had interesting stories about having my wisdom teeth out. I didn't get a pill before the shot either. I just got the shot, then sat there for a little while until the doctor told me I could close my eyes. Afterwards, I woke up, walked myself into the recovery room, sat around for a while and then let my brother drive me home.

I also declined to take any of the Vicodin they gave me and got dry sockets. Which suck, by the way.
Posted by UofUlawguy (Member # 5492) on :
When I had my wisdom teeth out, they had me take valium before I arrived. It didn't do a thing.

When I got in the chair, they gave me gas. Didn't do a thing.

Then they shot me up with novocaine. The first round of shots didn't cut it. They gave me more.

Afterward, the only drug effects I had was some numbness in my face from the novocaine. That's it.

Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I agree with Saxon: dry sockets are a pain in the butt. Well, actually a pain in the jaw, but you know what I'm saying.

I skipped my Astronomy class today and stayed home before going to work. She's rather subdued today. Currently, she's in the living room half passed out watching infomercials about excersize machines.
Posted by Danzig (Member # 4704) on :
I just got my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago. They did not give me any pill beforehand; they just gave me an IV with fentanyl, some type of benzodiazepine (sp?), and some other drug. Right before that they gave me nitrous oxide; that was fun. Afterwards for the pain they gave me oxycodone (Percocet), as well as an antibiotic. I cannot imagine being angry at anyone for anything the day of the surgery, and even afterwards those Percocets can make you pretty mellow. They did not do a great job putting the IV in either; I looked like a junkie for a few days.

Actually it was pretty fun, at least until my pain medication ran out. Just two days ago a piece of tooth that was apparently stuck in my gum came out, so now the pain is mostly gone.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
How come I didn't experience any of this when I had my wisdom teeth out? They put me to sleep, maybe there was a different drug involved, but I was just drowsy and then I slept. There wasn't really much else I could do...

That is weird, but kind of funny...


Just two days ago a piece of tooth that was apparently stuck in my gum came out
Ouch... that sounds painful. Watch the infections, though, a month after I had mine out my left side got infected again and I was back on a powerful antibiotic for ten days...urgh...

[ October 24, 2003, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
Ya should've had a camcorder on hand. That's what I would've done.

[Evil Laugh]
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
I hope I don't act that weird when I'M drugged up!
Posted by pooka (Member # 5003) on :
I had to have general because the teeth were so developed, and when I woke up I was all crying and asking where my teeth were, because I asked if I could keep them before the surgery. Once I was home, I remember waking up in the night and finding those monitors still stuck to my chest. Also, they broke two of my teeth so I didn't get those ones. But the ones I did get look like octopi.

Hobbes: "you're sister..."? Not to pick, I make enough typos myself but that yields a funny meaning.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I'm SO glad I didn't have to take drugs when I had teeth pulled... My problem isn't that my jaw's too small for my wisdom teeth, but that it's too large... But I had teeth out anyway, I had some baby teeth that had no adult teeth underneath, so they took them out.

Seriously, though, Nate, BLACKMAIL CITY, ARIZONA.
Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
T, maybe you should give your car keys to your sister, you thought she was a good driver before...
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
Umm, if she's THAT drugged up, you won't want her anywhere near your car.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Eruve, it's a long story, but I was referencing an earlier experience that I've already posted at hatrack. If you want to see the thread, search for "I've done a lot of stupid things before" as the topic with my member number in the search category.
Posted by Eruve Nandiriel (Member # 5677) on :
Yeah, you REALLY don't want to let her near your car this time. [Wink]
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
My wife's going to get her wisdom teeth out here in a bit. . . hmm. . .

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