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Posted by Pat (Member # 879) on :
Settle it here!
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Cool! One of the best things about the movie Star Trek: Generations was Jim Kirk dying - twice.

Don't know if was an accident or my own unconscious bias, but when I had the two slug it out, Jim Kirk died when a bridge dropped on top of him.

I love this game!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Not even close.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Moose, that doesn't mean a darn thing!! [Wink]

Pat, that was hilarious. I too am a Picard fan. [Big Grin]
Posted by Zevlag (Member # 1405) on :
Definitely Picard.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :

::waits patiently for the other half of the board to chime in with 'Sisqo'::
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :

No, seriously, Picard.
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
Thanks a lot, Pat, my school server won't let me into that website. What kind of stuff are you linking to, anyway?
Posted by T. Analog Kid (Member # 381) on :
Picard fans may enjoy a very Rush influenced band called Little Green Men, whose song "When the Walls Fell" is dedicated to "the greatest Capatin the Enterprise will ever have -- Jean Luc Picard"

Littile Green Men
Posted by sndrake (Member # 4941) on :
Just a clarification - I'm not that big a Picard fan (although I really do like the episode "when the walls fell" refers to due to a previous obsession with metaphors and the role they play in language.). I'm more a Sisko kinda fan.

Point is, for me, that I really can't stand Kirk. So I'd be rooting for the other "guy" no matter who it is - Janeway, Archer. Sheesh. I'd even root for a Romulan commander. [Wink]

[ October 05, 2003, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: sndrake ]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Was "when the walls fell" the episode when Picard and an alien captain go down to a planet and fight a common enemy, which reminded me of The Shrike in "Hyperion?" And they could only speak to each other in metaphor? And Picard's metaphor was my favorite myth-legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh?

That was the first episode I ever saw of TNG, and it hooked me forever.

Basically, though, no other argument is necessary than the following brilliant, poignant, and deep poem:

Jean Luc Picard is hot
James T. Kirk is not

copyright 2003 by Elizabeth

edited to copyright the brilliant, poignant, and deep poem

[ October 05, 2003, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Elizabeth ]
Posted by sarcasticmuppet (Member # 5035) on :
you gotta admit, Picard is one sexy bald man.
Posted by Rappin' Ronnie Reagan (Member # 5626) on :
Sisko is an even sexier bald man.
Posted by MaureenJanay (Member # 2935) on :
Picard! I saw him on Frasier this week and it was the funniest episode I've ever seen! He thought Frasier was gay and picked him up, it was so funny I though I would wet myself.
Posted by Ryan Hart (Member # 5513) on :
Picard. End of discussion.
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
Picard. But I did really like Sisko too.

But Janeway was the sexiest!
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :

And let's not forget who buried whom.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
It's always BEEN Picard. It shall always BE Picard. My sister got a DVD of just Picard episodes (like JustJack, but not quite) and we've had a good time watching them. [Smile]

He's a dang sexy bald man.
Posted by Corwin (Member # 5705) on :
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Enough said. [Hat]

And while Sisko's ok, don't even mention Janeway. She's about the worst captain they could have got... [Mad]
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
Sisko is the winner.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Sisko. He is the emmisary.

To quote Q -- "You hit me. You actually hit me. Picard would never have hit me."

[ January 29, 2005, 09:23 AM: Message edited by: Dan_raven ]
Posted by Bella Bee (Member # 7027) on :
Why was there never a comic book superhero called 'The Emissary'? There should have been.

I agree. Sisko rocks. [Big Grin]
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
you gotta admit, Picard is one sexy bald man.
I do?
OK, Picard is one sexy bald man.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
*snickers quietly*

Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I missed this the first time around. [Smile]
But the tough question, and one that DS9 and Voyager can't touch, is Spock vs. Data.
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
[Laugh] at Porter.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
But whats.... not to.... love... about Captain... Kirk's... halting.... manner... of speech?

( [Wink] )
Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
Data. Always. Partly because he's just an excellent character, and partly because he's got the coolest friend ever in Geordi.
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Spock v.s. Data--Bashir.

The big question that TNG nor Star Trek Original can't answer.

7of9 or Keera or Dax...rrowrr.
Posted by Shigosei (Member # 3831) on :
Picard, definitely. I think he's more complex than Kirk. Spock vs. Data is a very hard one--but Spock's head can't connect directly to the ship's computer and run things from there.

Narnia, what's JustJack? I don't remember there being a Jack on Star Trek.
Posted by dread pirate romany (Member # 6869) on :
Jean Luc Picard is hot
James T. Kirk is not

Mmmmm, gotta agree. But Sisko's got it too.
Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I think Keera is right out, but 7 of 9 or Dax is a toughie. Naw, 7 of 9 has it.

Bashir, eh? I always thought Odo was supposed to be the Spock/Data equivalent. I think the trouble with the later series is that they tried to have too many "cool" characters. But I guess 7 of 9 was sort of a female Spock/Data equivalent.

Bashir's pinnochio complex came up very late in the series as I recall.

I wonder if I could have taken DS9 seriously at all if I had read Dune first.
Posted by Eaquae Legit (Member # 3063) on :
Picard. Definitely.
Posted by James Tiberius Kirk (Member # 2832) on :
*snickers s'more.*

Posted by mothertree (Member # 4999) on :
I don't think it would be chocolatey enough. [Wink]
Posted by skrika03 (Member # 5930) on :
[Mad] I logged out to register Jean Luc Picard but thought better of it, and now I can't remember my password. [Mad] I'll get you for this, Kirk!
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Shigosei, Jack, if I'm not mistaken, is a character from Will & Grace, who is an actor/dancer/singer/mostly waiter, who once did a cabaret type show that he called "Just Jack", with showy hands of course. And it was followed briefly by "Jack 2000" which was done with 000 as a pair of glasses and Jack did the two with his fingers in front of it. He's a funny boy.

So, I'm assuming from what Narina said, they made a DVD that has episodes in which Picard was a main story line. Like Inner Light. One of my favorite episodes ever. I cried at the end for, about the first 10 times I saw that episode. I'm such a dweeb.

[URL=Star Trek: The Next Generation - Jean-Luc Picard Collection]Here [/URL] it is.

[ January 29, 2005, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Kayla ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
I adore Inner Light. I love that he learned how to play the flute and actually had the experience of raising children through that experience. I cried too. [Smile]

I also love Tapestry. "Is there a John Luck Pikerd here?" [Big Grin]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Was "when the walls fell" the episode when Picard and an alien captain go down to a planet and fight a common enemy, which reminded me of The Shrike in "Hyperion?" And they could only speak to each other in metaphor? And Picard's metaphor was my favorite myth-legend, The Epic of Gilgamesh?

You're thinking of "Darmok" which is funny because there was a thread not too long ago on Hatrack about that episode.

All in all, Picard is the best, and I think Janeway and Sisko are tied for second. Favorite first officer is Kira, favorite doctor is by far The Doctor, it's a toss up for favorite engineer, so much so that I can't pick one, except to say it's a three way tie between Geordi/Scotty/Miles.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I don't have a favorite *cough*Janeway*cough* -- I love them all!
Posted by imogen (Member # 5485) on :
[Big Grin]

Janeway, Bashir and Belanna (B'lanna?)

I need more star trek on DVD... I knew there was a wedding present I forgot to ask for!
Posted by The Pixiest (Member # 1863) on :

(Inner Light is my favorite TNG episode followed by Darmok.)

Posted by Carrie (Member # 394) on :
... favorite doctor is by far The Doctor, it's a toss up for favorite engineer, so much so that I can't pick one, except to say it's a three way tie between Geordi/Scotty/Miles.
I completely agree. With all of it - The Doctor was leaps and bounds better than Beverly Crusher, mostly because he didn't spawn Wesley, but also because he was well-done (and not medium rare). B'Elanna was only fun when she was arguing or pregnant. Well, okay, she was arguing a lot, but when she was arguing with Tom, that was okay. When she was actually doing Engineering duties, it got boring. But I will have to give Geordi the nod for "Favourite Chief Engineer" because he had the VISOR.
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
Scotty was just funny, he rocked. I remember an episode of the Simpsons where they did all the TOS characters in the future, and Scotty is all fat and his arms are tiny and his fat is keeping his arms away from the engineering console and he contacts the bridge "Captain, I can't reach the control panel!" in a thick scottish accent.

I think if I really had to pick it'd be O'Brien, he kept a whole space station going, he was funny, he refitted the Defiant, was still a family man to Keiko, Molly and Yoshi, and was practically the Macguyver of Starfleet, he could build a shuttle craft from two ODN conduits and a warp coil.

You're right though, in that Geordi DOES have the VISOR, which is major points in my book.
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
Every single character in Voyager was a cliche.

The cocky pilot, the tough girl, the new guy, the rebel turned good...

And Janeway was the crappiest captain ever. One episdoe Q offered to bring her crew home if she had sex with him (or so she thought). She ended putting her morals in front of her crew. I mean, that's the most selfish thing I've ever seen.

[ January 31, 2005, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: jebus202 ]
Posted by Lyrhawn (Member # 7039) on :
I don't think the Doctor was cliche at all, and he was the best character.

And the only episode I remember with Q was when Voygar accidentally released Q from his prison and Q came to get Q to take him back to the other Q who wanted to put Q on trial. And Janeway refused to give Q to the Q and Q especially, because she didn't trust him and wanted to put the safety of Q first, even though Q offered to take her ship back to earth if she gave Q to him. I love Q episodes =)
Posted by jebus202 (Member # 2524) on :
The Chief wins as best engineer. Bashir wins as best doctor. Sisko wins as best captain. The Defiant wins as best ship. Gul Dukat wins as best enemy. Jadzia Dax wins as best science officer or whatever she did.

I will give best second-in-charge to Reiker though. And best counsellor to Troi.

But still, everyone has to admit an overwhelming win for DS9.
Posted by lem (Member # 6914) on :
The best doctor was Bones by far.

Bones had the best nick name, and his banter with Spock kept me a fan for years. However, too many people seemed to die under his care.

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