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Posted by Billy Joel (Member # 5357) on :
I just applied to the Hatrack Celebrity Deathmatch Commitee for a 4 way battle:

John Lennon
Billy Joel
Donny Osmond
And that Bono guy.

Tickets go on sale, 2 hours after approval, assuming I get approved.

All proceeds go to the "Rockstars of Hatrack" fund. Christ, you know it ain't easy trying to raise funds for us Rockstars.
Posted by Roger Miller (Member # 5534) on :
::unloads shotgun on pansy rock stars::

Now you got a doo-wacka-doo!
[Big Grin]
Posted by Billy Joel (Member # 5357) on :
Roger, shut up. You're not in this.
Posted by Gwen Stefani (Member # 5753) on :
I could beat all four of you.
Posted by Billy Joel (Member # 5357) on :
Again, this doesn't involve you. This is between us four. So stay the heck out.
Posted by Gwen Stefani (Member # 5753) on :
Why should I? You wanna fight? Possibly a Celebrity Deathmatch fight?
Posted by Roger Miller (Member # 5534) on :
Attaboy girl!

[Big Grin]
Posted by Donny Osmond (Member # 5349) on :
Bring it, Billy Bob. I'm not afraid of you.
Posted by John Lennon (Member # 5453) on :
I'm with Billy on this one; it'd be nice to have a match just between us four, and it would be great entertainment for everyone. People have been dying to see this for months now, and it's far beyond the time to give it to them, you know?

This match is going to be bigger than OSC.
Posted by Her Royal Sweekiness (Member # 5747) on :
What about Saruman?

John Lennon: Woah, there. NOTHING is bigger than OSC. You owe this thread an apology.

[ September 29, 2003, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Her Royal Sweekiness ]
Posted by Billy Joel (Member # 5357) on :
Feeling the PRESSURE, Donny? Still feel like you're a BIG SHOT? Well, Donny, I've been waiting for this FOR THE LONGEST TIME, so SAY GOODBYE TO HOLLYWOOD cause Billy's comin' to town.

HRS, winner can take on Saruman all by himself. This one is exclusive to us four.

[ September 29, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Billy Joel ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
As officiator of all Hatrack Celebrity Deathmatches, I approve this fight and set the time and location for 10:00pm MST, here, with everyone invited to watch. Get ready to rumble, boys.
Posted by Bono (Member # 5394) on :
I'll be ready. This is going to be even better than the real thing.

*dons fly goggles*
Posted by Billy Joel (Member # 5357) on :
Whoa, Annie Girl. Slow down, there. We're gonna be doing this tomorrow afternoon, 5 pm MST.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I'll take you, Gwen Stefani, and your skinny-stick-like body!!!
Posted by John Lennon (Member # 5453) on :
Billy's just scared. He wants to talk to Captain Jack before we kill him, heck, even I want to talk to Captain Jack before the match. But that's no excuse, Billy. You're a coward. But if I have to wait till 5:00 MST tomorrow to do this, then so be it.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Um, OK Billy. I'll be sure to notify the official committee.

Hey wait, I am the official committee!

Well, I'll let it slide this once, but remember, all other deathmatch requests must be submitted in writing 48 hours in advace. And notarized. And throw in a $75.00 processing fee.

And I am currently taking applications for referee, seeing as my own perfectly objective judgement, though sure to be unbiased, may suffer from a little impropriety were I to judge this match. You know, being Bono's personal favorite fan and fashion advisor and all.
Posted by OHDRC Chair (Member # 5730) on :
Hey now Annie, I am the Official Hatrack Deathmatch Regulating Committee Chair, as my name implies . . . get offa my turf! or you and me will have to have our OWN deathmatch [Evil]

Oh and guys, the paperwork has finally gone through - your *Official* Deathmatch is on!
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
*de-pantses so-called chairman*
Posted by Her Royal Sweekiness (Member # 5747) on :
I copied my resume in quadruplet, Annie. Anything else I have to do to be considered for ref?
Posted by OHDRC Chair (Member # 5730) on :
So-called?? what is this so-called you speak of? I'm OFFICIAL , and you know it! You're just jealous I beat you in the Committee elections [Razz] *pies Annie in the face*
Posted by Gwen Stefani (Member # 5753) on :
Ryuko, look at this. I don't even need to fight you. I can just kill you with my beauty. But if we did fight, I would soooooo win.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
(PSHHT) Not even. I'm a black belt, and can probably even write better music than your wimpy sell-out hind end.

I will destroy you, Gwen Stefani, any day.

[ September 29, 2003, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Ryuko ]
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Oh no. Another thread where everyone gets a new username!! [Roll Eyes] [Razz]
Posted by lcarus (Member # 4395) on :
*pat pat*
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
rivka! was it YOU that started that *pat pat* thing??? That makes me laugh all every time someone does it! [Taunt]

Icarus, don't worry, I don't WANT another user name...I just remember the Hatrack Historical Research archive thread...remember that? Well Khavanon found that one month had a bunch of new users registered...and I pointed out that that was also the month that the "Applications to be a Hatrack Horseman of the apocalypse" thread had been going strong. [ROFL] I thought it was hilarious!!
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
The first person I saw do it is mack.

Posted by Sarcasm (Member # 4653) on :
That thread was the coolest thing ever.
Posted by Fluff (Member # 4835) on :

[The Wave]
[The Wave]
[The Wave]
[The Wave]
[The Wave]
[The Wave]
[The Wave]

We should do it again!

I mean, from the very beginning!

[Big Grin]
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :

[Laugh] at all of you. I needed that.
Posted by Captain Jack Sparrow (Member # 5440) on :
You called?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
I hear that maybe Bono is busy tomorrow. Like, maybe he's writing a French lit paper. But I'll try to work things out with his manager and get him there on time. Yeah.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
(mmm... coconut cream...)

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