This is topic Hatrack Ladies Overnight -- what a great time! in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Thinking that my response to this didn't really belong in the discussion about modest women's clothing, I decided to make my own thread. [Big Grin]

And, speaking of clothing, when is Christy coming down here for our lingere shopping trip?!
*laugh* First CT and now you too, Anna?! I call we should have a Hatrack ladies overnight where we all go out slinky lengerie shopping and give each other manicures and pedicures and generally pamper ourselves.

So, who's for it? I'd offer my house, although we'd have to send Tom off somewhere.

[ October 12, 2003, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Really? Oh, I would so love to do that. I haven't had a proper girls' night since I left college! I do miss my girls' nights.

If you guys are serious, I will make every effort to be there as well!
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
I think Tom should put his foot down and demand that he be allow to wear lingerie with the rest of you.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
Oh wait.

(j/k [Wink] )
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I don't think I want pictures from this Hatrack venture if Zan's suggestion prevails.

(n/k [Wink] )
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
You know that the hatrack men will be outside the house trying to peek in the windows. [Wink]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
We could just suggest that the Hatrack men get together and roleplay [Razz] That just might keep them from our windows.
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Can I RPG and get lingerie?

I'm always so torn between worlds.

(j/k [Wink] )
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
I would have such a hard time rolling dice if Ralphie were sitting around in her knickers.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Nah, even complete nerds would rather look at hot women in lingerie than roleplay with each other.
Posted by jehovoid (Member # 2014) on :
When I first read the topic I thought it was some sort of take-off on the Mail Order Bride thing.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
I would have such a hard time rolling dice
Ooh, I'm telling on you!

We need a whistle smilie. [Wink]

[ September 24, 2003, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Kayla ]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Ralphie: Only apparently if you larp Vampyre. [Big Grin]
Posted by Chris Bridges (Member # 1138) on :
No, no, no. For the hatrack males you need to set up a webcam and broadcast the evening. Get the geek memes straight, please.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
[Embarrassed] Did I say that?
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Yeah, but would it get me more XP?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*wonders how zan usually rolls dice*

On second thought, I don't think I want to know . . .
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You know, I have to say, if there were pictures of Tom in lingere on foobonic, I'd probably look at them. It isn't something I'm be turned on by, but there would be a certain level of morbid curiosity that would drive me to click on the link. Can any of you honestly tell me that the same thing wouldn't be true of you?

We could test it by creating a thead that contained a link to a pic on foobonic that we *claimed* was a picture of Tom in lingere. I'll bet that that picture's "# of times viewed" count would be through the roof in no time.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Why do I sense a job for Ralphie?

Ya'll are always welcome at my place. I think everybody is ok with dogs, and we have the advantage of having awesome shopping (even if it is only window shopping) within minutes (we are 10 minutes away from Woodfield) without fighting downtown Chicago traffic. I can kick Steve out for the night, he's been wanting to do an all-weekend roleplay with some friends down here anyway.

Though I suspect that if he and Tom actually got their heads together they would consider crashing the party. I don't have pictures but Steve has admitted to going to a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in, er, costume. From the information I've gleaned I believe fishnet stockings were involved. Oh man, I would kill for those pictures!

Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Oh WHY do you all have to live so far away?

*Whines piteously in despair*
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I think Ralphie lives near you.

Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :

Maybe it's time for another PNW Hatrack get-together?
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Isn't there one scheduled for November? ::very jealous::
Posted by jeniwren (Member # 2002) on :
I hope there's one scheduled for November/December. [Smile]

Narnia, Ralphie? Is Annie going to be around on a certain date, so we can nail this thing down? I have to get it on the calender early to make sure I can be there too.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Way cool! [Smile]
Posted by Paul Goldner (Member # 1910) on :
Can I come?

Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Hey, wait! I think other people have taken over our planning thread!

That's okay, as long as we don't get all mixed up. [Smile]

Just a note - I'd really prefer the WI/IL/whoever else one not be the first weekend in October, as that is my anniversary and I would have to choose my husband over the girls. And, uh...I have to work the last two Saturdays of October. I think that's it!
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Funny, Vana, that was the weekend I was going to suggest.

I know we have a wedding to attend, I think the 18th, so perhaps the weekend of the 11th?
Posted by MaydayDesiax (Member # 5012) on :
Anna? Can we have a party? Please [Big Grin] oh please oh please? [Big Grin]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Friday night through Saturday afternoon? ::crosses fingers::
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
I had a sleepover for my 30th birthday party. It was great fun. I cannot promise my attendance, but if it's within a weekend's driving distance from Kokomo, I'll definitely consider it!
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
I have never been a girly girl. I don't wear makeup, detest nail polish, and "fixing my hair" means blow-drying it upside down.

I do, however, love to chat and giggle, both of which occur at sleepovers. In other words, count me in. [Big Grin] My schedule's pretty open as of right now.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
So, how about Friday October 10 through Saturday afternoon [Smile] That should be fine with me. Do we want to have it at Anna's or at our place? I don't mind either way. The only fear I have about Anna's is that CT and I are single car families and it might take a bit more arranging on our end. (If CT is free) But Anna might be in the same boat. Do you share that hot little Spyder with Steve? I would love to see your new house, though!
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Hey, how is CT doing, by the way? Anything new with her?
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Noemon, she's doing well. Still trying to figure everything out with the cardiologist, but we're keeping a good eye on her.
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
That weekend would be just fine for me. [Smile]

I can see good points to both locations - I love dogs and love Woodfield, and I've never shopped in Madison and love the upstairs room at Christy's.

I've never driven to either place by myself, so I'll be nervous about that either way.

In other words, both locations work equally well for me. I'm easy to please. [Big Grin]
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Good to know. I've been wanting to check in on her, but at the same time I haven't wanted to bother her.
Posted by Toretha (Member # 2233) on :
yes, Mayday, lets! and let's also invite some of the random people who keep calling Lacey begging to come to her next party [ROFL]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
October 11th is cool for me, and is in fact my last open weekend for a while, since the next weekend I'm going to Michigan for a dog show.

You are welcome at our place, but whichever works out for everyone the best is fine with me. I have my own car, the white mini-van, and unfortunatly am unable to drive the Spyder because it is a stick shift, and I'm not very good at it and would be afraid to do it without Steve in the car.

For people with back problems, we have this awesome air mattress that I've slept on consecutively for 5 days with no difficulties. We have lots and lots of space, though most of it is covered by orange carpet.

An advantage of not kicking Steve out,though relegating him to the bedroom, would be that we could probably talk him into cooking because he likes to show off his cooking skills, and whatever he cooks is excellent.

So yes, I'm up for it!

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Jenny according to mapquest it would be a 4 hour drive for you, from Kokomo, IN to Rolling Meadows, IL so I don't know if that is doable or not. And that isn't counting Friday Chicago traffic, so I'd probably allow 5 hours or go through before or after rush-hour. Going home on Saturday wouldn't be bad though so that would be a pretty easy 4 hours.

Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
Does your chewing gum lose its flavor
On Hatrack Ladies Overnight? [Dont Know]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Erik - Nothing about me loses it's flavor overni-

Er, no. No it doesn't.
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
The title had me humming it...

Misery loves company.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I'm so jealous! I ALMOST got to go to Jenny Gardener's sleepover b-day party (no frequent-flyer tickets available at last minute) and now this. [Frown] I wish I still lived in Chicagoland. *pouts*
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
If you are really serious you might be able to find a $79 flight on Southwest into Chicago Midway. But that would only work if we are actually having it at my place. I live really close to O-hare but the flights are almost always more expensive there.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
So, someone pick a location! I say that if CT can't make it to my place we go to Christy's.

Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
I'll try to talk to CT tonight and see what she thinks. I don't think she's really been checking Hatrack and she's been pretty incommunicado by email, too. I mentioned it to her yesterday and she ws interested, but her stipulations were no cameras and no boys. *giggle*

Edit: Also, my place adds 2 hours or so to that drive, Jenny.

[ September 25, 2003, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Well I can kick Steve out for the night, especially for CT, but I swear it would be worth it to have him cook before he goes!

Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Can I bring a camera if I promise not to take any (unauthorized) pictures of CT (or anyone else)?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
If we have it at my house we have loads of orange carpet that you can take pictures of. We've had it chemically cleaned though so it is clean even though it is hideous.

I'd say that the location swings in the balance between Jenny Gardener and CT, and we need input from both of them before we decide on the location.

Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Oh, I so hope they can both come!

*crosses fingers*
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
And I am really close to Midway, so if Olivet wants to come, I could pick her up and drive her whereever. :-D

*checks calendar* That date looks clear to me. I'm not picky about where it is. And I'm glad you asked about cameras, Julie, because I was going to bring mine anyway.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I would love to, but I just realized that is the weekend we're having Liam's birthday party (his actual birthday is this coming week). Oh, well. [Smile]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Count me in. I'll be offline for the next few days, as I'll be on retreat at an (edit: Benedictine) monastery, but I trust you all to make great plans. As long as I can leave for home by seven or so on Saturday, I’m fine with whatever you decide.

Maybe for a fun and challenging activity we could teach Anna to cook? [Big Grin]

[ September 28, 2003, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: dkw ]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
*bumps for CT* I talked to her last night and she doesn't have call on Friday October 11! Woo-hoo! The question is still where. *grin* Do we want to vote?

Edit: Calling Jenny and CT! Please weigh in. [Smile]

[ September 26, 2003, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
*cringes at thoughts of teaching me to cook*

Since I just did a head count on the OSC-Ohio expedition, I might as well do one for this too.

The Usual Suspects <I'm so glad dkw can come!>


The location swing vote:
Jenny Gardner

Definite: 5
Total possible: 7

xnera, if we have it in Wisconsin, let's consider carpooling.

Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
I'd rather the Illinois location. I'm not sure I could handle much more long-distance driving than that on my own. I do want to have SOME time with my family that weekend! But don't base your decision on me. I'm not a for-sure attendee yet. My two sisters were born in October, and I promised to help with the 16-year-old's birthday party. She hasn't set the date yet. So, if it comes down to a choice, my baby sister's first boy-girl birthday party has to come first. [The Wave]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Illinois would be great, especially if there is the remotest chance that this means Jenny could make it.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Yipee! It is at my place then! As long as I get to meet CT.

The house will probably be a bit disorganized as we can either paint or clean and right now and painting is the higher priority. But it will be mostly sanitary. [Wink]

The actual address is 2401 Fulle Street, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008.

I'll post directions later but it is very easy to get to from I-90 or I-294

Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Great! I'm very excited. We're going to have so much fun. [Big Grin]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
OK I'm thinking we will play it by ear, but I would suggest arriving on Friday sometime after 5pm since I get home from around 5.

I'm thinking we should do the old traditionals like bake cookies, eat popcorn and watch LOTR or rent a sappy Julia Roberts film.

And of course talk til 2am. If you want to paint toenails you have to bring your own nail polish, I'm not sure if I own any anymore.

I'm guessing people will be arriving at varying times on Friday so that shopping (window or otherwise) would be postponed until sometime after we wake up on Saturday. Features at the Woodfield Mall include the Godiva chocolate store. We could probably do lunch there and then return to my place to pack up and go our separate ways.

Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
*grin* This actually sounds kind of fun. I might just tease Christy by getting Daily Show tickets for that night, though; they're going to be shooting in Madison on the 10th. [Razz]
Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
And we MUST play Truth-or-Dare. I never take Truth.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
I'll bring polish and the like. I'll also bring a couple of fun board games if we're in the mood [Smile] *giggle* I haven't played truth or dare in years!

Do you need some extra cooking supplies? I've got quite a few cookie sheets.

Edit: Actually, if you have a dvd player, we have a pretty good collection of dvds as well which I can bring.

[ September 28, 2003, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
We do have a dvd player as well as VHS, and have LotR I extended edition. We aren't getting TTT until the extended edition though it is requiring much willpower on our parts. Don't have many "girly" DVD's though. Most of those are VHS.

As far as cookie sheets, we have plenty and a pretty fully stocked kitchen as far as utensils go. (Due to Steve and my inheritance of my grandmother's kitchen equipment.) We might have to make a quick run to the grocery for chocolate chips or something but that would be about it. We have a Sam's Club 5 minutes away as well.

When I informed Steve of the slumber party he rapidly voluntarily excused himself . I think the estrogen count may have had something to do with it. I mentioned that Tom D endorsed the activity due to prospective lingere shopping and that pretty much clinched it for him too. I'm still hoping I can bribe him to make his famous fetuccini alfredo for dinner though. If he gets me started I could probably finish it myself.

Are there any dietary restrictions among the group?

Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
*laugh* We bought the extended version right away, but I've got lots of girly dvds (and some disney) that are fun, too [Smile]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Ok offical directions.
The address:
2401 Fulle St.
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

You can map it on yahoo but the directions into my development are funky.

From I-90 heading West (probably Jenny Gardner and xnera)
Take I-90 West Past the Des Plaines Oasis
Take Arlinton Heights Road Exit.
Turn Right onto Arlington Heights Road.
Head North past Algonquin Rd. and Golf Rd to Central Road.
Turn Left (west) on Central Road.
Go past the Hospital.
There will be a stoplight at New Wilke Road. Stay on Central.
Turn right on Wren, the second right turn after New Wilke.
The first left is Fulle St.
We are about 2/3 of the way down the block on the left, a yellow house with ugly maroon brown trim. If you get to the stop sign you've gone too far. Park on our side of the street or in our driveway, you aren't allowed to park on the other side.

Coming from Rockford or 290.
From I-90 East, take the I-290/53 North exit. This exit always confuses me. You want 53-North. Don't take the first right, which leads to 290 south. Stay left and go under the overpass until the sign clearly says to Rolling Meadows. It will look like you are just getting back on I-90 until the last minute when it turns off.

Take the Algonquin Rd. exit off of 290/53. It is shortly after the I-90 junction so stay alert.

Turn left on Algonquin Rd.
Take Algonquin Rd. to New Wilke Rd. The light before New Wilke is Old Wilke/Weber. DON'T take this, while you can get to my place it is more confusing than it is worth.
Turn Left on New Wilke go past the golf course.
Turn Left on Central.
Turn right on Wren, the second right turn/
The first left is Fulle St.

We are about 2/3 of the way down the block on the left, a yellow house with ugly maroon brown trim. If you get to the stop sign you've gone too far. Park on our side of the street or in our driveway, you aren't allowed to park on the other side.

If this is way too confusing or doesn't cover you specifically, let me know and I'll try again.

Posted by Zalmoxis (Member # 2327) on :
Is 2-day delivery also available?
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Yay! Only a week away!
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Woo-hoo! [Smile]

Are we all feeling girlie?!!

Happy early anniversary, btw, Vana!
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Actually, I'll be coming straight from work, which isn't far from 290, so that's what I'll take.

I refuse to play TorD. I have bad memories of it from childhood.

Anyone interested in Dance Dance Revolution? I have three versions of it and two dance pads. And I could bring my Playstation if AJ doesn't have one.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm amazed that someone can be unnerved by the prospect of Truth or Dare but willing to play Dance Dance Revolution in public. [Smile]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
nope we don't have a playstation. All kinds of games would be welcome because we don't have much other than a deck or two of cards.

We cleaned house this weekend for a couple of upcoming events. Steve commented that it had gone from messy to slovenly. I don't know if I will have the paper/mail/bills off of the dining room table, but we've made a pretty good dent in the rest of the house and it is back to reasonably clean(though it is hard to tell with the carpet). We do have a large pile of recyclables but that is due in part to the garbage strike, and partly to us forgetting to put them on the curb the week before said strike.

The other interesting bit of news is that I have to go to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist because my tonsils are acting up after having mono. They've changed antibiotics and gone to ones that cost $4/pill, but only $2/pill with insurance. At the worst I'll just be a little hoarse for the party. It isn't contagious, and they haven't decided for sure if they need to come out!

Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
OOoohhh! I wish I could come. You need to bring clips and scrunchies and barettes and things so you can brush and braid each other's hair! [Smile]

I haven't done one of those since high school! They're so much fun! A girlie activity that I can participate in and really enjoy! Yay! <laughs> Maybe we could do one around these parts sometime.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
I'll bring some board games as well. [Wink]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Will dkw be coming or will she be tied up with family obligations?

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
ok I will be sending out an e-mail with my phone contact numbers in it for those of you who don't have it already. I just feel a little bit squeamish about putting it out on the internet.

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
You were okay with posting your address, but not your phone number? A person could do a reverse lookup from various sites and find out your number from your name, couldn't they?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
not necesarily my cell or my work numbers though. Our home number is going to probably be discontinued shortly, and we've moved so recently it is wrong on every site I've checked.

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Oh, okay, that makes more sense then.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Just for grins, if you want see if you can find my name, Anna Isbell or Anna Jo Isbell associated with the above address on the internet

I'm betting if you find anyone it will be a Mr. Manfred Jurgens.

Posted by Jenny Gardener (Member # 903) on :
Ladies, I regret to inform you that I probably will not be coming. I have a prior commitment that I'd forgot about until I checked my calendar. I'm going on a "Moonlight Paddle" Friday night, and won't be done until late.
Posted by Xavier (Member # 405) on :
Are you girls gonna have a pillow fight?
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
OK, also if this goes into Saturday evening, you are all more than welcome, but I was reminded by Steve that we will be watching the OU-TX football game. We wouldn't be acceptable alumni if we missed it! I could see OU going as far as taking away our diplomas in good standing! [Big Grin] A good time and great food is always had by all so I didn't really figure the two events interfered with each other.

I'm still wondering if dkw is going to make it or if she is too drained from the funeral arrangements.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Who are you paddling, Jenny?
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Hey AJ? Should I eat dinner at home, or wait until I get to your place? If we eat at your place, I'll leave Rockford about 5:00. If I eat at home, it'll be closer to 5:30, 6:00. Let me know, okay?

[ October 07, 2003, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: Vána ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I was planning on conning Steve into making his famous Chicken fettuccine alfredo if it sounds good to you gals.

Maybe get a snack before coming so you aren't starved but I was thinking food here would be the most fun.

But, if consensus is otherwise that is fine too.

Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Anna, it sounds wonderful!

I'm counting on riding with CT, but I'm not sure if she has clinic Friday or not. If not, I might take off a bit early to be timely for dinner. Otherwise, we wouldn't be there till after 7 assuming it is a two hour plus ride.
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Dinner at your place sounds fine - I'll be sure to eat a little something before I leave, though.

And, it'll basically be a weekend off the diet, so don't worry about that - I'll just try not to eat too much of the bad stuff. [Smile]

Dan gets his weekend off the next week when he has his gaming party with the boys. Dork. [Wink]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Christy, I can get out of clinic early. Maybe you could meet me there at 4pm?
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
CT, I emailed you [Smile] 4pm sounds great!

Edit: *bump for Dana*

[ October 07, 2003, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
We can plan on a lateish dinner around 6:30 or 7 if that works for everyone.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Thanks for the bumps and concern everyone. I'm back from a week-long slumber party -- just spent the first night alone in my own house since last Tuesday. But I wouldn't miss this one for the world.

Vána, I'll be coming over on 20 right by Rockford. Do you want to ride with me? I'll need to leave by a reasonable hour Saturday afternoon, so if you want to stay later, say no.

I can bring board games and card games and hair-braiding fripperies. But I still think we should teach Anna to cook. [Wink]
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
I'm not going to be present, and really don't get a say, but I ALSO think Anna should cook. (Reminder: I just reread the thread on which this whole thing started, by the way, and it appears that lingerie shopping was originally on the itinerary.)
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
You guys are TRYING to torture me. I talked to Steve about the alfredo thing the other night. I told him that if he helped me start the alfredo sauce I might be able to finish it if he wanted to do other things.

And he laughed.

I believe the Lingere shopping if it happens would be scheduled for mid morning on Saturday.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You know, if Christy had actually LAUGHED in that situation, I would have gone ahead and made some alfredo sauce just to show her. [Smile]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
dkw’s Cooking Class for Clueless Engineers Section One: Sauces, begins with white sauce. Alfredo is far too advanced.
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
You know, though, cooking is just chemical engineering.
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Dana - err...never mind, I'm going to e-mail you. So go check your e-mail! [Big Grin]

edit: I think I forgot to put in a subject line, so just look for something from - so sorry!

[ October 08, 2003, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Vána ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
LOL, well I've seen Steve make the Alfredo and assisted in the process by grating large amounts of cheese. I actually think I could make the basic white sauce, but the part that would get me in trouble are the herbs he throws in. I'm just not that good at estimating it, even if I taste it after every modification and with this particular sauce there are no actual written directions. The recipie has been passed down from his father to him, so it is a patriarchally inherited recipie to begin with.

And didn't we discuss before that BAKING is actually scientific chemistry, while COOKING is an art only rudimentarily based on the science?

[Big Grin]

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
You need my forthcoming book Cooking Blueprints for Engineers. It will be based on the e-mail “recipes” I sent my brother while he was in college and trying to impress his girlfriend.

Vána, the e-mail has not arrived yet. [Frown]
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
I sent another one - I used the e-mail in your profile. Is that right?
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Yes. It's probably just slow. I've got to go now, but I'll check back this afternoon to see if it's arrived yet.
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Alright! Dana and I going to carpool! Yes!

So, don't plan anything fun after 5:00 on Saturday, because we'll have to leave about then. Okay? That's what I thought.

[Taunt] [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Should I bring my cookie cutters? Someone wanted cookies, but I don't remember if anyone specified what kind.

If any of you have fabric scraps you want to get rid of, please bring them. I need seven thousand little squares for the quilt I started last night. [Eek!]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
bring the pattern and I'll take you across the street to my neighbor who is a obsessive fabric saver, she will gladly donate to the cause I'm sure. She makes really cool stuffed teddy bears too.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I have "baby cookies" as in pre done Nestle toll house cookiedough, but they are in square bits so if we want to make sugar cookies we might have to run to the supermarket.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Are you doing particular colors on the quilt? Hand or machine piecing? I should be able to give you some scraps too.

I think my goal for being stuck at home when my tonsils come out will be to finish the needlepoint that I have had almost finished for nearly two years now.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
It's a cathedral window quilt, and I'm not doing any particular pattern with the window panes. Just 7200 3-1/4 inch squares of random colors. It's good, because it uses up all the little tiny fabric scraps, but it's bad, because it's 7200 tiny little squares. Plus the 3600 folded muslin squares that make the frames.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
DKW, you have to teach me how to quilt!! I was seriously tempted to bring along all my crafty stuff. *laugh*

Girls, girls, girls!!! I have WAY too much stuff! I loaded a couple board games, card games, all the nailpolish, hair accessories, makeup and spa type material (including my footspa which didn't fit into the duffel) into a duffel bag and was shocked! I seriously could not decide what movies to bring, so I have about twenty.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
oh my I think I do have a footspa here but you have to put in warm water.

Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
<--- knows from the volume of stuff Christy is brinign, she isn't girly enough but will have fun being girly anyway!
Posted by xnera (Member # 187) on :
Just so you know, I will be coming directly from work. And I don't get off work until 6:00. I expect the ride to be quick, but I might not arrive until closer to 7:00.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
It shouldn't be too bad because the Cubs game is in Florida, but you never know. I don't know exactly when dinner will be ready anyway but I think we are aiming for about 6:30.

I have one bathroom clean, the other well um... You guys get the clean one!

I haven't had the energy levels I was anticipating because of this most recent bout of tonsillitis so its put a damper on cleaning. On the other hand it isn't filthy either, just more clutter than I would like, so hopefully CT won't have a heart attack.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
I'm picking Vána up at five, you'd know better than I how long it takes to get from Rockford to your place. [Smile]
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
Oh, good grief, AJ, I just found a hairball stuck to the bottom of my bedspread. I'm growing something colorful in the pan that's been sitting in the sink, and, well, let's just say that the laundry room has been busy in use ... by other people ... *sigh

[Big Grin]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
*pat pat*

How you doing, CT?
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
mack, I'm doing pretty good. I've been either going through a major life / deja vu /metamorphosis, or I've just been a little sleep deprived. You know, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. [Smile] And you? (email? I'm in clinic, but I have breaks now and then)
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
yes ma'am [Smile]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
We will bump dinner back til 7 then I think. We are going to have to make a quick grocery store run for the parmesan cheese anyway after I get home from work. One of us will try to stay home but if no one is there call my cell.

Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
AJ, look -- I'll be showing up with Christy and a car. We will be free to do as many store runs as needed. Don't worry about making it perfect! (I actually do much better with a task, kind of like a five-year-old. [Wink] )

Your job is to provide some sort of roofed environment in case of heavy precipitation. The rest we can piece together as we go. If you choose, you can clear a narrow path to the bathroom, too, but even that is optional. [Big Grin]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Ok I feel better. We have plenty of floor space and there is already an unobstructed path to the nearest bathroom.

One of the things we have to do, is go over and visit my neighbor across the street. She is a spritely little old Scottish lady, and the one that makes teddy bears. This is where we are going to get some fabric for dkw. She is a consumate collector, and her house is cluttered, but the stuff she collects is cool. Like walls of unique china plates, copper bottomed pans etc.

It is like being in a museum or antique shop but being able to touch everything!

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Aaaaaaaaaa!!!! I lost the directions! You did send us directions didn't you??

I tried to yahoo your address, but it went all wacky with five different off ramps and in the middle it forgot which highway we were even on.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
the directions are in this thread, the previous page... that way you couldn't lose them
I only e-mailed you phone numbers in the e-mail. I'll resend that though.

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Oh. I guess I should have looked there. The lost thing is always in the last place you look. [Big Grin]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Use Mapquest or Yahoo to get to I-290/IL-53. You will have Vana with you right? She should be able to help since she has been to Woodfield before.

The trick is that coming from I-90, you don't want to go to Woodfield mall, on 290 south. Instead, you want to go north away from the mall on IL-53. The first exit after you get on 53 North will be the one to get back onto I-90 heading west, and the Second exit will be Algonquin road. You don't have a lot of reaction time unfortunately, maybe a quarter to half mile.

The street map directions on both yahoo and mapquest are lousy. They try to have you turn on Barker, a street that is so unmarked I still haven't figured out exactly where it is. I would suggest rather than doing a "driving directions", do a Location, and just print out a street map that has the main roads. You should be able to locate Central and New Wilke fairly easily.

The link works, but zoom out one level and pan a little bit south to see the major highways.

[ October 14, 2003, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: BannaOj ]
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
Dana, I printed out the directions, so if you can get to my place, we can get to AJ's! So, if you loose them again, know I've got your back. [Wink]
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
We'll be fine. I put the directions from the previous page into my PDA so I can't lose 'em. (Or if I do, it'll be the least of my worries.)
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Still terribly jealous. [Smile]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
CT might be underestimating Rockford/Chicago traffic on Friday nights. I suspect we'll arrive around 6:30. We'll be more than willing to help as we need. [Wink] We're pretty handy in the kitchen.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
The nice thing is that while there might be a bottlneck at Woodfield Mall, you won't be dealing with all of the really bad junk going all the way into the city.

I'll see you when you get here, and now I've got to get back to work, today has been crazy.

Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
I just talked to them on the phone!!!!!

Sounds like they're having a blast!

I wish I were there!!!!

[Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
In honor of the hatrack ladies overnight, I went clothes shopping today. [Smile] Not lingerie, though, sorry. I was with you in spirit, though, jatraqueras! Hope you have a great time today! [Smile]
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Had lots of fun!

Steve's hits you like a "load of bricks" alfredo fettuccini was delicious. We colored, did our nails, gave massages, watched Labyrinth because BannaOj hadn't seen it and stayed up chatting till the wee hours of the morning. It was really cool to be able to talk to Anna Kate, although I missed talking to Mack the next morning. [Frown] We lounged quite a bit and just relaxed and hung out. Banna's dogs are such sweeties!

Saturday I made some biscuits, and everyone was kind enough to tolerate my poor substitution skills with only having baking soda. Banna's quaint neighbor invited us all in and we really enjoyed her pets and her handmade teddy bears. Dkw did indeed get some fabric for her quilt, which is looking beautiful, but we are all astounded by the sheer number of squares this quilt is going to take!

We went to a great Japanese restaurant and Dkw, CT and I shared sushi while the others had traditional dishes. I haven't had sushi in a while! I really like the shared meal approach.

We headed off to the mall minus Banna, who wasn't feeling very well. Godiva had to be the biggest hit of the mall, but CT and I did go lingerie shopping [Blushing] and dkw did get a great pair of shoes. Too bad all the boots I liked were $100+. We perused Crate and Barrel and Illuminations as well. We didn't leave till close to 5pm! What a fabulous day and a half!

Girls, we definitely need to do this every once in a while.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Hey dkw check in when you get a chance, I want to know if you made it back safely!

I had a delightful time with all of you, and Steve even said you could come back! [Wink]

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
It was a blast, and I love my new shoes. Thanks again for the fabric, AJ.

On my way home I passed New Melleray Abbey, which got me thinking about retreats and how more than one person had said this weekend was almost more of a retreat than a typical get-together. That got me thinking about what it might be like to be on an actual spiritual retreat with Hatrackers, which made me giggle at what an eclectic group we are, religiously speaking. Then I started to wonder how one would go about planning a spiritual retreat for a group like Hatrack, which kept me occupied and entertained the entire three hours remaining in the drive. [ROFL]

Is it too early to start planning the next one? I was thinking that if several of us make home-made Christmas gifts (which I think is true) we could get together and make them. Homemade candles, candy, cookies or . . . ?

Or we could have the candy-making party before Valentine’s Day, if December is already too booked.

Also, there are two B&B’s in eastern Iowa that do Murder Mystery overnights. At least one of them has a group rate – that could be a fun thing to all do together sometime. (The guys too, of course.)

Can you tell I had fun and want to get together again soon? [Big Grin]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I wanted to talk to dkw and christy. [Frown]

And to CT again. [Frown]

Who else did I miss?
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Oooh, dkw, yes to all of the above. *grin*

I couldn't work on certain Christmas ideas, though, with CT around. I'd love to do candy, though, for Valentine's day! And/or any of the above for other Christmas gifts.

CT and I have been trying to plan a murder mystery dinner, but haven't had the time yet. I'd definitely be game for one of those, as would Tom. Spiritual retreats would be very neat, too. What ideas did you have?
Posted by ana kata (Member # 5666) on :
Going on a spiritual retreat with hatrackers would be so cool! I'm convinced we could come up with something that would say something to everyone, though I'm not quite sure how. Not by being wishy-washy, that's for sure. I think this is a wonderful idea! It could be one week long and held at the beach and if I'm in the country next summer I would be glad to sponsor it in any way I can. Y'all think about it and let me know if you have any interest or ideas.
Posted by ClaudiaTherese (Member # 923) on :
I couldn't work on certain Christmas ideas, though, with CT around.
Because ... I'm anti-Christmas? [Confused] (Say it ain't so! I just thought it was a little early for displaying flocked trees at the mall, that's all. [Wink] )

AJ, thank you for opening your home to us. It was a marvelous chance to see everybody.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
*laugh* No, silly. Because I'd like to make you something for Christmas and I don't want you to find out what! (of course if I don't get my butt in gear, that won't happen!!)

Edit: You grinch! [Razz]

[ October 13, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: Christy ]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Hee hee, I was just on the phone with a good friend of mine from college, and telling her what a wonderful time we had. And she was all, "Man I need to get on Hatrack!" She was worried she doesn't qualify because the only OSC she has read is the Ender series. I told her it didn't matter, so we will see if she actually joins or not.

I wasn't trying to be an evangelical jatraquero though. [Big Grin]

Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Hmm. I didn’t really think anyone would be interested in the retreat idea, it was just something to keep my brain occupied on a long drive. I think the most workable idea I came up with was a retreat based around spiritual autobiography. That’s a practice that all of us can do, and that can be shared across faith-lines. I was thinking more along the lines of a week-end though – a week is pretty long for a first retreat.

One of the murder mystery B&Bs I checked was fairly expensive, but the other is only $50/person for groups of 8 or more. That seems very reasonable. It’s fairly central to the Midwest clump, too. (Central, of course, meaning that some of you would have to drive a little further than you have been and I would get to drive a little less. [Wink] )


Hey AJ, could you delete that Mapquest link? It’s too wide for my tiny little monitor and I have to scroll sideways to read all the posts.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
As in where, dkw?
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
I'm still waiting for phone calls from certain people.

*mutter grumble*
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
$50 a person is pretty reasonable. I'd be interested. [Smile]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I'd be interested too.

Link deleted. My screen is happier too.

Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
dkw, I would love to come to something like that, if that would be okay.
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
I just wanted to chime in and say how much I enjoyed our get-together. I really had a wonderful time, and all of the relaxing time really felt good. [Smile] And, I will jump at any chance for us all to get together again, and the more the merrier!
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Ryuko, Vinton.

Kat, I'm with Vána on this, the more the merrier.
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
Banna, this is why I had to laugh at your “orange” carpet. You, my friend, do not know truly hideous orange.
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
*looks* Yep, that's orange. [Wink]
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
Oh my, Dana, you win! That is psychedelic orange while mine is more of an annoying rust. I guess I should stop complaining as much.

Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Perhaps we should all chip in and get Dana a new countertop. I'm pretty sure that would count as a donation to a non-profit org, too. [Wink]
Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
Dana's counter-top is an organization?

Do I want to know what of?
Posted by dkw (Member # 3264) on :
The Society for the Preservation of Seventies-Style Kitchens

Actually, since I live in a parsonage, any improvements are paid for by the church building fund, donations to which are tax deductible. But orange counters aren’t really that bad. At least I have acres of kitchen counter-space. I’ll probably be re-appointed in a few years, and who knows what hideous features I’ll have to live with in the next place.

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