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Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Okay so this is the first time, but still I needed a topic subject. And sorry about the length of this post.

I volunteered to help Olivet and Belle out with WenchCon by taking over the organizing of the t-shirt designs. Olivet mentioned that she wanted to use CafePress so I've set up a store on an account of mine. Cafepress will give us the ability to provide t-shirts and other items without having to deal with any overhead costs or inventory. They take care of all of that for us. All we have to do is come up with a common design or designs for the WenchCon logo. They allow store owners to make a profit from their items, so to defer the cost of WenchCon the money made from the sales of the t-shirts and other items will be used to cover the costs of hotel conference room, food, etc..

So... after all that fun stuff above. I am making a formal request to the Jatraqueros. Please, if you have any designs, design ideas, color schemes, etc. for WenchCon, they would be greatly appreciated. If you had a design before hand, please send them to me again. They can be sent to

I am placing a deadline on submissions for October 11th. Then I will set up a poll, either on my own forum or somewhere else, so that we can vote on a design or designs by the end of October. I am hoping to get one or maybe two designs ready by mid November so that we can get some sales started. Hopefully, this way people will have their t-shirts and other items by WenchCon.

Thanks in advanced because I know how wonderful you guys are.... yeah... I think that's enough a$$ kissing, too.

What will we be offering: Ash Grey or White T-shirts, Women T-shirts (white), Totebags (or man purses [Wink] ), a bumper sticker (I can take care of this one since it will probably consist of a small version of the chosen logo and the words WenchCon 2004 , and of course a Stein because it wouldn't be much of a WenchCon without some kind of drinking aperatus.

For the best printing results, CafePress has the following requirements:

They prefer PNG and JPG for the graphics, but GIF and PSD are also acceptable.

For image sizes, DPI, and minimum resolutions for each item graphic:

Ash Grey/White T-shirts

Front or Back Graphic Minimum Requirements: 8 X 10 or 8 X 10 (centered); 100 - 300 DPI; 1000 X 800 @ min DPI

Pocket: 6 X 6; 100 - 300 DPI; 600 X 600

Women's T-Shirt

Front or Back Graphic Minimum Requirements: 8 X 10 or 8 X 10 (centered); 100 - 300 DPI; 1000 X 800 @ min DPI

Pocket: 6 X 6; 100 - 300 DPI; 600 X 600


Front or Back Graphic Minimum Requirements: 8.31 X 3 inches; 200 - 300 DPI; 1663 X 600

Tote Bag

Front or Back Graphic Minimum Requirements: 8 X 10 or 10 X 8 centered; 100 - 300 DPI; 1000 X 800

[ November 13, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: larisse ]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
*straps on goggles*

Ooh... my powerbook and I are in the running!
Posted by JaneX (Member # 2026) on :
ladyday had a design that many of us liked last year...ladyday, do you still have it? Or does anyone else have it saved?

Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I asked her if she'd mail it to me, and she said she would. So, hopefully... [Smile]
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
I am bumping this up so it doesn't get lost. Looking forward to seeing new designs as well as any that were submitted before hand. Please feel free to send them to me at .
Posted by ladyday (Member # 1069) on :

You didn't get my email Olivet?

Will send copies to both of ya. Though I imagine some updating will be needed, perhaps something that says WenchCon 2003? Er...2004, maybe?
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
ladyday: If you have just the graphic done without words yet, I can add the words to it. I'll make sure to use a particularly Wenchish font.

Oh... backgrounds can be a solid color or a pattern, but a transparent background can also be used.
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
I just got it today. If you sent one earlier... well, my email server is horribly unreliable.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :

I just received the design. Beautiful.

What font did you use? I want to try and match it when I put the 2004 somewhere in the pic. Thanks.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Well before this goes into the depths below, I thought I would bump it up.

Any one working on any logos? I have ladyday's which is quite pretty. Can't wait to see them. And thanks.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
*wants to see Billie's*
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Hey guys,

Well, Ladyday was the only person to send me a t-shirt design. But, I am not discouraged. I just think you are all working so hard on your designs that you lost track of time [Wink] .

And since some people wanted to see her design ( [Wave] Mack), I thought I would create a little website for it. I figured it could also be used for communicating information about Wenchcon and such. So, without further ado, I present to you the Wenchcon 2004 website.

Let me know if you have trouble viewing it.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
^_^ Where's the bribery??

I'm working on one... It's probably going to suck. But is there a motto or a saying that you would like to go on it? Is anything from the books OK?
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Oop. Forgot I was going to do that. Can I send it to you by Friday?
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
larisse, wherever you are, I'm done!!! I just realized, however, that I didn't pay attention to any of the guidelines... [Blushing] If there's anything immensely wrong with it, just give me the word and I'll fix it. ^_^ It's on its way!!
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Ryuko: Um bribery... bribery... would ever deserving praise and lauding do? I got your graphic. I'll send you my thoughts in an e-mail.

Annie: That's fine. Friday is a good. You, and anyone else, can take until Tuesday if you'd like.

Now that we have some entries (or will be having some), I am gonna be setting up a poll (maybe narrowing it to three different designs). Hopefully, by mid-November I can have something set up with Cafepress so that things can start rolling before the beginning of December.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My submission is now on its way, Larisse;

One 8x10 for both shirts and the tote bag
One 6x6 for the pocket
One 8.31x3 for the stein.

happy Friday!
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :

Annie's design is up along with Ladyday's.

Ryuko, I was wondering if you wanted me to place the one you sent me or are you reworking the design?

Now if I could only get this silly polling software to work. Simple my artistic backside. [Wall Bash] <== Also a bump... or causes a bump to form.
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
My design isn't that squishy in real life, btw [Smile]
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Okie dokie

Shouldn't be so squishy now. The big one may look pixelated though. I reduced the resolution to 72 dpi for webviewing. I still have the originals. I will probably do that for everyone's entry. It should make load time faster.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
I have one last plea in me before I send this to a vote. So here it goes.

Pretty please with ice cream and chocolate fudge sauce and a cherry on top... I'll be your best friend forever... um... I'll do your homewor.... nm... I'll just ask one more time dignified like.

If you have a design for the WenchCon 2004 T-shirt, please send it to If you sent me a design and you haven't seen it on the WenchCon website, please let me know.
Thank you.

One last thing. I want to thank those who have sent me designs like Ladyday, Ryuko (who I think is just doing some touchups), and Annie. You guys are awesome.

Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
I'd like to submit one too [Smile] I'm working on one now. I should have it done in a day or two.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Okay, submitted! That was fun! Although my Paint Shop Pro was trying to thwart me! It closed again for no reason in the middle of my work! I'm going to have to get that reinstalled and see if I can fix that annoying habit.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Christy: I got your pics, and I placed them up on site. I've worked with PaintShop Pro before as well. It didn't happen too often, but I have had some of my graphics programs just up and quit on me and right before I was about to save the image mind you.

By the way, it's a wonderful image.

Ryuko: I went ahead and placed your graphic up as well. Great pic, too.

I am so glad I don't have to choose alone.

WenchCon 2004
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Just sending out a last call for WenchCon 2004 T-shirt Designs. If you could send new designs or revisions by Friday, at the latest, they would be most welcome.

This Sunday, I'll set up the poll for one week, ending on Sunday, Nov. 9th. Hopefully, by the end of that week I will have the Cafepress shop up.

Thanks again to all that have submitted their work.

WenchCon 2004
Posted by Narnia (Member # 1071) on :
Oh my gosh, those are just fabulous!! I'm so impressed!!! [Cry] I wish I could go! I'm as wenchy as they come!! [Cry]
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
Wow. Fabulous.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Vote Now! No waiting. No fuss. No hanging chads.

Vote for your most favorite design. (It's not gonna be easy people.)

The WenchCon T-Shirt Poll

If there are any problems with the poll, just let me know by posting here or emailing me at
Posted by JonnyNotSoBravo (Member # 5715) on :
I was just wondering why, when you viewed the poll results, it said total 11 votes, but if you added up the individual votes for each pic, the tally only came out to 8.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Okie dokie,

Sorry about that. I forgot to set the default to 0 when it counts total votes. That's why the percents were all weird as well. I think I've fixed it. Hopefully, what I did set things straight. I just changed the total votes to match the count up of the individual votes which were not changed in any way, shape, or form. The percentages should be the correct ones.

Thank you for pointing that out,JonnyNotSoBravo. Such a d'oh moment for me [Blushing] .
Posted by Olivet (Member # 1104) on :
This is soooooo cool, larisse! Thank you!
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
I don't think my vote got counted - it didn't show up on the View Results page! I wanted to vote for LadyDay's design (after finally making up my mind).

Can you check to see if it really did get counted, or if not, can you try to add it in, please?

Thank you!
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Vána: I added your vote manually for LadyDay's pic. After I did so, the total vote count matched the total if you added up each choices votes.

I am checking on this problem. So far I have as follows: Annie's Pic with 1 vote, Christy's Pic with 4 votes, Ryuko's Pic with 7 votes, Saudade's Pic with 9 votes, and LadyDay's Pic (which I moved) with 1 vote. That brings the total vote to 22 total votes.

For now, I am going to close the poll with these numbers. I am going to fix this and bring the poll back online soon.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
I have redone the poll. I have included the votes thus far that I recorded in the previous post. This poll should limit one vote per day.

I hope this is the final adjustment for the poll.

I apologize for any inconvenience, no matter how insignificant.

Have fun voting!
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Like Cinderella running from the ball... midnight will draw to a close the poll for choosing the official Wenchcon 2004 T-shirt design.

The poll will be closing around midnight, Nov. 11th.

I want to thank all those who submitted designs. They were all so great.

I will announce the chosen design on Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Hopefully, by next Sunday or Monday, the Cafepress shop will be open. Yay!!!
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
I really like Annie's but I think you should add "come for the food and drink, stay for the Fellowship" to it.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
I agree with Dragon. I like the words and the girl on Annie's design, but it needs the tagline. Can we do that?
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Basically, I'll be having whose ever design is chosen as the official t-shirt design make the needed changes for the Cafepress requirements. I can also ask if a tagline could be added, but that particular case would be up to Annie.

(Those requirements are of course listed in my first post in this thread.)

Also, Cafepress does have smaller items such as stickers, etc. that may allow the designs not chosen to be used. I am still looking into this idea, though.
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
damn. I should've submitted a design.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :

I've closed down the poll. I'll be posting the results Thursday, Nov. 13th. (I swear I'd forget my own name if my browser didn't remember it for me.)

I know Mack, you should have. Heck... why not. It just can't be all official like.

Thanks to all who entered (on time). [Big Grin]
Posted by Annie (Member # 295) on :
Just for the record, my 8 x 10 version (back of the shirt) design does include the tagline. The smaller, 6 x 6 version is what Larisse has up on the site. My stein design includes the words too.

Drat, wish I would have said this earlier.
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Oops. Sorry about that Annie. I forgot about your other versions. At the time, I was busy trying to figure out why they wouldn't show up in the browser when I first attempted to upload them. I, eventually, had to convert them to rbg coloring and save those as copies. They slipped my mind. They do indeed have the WenchCon motto on them. D'oh!
Posted by larisse (Member # 2221) on :
Here are the results of the poll:

LadyDay's Pic -- 7

Annie's Pic -- 6

Christy's Pic -- 6

Ryuko's Pic -- 11

Saudade's Pic -- 12

votes: 42

Looks like Saudade's Pic will be the official WenchCon 2004 T-shirt design. Congratulations!!!

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