This is topic I've forgotten how to move... in forum Books, Films, Food and Culture at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
No, I'm not paralyzed. Okay, maybe paralyzed with fear and loathing. I'm trying to pack my office for the big move to TX and I just can't do it.

I'm stuck. I've been climbing into the attic. Getting splinters. It's only 9:00 pm and my plan to stay up all night and JUST FINISH is in shreds. I'm too tired. Exhausted.

I can't cope!

Just thought I'd mention that I am really feeling old now. I just can't look at the accumulation of the tokens of my life to date and contemplate taking it with me ONCE AGAIN.

Now I know why Presidents start libraries. It isn't out of pride, or the desire to leave a legacy to future generations. It's simply a chance to unload the crap on someone else. HAH! Now it's your problem. YOU sift through that unsorted box of papers! I'm not doing it!!!


Good night.

I'm going back up to the attic to look for something. I forget what.

Posted by Lalo (Member # 3772) on :
Ha ha ha!

Sorry, Bob, I can't hear you. I'm too busy feeling youthful whilst lying amid all my crap that I'll, with luck, never ever actually physically move again.
Posted by Christy (Member # 4397) on :
Packing is always overwhelming no matter what age! Its also a time of contemplation because you see all that sentimental junk that has been stored away out of sight for so long and it brings back all those fond memories.

The trick is to only take with you a treasured few and leave behind the rest in fond memory. Its a chance to start clean and new.

Good luck and keep up heart!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Bob, my mom's older than you are, and she put a new roof on her house the second week she moved into it -- by herself, with only rented scaffolding. Of course, she's clinically insane.
Posted by PSI Teleport (Member # 5545) on :
I've moved so many times... Someone once asked me if, everytime I move, I have more stuff than the time before. The answer is no. I love moving because it's a good chance to go "Hey, I haven't used (insert useless item here) even once since I packed it up the LAST time. Useless item, meet mister garbage bucket!" Everytime I move, I realize how pointless most material possessions are. I like to throw things away just to hear the satisfying "clunk" of my life becoming simpler. My favorite exercise is to go through my stuff six months after moving and throw away anything that I still haven't unpacked. I don't even look inside the box. I clearly label any important stuff so I know it's none of that. And forget that "Goodwill" nonsense. That means I have to put stuff in a box by my door for HOURS when it could be out of my life forever. SO LONG, useless junk!

Added for those of you who are sentimental:
Once or twice I have realized months later that I have thrown away something that was sentimentally important to me. I was sad, but those moments of sadness did almost nothing to chip away at the overwhelming joy at get at having NOTHING that I don't use, and having nothing that I have to wonder about. Ah freedom!

[ September 12, 2003, 09:30 PM: Message edited by: PSI Teleport ]
Posted by Dragon (Member # 3670) on :
Get some teenage neighbors to help you. A friend of mine's parents moved when he went off to college and they asked a bunch of us to come and help them pack up and load the U-Haul.
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Okay, the attic is empty.

I'm going to take a shower and cough up a lung or two.

Then maybe sleep.

I've had it for tonight.
Posted by Bricks-N-Sandwiches (Member # 5603) on :
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
I've forgotten how to move...

Me, too! Isn't repression a wonderful thing?

Posted by Jexxster (Member # 5293) on :
Ugh, sorry Bob. Moving is one of my all time most hated activities. Best of luck.

Oh, and just remember to only cough up one lung, you might want to hang on to the other.
Posted by Jesdog (Member # 5652) on :
Just leave your stuff there. You can get more.
Posted by Icarus (Member # 3162) on :
Posted by Erik Slaine (Member # 5583) on :
I don't know which reference to use...

"Baby steps to the Door, Bob..."

"Just put one foot in front of the other..."

I guess niether works though. Good Luck Bob!
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Jesdog has a point.
Posted by unohoo (Member # 5490) on :
Isn't it amazing how all your treasured items turn to crap the moment you have to pack stuff away to move? [Big Grin]

I just recently converted my virtual pig sty into a real virtual office (how's that for an oxymoron [Razz] ) a couple of month ago. I had to use a weeks worth of vacation to do it too. But I managed to rid myself of a lot of crap, which was liberating. Problem is, the tide of crap is rapidly returning.
Posted by katharina (Member # 827) on :
We need to start a Bob Scopatz library.
Posted by Kama (Member # 3022) on :
[Kiss] Bob
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
Me, too! Isn't repression a wonderful thing?
Okay, I don't think I've ever quoted myself before, but. . .

So, I've been watching some primetime TV recently, so I could remember where different shows left off at the end of last season. Well, I keep watching and thinking to myself, "Man, I don't remember this episode at all. I wonder if we were out the night it was on and I forgot to tape it, or screwed up the taping somehow." The latter being the more likely of the two. I've been wracking my brain for the last couple of days trying to remember what I was doing at the beginning of May, when most of these shows were on. I even came in here and posted about repressing memories from moving.

So today, I asked my husband what we were doing in May, since I can't remember seeing any of these shows. He looks at me and shakes his head.

"We moved."


How stupid can one person be, do you think? I not only repressed the entire move, I repressed everything about that whole month apparently!! I can't even remember what TV shows I watched!!

Man, I am so pathetic. [Frown]

So, Bob, if you actually watch TV or anything and you have a repression problem, you might want to tape shows and save them, so in a couple of months, you can go back and watch them again. It's kind of fun. It's like watching a brand new episode. [ROFL]
Posted by Zotto! (Member # 4689) on :
Heh. When I read the thread title, I pictured a desperately-confused Bob lying on his bed trying to get up.

Bob's Thoughts: "I know I should be able to get up...I just have to figure out how ...
Posted by Happy Camper (Member # 5076) on :
Zot [ROFL]
Posted by mackillian (Member # 586) on :
Hey Bob,

We wanted to call YOU last night, but couldn't figure out if your wife was still living with you. [Frown]
Posted by Bob_Scopatz (Member # 1227) on :
Actually, I was still living with my wife, if you want to get technical. I was in Orlando staying at what is now "her house." I'm in Minnesota now, for a week. Then I go back to FL for one night, load up the U-Haul on Monday (9/22 -- also my birthday!!!) and drive out to Texas.

Where I still hope to close on "my house" sometime that week. If that works, it would be slightly less miraculous than the loaves and fishes. More like turning water into grape juice, but still...divine intervention is certainly welcome.

Otherwise, I'll get out there, chuck my crap in storage and move in later.

By the way, some really cool OLD JUNK is now on the trash pile:

- A Lobo Max 80 computer that still worked the last time it was fired up, 13 years ago!!!

- An old Kodak slide projector -- predates the carousel by a good decade or more. Smells funny now, thought it was probably diseased.

- a black&white video surveillance camera that I used in my FIRST dissertation.

- Various old versions of Word Perfect.

- 5.25" diskettes of some cool games.

Alas, these treasures simply do not make the cut. Good bye, old friends that used to live in my attic, awaiting the day when I would remember you and make use of you again. For now you must await the day, 1,000 years from now, when some archaeologist rediscovers Central Florida and starts to dig through the landfill, puzzling over why anyone would throw away a perfectly good Z-80 based computer.

Also tossed a rather sizable collection of moldy hats.

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