I know there have to be hatrackers in the areas affected by this power outage. Maybe some of the Canajuns. I know we have that location map on a thread somewhere, but I don't remember where it is.
So this is to tell all of those jatraqueros that were/are in the dark that I was thinking of you even if I didn't know specifically who you were.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
My work is back in the light. Unfortunately!
Posted by Dan_raven (Member # 3383) on :
Are you refering to electricity, or those followers of the Dark Side (especially the Evil Canadians. We know the line between the Light and the Dark runs along the US border)
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I know teshi was someone who actually had power out. I think I will let ya'll interpret my convoluted best wishes at the beginning thread in whatever way you feel like.
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
Marlin: Dory, do you see anything? Dory: Yeah, I see a light. Marlin: A light? Dory: Yeah. I see a light. Marlin: Yeah, I see it too! It makes me feel happy, which is a big deal for me. Look, it's leaving! I'm gonna get you! Dory: Come here! *big scary fish* Marlin: Good feeling's gone, AHH!
(power came back on last night for me )
[ August 15, 2003, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Jaiden ]
Posted by Foust (Member # 3043) on :
I'm in London, Ontario, and was without power for 7 hours.
It was pretty frustrating. Luckily, there was plenty of gas in the BBQ.
When the power did begin to trickle on, the line ups at the gas stations were incredible. The lineups spilled out onto the streets, stopping traffic for blocks.
Posted by Jaiden (Member # 2099) on :
you're in London Ontario too? *didn't know that*
Posted by Thalia (Member # 3891) on :
Power was out in Hamilton so I went to a friend's house in Burlington... power came on THERE about 20 minutes after I arrived, and stayed on until noon today. Went off again until about 45 minutes ago, now it's on again... yeesh. I'm glad all I really have to be concerned about is the food in the fridge. Other people have more serious things going on.
I managed to get gas today without too much trouble, and at regular prices. I heard some gas stations in T.O. were charging the moon though... any confirmations?
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I have been without power for 23.5 hours. It was reactivated about five minutes ago.
On the bright side, I read the last 450 pages of The World According to Garp and wrote a nice new riff.
On the not-so-bright side, I suspect that the Radiohead concert scheduled for tomorrow night will be cancelled
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
My roommate seems to think the Korn concert is still on *shrugs on taste of music*, so perhaps the Radiohead one will be on too...
Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :
My power was off for about 21 1/2 hours. What a surprise as I headed home for work at 4:30 pm yesterday, turning out onto the street and the traffic lights weren't working. I thought it was just that intersection's lights, but turned on the radio news and learned that the power outage was for the entire northeastern United States and part of Canada! It was a hair-raising drive home 12 miles through city traffic with no traffic lights working. Only a few intersections had police directing traffic.
The radio I had been using in my kitchen will accept six "C" batteries, but I was out of "C" batteries. However, I had lots of AAA sized alkaline batteries on hand. Using pennies as spacers between batteries and folded up napkins to support the batteries at the proper elevations, I was able to jury-rig six AAA batteries so they would work, and enable me to hear the news on the radio.
I hear stories about people all over running out of gas, unable to get gas because the gas stations were without power. Fortunately I had filled my car up with gas that morning. I decided not to go into work today, since I didn't want to drive through the gauntlet of major intersections without functioning traffic lights. I was sitting in my chair reading a little while ago, and looked up and saw the light was on, about 1:00 pm where I live in Roseville, Michigan.
I had unplugged the refrigerator, microwave, and all electronic equipment, since when the power first comes back on after an outage, there is widely varying voltage surges that can destroy the motors on refrigerators that work within a very narrow range of voltages. All my electronic equipment is protected by surge protectors, but I decided to be on the safe side.
Water pressure is still low. We have been told to boil our water in the Detroit area for the time being. I had a gallon of water in the refrigerator, and another half gallon of Koolaid made. I prefer Tropical Punch sweetened with part Splenda (sucralose) and part Stevia extract (the two non-calorie sweeteners taste wonderful together, better than sugar). I did boil some water though just to have it for rinsing dishes. Fortunately my stove is gas-powered, and uses a pilot light instead of electronic ignition, so I could still boil water. There can be an advantage in older technologies! I usually do most of my cooking with a microwave, but found I could use the quaint old-fashioned methods of frying and boiling foods.
My ice cream bars and fudge bars all melted. So I put them in bowls and treated them as milk shakes. Not bad. But I had expected them to last a week. Did you ever realize how much AIR they have mixed into the ice cream in ice cream bars? It was a small pool of froth! What a gyp!
The people who have the hardest time with food spoiling are the ones with raw meat. My frozen chopped okra thawed, but it will keep like that for several days until I am ready to fry it.
I heard someone (I think it was the governor of Arizona) say that America is a superpower with a third-world power grid. Hopefully now some long-needed modernizing will get done. They need to build some more power plants. Even (dare I say it) nuclear power plants. The more nuclear power plants we have, the less foreign oil and natural gas we need, and the less acid-rain causing coal we have to burn. Of course, each nuclear power plant is a prime terrorist target. But we need more power, or western civilization will grind to a halt, like it did for a large part of continental North America yesterday.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
Yes I too was without power for about 5 hours yesterday.
Looks like there will be additional "rolling" power outages again tonight, but our area will not be affected until after 11PM, according to the local law enforcement.
As far as nuclear power, we are "fortunate" to have Three Mile Island here in PA. Anyone seen The China Syndrome?
But I agree that nuclear power plants would be the most efficient way to augment or power supply, as long as the preventative maintenence is performed.
There is a small secret among the US Navy that they have the most successful nuclear power program in the world, due to the HUGE amounts of restrictions and preventative maintenence that is performed on their nuclear power reactors aboard ships and submarines.
If they can do it, so can the private sector, methinks.
Posted by Teshi (Member # 5024) on :
Yes, I was indeed in the dark, from 4:15 (like everyone...) to 5:00 am, thirteen hours. Been back on all day now, but there are rumours that we might lose it again this evening.
*scrambles to do everything power-related*
We've been told to leave our air-conditioning off and it is hot inside the computer room! Stars were wonderful last night though. As was the moon... brighter than any of the candles I could assemble!
[ August 16, 2003, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Teshi ]
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Robert Frost poem that this thread title reminded me of:
"...‘Tis pity if the case require (Or so we say) that in the end We speak the literal to inspire The understanding of a friend.
But so with all, from babes that play At hide-and-seek to God afar, So all who hide too well away Must speak and tell us where they are."
Posted by :Locke (Member # 2255) on :
The lights came back on today (I live in Westchester county). I wish they would stay off; last night I could see Stars and Real Darkness. I also wish cars would go away.
Posted by Ron Lambert (Member # 2872) on :