Well, you’re going to find that stupid, but… I’m watching E.R. everyday and yesterday it was a Valentine Day episode, it’s at the time where Mark Green and Elizabeth Corday are together, and Romano makes Elizabeth operate his dog. At the end of the episode, Carter and Lucy are attacked with a knife by a maniac who was their patient. You just see them on the floor and then there is a fade to black… Could someone tell me what goes after ? Does someone die ? I won’t be able to watch E.R. before Monday, cause today at 6 P.M I’ll be in a train, and tomorrow I’m not at home. And I hate to wait ! Could you tell me ? Please ? Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
Lucy dies and Carter survives. He gets hooked on drugs and has problems during the next season. The guy who does it never goes to jail, as he was a know crazy that the two had worked on earlier in the day.
Posted by Anna (Member # 2582) on :
Thank you SO much. Posted by rivka (Member # 4859) on :
I have seen that episode several times, and that music at the end now makes me ill. <shudder> Strong negative association, I guess.