OK kids, I'm almost ready to put up my 1st web page. Yippeeeeee!!!!
Soon you'll be flooded with THOR media.
...but first, I need good, sound solid advice on who to get my web space from. I'm probably going to have lots of music, video and a forum within 3 months, and I'd like to have my first batch of T-shirts for sale by the end of September, so a shopping cart or some type of system support would be sweet-o-matic.
Wanna know what stinks?
The domain name I was going to buy a year ago is now sold and is for sale for between $700 and $10,000 dollars, it was Star1, which stinksola...but I've got a few more names up my sleeve that hopefully will be availible, I'm scared to type them in because I have a theory that people are watching the names typed in and if they see a decent one, they buy it.
Yippee. Skippee.
Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
What are some super features to look for???
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
Hatrack has the best forum out there. How do you aquire this forum design, and how much extra does it cost a month?
Posted by Troubadour (Member # 83) on :
The Hatrack forum is powered by Infopop, it's a $200 license, but many hosting packages come with a bulletin board. For example, I'm currently working on a website for a band, and used the forum that came with the package - very easy to setup and customise - you can view it here to give you an idea. It was really easy to setup.
It really depends what you want to do with your site.
Some packages come with php forums and shopping carts, others don't. The package of the site above comes with all of that, although I didn't setup the hosting for this site.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Yes; what do you want to do with your site, Thor? Be specific.
Posted by Fahim (Member # 5482) on :
About how much space do you think you'll need? How much of traffic are you expecting? Do you want PHP, mySQL etc? These are the kind of questions which will determine the kind of package you can go with. Of course the other question is whether you expect to have only one domain name or if later on you will decided to go with more than one domain name - some hosting packages might not provide for the multiple domain option. I had a pretty good single domain package (1 GB space, 10 GB bandwidth per month) for around US$ 4 a month but had to switch to a different host when I needed a multi-domain option. I now pay US$ 13.50 a month for 2GB of space and 30GB of bandwidth with all the extras you can ask for thrown in ... So expect to pay somewhere between those two for a decent package .. though I do believe you can even get as low as US$ 1 month with certain hosts Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I use ipowerweb.com, which I think also hosts foobonic. If you buy a year at a time it's $7.95 per month with the domain registration and setup fees waived. You get 500MB of storage, 30GB/mo transfer, and a pre-installed forum (powered by phpBB). I've only had the space for a week or so, but the tech support has been pretty good so far, and I really like the web-based control panel.