It's been years since I've looked at a comic book or graphic novel, not out of any dislike of them, but because they were pretty much below my radar. I wanted to see how George R. R. Martin's The Hedge Knight translated to the medium, though, so I picked up the first issue of it on Saturday. Has anyone else looked at it? For those of you who are more familiar with the medium, how does this comic compare to other stuff out there? Are they usually this short? The first issue only brought the story up to the point at which Dunk realizes that Egg has followed him to the tourney; at this rate it'll take them years to complete the story.
One of the visuals was particularly effective, I thought--the one which is drawn from the perspective of the corpse in the open grave, with Dunk looking down at it and his memories of the old man's life depicted along the side, where the wall of the grave would be.
The artwork seemed kind of spotty to me though--maybe it was just the style, but Egg's head seemed to change shape from panel to panel.
Anyone else looked at this one?
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
Oddly, I just picked this up yesterday.
Now, I'm an AVID reader of comics, but I don't usually pick up adaptations. Since I like George Martin, though, and liked the Legends anthology, I gave this one a shot.
It's not bad, although the artwork is occasionally uninspired; it's certainly not an "artist's" comic, like some of the more alternative fare out there, and neither is it an actioner. However, it's relatively true to its source, and its pacing is similar to what you'd expect from a long serial -- like, say, the first story arc of a regular fantasy comic. Nowadays, most of these comics actually sell better when bundled into the trade paperback than as individual issues, and writers are now pacing their stories to read better in the trade than in serialization.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
That is odd!
So this length is pretty standard for a comic then? I was startled at how short it was.
I enjoyed reading it, but not enough to get me interested in the medium in general. When the whole thing is available in a single volume I'll probably buy it though.