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Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Looks like they've discovered a new species of ape! Pretty cool!
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
Wow! Who would have thought? That's amazing!
Posted by littlemissattitude (Member # 4514) on :
A hybrid? That seems kind of unlikely to me, unless there has been some large-scale interbreeding going on. It seems, if I read the article correctly, that there is a population of these critters, not just one or two of them. There would have to be, if I remember my physical anthro class, a major isolation of the species if there were only a couple of instances of interbreeding that then produced a population of the new hybrid. In that case, there would be some problems in the way of a small gene pool. Or anyway, that seems to be the case. Otherwise, the hybrid genes should have been absorbed back into the existing population.

I would be more inclined to bet on a relatively new species, or else an ancient survival.
Posted by Sopwith (Member # 4640) on :
That's just so cool. Hope this is a whole new species rather than just a hybrid.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
Even if genetically it's a hybrid, it still amounts to a new species if a population of these guys are living together and breeding. Many of todays species came about through hybridization of pre-existing species. Once they are a breeding population, then they can evolve from there in any direction their environment takes them. It's not that uncommon.
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
My money is on ancient species, but I would *love* for them to be a recent addition to the family tree.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
awesome!! the walking upright thing interesting too. To my untrained eye, the skull of the "mystery ape" looked a lot like a human skull. I wonder if these apes will be more closely genetically related to humans than chimps are! That would turn things on their heads!

Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
Wouldn't it though? I can't wait until they know more!
Posted by Vána (Member # 3262) on :
How exciting! I hope we hear more soon. Though, I understand that it could take a while to get any new information, of course.

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