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Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
First, let me qualify that I loved the Keltiad series by Patricia Kennealy (if you have not read these, find them and do so - excellent sci-fi/fantasy)long before I had any inkling that she was Jim Morrison's wife (via Celtic handfasting ceremony). She is a talented and creative author all on her very own.

Second, let me state emphatically that I have never cared for the Doors music, although I must admit it made a good backdrop for various scenes in Apocolypse Now, nor does the memoir by Patricia Kennealy recommend any fondness for Jim - misunderstood artist or not, he was a b*****d.

But having just finished her 1992 memoir about her " . . . life with and without Jim Morrison" I find that I am disturbed. And I am not really sure why. Anyone else read it? Any thoughts?

Perhaps the disturbance has to do with the disruption of the picture I had in my mind of the woman who writes so beautifully. I find it hard to match a person who writes with such clarity and creativity to a person who lived in such a chaotic and frenzied manner for those years. But then, perhaps it was that same inner strength that allowed her to survive those times.

*Thoughtfully wanders off to do some housework, mulling over the intricacies of the human spirit*
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Okay - 12 years later I finally watch Oliver Stone's "The Doors" (after the child is safely asleep, of course).

Fascinating, how differently people perceive experiences.
Posted by The Silverblue Sun (Member # 1630) on :
I'm curious, if you have very little interest in The Doors or Jim Morrison, why are you so interested in Jim's wife???
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Yeah, the WIFE of someone couldn't possibly be interesting, especially one that has her own career as a writer.

Oh, wai
Posted by eslaine (Member # 5433) on :
Shan, I'm not familiar with Patricia Kennealy's work. thank you for letting me know that it exists.

If you wish more insight in what could possibly attract her to Mr. Morrison, you might remember that she has been many years down the road from those days long ago, and is likely a different person altogether.

In addition, I might suggest that a book on Jim might be in order. I'd recommend No One Gets Out of Here Alive.
Posted by Ethics Gradient (Member # 878) on :
Thor... [No No]

She read his wife's books and loved them before she knew that Patricia Kennealy was Morrison's wife. That was kind of, ummm, blatantly bloody obvious from the opening paragraph of the thread.
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
Thanks, Ethic - that was exactly the answer Thor - glad to hear from you. [Smile]

I did read the other suggestion many years ago which didn't impress me at all - P. Kennealy's memoir actually shows Jim in a very different light without making light of the drus/alcohol/wanton bizarre behavior. In fact, she's very clear that his alcoholism is unacceptable - which is hard to stomach as she pops pills, snorts lines and smokes copious amounts of dope - I dunno - there were parts of her book that were very honest and heartfelt, I thought, and parts that were rampages against the misconceptions, deceptions and "lies" told about their relationship.

The parts that bothered me the most I decided (sitting in church, listening to the pastor talk about the importance of imagination in faith) was that the rampages were written so vastly different from her usual style (consice, clear and well-thought out)that it just bothered me.

Anyway - I have absolutely no idea where I am going with this, except that it has provoked some thinking and a great deal of relief that I left a similar lifestyle far behind long ago.

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