I had the good fortune to acquire a copy of a midwestern radio dramatization of Walter M. Miller Jr.'s A Canticle For Liebowitz done back in the 1970's or thereabouts. A buddy of mine ordered it through a website I found about a year ago that archives this stuff. I don't recall the website link (sorry) but it should be easy enough to find if people are interested. They have all sorts of cool radio programs for sale on CD or cassette.
The adaptation of Canticle was 7.5 hours long and done in 15 parts. They did a brilliant job, IMHO. The story moves right along (as does the book) and the acting/sound work is superb. A little odd with the synthesizer squeeks and squonks, but this was the 70's afterall.
The tale as adapted conveys the spirit of the book very well. I wasn't disappointed in any respects, which is saying a lot. Maybe it's because the book itself isn't so long that it couldn't be easily adapted to 15 half-hour episodes without serious abridgement.
Anyway, if you've ever heard of a good radio dramatization of a sci-fi story, I'd like to know of it. This was GREAT for driving up to Georgia and back last week. Something to keep me awake and alert.
Very cool stuff! Posted by Storm Saxon (Member # 3101) on :
Thanks for the heads up. Myself, I'm looking for a radio series Harlan Ellison did a couple years a go where he retold several fairy tales.
Anyways, the key point is the price. Audiobooks are *expensive*!
Posted by plaid (Member # 2393) on :
The Sci-Fi Channel's "Seeing Eye Theatre" did some nice adapatations of stories. I don't know how much is easily available, but Neil Gaiman's "Two Plays for Voices" is VERY chilling...
There's EXCELLENT full cast recordings of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series available ("The Golden Compass" etc.), with Philip Pullman himself doing the narration.
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :