Is this "War on Terriosim" actually against Terroism or is it against Sadamm Husein? Bush has been relentless,no,ruthless in his attempt to prove that Sadamm actually has weapons of mass destruction.Why can't he take in the fact that they might not have any at all.
Or is it American nature/nationality that he his to stubbern to try and put proof behind this rumor? Its like he is playing chess with a grand master and his being whooped so horribly that he wont admit defeat. And is all this relentless searching for Sadamm, actually letting Osama Bin Laden escape somewhere else? When you think about it, it is a perfect diversion for Osama to make a get away, that is if he is still alive. Could someone try ad out this peices of this puzzle together for me to where it makes sense for me to understand. -Lee
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
If conspiracy theorists are correct, George Bush Sr. is a consultant for The Carlisle Group, which describes itself as a multinational corporation. Interestingly enough, the Bin Laden family chairs the Board of Trustees that Bush advises. During the Gulf War, Osama and his terror networks would wreak havoc and blow up airport runways and other buildings. Usually, The Carlisle Group was hired to repair the damage that Osama's groups had done. And those that paid the bill were the American taxpayers. So basically, Osama blows up something, The Carlisle Group wins the contract to repair the damage, Americans foot the bill, and Bush and the Bin Ladens get wealthier.
What does this have to do with Hussein? Long story. But in a nutshell, there are HUGE oil reserves in the Caspian Sea. Expeditionary missions were sent to see how feasible it would be to manufacture a pipeline similar to the Alaskan pipeline THROUGH AFGHANISTAN to either the Bay of Bengal (India) or the Arabian Sea (Pakistan).
These missions usually consisted of scientists and engineers who determined the ability for this to proceed. However, these militant groups in Afghanistan, primarily the TALABAN, were constantly killing the expeditionary personnel before the project could be given a green light. So with a regime change in Afghanistan, and political reformation in Iraq, and constant conflict between India and Pakistan, there is the ability, geographically AND politically, to now run a pipeline from these offshore oil deposits right into the Indian Ocean.
Of course, this information comes from paranoid consipracy theorists who make The Lone Gunmen look tame in comparison. It has a nice ring to it though!
[ August 09, 2003, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Alucard... ]
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
The new hole argument by liberals claiming that the new Iraq war has let Osama slip is complete bull. Was everyone asleep when on the eve of the first missile attack on Baghdad the 101st Airborne, or possibly the 82nd I don't remember which, launched another massive attack on Taliban resistance. Believe it or not we still maintain a large force in Afgahnistan and in fact nothing is being taken away from that force. Just because the American people are now eyeing Iraq through their television instead of Afgahnistan doesn't mean we have given up there.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
My whole problem with not finding Osama Bin Laden is:
How does a guy who is about 6 foot 6 inches (amongst a majority of MUCH shorter people), who is more famous than Michael Jackson, and requires dialysis because of a chronic kidney probem evade the forces looking for him for so long?
This guy sticks out like a sore thumb and has a medical condition that requires REGULAR attention. This whole issue is not about Saddam or Osama.
This issue is about oil and money. The Osamas, Saddams, Georges and Tonys are merely players on the great world stage. What you should be asking is who is directing this play and who is hiding in the wings?
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
As hard as it is to believe there are a lot better ways to make money and capture oil reserves than to start wars. Furthermore, even if Bush's motives aren't pure what he may acheive for the world still justifies his actions.
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
Oh do not get me wrong!
I think there are plenty of great ways to make money in this world, just as there are legitimate ways to get oil reserves as well. But:
quote: As hard as it is to believe there are a lot better ways to make money and capture oil reserves than to start wars.
This statement is nullified by the Gulf War. Especially when a country like Kuwait hands the US military a blank check and says, "Liberate us." Kind of hard not to pass up.
As far a BETTER ways to make money or capture oil, that could be successfully debated. I said above that there are plenty of other ways to do both, but considering that most of the world has been thoroughly explored and "staked and claimed" by one country or another, there leaves few options other than war, diplomacy, bribery, or commerce to obtain oil rights. War is simply effective for the power mongers of the world.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
Did anyone else automatically think "... What is it good for?" when they read the thread title?
Posted by Ralphie (Member # 1565) on :
Ryuko - Yup.
Posted by Lee M. (Member # 5203) on :
Thanks to all who replied!
Posted by TomDavidson (Member # 124) on :
What a bizarre "discussion."
Posted by Alucard... (Member # 4924) on :
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Posted by Black Fox (Member # 1986) on :
Well I have to say it was worth it, but its not going to be a short occupation in the least. To be honest.. the culture here in Iraq seems so well plain out of whack to be honest. I don't mind the people, I get along with all the Arab and Kurdish people I've met so far. Its simply how they've been educated how they've come to view the world. All I can try and do is put on a good face and show them that Americans aren't half bad, or nearly as ignorant as people would make us out to be.
To say the least I think that mobile labs and what not found around the country is more than enough evidence. I mean.. really honestly what would be the reason for such a thing? Perhaps it was innocent, but his regime was not. As an American citizen I do not tolerate dictatorships or heavy handed rule. As an American soldier I simply do what is ordered of me. I'd be over here fighting if I wanted to or not. The fact is.. if your feet were on the ground you'd see how well amuck this country is and how much .. god oh how much work its going to take.
Plus the main problem with the hunt for Bin Laden was the fact that even after 9/11 Americans are much too squemish. Look at the constant talk of the "Iraq" death toll blah blah blah. Do you have any clue how many people are here.. how many times we could be getting ambushed that we don't. Not to mention all the close calls we never report etc. The fact is really .. Americans still don't realize the small price paid so far, and the lengthy one to come. Perhaps we as a society and culture will come to our wits soon, however in my opinion it won't be happening any time particularly soon.