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Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Ok, good news. Price in the plane ticket dropped a good 100 dollars because Delta opened up a new flight. Before I get my parents to purchase it (credit card needed and I'm a cash kinda guy) I just want to go ahead and confirm that this would work out.


Outbound Flight

Fri, Jan 16
6:00am Depart - Salt Lake City, UT (SLC) Delta Air Lines 1226 Adult Fare Rules

11:32am Arrive - Atlanta, GA (ATL) Nonstop

Total Travel Time: 3 hrs 32 min

Connection Time: 1 hr 33 min

Fri, Jan 16
1:05pm Depart - Atlanta, GA (ATL) Delta Air Lines 1673 Adult Fare Rules

12:56pm Arrive - Birmingham, AL (BHM) Nonstop
Flight time: 0 hrs 51 min

Total Travel Time: 5 hrs 56 min

What that says is Friday the 16th, I leave at 6:00 AM and get there at 12:55 PM (respectively). Also, I have the return flight to be at 4:25 PM the next Monday. Does that work out alright?

And I can't believe they don't do the freakin' peanuts any more!! Where are my freakin' peanuts!! What a rip! I guess I'll just have to pack my own peanuts for the trip over then. ::sigh:: I don't suppose they'd think I was a terrorist if I had peanuts, will they?
Posted by Godric (Member # 4587) on :
Well, that depends. What exactly are you planning to do with those peanuts?
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
Throw them at terrorist in an attempt to knock them out if they gain control of the plane. You just can't throw a pretzel with the same surprised reaction.
Posted by ak (Member # 90) on :
If the terrorist were allergic to peanuts, you could always get him to eat some and then take over the plane when he went into anaphylactic shock.
Posted by Amka (Member # 690) on :
How much were the tickets?

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