Special events? No problem. Poor, poor, Daytona Beach. Special events are bleeding us dry, running off other tourists, bringing in tons of money that leaves just as quickly, annoying the sea oats out of the locals, trashing our reputation, stealing our daughters, rustling our cattle, and raising our cholesterol. Is there nothing that can be done?
Okay this won't make as much sense to you if you've never lived in Daytona or visited during one of our spring events: Speed Weeks (including the Daytona 500), Spring Break, Bike Week, or Black College Reunion. But, on the plus side, it doesn't mention gay marriage at all.
Posted by Sweet William (Member # 5212) on :
Who do I contact if I want to hold my 2nd annual 40th birthday party in Datona?
...Matchbox 20 and Lil' Kim (featuring 50 Cent)...
I am soooo there.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
"Once the noise hits a certain level it can't get any louder to the human ear, probably." Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
I think it can, and it's kinda deadly at that point. However, being at work and as pissed off at the world as I am right now, I think that that would be a good thing.