I'm curious. How what amount of time would people say they spend on the computer a day. And what amount of that time is hatracking time.
dammit this forum is addictive. You get on it and you can't stop. Especially when your being blasted from all sides when you suggest parenting isn't up to snuff.
I spend probably an hour a day on this thing.
[ August 06, 2003, 02:08 AM: Message edited by: Laurenz0 ]
Posted by LadyDove (Member # 3000) on :
I spend "too much" time on Hatrack when I am stressed. It helps me gain perspective when I read about what concerns other people.
I have stopped reading or posting as much as I used to because it stole time away from my kids.
Now I spend maybe 45 min a day, I check in 3 or 4 times a day for about 15 min each time.
Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I've been known to spend 8 hours at a time on the internet, sometimes doing it Hatracking.
What is this life you speak of??
Posted by Laurenz0 (Member # 5336) on :
Good question ryuko. No wonder you've posted so freaking much.
Posted by T_Smith (Member # 3734) on :
I work for AOL. Im on a computer for 8 hours as is my job. Other than that, I spend about 2-3 hours on line for myself.
However, if I'm not working, I'll spend about 4 hours or so online. Unless my parents go away for the weekend, in which case you can expect me to be either on line or sleeping or getting wendy's.
Posted by The Wiggin (Member # 5020) on :
I have been known to play on my computer for full days at a time(rarely but it happens) other hten that as much as I can with out bein yelled at. My day basicly consists of food computer work and wut little sleep i can work around all that. As of late not much has been on Hatrack but i have in the past sat at my computer just looking waiting for someone to post on one of the filler threads such as l;ast post just to post again. DOes that mean I'm addidcted no just don't take my computer and all will be ok.
Posted by Laurenz0 (Member # 5336) on :
lives. bah.
Posted by saxon75 (Member # 4589) on :
I spent probably 40-50 hours on Hatrack alone last week, to say nothing of the whole rest of the internet. So don't come crying to me with this "Oh, I have no life because I spend one hour a day online." Posted by Evie3217 (Member # 5426) on :
I check in on Hatrack (because I'm always positive that ya'll are up to no good!(yes, I did just say ya'll, but for some strange coincidence, I'm not from the south)) quite a few times during the day, but staying here depends on how many interesting threads there are. I just get bored easily, what can I say?
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Way too much time. My computer seems to be my only source of entertainment besides books so I spend the entire day, especially since I have no job. *is ashamed* *reads this book* Posted by Laurenz0 (Member # 5336) on :
Perhaps we should organize 1 day without hatrack.
*flails helplessly as the angry hatrackers pick him and put him in the dunking chair*
So maybe thats a bad idea. besides. Who of us could live a day without it.
Posted by zgator (Member # 3833) on :
quote: Unless my parents go away for the weekend, in which case you can expect me to be either on line or sleeping or getting wendy's.
I can't say that I've ever heard of someone that had a thing only for girls named Wendy, but whatever floats your boat. If you ever come to Orlando, T, I know at least one single Wendy I could set you up with.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
one of the more interesting things to do for you newbies to figure out how much one posts is to take your post count and divide it by months registered at hatrack or by days if you want to get really specific... gives you a good idea of posting frequency.
You know Jon Boy probably hates the number of elipsies I use... but that's the way I actually talk too. Steve is always telling me to finish my sentences and my mother hollers the exact same thing at my father. And I understand my father perfectly even though he never finishes his sentences.
Posted by Raia (Member # 4700) on :
quote: I spend probably an hour a day on this thing.
That's IT?!
Wow, good thing I'm not a parent...
Posted by Missus Fanta (Member # 5501) on :
I just sit the babies on my lap and type away.
Posted by Kayla (Member # 2403) on :
quote:You know Jon Boy probably hates the number of elipsies I use...
Hmm. . . is it really the number you use, or the fact that you don't put spaces in between them? Posted by Ryuko (Member # 5125) on :
I agree with Syn-chan... This is pretty much my entertainment for the day. TV don't do it for me.
Posted by Synesthesia (Member # 4774) on :
Television 95% of the time just makes me angry and annoyed. i use it to punish myself for not having a job. Posted by blacwolve (Member # 2972) on :
If I'm home, I'm on the internet, if I'm on the internet, I'm on hatrack. It just depends on how much time I spend at home.
Posted by newfoundlogic (Member # 3907) on :
My computer gets left on for days at a time. Sometimes I'll spend hours doing nothing but waiting for another Hatrack post. Others I'll make just one on the Last Post thread and then I'm out.
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Ask lusti, and she'll tell you that I spend too much time either on my desktop, laptop or with my PDA (all are on the net).
I wouldn't like to guess how many hours a day I spend on computers (at least 40 since I man the helpdesk at Safeway), but it's alot.
I don't spend alot of time on Hatrack, as I'm usually playing games (to help me forget about the callers that I deal with each day ).
Posted by Shan (Member # 4550) on :
I suspect that time spent for many might be akin to a wave - an ebb and flow, sometimes a tsunami, sometimes a perfectly still pond with nary a whisper of wind to caress the glassy surfaces . . .