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Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
just thought i'd post this again

<font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica" size="2">
What are proteins and why do they "fold"? Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out their biochemical function, they remarkably assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, remains a mystery. Moreover, perhaps not surprisingly, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious effects, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (CJD), ALS, and Parkinson's disease.

What does Folding@Home do? Folding@Home is a distributed computing project which studies protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and related diseases. We use novel computational methods and large scale distributed computing, to simulate timescales thousands to millions of times longer than previously acheived. This has allowed us to simulate folding for the first time, and to now direct our approach to examine folding related disease.

you can just download it...doesn't use too much space, right now we only have four processors working on team hatrack...black_fox, me, my dad's computer (i'm gonna put it on there again), and someone that isn't even a hatracker! it's not intrusive, and you can run it on a windows system, linux, or Mac OSX...doesn't cost a thing...why not?

go team hatrack #3194!


[This message has been edited by BYuCnslr (edited July 04, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by BYuCnslr (edited July 04, 2002).]

[ April 10, 2004, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: BYuCnslr ]
Posted by KarlEd (Member # 571) on :
Sounds cool. I'd just like to point out that this home-based-shared-supercomputing concept was pioneered (if not outright invented) by the planetary society who use it for crunching numbers involved in the search for extra-terrestrial life via radio signals (a la Arecibo). I did that for a few years and helped process several thousand hours of data.

This sounds like another great application of the concept.

Posted by ae (Member # 3291) on :
This method of folding is too slow. business do it much faster.


Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
You're talking the SETI project, Karl. Yeah, they were the first to do it, but who wants to talk to aliens?
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
for those just back from endercon


Posted by EarlNMeyer-Flask (Member # 1546) on :
Actually, some of the actions of folding (ergh) -- naturation, to be precise are known. Chaperonins, special proteins, are thought to aid in the process. Further, some of the neurodegenerative diseases mentioned such as CJD are caused by Prions (protinaceous infectious particles) which are thought to cause other proteins to fold or "conform" in such a way as to render them harmful. These conformations, strangely, are infectious to other proteins, and this accounts for the protein molecules pathogenic effects.

Great concept. I think that we will see much more of this kind of file sharing and down-time processing.

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
I am frustrated. I have the most WU's finished, but I don't have the most points. What is the "scoring" system for it?
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Why can I not take the lead? I have more MU's than anyone else, why not points?
Posted by JaneX (Member # 2026) on :
You're talking the SETI project, Karl. Yeah, they were the first to do it, but who wants to talk to aliens?

Mulder does.

Sorry, I just spent my whole day watching X-Files reruns. I've been X-Files deprived for a month.


Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Can Mulder get me more Folding@Home points? If not then he means little to me.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Oh, and I am now the top Hatrack folder. We need more jatraqueros taking part in this...
Posted by It's Anonymous! (Member # 4055) on :

[This message has been edited by It's Anonymous! (edited August 23, 2002).]

Posted by Axis Mundi (Member # 3977) on :
I got Folding@home about a month ago, and and have left it running all day, everyday since, and I only have 50% of one work unit done.


I think so.

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Which team is the Hatrack folding team Leto? I didn't join a team because I couldn't find the Hatrack one....
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :

It's in the first post.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Gah! That must have been one of the edits. Thank you for humoring my stupidity Leto!!
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
hehehe...sorry 'bout that
the point system depends on how large the unit is, i have a feeling the folding server determines what kind of unit your computer gets by the stats of your computer, so if you have more ram you get larger units, if you have a faster processor, you get less but'd make sense for efficency...
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Well, they need to just keep giving me more and larger units, to help handicap me, so more of youse cats can catch up!

BYU, aren't you running a faster machine than mine?
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
Hey Leto, I know your computer is faster than mine, but if I ever get a router purchased and set up, there will be some competition from me.

I may not own any single computer up to beat yours, but if I string enough pentium 66's and 75's together (I got a very large number at $5 a pop), and set them to just fold... :-D

Ah, well, I don't have the time or the space right now (or the money for that big a router), so it'll stay a pipe dream, but its an amusing image... twenty early pentiums all folding (plus my imac).

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Here's hoping for some router fund-age soon for you, fugu! As soon as I get these other two machines I'm playing with assembled (money-willing, as they're missing many working parts... like hard drives), I'll have other folding machines, too. Yay, competition!
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i also have more ram 768 baby! they give me the really heavy stuff so it takes me a lot longer, and plus, it takes a few hours between a finished work unit and upload...because i'm on a dialup through a network, so i can't automatically dial out without having to manually shutting it off. otherwise i'd have serious ownage over all of you!
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Pshaw... you say that, but the numbers say differently...
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :

Oh, still winning...

Posted by Bokonon (Member # 480) on :
Bzzzt! This Distributed Computing thang was started by, who would enter contests on encryption-breaking (basically finding large primes), promising half the winnings to the user whose computer cracked the code. I remember doing that at least a year before SETI showed up.


Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :

We need more people to join in this. We've only had 7-8 active processors all week working on team hatrack ( team 3194). C'mon ya'all, sign up and put your computer to work. It is for a good cause after all...

Posted by Suneun (Member # 3247) on :
I would if i didn't pay for my electricity

I used to run seti@home in the dorms, though. heehee.

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Besides, I need some competition. I blew by my only competitor (Black Fox) within a few months, and he's as high as he is because he's been contributing for over a year.

Come on, people... give me a run for my money.
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
...but your computer is on anyway allowing you to surf the web and post on hatrack. During that time you could have folding@home running in the background using up spare processing power... No need to run the compuer 24/7, just allow folding@home to run while you are doing your normal computer tasks. I'm sure you could pump out 1 work unit a week that way, better then nothing.
Posted by Human (Member # 2985) on :
I'd do it...but I don't know how dad would feel about it. Having a complex data analyzation program that has access to our DSL connection to upload it's results? He'd probably ko that real quick.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Follow the link, Human, and let him browse and read the site. It could provide him the information needed to convince him to allow it. Don't count on you being able to explain it... let him get it straight from the horse's mouth.
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
You know, Leto, one day I'm just going to walk around to computer labs here on campus, install folding at home, and give it my id and the hatrack team number. Since most of them are Pentium 4 1.8's, it would be interesting to see what happens.

Unfortunately, I'm much too sporting, and would have a hard time giving them the Hatrack team number (should be the university's), much less my id.

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Ha! Imagine the look on my face when I check one day and am in the lead, and check the next to see your name having doubled mine in a night!
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
oh, I have been, and its been making the prospect quite tempting... but more likely I'm going to get the local Sysadmins to put the client on, and let them choose which team to hook up with. There's a lot of computers in the labs with no distributed computing that just sit idle nearly 24/7, except right before a large paper is due. Most people just have their own.

If I put it on, I'd get a few nights of work in, but then the sysadmins would catch on and it'd be deleted.

Posted by aka (Member # 139) on :
Deany and Mikey had all the computers in their computer lab doing CETI at home. The admins didn't know enough to even know what was happening.
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i'm falling behind now because i'm also folding for my own group (OLANA) I'm doing one week OLANA one week hatrack...etc. and my computer is on 24/7, unless there's a power outtage, then i still ahve about 45 minutes...more if my monitor is off...mmmmm...UPS...
Posted by EarlNMeyer-Flask (Member # 1546) on :
I would help, but I see little point when my computer takes a week to process a Work Unit when they time out after 6-7 days.

There is also the related project, genome@home at which does not have a Hatrack team. Some of their goals include designing new proteins, forming genetic sequences for existing proteins whose structure is known through X-ray crystallography and the like, and predicting the functions of proteins.


Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
This is cool! I have no idea what they are telling me I am working on but now at least my computer is doing something more then surf and play video games! Now if I can only sneak this on Hubby's computer I may be able to catch up with Leto!
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Something is wrong with my program. I think I'm going to have to uninstall nad reinstall... it keeps saying "downloading", counting for a few seconds, then "working", then cycles around again really quick, without ever showing progress. Very weird.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Apparently, the problem was more than the program. Actually, the program was fine, but the logs on my computer were conflicting. Cleaning it all off and restarting again took care of it.

Of course, that's more than a week that my machine wasn't doing any work, giving others a chance to catch up! Time to remedy that!
Posted by raventh1 (Member # 3750) on :
After Rc5 is cracked, Ill join up, A couple of Dualies crankin away

124 days left, (at the same rate of course)

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
lol Leto... I waz wondering why your score wasn't going up at all the in the last few days. I waz just hoping it'd hold out until I got caught up... do'gh!

edit: typos

[This message has been edited by somedeadguy (edited September 18, 2002).]

Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Crap.. to crunch for Ars Technica Team Egg Roll, or for Hatrack?

Maybe I'll just switch to Distributed Folding - their PPC folder is much better than that of Folding@Home, but there's no GUI client...

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Well, now I have 3 machines working for me: mine at work, mine at home, and the new server at work. I don't know if I'll be able to catch Leto, but here's to trying.
Posted by Chaeron (Member # 744) on :
Earl: to clarify, the prions that cause CJD are actually misfolded versions of the protien they misfold (Stanley protiens). Basically, the misfolded protiens, if they are in a great enough quantity to interact with properly folded protiens and convert them into the prion configuration faster than they themselves denature, a kind of chain reaction takes place where properly folded protiens are being destroyed at an ever increasing rate. This is what causes the degeneration of brain tissues typical of CJD. Eventually, the shortage of functional Stanley protiens becomes so severe that the brain, when viewed under a microscope, begins to resemble a sponge; it's full of tiny holes. This is where the formal name for mad cow disease comes from, BSE or Bovine Spongeform Encephalopathy.

Interestingly, BSE does not originate in cows, they are just the vector to humans. BSE is actually a sheep disease, commonly called scrapie. Stanley prions actually form relatively often in sheep, but it was not a health concern to humans because scrapie cannot infect humans; the Stanley protiens in sheep and humans are too different for scrapie prions to conform human protiens to its shape. Scrapie can, however, infect cows; their Stanley protien is similar enough to allow it. Unfortunately for us humans, cow Stanley prions are similar enough to conform human protiens to prions. This, however, would not be a problem if everyone just agreed feeding ruminants the ground up remains of other ruminants was just a bad idea.

Posted by Chaeron (Member # 744) on :
I killed it, I'm a murderer!

Aren't you people going to keep competing? Or did my presence disgust and frighten everyone away?

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
I'm still competing... but I'm not afraid of you, I'm frightened by ludosti. Her 3 processors have done in a few days what took me a few weeks w/ my one. By this time tommorow she should be ahead of me

...maybe if I butter up my processor it'll run faster and I can keep ahead...? hhhmmmmm...

[This message has been edited by somedeadguy (edited September 23, 2002).]

Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
is anyone running dualies? are both of them running at 100% for this? i'm curious to whether or not the FahCore engine utilizes both processors
Posted by fugu13 (Member # 2859) on :
BYuCnslr: don't know about for other OS's, but in mac os x you can run two instances of the Fah program (cli version), one for each processor.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Do I need to start taking week-long breaks?

Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
sure, i do. :-D


Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Maybe I'll start alternating between this one and my other one...

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
*bump* We've had 15-16 Active processors this week. That's awesome, but I'd love to see more jatraquero's in on this. (besides, we need more competition in de-throning Leto.)
Posted by Chaeron (Member # 744) on :
Well, so far for me, 7 WUs, but my computer is frequently off.

The more I think about this idea, the more it appeals to me. Think of all the research projects and experiments out there that require huge ammounts of computing that is otherwise unavailable. I would like to see distributed computing become a standard for anyone who has a broadband connection. I only hope it doesn't become too commercial, like the new version of Kazaa (I think), that sells your processing power to pharmaceutical companies.

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
It looks like I finally passed BYu. Next is somedeadguy. *evil grin*
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i've been ordered to shut down my computer when inactive... that only gives me 9 hours of up time a day...just wait till i go off to college....mwahahahaa!!!
:: grumbles ::


Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
*checks stats* uh-oh, I'm only up from ludosti by 1 point! I had to go and take down my second system for a week. Ah well, I'll get a good ways ahead of you, just wait. (ok, empty threat, just allow me my disillusions.)
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
No one has noticed that I've had my main account frozen for over a week?

I think I may just aim for #1 and #2 spots...

Mu hu hu ha ha ha ha...
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
d'oh, Ludosti just passed me. There goes my dreams of folding domination. *bows down to the top 3*
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I've entered the fray with my first system...I'll have the laptop and second system up by this weekend if not sooner. Ph34r.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
My hubby added two more computers to my consortium yesterday - his computer and the file server at home. I will rule the folding world! Muahahaha!!
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
You cannot defeat me.
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Probably not, but reality always was for those lacking imagination.

[silly verb tenses]

[This message has been edited by ludosti (edited October 10, 2002).]

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
No, no, no! You're supposed to at least feign confidence. Psyche me out, lusti!

<-- Leto's "psyche-out" face
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
*bump* we're up to 31 active processors. That's awesome! Keep up the good work everyone!
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
It looks like I'll be catching Black_Fox in a few more days.... Watch out Leto! Here I come! [/psyche out]

I think it's mad kewl that we've got 30-something active processors.

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
It should be easy for you to catch up to Leto Ludosti. He hasn't turned in any work units in over a week. I think Letos' playing nice and making it easy on you
Posted by purplycow (Member # 3799) on :
Hi all, I just downloaded the screensaver version (and yep I'm on the Hatrack team!).
One question - does it only process when my PC is idle (i.e. screensaver on), or all the time?
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
it uses any and all spare CPU time you have, so it operates all the time, so're running...oh let's say photoshop and it's using 40% of your CPU, FaCore (the folding@home program) will use the remaining 60%, if photoshop is using 100%, it won't use anything until photoshop gives up some processing time.


Posted by purplycow (Member # 3799) on :
Ahhh .... thanks!
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Check out GreNME2's work.

If I see any "threats", I'll just consolidate CPU power again.

I cannot be defeated. [psychout] [/psychout]
Posted by Crazy Eddie (Member # 4208) on :
Well, we just broke 1000 WUs for the team today - the 253 teams above us had better watch their backs!

Crazy Eddie

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I'm climbing the guys will be toast in a few months. Just accept it.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Psst... Tick... ya gotta psyche out, man.

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
I've got my wife talked into letting me (in the future sometime) setting up another system, possibly a multimedia PC to hook to the TV...More processors! HAHAHA
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Pssst, Leto, don't let Black Fox pass you. Wait, he just did!
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
See Leto, you're not so tough! [cackle]"I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!"[/cackle]
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
In newsweek they had an article about distributed computing and folding@home. I thought some people who are participating in this may be interested in reading the article. It can be found here

Right now we have had 30 active processors this week, that is awesome. We could always use more processors though...

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Please notice that I had to take my machine off that name for a month to be caught up to and barely passed. I'll be taking the lead again within a week or so, and I won't be allowing such an affront any more.

[psycheout] [/psycheout]
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Also notice that I'm still forty work units above even the closest competitor...

[psycheout] [/psycheout]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Oh look, I just passed you John, and I'll pass Paul sometime this morning too.

You may be ahead by work units, but some of us have bigger units than others.

[This message has been edited by ludosti (edited October 21, 2002).]

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Come and get me!!
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
I think it's wonderful that I can have so many more work units, but everyone is getting more points per work unit than I am. Even funnier because I'm not running the most CPUs, either (just the fastest folding ones).

I'll get you, my Lusti... and yer little Paul, too... [psycheout] [/psycheout]
Posted by Crazy Eddie (Member # 4208) on :
There are only 231 teams above us now - 22 teams down in six days!

And, on a personal note. I have finally secured a place above the 50th percentile of users. Beware, 60th percentile! [psycheout] [/psycheout]

Crazy Eddie

Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Anyone else notice that the results haven't changed for a while? I know I've submitted at least a half dozen WU's, but they haven't shown up. Strange.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
I'm still incensed that even though I'm putting out more WUs, that I can't get points like some others...
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Are you getting any WU's from projects 180-183? Those seem to be the largest (ie, worth the most).
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
I don't think so. At least, not the two I have at my desk...
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i've been called back to the OLANA back in half a month...


Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I am so in on this . It doesn't have my name up there for team Hatrack yet, but I've regesitered under team Hatrack, so it will be.


Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Do you have to be connected to the internet for this program to run? My family is very fond of pulling out my LAN cable when I'm not around (its a long story, but its true, whenever I leave they un plug me fromt the net! :eek .

Also, I did register for Hatrack, but it doesn't show me their, any reason why?


Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
it won't show you until you finish a WU, and it only connects when it sends and recieves the information, otherwise, it's completley autonomous, you can set it so that it pauses and waits until you let it log onto the F@H server.


Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Hey, it finally updated...time to take out Feyd...Grenme2 is next after that.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Yep... definitely need to concentrate on just the one name...
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I'm no longer last! HA-HA-HA!


Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Ludosti- you have five computers for just your name? No wonder I can't catch up in points!

Makes me feel better, though, about being taken down to second place.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Heh...I really only have two (desktop system gets counted as two, as both the linux and Windows partition has returned results).
Posted by Black Fox (Member # 1986) on :
Its on now, I'm going to start putting all the computers around here on folding at home, starting with my room mate.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Uh huh... it takes at least five computers to beat my measly two.

Posted by Black Fox (Member # 1986) on :
well right now its only my computer.
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Post 100!

I'm almost to a single digit rank...Bernard is the next target.

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
*Final Bump from Hobbes *

I'm moving up on the list (16, exactly half way up!). Ludosti, what type of computer do you have? Your total is ridiculous!


Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
Hobbes... Look at her stats, she has 5 computers going at once...
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :


Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
It takes five to beat my two...

<--- still the best folder, even though he doesn't have a cluster like Lusti.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I've kept my (1GHz Laptop) runing 24 hours a day since I signed up, minus, at most, 3 hours. I'm still far far far behind, and not catching up either!


Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
aw crap, someone else just passed me up. They have 5 processors going though, so it's not like I stood a chance anyway.

While I am bumping this thread, allow me to extend the invitation to every other jatraquero who hasn't joined us. Please, visit the site Bernard linked to at the top of this thread and join a good cause. (I want to emphasize this invitation to people who have less then 5 processors. )


Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
It would be 6 under ludosti's name, but my laptop got really unstable (and it came due for it's regular tinkering).

I just wish I could get my hands on my company's computers for this. (drools at the thought of all the thousands of computers that should be used for gaming and such).

Posted by Leto (Member # 3400) on :
And I'm still revelling in the fact that it takes five computers to beat my two and sometimes (soon always) three CPUs.
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Eh, i'm sure that she would have passed your w/o my two computers here at home (a 1Ghz tbird and 950 duron). it wouldn't have been as fast, but it would have happened eventually.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
You think.

I can assure you she wouldn't have.
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
As much as i'd like to admit that i do think this early in the morning (i'm getting ready for work), i know that she would have passed you (i counted the WU's that my 2 boxes have cranked out, and she would have just passed you this week).
Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
The scoring isn't based off of pure # of WU's, as Leto can attest to. They also base it on how long it takes you to process the WU among other such factors about the WU you worked on.
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
prepare to get p00n3d, XP 2000+ baby, XP 2000+

My room computes more than your room. :P

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
I've already got an XP 2000+ in the competition along with an AMD Duron 800. Go ahead though, bring on the pain Bernard.
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :

Athlon 1.4ghz x2 w/ total 2.8mb PC-133
Athlon XP 2000+ w/ 512mb PC-2700

I think we know who's gonna win already

psych psych

did I mention I'm gonna o/c the 2000+? I think I can get a good .2ghz out of it at least


[This message has been edited by BYuCnslr (edited November 23, 2002).]

Posted by somedeadguy (Member # 3759) on :
Like I said, bring on the pain!! [psych] [/psych]
Posted by Crazy Eddie (Member # 4208) on :
Two questions:

1. Would it be possible to give our team the Hatrack banner as a logo? I imagine that whoever started the team would have to upload the graphic (and get permission from our gracious hosts).

2. Has anyone else noticed that we keep steadily moving up in the team rankings? We were in the 200s a while back, and we are at 152 now. If this keeps up (read: if more people install Folding@home!) we may make the top 100 in a few more months.

Crazy Eddie

Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i've thought about putting the logo up, but the problem is, the thing you see up top...consists of two parts, not one, which makes it hard, i can either get the picture (i'd just put a direct link to it, in which bypasses any laws that I know of, because we're not copying the art and putting it up somewhere else)

another problem is i can't seem to figure out my password...

[This message has been edited by BYuCnslr (edited November 25, 2002).]

Posted by Crazy Eddie (Member # 4208) on :
On the image side, the banner on the Hatrack home page is one piece (excepting the links, of course) and could be added with a simple link - if our hosts will permit a direct link to an image on the site.

The password, however, could pose a problem.

Crazy Eddie

Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Let's see, the roster of computers here looks like this:

2 1Ghz Tbirds, an 850 Duron, a XP2100+, and rounding it out is a P3 450 (only used during during the work week)

Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
I wish more people would get involved in this - not only is is fun (watching the scores is fun), but you actually are accomplishing something useful. Besides - I want to see someone try to catch me and my 5 lovelies.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Who is Toph*, out of curiosity? They've been kickin' butt with just two cpu's.
Posted by BannaOj (Member # 3206) on :
I just have to tell you that when I saw this heading I figured someone was doing wash and folding laundry.... I planned on commiserating.... :-)
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Skip the laundry folding - protein folding is so much easier.
Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :

Posted by Leto II (Member # 2659) on :
Prepare for my comeback.
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
DeepThought is almost fully operational mwahahaha
while underclocked for three days, he did six work units in a total of about 20 hours of up time, now that he is running at normal speed you shall fear him, especially because he shall be connected to a t1 line for 5 hours a day, I may put him through his paces and overclock, you must fear him


Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Um, what does having him connected to a T1 have to do w/folding at home? You'd only need it to download and transmit the data from your computer.
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :
i'll be on all the time, while at home, it has to wait for me to dial up before it can send all the info, as well as the longer up-time, DeepThought strikes fear into you, that he does.
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Hmm.. While I think it would be fun to have a T1, I think I'll stay with my cable modem for the time being. At least my connection is always on

Speaking of overclocking, let me know how high you can get your processor to go.

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :


Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Hey, I just checked our score today...Let's get up in the top 100 guys!
Posted by Jeni (Member # 1454) on :
I just joined and I've already passed half of you up! Come on!
Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
Did you guys see the tiny article in Discover this month about the progress made thus far? It was cool to read it and think I was a part of it!
Posted by dawnmaria (Member # 4142) on :
Bump! More of us should be doing this!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :


Posted by Jeni (Member # 1454) on :
I'm moving up in the world... Slowly but surely.
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Heh, back on top again.
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Come on folks! Let's get into the top 100!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
We're falling in team ranking! [Eek!]

Hobbes [Smile]

[ May 21, 2003, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :

new comp count:

2 XP 2200+
1 900 Mhz Duron
2 1Ghz T-birds
1 XP 2000+
1 PIII450
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
More bumpage.

I'd also like to point out this stats page.
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
I'm still chugging away, but before this thread even started here way back when I had already promised all of my work units to Team Egg Roll... we're closing in on the top ten [Big Grin]
Posted by TheTick (Member # 2883) on :
ARS?? Before Hatrack, I helped the [H] up to the top over Ars. [Smile]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
[H]?!? Sacrelige! [Wink]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
I've added my new computer to the workers. Well actually I added it right when I got it, but I did so under the same name as I was already using and now I've changed it so I can keep track of which computer does what. Is it sad that I knew our team id and didn't need to look it up when I started this computer on it?

Hobbes [Smile]

[ July 15, 2003, 04:23 AM: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
What's really sad is that before the edit I had used "new" instead of "knew". I though I had stopped doing that in third grade. [Roll Eyes]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
Come onnnnn!!! We're losing our rank!

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by slacker (Member # 2559) on :
Feel free to buy me another computer (I promise to run folding@home on it) [Big Grin]
Posted by Jeni (Member # 1454) on :
I don't use my own computer during the summer, but I'll make my way on up again once school starts!
Posted by filetted (Member # 5048) on :
OMG! (my second for tonight)

This was the topic of my PhD thesis.

Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
What? Losing?

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by filetted (Member # 5048) on :
ooo... below the belt!!!

where's a Ref when you need one?
Posted by Papa Moose (Member # 1992) on :
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 433) on :
OK fine, so my link just didn't work. My thread was still a good idea. [Grumble] [Wink]

Hobbes [Smile]
Posted by BYuCnslr (Member # 1857) on :

Because Zevlag is about to plug in a 20 node p3 1ghz cluster...I figured I'd get the rest of Hatrack a head start on him, because heavens knows we're gonna need it. Plus, this is also for the new people that haven't joined yet!

Addendum: I'm going to run before Josh tries to kill me for announcing this because he wants to hit the race in a dead sprint and take over everybody, WE CANNOT ALLOW HIM TO WIN!!!

[ April 10, 2004, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: BYuCnslr ]
Posted by twinky (Member # 693) on :
Since scoring a dual G5 earlier this term I have nearly tripled my score of the preceding two years.

[Big Grin]
Posted by ludosti (Member # 1772) on :
Come and get me, Josh!!! [Wink]
Posted by Elizabeth (Member # 5218) on :
Dang, I thought this was a thread about folding clothes, and I thought my Flip and Fold(As Seen on TV)might be mentioned.

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