I just bought my copy of the new Tor print anthology, Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show. Since I have subscribed to the online magazine since Issue #1, I thought it might be interesting to post my own personal "best of" list, to be compared with the stories chosen for the print anthology.
Issue #1 "Respite" by Rachel Ann Dryden Hot Sleep by Orson Scott Card (serialized novel) "Fat Farm" by Aaron Johnston (comic) "Mazer in Prison" by Orson Scott Card
The print anthology included all three of my chosen short stories, plus "Eviction Notice" and "Taint of Treason". Hot Sleep was not included, for the obvious reason it was too long.
Issue #2 "Salt of Judas" by Eric James Stone "Pretty Boy" by Orson Scott Card
The print anthology included the OSC story, but excluded "Salt of Judas" in favor of "Eyes of the Empress' Cat", "Mooncalfe", and "Audience".
Issue #3 "Dream Engine" by Tim Pratt "To Know All Things That Are in the Earth" by James Maxey "Cheater" by Orson Scott Card
The print anthology included all my choices, plus "The Box of Beautiful Things" and "Hats Off"
Issue #4 "Call Me Mr Positive" by Tom Barlowe "Moon-Eyed Stud" by Justin Stanchfield
The print anthology included "Mr Positive" but eschewed my other choice in favor of "Tabloid Reporter to the Starts", "Beats of Seven", and "A Young Man With Prospects". (Here the print anthology ends)
Issue 5: "The Gold Bug" by Orson Scott Card "We Never Talk About My Brother" by Peter Beagle "Under Janey's Garden" By Margit Schmitt
Issue 6 "In the Beginning, Nothing Lasts Forever" by Mike Strahan "A Towering Monarch of His Mighty Race" by Cat Rambo "This is Only a Test" by David Lubar
Issue 7 "Silent as Dust" by James Maxey
Issue 8 "From the Clay of His Heart" by John Brown "The Angel's Touch" by Dennis Danvers
Posted by Sergeant (Member # 8749) on :
I haven't bought the anthology but I was just discussing my favorite story from all of the issues with my wife. My criteria for selecting the story is that I most want to hear more about the character. Under this selection scheme I pick Trill and the Beanstalk from Issue 1.
That is not to say there haven't been other great stories but that one seems to want more story.
Posted by Scott R (Member # 567) on :
Mine are as follows:
#1 Loose In the Wires, John Brown Night Walks, Robert Stoddard
I read Robert Stoddard's Night Walks when it was in draft form, and loved it then. The published, polished version is even better.
#2 In the Eyes of the Empress' Cat, Brad Beaulieu Audience, Ty Franck I am the Queen, William Saxton
Ty Franck needs to write more. Lots more.
#3 (Possibly my favorite issue ever-- this is the issue where IGMS really hit its stride, IMO. Every story was a winner-- my top picks below)
To Know All Things That Are In The Earth, James Maxey Xoco's Fire, Oliver Dale Small Magics, Alethea Kontis Fat Town, Jose Mojica
Enough praise has been heaped on Maxey and Kontis-- they're stellar. Oliver Dale could write a summary of ancient Babylonian rebate properties, and I'd buy it.
Fat Town was my favorite story this issue...but just barely. Tough competition.
Tabloid Reporter to the Stars, Eric James Stone Wisteria, Ada Brown Moon-eyed Stud, Justin Stanchfield
Another really strong issue.
Just a note-- the selections in the print anthology were not "best of" IGMS. (After all, Eviction Notice is in there...) The selections were made, if I understand correctly, to give a cross section of what was published in the mag, to better attract a wider audience of readers to subscribing online.