I'm wondering if there will ever be any more Ender's Game books, or is the series done?
I'd really like to see Battle School from Petra's point of view.
I think it would also be nice to have a book of short stories of Battle School before Ender arrived.
(Battle School is my favorite part of the series, can you tell? )
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The only additional books planned are a book after Children of the Mind, which involves the children who voyaged with Bean and the Descolada planet, and a book about Ender himself - the first planet he goes to after the one he governed in EG, where he found the last hive queen.
For other Ender stories, watch OSCigms - there's a new Ender story in every issue <grin>.
Posted by Mix-up (Member # 9512) on :
I remember thinking at the end of Children of the Mind: "Sounds like theres a book coming after this. It better come out soon!"
I can wait though, I'm sure it'll be great.
Bean is by far my favorite charicter in the whole series. When I discovered that there was a book from his perspective I just wanted to sit where I was and read it. (Unfortunatly I had to watch some movie first.) I think Ender's Shadow takes Ender's Game to a whole new level. I almost wish I could have read Ender's Shadow first.
Today I went to the bookstore to get a copy of Ender's Game. I lent my copy to a freind... about a year and a half ago. I've given up on trying to get it back, but I am suffering from Ender-withdrawl! Unfortunatly the store didn't have the book in. I'm going to try another store tommorow. Le Mis will have to suffice as reading material till then.
Posted by Reshpeckobiggle (Member # 8947) on :
Has anyone ever lent a book to someone and got it back? It would be a first.
Posted by Mix-up (Member # 9512) on :
Hmm. Good point.
Usuallly when I buy books, I write my name on the inside of the cover, and my e-mail address, just in case I lose it.
I have now been to two stores, neither of which had it. Third store tommorow. If that doesn't work, I'll suck it up, and pay shipping, and get it off the internet.
Posted by formic rising (Member # 9172) on :
i actually lent out the entire ender/shadow series. my girlfriend gave all of the ender series back and is still working on the shadow series. she told her father about how great the ender series was so i lent him eg and sftd.. both of which i got back when i gave him xenocide and cotm. i've always have had a reletively easy time getting books back.. with the exception of "the perks of being a wallflower" by stephen chbosky(s?) i think i've owned a good 5 copies of that thus far. i have more trouble getting DVDs back, actually.
Posted by Hank (Member # 8916) on :
You should hire a swarthy hit-man to ensure the prompt return of your media materials.
Posted by Kylie K (Member # 9818) on :
I was wondering the same thing about both the Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow books. There is so much that could be done with them still. I would like to know what happens with Bean's lost child on earth. I would also like to know what happens to Bean and his children. I have already let my imagination run wild with the story and have all kinds of guesses but I would love to know the direction Card intends to take the books.
Posted by Victory Manual (Member # 9823) on :
Couldn't it be that, through an amazing criss-crossing of the paths of their lives, Bean and his children, in their goal of searching and starting colonies, in fact end up establishing the planet that creates the descolada, thus enabling Ender's children to come back into the lives of Bean's children?
Through their brilliance, the bean offspring settle on a planet and design a virus to inhibit their growth and remap their DNA, so that the new species of Bean descendents can thrive and live long lives.
Centuries later, Ender's offspring come into the picture, having located the planet that engineered the descolada, and so Bean's children and Ender's children come head to head.
That's just what I saw coming out of Shadow of the Giant.
Posted by IComeAnon87 (Member # 9627) on :
The descolada virus alone was supposed to have been on Lusitania since ancient piggie times. They've already been set in their current ways for an incredibly long time, long as any of the father trees can even remember. Bean wouldn't get out that far into space for at least 1000 years. So 2000 or even if it was 3000 years, to establish a society with a new language, design and test many, many times a virus like that seems wholy, wholy unfeasable. I think we have to just accept that the Descalodores are just simply a new alien species, which is a better way to go in my opinion. However, I believe Bean's kids will be essential to communicating with this new species because of Bean's adaptability for language.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
I want to be surprised.
Posted by Mix-up (Member # 9512) on :
I love "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"!! I've always wished that he wrote more books... but unfortunatly he hasn't. But look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Chbosky
I would never have guessed that he's done all those other things!! (Screenplay of the movie of Rent, co-creator, executive producer, and writer of the new CBS apocalyptic TV drama Jericho...)
Posted by ThePersonMan (Member # 9440) on :
Whats the status of Shadows in Flight and where is it on the list of priorities?
Posted by Glenorand (Member # 9444) on :
This is what I've thought about with continuations out of the Shadow Series.
First, th government evenutally does find a solution to Bean's genetic disorder. They then use their solution to create the world of Path. Super human brilliance, with a check on their abilities. For how long they would have been studying genetic manipulation, they would be more then able to handle a simple process like moving the OCD gene.
Bean and his children end up inhabiting Lustitania(mis-spelled I know). When you think about it, there is a strong Brazilian background to the planet. As you recall, Bean loved Brazilian culture. If you were to start a planet, you would most likely model it after your favorite things. It would seem logical that Bean would do this.
This is the best idea that i've come up with, and it is something that really makes sense to everyone that I've talked to.
Posted by ThePersonMan (Member # 9440) on :
quote:Originally posted by Glenorand: This is what I've thought about with continuations out of the Shadow Series.
Bean and his children end up inhabiting Lustitania(mis-spelled I know). When you think about it, there is a strong Brazilian background to the planet. As you recall, Bean loved Brazilian culture. If you were to start a planet, you would most likely model it after your favorite things. It would seem logical that Bean would do this.
This is the best idea that i've come up with, and it is something that really makes sense to everyone that I've talked to.
Theres a couple problems with the Bean idea:
Lusitania was founded by Portuguese World, under a Catholic liscense, not modeled after, but from.
Bean's and his children's intelligence would quickly rise to prominence on a small colony.
The colony would have exsisted for too short a time for Bean and his children to die, let alone fade into obscurity.
Had his condition not been cured, he would have died early. He also would still be a giant, condition or not.
Bean's skin color was Greek/African mix, but according to SotG "Greeks saw him as African, Africans saw him as Greek (I paraphrased)." He may or may not have fit in, but his children would not have.
Not as sure about this one: Had Bean been on Lusitania, Jane would have alerted Ender.
[ November 09, 2006, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: ThePersonMan ]
Posted by Altáriël of Dorthonion (Member # 6473) on :
quote:Originally posted by Orson Scott Card: The only additional books planned are a book after Children of the Mind, which involves the children who voyaged with Bean and the Descolada planet, and a book about Ender himself - the first planet he goes to after the one he governed in EG, where he found the last hive queen.
For other Ender stories, watch OSCigms - there's a new Ender story in every issue <grin>.
I knew it! I hope the story lines converge somehow.
EDIT: Personally, I believe that a spin-off from Petra's point of view would be a little redundant since she made prominent appearances in the Giant series.
Posted by brojack17 (Member # 9189) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mix-up: Today I went to the bookstore to get a copy of Ender's Game. I lent my copy to a freind... about a year and a half ago. I've given up on trying to get it back, but I am suffering from Ender-withdrawl! Unfortunatly the store didn't have the book in. I'm going to try another store tommorow. Le Mis will have to suffice as reading material till then.
I read Ender's Game for the first time when I was a library aide my freshman year. (unfortunately, that was 16 years ago) Over the years, I have repurchased EG about a dozen times or so. I used to get upset that people would not return it and eventually we would lose touch. Then, I decided, what better gift can I give than my favorite book.
The weird thing is, I lent a book to my sister-in-law. She kept the book for about three years and as soon as I bought a new copy, she returned it. Now I have two copies.
Does anyone need to "borrow" a copy?
Posted by Mneighthyn (Member # 9572) on :
"For other Ender stories, watch OSCigms - there's a new Ender story in every issue <grin>. "
What are these OSCigms you speak of?
Posted by Hebedee (Member # 2110) on :
That would be the InterGalactic Medicine Show, his online magazine.
Posted by Rose The Nose (Member # 9905) on :
Hey OSC, any estimations on release dates... you know it gets old reading different books after Ender.