Hiya! I'm a big fan of orson who just happens to be a bit of a gamer. Ok more than a bit... But, here's what i wanna know. What is happening with the follow up to advent rising? I loved that game, and i cant wait for the next one! But i hear its going to be on a hand held system i have no intention what-so-ever or buying. Not to mention i dont have the money! I cant stand it that all i hear is i wont be able to play this game. Isn't there anything Card can do to put this game maybe sayyy on the x-box? Or the game cube? ps2? ANYTHING BUT A HAND HELD?! >< I don't want this game to be out of my reach! Can someone tell me that this is gonna make it to one of the big systems? I'm not gonna buy a hand held because of this game. I'm just gonna mope over it. I know there are a lot of gamers that share my feeling. We want this game, but im not spending a couple hundred for it! Sell to us!The profit will be better by far! Is there anyone out there that can tell me exactly where this is going?
Posted by PUNJABEE (Member # 7359) on :
I asked about this a few months ago and I never recieved an answer either. The game had a great story and felt really grandiose.
I can't wait to play a sequel.
Posted by Ailene (Member # 7277) on :
As far as solid info goes, there is this:
"To Be Continued...?
I was wondering whether you knew anything about an Advent Rising sequel. I think it’s one of the best Xbox games ever and the ending (er endings) really left me hanging. So for peace of mind, I would like to know whether or not there’s a sequel in the works. -David Sianissian
We Say: You’re not the only Advent Rising fan, David. We dug the kinetic and story-driven action that GlyphX’s debut effort delivered, and the developer has always gone on record saying that the game was planned as the first of a trilogy. Unfortunately, Majesco wouldn’t go on record specifically addressing the future of the Advent series. What a representative for the company did say was, 'While Majesco is currently focused on their new upcoming titles for 2006...we remain committed to our existing, originally developed intellectual properties including Advent Rising and Bloodrayne, but are not ready to make any announcements at this time.'"
I also read somewhere more recently that Majesco was having financial problems. It was the reason they called off the sweepstakes they were doing for AR, and I don't know the currrent status of that, but it sounds like no sequel for at least a while... Posted by Flaming Toad on a Stick (Member # 9302) on :
Don't you hate when that kind of thing happens?!
One of the best GameCube games I've ever played is Eternal Darkness:Sanity's Requiem. It was made by Silicon Knights, a Canadian company. The sequel was stopped because Nintendo and SK started a pretty bad dispute (probably about money) and they stopped all buisness activity with each other. Or so I've heard.
I've been waiting for the third and final Golden Sun game for a long time. My characters are all stacked and ready for transfer, and waiting is agony.
I hope you have better luck with AR.
Posted by ThePersonMan (Member # 9440) on :
I think it was cancelled, but the sequel, called Advent Shadow, was supposed to be on PSP. You can find more at wikipedia Posted by PUNJABEE (Member # 7359) on :
Jeez that's so unfair. It makes sense since the game was a bit clunky, but the STORY!!! Augh!! The story was so awesome, and the music fit it so well. It felt like I was reading a Card book rather than playing a game.
So unfair. Maybe someone will pick up the license at a later time and continue the story..
or... maybe Mr. Card could continue the Saga in novel form? (*hope*)