Brin has posted part 2 of his essay concerning OSC's ID article. Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
It's nice to know that Brin has finally read something of mine. Oh, wait. No ... no evidence he actually READ it....
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
Um, having read both articles, I have to say that, aside from a few snarky comments at the beginning (whose validity I am in no position to evaluate, but suspect is misunderstanding, at most) it was remarkable well thought out and in harmony with OSC's article. He takes this a bit further, of course, regarding ID and how it *should* be perceived (and even taken advantage of) by established science.
But I saw no evidence that he had NOT read the article. In fact, quite the opposite. He read it and agreed with both the sentiments and the perception of people in general toward "intelligensia".
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
Agreed. He offered quite the same position you did, at the end, and seemed more or less as unaware as you did about the hijack of the term "Intelligent Design" by Creation "scientists".
The fact that both you and he operate from a very pragmatic standpoint, seem to arrive at very similar conclusions on a host of issues, but stand opposed to one another's position on President Bush and the Iraq invasion is an ongoing interest of mine. A study in human nature, if you will...