A while ago, on David Brin's blog (http://davidbrin.blogspot.com) a discussion of Intelligent Design elicited a call from Brin for OSC to jump into the ID debate. My impression of the call was that he wanted a folk-Mormon outlook, basically an interplanetary version of the Lex de Azevedo-esque popular picture of Mormonism, to join the pile of alternatives next to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the Kansas school board debate.
Brin claimed at the time that he didn't dare suggest it to Card himself, on the grounds that Card doesn't like him. That's baffled me for months since then, since I've never seen anything written by OSC which demonizes any individual at all, especially another science fiction author.
In any case, the response is interesting, even if the followup comments are no different than here:
It raises one question: Who does OSC mean when he says "Darwinist"? Is it the entire class of scientists? Or some other group?
Posted by A Rat Named Dog (Member # 699) on :
quote:It raises one question: Who does OSC mean when he says "Darwinist"? Is it the entire class of scientists? Or some other group?
I suspect that he means, specifically, "Scientists who make the dumb arguments I'm citing."
Posted by joeyconrad (Member # 8714) on :
That was a very interesting response on Brin's part. I look forward to reading his actual response to the issue (which he promises will come shortly).
Posted by Noemon (Member # 1115) on :
quote:[Card] long ago began savaging me in public, I think perhpas because he’s irritated by the fact that we have fans in common.
I've never heard of Card attacking Brin, but assuming that that is the case, I find Brin's theory as to the motive to be kind of laughable.
Posted by cheiros do ender (Member # 8849) on :
Okay, I read it. Didn't seem like he had much to say.
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
It was just part 1. One of the bits I'm most curious about is the rift between them Brin claims exists. The reason I'm curious about it is that both of them are so close in position on so many things that I think a dialogue between them on the remaining differences would be fruitful.
Then again, I could easily see neither of them having time for such a thing, since they both have better things to do...
Posted by Oobie Binoobie (Member # 8059) on :
Ah, I see this has been brought up in the other more active thread. I'll take my followup comments over there, and ask that this be locked, or just ignored, whichever is easier! :-)