I noticed on the main page that there's a link to something about a special 20th Anniversary audio book of "Ender's Game". I was wondering why there's no anniversary edition of the book itself. Is Tor perhaps waiting for when (if) the movie is released to roll out new editions? I personally hate movie tie-in editions of books. So tacky, but inevitable. Or perhaps there'll be something special in 5 years for the 25th anniversary? I don't usually buy additional copies of books I already own, the only current exception being my spare copy of the "Lord of the Rings", but since EG is also one of my all-time favourites, I'd find it hard to resist a new edition with a fancy new cover and perhaps a new intro by Card.
Posted by tmservo (Member # 8552) on :
BTW, I picked up the audio book anniversary edition a few months ago from Audible.Com. Fantastic presentation. Actually, most of Card's books have a very unique method in which four people do the reading in turns.. sort of a reader's theater.
It's well crafted enough that I thought about encouraging a Reader's Theater version of SoTD at a local university
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
The "anniversary edition" was promo - we were redoing the audiobook as the FIRST unabridged audio edition - this was to call your attention to it.
But maybe on the 25th anniversary we'll have something special for the print book.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
tmservo, those gorgeous performances of my books on audio are produced by Stefan Rudnicki, who is one of the Great Ones in audio.
Posted by tmservo (Member # 8552) on :
Well it really is incredible work in comparison to so many of the other audiobooks out there. (Now you'll hate the next part) but I often hope the movies can have the same kind of tone as taken with the audiobooks, as the audiobooks do such an unbelievable job.
And, seriously, I know you had been unaware of Audible, but I will tell you, buying an audiobook through Audible.Com is a big change in the way an audiobook works altogether. No changing CDs. No changing tapes. Cut into 8 hour blocks so you can listen straight through. Just pop into an MP3 player or Ipod and it makes your plane flights so much easier.
Posted by neo-dragon (Member # 7168) on :
quote:Originally posted by Orson Scott Card: But maybe on the 25th anniversary we'll have something special for the print book.
Thanks for the reply. That's what I wanted to hear!