OSC mentions this in his intro to The Crystal City, but I can't remember it from the earlier books. Can anyone tell me which book it's in?
Posted by TMBG (Member # 8390) on :
Sure! While Alvin is imprisoned in Hatrack River (Alvin Journeyman), he relates some song/dreams he's had to a group of his friends. In my book it's pages 269-270. It's brief, and the first time through I didn't catch it either.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
We novelists get to insert easter eggs, too ...
Posted by macnewbold (Member # 7660) on :
I believe this came up on the thread about the funniest moments in OSC's literature, too. I don't have a link on hand, but read the thread... it is very entertaining.
Posted by sands (Member # 8344) on :
what exactly happens again?
Posted by TheClone (Member # 6141) on :
Page 270 of my copy of Alvin Journeyman. They're speaking about the song Alvin wrote and there is an extra verse about a dream he had. It deals with LoTR and he talks about how he wonders if sometimes he catches others' dreams.
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Directly from Alvin Journeyman , page 270:
quote:Alone with my imagining I dreamt the darkest dream, Of tiny men, a spider's sting, And in a land of smoke and steam An evil golden ring