Today, I read OSC's epic poem, Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow for the first time (via Maps in the Mirror).
I really liked it alot. Glad I finally got to read it.
As for the Alvin Maker series as a whole, I like it quiete a bit (its right after the Ender/Bean novels for me).
Though its really hard to say which book is my favorite with the Alvin books. I like Seventh Son, Prentice Alvin, Journeyman Alvin, Heartfire, and Crystal City quiete a bit.
If pressed, I might say Prentice Alvin, but then I'd think about how great Seventh Son was and how great Journeyman, Heartfire, and Crystal City were.
Now, you'll notice that I didn't put Red Prophet as one of my favorites. Well, while I did like the book, its hard for me to think of it as a favorite considering the dark and grim aspects of the novel. It just doesn't scream favorite to me. Its more like, " Well, I read that and it was good..but I can't wait to read the rest and I may never read this one again..". lol.
Anyway, I enjoy the Alvin Maker series so much. And I can't wait to read Maker Alvin..even though I am dreading the end of Alvin's story in a way (considering what Alvin's fate is supposed to be...).
So, what do you guys think of the Alvin Maker series? Which book is your favorite?
Oh and have you read Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow? If so, what did you think of it?
DF2506 " Ya, I know all of this has prob been talked about before and I could just go back into the old threads and read about it, but I felt like discussing this stuff instead. So here we are, a new topic! "
Posted by BryanP (Member # 7772) on :
I'm about 2/3 of the way through TCC and I love the whole thing. I haven't been able to put them down (well, it's tough anyways) since picking up Prentice Alvin a couple of weeks ago. I think they are at least as good as the Ender books, if not better, but it's a tough call.
I think in these books, though, there are more likeable characters than the Ender series. Alvin, Peggy (when she's not whining), Verily, Arthur, Measure, Taleswapper, and all the other supporting characters. I love Ender, Jane, Val, Bean, Petra, Peter and a few others, but overall I think the characters are a bit better in the Alvin books. Plus, Alvin is such a bad@$$ by Heartfire that they're really fun to read. Alright, gotta go finish Crystal City!
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
>I think in these books, though, there are more likeable characters than the Ender series. Alvin, Peggy (when she's not whining), Verily, Arthur, Measure, Taleswapper, and all the other supporting characters. I love Ender, Jane, Val, Bean, Petra, Peter and a few others, but overall I think the characters are a bit better in the Alvin books. Plus, Alvin is such a bad@$$ by Heartfire that they're really fun to read. Alright, gotta go finish Crystal City! >
I like the characters in both books. Its hard for me to say which ones I like better.
Though, I can understand why you might like the Alvin characters better.
I think the characters in the Alvin Maker series seem like people who could have actually lived back then.
These characters seem more realistic (well, Alvin, Measure, and Verily's gift aside) and more relatable then the characters in the Ender/Bean books I think. They seem like people who could have actually lived back in early America.
But for me, its hard to say because I liked adult Ender so much in Speaker/Xenocide and even the little bit he was in Children of the Mind. Plus I like Bean and Petra and all the other characters quiete a bit too (the family in Speaker, Xenocide, and Children are also great).
I can see the reason behind thinking that the Alvin characters are better though. I'm actually tempted to agree too.
I just can't though, since the Ender/Bean books are my favorite. Though the Alvin books come in a very close second.
OSC has two great series there! I can't wait till he writes more Ender/Bean and more Alvin books!
DF2506 " I'm looked forward to the unamed Ender book, Shadows in Flight, the Mazer book, Battle school Christmas, and Master Alvin book quiete a bit."
Posted by docmagik (Member # 1131) on :
When I was in High School, I submitted a poem to the writing competition called "Death And Paul Rucksack" that, lyrically speaking, was something like if the Alvin poem and "The Creamation of Sam McGee" had a kid in high school.
It didn't do well. The teachers who judged the contest felt the grammer was somewhat lacking.
Posted by Dog Walker (Member # 8301) on :
DF2506 " I'm looked forward to the unamed Ender book, Shadows in Flight, the Mazer book, Battle school Christmas, and Master Alvin book quiete a bit.
How can anyone be looking forward to Battle School Christmas?
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
" How can anyone be looking forward to Battle School Christmas? "
Well, I like Battle school (especially in Ender's Shadow) and I like Christmas.
And if anybody could write a good sci-fi Christmas story, it would be OSC.
DF2506 " Unless, of course, you mean that Battle school Christmas was just some joke that OSC made and nobody told me...ya..that would be just about right. lol! "
Posted by Von (Member # 1146) on :
Not that I have anything against battle school christmas, but I'd really like to see Master Alvin instead.
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
Not that I have anything against battle school christmas, but I'd really like to see Master Alvin instead<
I'm definitly looking forward to Shadows In Flight, the Unamed Ender book, and Master Alvin the most.
That said, I still want to read the Mazer book and the Battle school Christmas book whenever they come out!
DF2506 " The Ender/Bean book and the Alvin books are definitly my favorite books right now! "
Posted by Dog Walker (Member # 8301) on :
I love all of the Ender/Bean books and am looking forward to the new ones but I cant say Battle School Christmas is on the top of my "Must Read" list. I thought it was a joke and that OSC was not seriously consindering righting it. Is there going to be a battle school christmas?
Posted by Carl Conrad Coreander (Member # 7851) on :
Alvin Maker is amazing. I'm not sure if I like it more than the Ender series.
Ironically DF, Red Prophet was my FAVORITE in the Alvin Maker series. It was so grim at some parts and I liked at the end when they were rwcing against time. And Napoleon Bonaparte was in it! C'mon! It was fantastic!
Anyway, I want White Prophet and Master Alvin to be published . (In that order, per favore).
I've read all the novels/short stories so far except The Crystal City. As soon as I finish Battle Flag.
Posted by kojabu (Member # 8042) on :
If the Battle Schoolers come from all over the world, how many of them celebrate Christmas?
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Wait till you see how dark and painful Christmas at Battle School is going to be, and how NONsentimentally Christmasy it is ...
What I'm saying is, there ain't no chestnuts roasting ...
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
quote:How can anyone be looking forward to Battle School Christmas?
Well, remember who you're talking about. This guy can write a story where the protagonists worship using the intestinal content of a dead guy, and the reader ends up IDENTIFYING WITH THEM and seeing their worship as a thing of value.
So I imagine he can write a killer dark and strange yet meaningful Christmas story.
Posted by Yozhik (Member # 89) on :
But then again, MY favorite series is Homecoming.
So there's probably something wrong with all my other opinions, too.
Posted by DF2506 (Member # 6847) on :
" Ironically DF, Red Prophet was my FAVORITE in the Alvin Maker series. It was so grim at some parts and I liked at the end when they were rwcing against time. And Napoleon Bonaparte was in it! C'mon! It was fantastic! "
Red Prophet is just too dark for me. Its just not a novel that I'd read again to enjoy. I mean, I'd read it again if I was reading the whole Alvin series again, but I'm not looking forward to reading those grim parts again.
That said, I knew there was prob someone out there who liked the book alot...
Oh and btw, I bet Battle school Christmas will be a great read. Especially after hearing OSC's comments here.
Still looking fowrward to Shadows in Flight, unnamed Ender, and Master Alvin the most, but you know, that Battle School Christmas has got to be good.
DF2506 " Non-sentimental Christmas story? When was the last time we've seen one of those...? "
Posted by TheSeeingHand (Member # 8349) on :
"Red Prophet is just too dark for me." -DF
That's cool, but for some reason I like when a novel is dark and it seems like everything is always on the verge of collapsing. The fifth Harry Potter was like that for me.
"What I'm saying is, there ain't no chestnuts roasting..." -Orson Scott Card
That's good. When I heard the title I pictured Ender's Jeesh all sitting around a Christmas tree passing gifts around.
It made me laugh...but it made me worry that it was really going to happen in the book.
Just for the record, what Ender books are we expecting?
Posted by CRash (Member # 7754) on :
Ender in Exile -- Ender/Achilles jr. Shadows in Flight -- Bean crew/Lusitanians Mazer in Prison -- Mazer pre-EG Christmas in Battle School -- (self-explanatory)
I think that's all right now...
Posted by TheSeeingHand (Member # 8349) on :