In the interest of playing more games on the patio side of Hatrack (as opposed to the sandbox), I propose the following game.
-Suggested titles for pundit columns-
The theme is satirical evocation and the object of play is fast and loose with current buzzwords.
2 wit -
"Kerfuffles, Curmudgeons, and the Colonoscopic Worldview: Why are baby-boomers tripping over themselves this week?"
[ June 07, 2005, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: alluvion ]
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
"Dialects, Rear Differentials, and Dichotomies: An intrusive look under the hood?"
Posted by Von (Member # 1146) on :
Whoah Man, get off the Can: a Call to the Crappers
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
The Yawp of Ye Olde Yappers: Yip skippy, greasy potato-chip greasy!
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
Uncle Orson Reviews Everything.
Posted by Jiminy (Member # 7917) on :
I'm far too sleep-deprived to say what, exactly, but something about "Uncle Orson Reviews Everything" is very fitting for a 1000th post.
Edit: Wait... maybe it wasn't the 1000th. It said 1000 when I clicked the thread open, and I didn't think it changed when others were added. Or maybe it was. Is there some kind of Sleep God I can pray to? I am willing to perform humiliating dances.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
not to worry, Jiminy. You'll wake to find that someone has thought of something more cleverer.
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
Denser-than-seawater Gel Bra Takes a Plunge: Why you may meet a sunken chest's demise.
Posted by Jiminy (Member # 7917) on :
quote:Originally posted by alluvion: *yawn-yawp*
not to worry, Jiminy. You'll wake to find that someone has thought of something more cleverer.
I don't actually know what you just said. But I didn't wake to find anything special, really. Just that it wasn't quite so damned hot as it has been recently.
Posted by eyetell (Member # 8229) on :
I'd have to agree to disagree on that, in my area its as hot as ever.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
The Heat is On or Off? You make the call.
In tonight's episode: Jiminy relaxes in the shade while Eyetell's mercury rises. Meanwhile, Skillery investigates the little-understood effects of temperature variations on gel bras.
Posted by skillery (Member # 6209) on :
We were talking about boob jobs around the water cooler the other day, and the boss said: "you know what they say...more than a handful is a waste." My buddy piped up and said: "maybe instead of her getting a boob job, he should get a hand job."
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Boobs, Hands and Steves: Take these jobs and Love 'em!
Posted by Remnant (Member # 8129) on :
you're my hero alluvion. Even if they erase said post- I will always remember.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Thems, Theirs, and You'res: A Tribute to the Post-Mortem Ironiclasts of Incendiary Rhetoric.
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
*self-infused bump*
Posted by alluvion (Member # 7462) on :
Cymbals and Sources: The crash of the wanton and the neglect of the nigglerferati.