This is topic I await my master Darth Card in forum Discussions About Orson Scott Card at Hatrack River Forum.

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Posted by Darth Ender (Member # 7694) on :
What are your wishes, my master?
Posted by Kyle Katarn (Member # 3567) on :
*slays the sith*
Posted by Darth Ender (Member # 7694) on :
Foolish mortal, you don’t realize the power of the dark side. You will bow down before the power of Darth Card
Posted by Kamisaki (Member # 6309) on :
I already have my Darth Vader Mastercard, neener neener!

Oh wait, that wasn't what you were talking about was it.
Posted by Exploding Monkey (Member # 7612) on :
Time to take a flamethrower to these SW geeks. [Razz]
Posted by Rackham (Member # 8127) on :
If u have on handy monkey, just let her rip...

Come on man r u doing it just to piss everyone off. or are you that, how shall i put it... F***ing stupid.
Posted by Exploding Monkey (Member # 7612) on :
I don't speak twich. [Razz]
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
oh I don't know this seems rather cute, I know that sounds weird but I
m under the assumption that Darth Ender is say between the ages of 8 and 13.
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
Sid I bet it’s you on a quest to take over the board!
Posted by msquared (Member # 4484) on :
All of you have missed the obvious. Who is the ultimate Dark Lord? It was Darth Jar-Jar.

What planet was Palpatine from? So where did he learn of the dark side? On the same planet.

Who proposed giving Palpatine all that power in Ep. II? Jar-Jar.

It is a great disguise, but the most evil creature in the world is Darth Jar-Jar.

Posted by SteveRogers (Member # 7130) on :
I knew they should have killed him in the first movie! I told you all! *points finger accusingly* But, no! Don't listen to Steve. And this is what you get! Doom!
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
I was hoping to see Jar Jar go over to the Dark Side and then have all his limbs amputated and then catch fire. That I would have applauded.

"Yousa be under-estimatin meesa powas!"

"Meesa be hatin you!"

Darth Jar Jar, Lord of the Ditz
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
There is no conspiracy by me, myself, and I to take over the board, anyone who says otherwise is a liar.... (psst they're on to us!)
Posted by Mr_Megalomaniac (Member # 7695) on :
I always thought of Mr. Card as more of a light side kind of guy, or maybe more neutral like Joliee. Of course I've never pictured him as a jedi until now, and I must say it's quite a funny image. *pictures Mr. Card jumping around fighting sith.*

But Jar Jar is most deffintaly evil. Remember how he tried to ruin episode I and make it a huge flop? Oh, but how he failed miserably. Also, if you look really closley you can see him during the Yoda, Palpatine fight in the back ground helping out Palpatine. Really, I'm not lying. He turned himself invisible with the force. He's just that good.
Posted by IanO (Member # 186) on :
Humor aside, it's Jar Jar who moves that the Senate give Palpatine emergency powers in EpII.
Posted by Xenocider (Member # 7537) on :
Posted by Jay (Member # 5786) on :
I'm sure Palpatine did a Sith Mind trick on Jar Jar

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