Between Alvin Journeyman and is said that Calvin has "asassinated" then President William Henry Harrison....when did this happen?
Was it in a short story somewhere....I mean when I started reading it said Andrew Jackson was president? I was cornfuzed to say the least!
Also, between Hearfire and The Crystal City...we learn that years have passed and that Verily Cooper and Alvin no longer travel together? I am about half way thru The Crystal City and I have yet to see Mike Fink (my favorie character!) either...
I have both Legends volumes....and I have read the short story of Al and Arthur in the first volume...but not the second...
Also, is The Crystal City the last story of Alvin Maker are there more coming?
Are there other short stories out there that will answer my questions? If so what are the titles and in what collections are they printed?
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
There are so many characters now in the Alvin Maker world that I can't possibly include them all meaningfully in every story. They're all busy doing other things <grin>. But in Master Alvin, the final one, they'll all be back, one way or another.
Please tell me that I didn't make Andrew Jackson president already ... I'll have to slap myself silly and get rid of that in future editions.
Calvin assassinated Harrison in whichever book it was that tells of Calvin going to Paris. But other people will remember better than I. Journeyman, though, I think it was.
Posted by Stonedog (Member # 8178) on :
Mr. Card!
Thank You!
So there is another book about Alvin Maker coming out? Cool!
Yes, In Heartfire, Andrew Jackson is said to have been made president....its said that he and his Tennizy boys are in a hotel (it think, the book is not in front of me as I am at work) it states that him and his boys are being looked down upon for drinking corn likker and chewing tobacco...but I am pretty sure that is says that he was President due to Calvin ridding the world of is a chapter in which Peggy is the main character....
Posted by El JT de Spang (Member # 7742) on :
Calvin "assassinated" WHH by giving him pneumonia at his inauguration speech. Serendipitous, I thought.
Posted by Lupus (Member # 6516) on :
at the very end of Alvin Journeyman Calvin got into Harrison's body and encouraged a cold that Harrison had to get much worse durring his inauguration speach (page 398 of the paperback version).
On page 399, we find that Harrison's cold turned into pneumonia and he died. Later on that page we find that since no president had ever died in office before, people were not sure what to do. However, Andrew Jackson resolved the issue by walking into congress and giving the presidential oath. It is also said that at first he was referred to as "His Accidency the President." However, he then threw Harrison's cronies out of Washington. We are also told that Harrison's plans for America would not happen, since Jackson wasn't in "nobody's" pocket but his own. The last page of Alvin Journeyman leaves us with Calvin thinking about how he brought down a president, and daydreaming about Alvin's death.
Posted by mr_porteiro_head (Member # 4644) on :
Jackson swearing himself in as president is a small moment in the Alvin universe that I really remember -- it seems so in character for Jackson to do that.
Posted by Stonedog (Member # 8178) on :
Thanks all!
Now I remember! Must have brain f@rted and forgot!
Well, I obviously forgot or I would not have asked...