I saw an episode of Malcolm in the Middle that reminded me of the post-ES-Shadow series.
Malcolm's gifted class is integrated back into the general population of the school and each one joins a different social class where they plot agains the others, ultimatley leaving the whole school against eachother in a schoolyard brawl that Malcolm has to stop. It really reminded me of SotH & SotG.
Posted by Meshugener (Member # 7601) on :
lol, good call.
Posted by The Reader (Member # 3636) on :
But in the end of that episode, every group recognizes the imposter and sends the nerds back together into one group.
In Malcom, every nerd tries to reintegrate into another group that he or she shares interests with. Despite real loyalties and a sense of responsibility to this group, the nerds feel that they are really only true to each other. Well that, and a near-riot forces them back together.
This parallels the Shadow series. Every Jeesh member tries to repatriate, but their strongest ties are always to the Jeesh, even if they don't like other members.
This is a small commentary society, and shows that the MitM writers are talented beyond their comedic writing.
And it shows that I have a bad habit over-analyzing.
Posted by Orson Scott Card (Member # 209) on :
So ... whom do I sue for stealing my idea?
Oh, wait. The idea is actually part of human nature. So I can't copyright it ... bummer.
Posted by Sid Meier (Member # 6965) on :
Posted by ricree101 (Member # 7749) on :
quote: Oh, wait. The idea is actually part of human nature. So I can't copyright it ... bummer.
The way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised either way.